Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 709: Aren't You The Same?

Chapter 709: Aren't You The Same?

Chapter 709: Aren’t You The Same?

Rising up properly, he sat before staring directly into her fiery orange eyes.

He could feel her heartbeat from within her chest, pounding hard in expectation, as she looked at him, her breath held from the anticipation of his answer.

He decided to be brutally honest with her. She was too much of a beauty to be lied to.

“Do you want to hear the real truth, Felicie?” he asked, his voice close to a silent whisper, yet they rang so clearly in Felicie’s body that she could feel every one of the words reverberating within her system.

Her heartbeat increased by another level, yet she reigned all that down and gave a firm nod, to which he leaned forward afterwards, placing his mouth at her ears.

His hot breath created a tingle down her spine. It was nothing compared to her currently still heart that could get instantly shattered by the next few words…

“The truth is…I can never harm you. You’re a special case.” He replied as he shifted away from her before spreading his back to the ground once more, his eyes shutting close.

“I…” Felicie struggled to say how she felt about the answer, as her heartbeat slowed down once more, returning to their initial tempo, and her held breathing was released, a new form of peacefulness settling on her.

She had expected a different answer, one that was difficult yet most likely. Her body had prepared for it, but alas it never came as expected.

“You said you will hurt anyone without even blinking. Why wouldn’t you harm me then? Why am I a special case?” she asked him, curiosity setting in after escaping the critical moments.

“If in the end I find out you are only lying to me.

Let’s say you are actually leading me in the opposite direction to where the tower is, and you are a ploy for me to waste my time and be unable to reach the tower thereby blocking me from my goal.

Then I will be forced to break my oath as you would become an obstacle on my path.

But you’re not an obstacle on my path, Felicie. If anything, you’re more of a force that pushes me even closer to my goals.

That’s what makes you a special case. You’re a helper.

You understand now, don’t you?” Zeras asked her, before ending to himself.

‘Something I had before, but lost.’

But his thoughts were distracted due to the sound of relief that faintly escaped her nostrils as she settled down just near him.

“You know, Zeras, I was never a fit in with my people.

I was often looked on as weird, not just because of my physical characteristics and my father’s strange history, but also due to me as a person.

You could say I was too focused on knowing what really happened to my dad that I grew dispassionate to everything else.

All day while my age mates played in the field, I spent the time gathering books.

When they talk passionately about their lover, I will be busy fiddling around with hypotheses in my head, and while they go for parties, I’m busy jotting down things they all described as crazy. I just…I just never fitted in really.

All the suitors I was introduced to by my uncle all left in three days once they found out what type of person I am. Not like I cared much about it at all in the first place. I just have something better to do. Everyone just thinks I’m weird.

Even my uncle does.

Not like it’s a negative thing; he loves me so much, but he just couldn’t understand why I am so passionate about the past.

He wants me to move on, bury behind the past. Marry some handsome man, get him a boy or two which he could boast about to his friends.

They all just don’t understand,” Felicie said, finally opting to reveal something about her to him.

“But you seem a little…different.

I feel like you don’t think I’m weird. It’s like you can understand the reason why I’m so passionate and care about the things I care about. Your company around me makes me feel good about myself.

Because when you see me fiddling around with notes, you don’t look at me with those eyes that I often see, and you strangely don’t laugh out loud in mockery at my notes.

You know, everyone who sits at my table will laugh the hardest I have ever seen them do, calling me very wild and all.

I’ve long learned that word when coupled with laughter is just another way of them telling you, you are crazy.

But on the first day when I met you at the table, you were very surprising to me because I didn’t see you laughing.

You were ultra-focused instead.

Deciding to go on a long and almost impossible journey with a person I barely know for a minute might seem very naive and no doubt stupid.

Actually, that isn’t something I would normally do. I just believed you were different, and I betted on my gut feeling being right,” Felicie said as Zeras chuckled.

“Was that why you did all that?”

“You mean running away from home with nothing but a notice and coming to a den of lions to find you, who might be the biggest lion.

Yes, that was why.

Call it naive if you want. I would choose it a second time if I was given another chance…” She said to him, her voice showing her utmost seriousness and sincerity.

While she might be physically weaker, and obviously not very experienced, she at least could confide in the integrity of her own words, more than anyone or anything.

“I guess you betted right then. Although I would still say that is too much of a risk to undergo. I wouldn’t go so far if I were you…” Zeras replied to her. Of course, it sounded good, but really Zeras wouldn’t do that if he was her.

It was just too risky and could very well be what she described.

Leaving home with nothing but a note and walking into a den of lions to meet with the biggest lion there is.

It isn’t something even the most courageous of warriors will easily decide to do, and neither is it something Zeras would give a thumbs up to.

“Don’t worry. This is no doubt the last time I will be doing such a thing…” Felicie said, not much worried about it.

“And can you tell me why you’re so adamant in going to the tower? That wouldn’t bring your father back, nor will it mean you would be able to seek revenge on the one who killed him?”

“The most reasonable choice would have actually been to move on, just like your uncle said, and it might have even be what your father wants the most…” Zeras said, as Felicie turned her eyes to him.

“The truth is, I believe that my father…is still alive!” Felicie said as Zeras narrowed his eyes, looking at her face before scoffing.

“Don’t tell me it’s because of your gut feelings again,” he said to her as Felicie smiled.

“What else can I confide in? It’s of course my gut feelings. I believe he is stuck in the tower instead and never really died. He can’t have died. I’m sure he is still alive…” Felicie said as Zeras looked at her for a long while before he took off his gaze.

‘She is only reaffirming herself. She still can’t accept the past and leave it behind, just like her uncle said,’ he thought, easily deciphering the truth that she would have no doubt disagreed to.

But wasn’t he himself the same?

He keeps clinging on to finding his own origin, also believing that they would be alive somewhere in the cosmos.

Wasn’t that why he was still on this path?

Wasn’t that why, even though he had enough power to live his life comfortably until his death, he still kept embarking on this journey, sacrificing almost everything to it?

He could have settled down on earth, and with his cultivation at the Pseudo-universe rank then, he would be powerful enough to play the entire earth in his palm.

He would be worshipped as a god on earth because he was stronger than every single cultivator on earth combined together.

He could have as many women as he wanted, as many houses, as much power, as much money, as much enjoyment in life in every manner that word could describe it.

But he gave it all up for his no doubt insane goal of finding his origin. Just like Felicie, he too couldn’t give up on the past. He couldn’t just let it go.

He couldn’t just lie to himself that nothing happened, or he wasn’t responsible for whatever happened to his people and simply give a blind eye to everything.

He couldn’t ignore the fact that a person had sacrificed half his own potential and life just to make sure he lived safe and secure.

He just couldn’t do it!

And that was why he was still stuck on this path, the life and blood of countless others all on his shoulders, pulling him deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Perhaps that was why he understood Felicie so clearly.

They both had that same madness in them. Something everyone around them couldn’t understand.

As for whether that madness in the end is a good or bad thing, only time could tell.

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