
Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Chunhua stared at the television as the scene progressed. The words on the bottom simply said ‘Attack on Grand Pandora Committee: Liberty and Darksider connection?’. Sonya said something to the Chairman and he hurried down from the podium, barking at the other representatives. She watched Sonya turn and shout at one of the other businessmen who sat on the committee as honorary representatives. The man pulled a goddamn knife out of his coat and tossed it to her before hurrying through the door. Chunhua gritted her teeth, On television? Everyone’s watching you crazy girl! She thought.

One of the other businessmen stepped up with her and with his power they began to defend the hall as the remaining politicians fled. Chunhua’s fists clenched even tighter as the man began to retreat. From the camera angle she could see Handmaiden giving it her all in the atrium, fighting off dozens of masked lunatics at once. How they’d managed to bring a small army into The Hague was beyond her but- she paused. The glowing creation of the businessman collapsed into sparkling light and the masked thugs turned towards Sonya.

She can’t fight at full strength like that, not while the cameras are running. She knows they’re running. Come on, come on, cut out! Chunhua chewed her lip as the men began to surround Sonya. Then she saw it, the small dark smile on the woman’s lips. You want this? What are you planning? Sonya, damn it! She was on the edge when the feed finally cut out. “Fuck!” Chunhua barked, I don’t know what you’re planning but- damn it! I can’t just see that and not do anything! She growled, turning on her heel and grabbing her earpiece from the counter.

Radio and phone signals were banned in the Green Bank location, but the mana communications network helmed by ASTA and Dr. Carter was not only legal, it was extremely effective. “Molly!” She said quickly, racing the locker she’d set up in her room. “I need a portal to The Hague, yesterday!”

Molly's voice came in quickly, “I’m on it! Running the numbers as fast as I can!”

“Hurry, please,” Chunhua said as she threw on her robes, tying her sash tight and snatching up her weapon. “The courtyard.”

“Got it, got it,” Molly said hastily. “I’ll get you in as close as I can, but what about the Vegas Act? You could get in a whole-”

“I’ll deal with it!” Chunhua grunted, putting her armor on. “Is it ready?”

“Almost!” Molly said, “Got it! Archway is coming up in the Green Bank courtyard.”

“Thank you!” Chunhua shouted and raced out the door. Several of the aspirants were standing in the hall outside of the instructors rooms with concern on their faces. “Go back to your dorms and stay put!” She said hurriedly, “I’m heading there now. Everything will be fine,” She met a pair of orange eyes that stared back at her, “I’ll make sure everyone is safe, I promise.”

The aspirants parted and she charged through, Damn it, Sonya. You make these people love you so much and then go off and do something that dangerous where they can see it? Are you out of your mind? She snarled, Why are you even doing things like this to yourself? Haven’t you suffered enough already? Damn it, you’re going to get yourself killed one of these-

She paused at the door, the night just beyond it, the words coming back to her from that terrible day. From the memories shoved into her mind. “I want you to do it, in the end, if it’s you, it’ll be okay.”

Chunhua gasped, That’s what you want? That’s what this is all about? She threw the door open in a rage. You think for one minute that I would ever do something like that to someone like you, you really are out of your mind! No wonder you didn’t want to share the truth with me, She bit out inwardly as she stalked towards the portal. You stupid girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid, what, do you think you can just die and leave everyone you helped behind? You think you can just disappear like you don’t even belon-

Chunhua stopped again and brought her palm to her face, “I’m an idiot!”

“Chuchu are you okay? Is the portal not there?” Molly called through the earpiece.

“I’m fine,” Chunhua said, “Just pissed off,” she grunted and made her way towards the opening that showed a brightly lit city on the other side. I am going to give you a piece of my mind when I see you, Sonya! Just you wait!

You know, in retrospect, having these on the menu as items that could be sold to potential villains was probably a bad idea, Sonya thought as she lay in the back seat of a swiftly moving vehicle. Her entire body felt numb and heavy, she couldn’t see, and her thoughts were coming in slower than she would have liked. The power restricting cuffs were certainly doing their job, she was pleased with the craftsmanship. Amos really knew what he was doing. It was a good thing they at least looked like knock-offs otherwise some even bigger questions would have to be raised by the authorities if they ever caught a villain with a set.

She let out a sigh, Not that it’s a problem, really. She thought, Did these idiots really not put together that my company made the original version of these things? That I might not have a, you know, contingency plan for this sort of situation?

“Shut up back there! Crazy bitch,” One of the villains somewhere ahead of her shouted.

She rolled onto her back heavily, “But I’m hungry!” She whined, she was feeling a little peckish, she’d missed lunch after all, “Do you guys have any snacks? Maybe some Cola?”

“How the hell did she kill five of us before-” Another started.

“Shut up!” The first roared, “God damn it! Fuckin’ psycho with a knife!”

“Aww, didn’t like my dance did you?” Sonya teased with a grin as she tried to lift her arms. Her muscles screamed in protest as her largely cybernetic body fought to move without any energy flowing properly through it. 

“Somethin’s up with her, it’s like she can’t move or something, did you hit her too hard?” One of them grumbled.

“She’ll be fine!” The first growled again, “Just the cuffs messing her up or something, I dunno.”

Sonya wanted so badly to roll her eyes, “So when do I get to meet the big boss?” She asked, glad that at least her jaw still worked well enough. “Is he handsome? Or is it actually a girl, I like girls, did you know that?”

“She won’t shut up!” The second complained.

“Because she knows we can’t beat on her,” The first snarled, “Shut it back there already, god! Masque will see you when he’s damn good and ready, got it? Crazy woman.”

“You know, I get the feeling you guys don’t get a lot of dates,” Sonya said as she finally managed to get the cuffs near her lips. She was sweating, but she’d managed at least, the new version of the cuffs really worked. She was going to have to reward Amos somehow. “Need some advice?”

The two men fumed in front of her as she gently lowered her jaw to the activation panel of the cuff, she pushed down on it for three seconds, released, then three more seconds. “Voice authorization, peaches,” She murmured and released the activation panel.

“What was that?” The first, grouchy one, growled.

“It’s my safe word,” She teased.

“Oh my god!” The man groaned, “Do we have a gag or something for her?”

Sonya snickered as she felt strength slowly begin to return to her body. Her eyes reactivated and she quickly turned the glow back down to nothing to maintain the illusion. She lay there, pretending to be blind and crippled while taking a quick look around. They were in a van of some kind, Really? A van? Come on, how cliche can you be? She thought irritably. At least try to have some style when kidnapping me, I’m a CEO for heaven’s sake!

She continued to annoy them for the rest of the drive, poking fun at their love lives and lack thereof while asking questions about their daily hygiene habits and whether or not their mothers knew where they were and if their basements would be okay without them. By the time they arrived at their destination, the first one was practically purple in the face. She couldn’t stop laughing about it, wriggling and kicking her feet while they pulled her out. She made sure to keep her head slung forward as if she couldn’t see.

“Man she’s heavy!” The second one groaned as he threw her over his shoulder.

“Did you just call me fat?” Sonya protested as she scanned the room with her senses and peripheral vision, “See, this is why you can’t get a date! You have to be a bit more flattering, at least. Goodness.”

They were in a parking garage, based on what her connection to the network told her they were somewhere in the eastern part of The Hague underneath a hotel. It wasn’t the fanciest hotel in the world and after a quick search found that it had been entirely sold out for almost two weeks. They just camped here? Oh come on, Sonya thought as one of them hustled over with a cloth in his hand. She tried not to stare at it in disgust. Please don’t, that’s so gross.

“Got a gag!” He shouted and she groaned as he reached for her mouth.

“Boys! Quit wasting time, and put that thing down, it’s disgusting!” A third voice joined them, a heavy accent on it. Welsh perhaps? She wasn’t really sure, but she was grateful nevertheless, “Masque wants to talk to her, not watch her get sick on the floor.”

“Sorry Grimman,” One said, “She wouldn’t shut up though.”

“Have you not seen her on tv? She never shuts up,” ‘Grimman’ said as he approached and grabbed her by her hair to tilt her head up. She looked right into his face while doing her best to look around blindly, he had a thickset face with dark hair growing out of his jawline, his eyes were dark and brutish and his hair was combed back so tightly she wondered if his mood was from a headache. “Eyes are off, cuffs are working, good.”

“Can’t even see your pretty face to thank you?” She asked cutely, “You saved me from a terrible fate, what if he put that gross thing in my mouth? Whatever it was.”

“You think you’re funny, huh?” Grimman growled.

“I consider myself to be hilarious,” Sonya teased, “So,” She said excitedly, “What’s he like, the big boss of the Darksiders? I hear he wears a mask.”

He let go of her hair and stepped away, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Right,” The man carrying her grumbled and they began walking. She kept her head still as she took in her surroundings. They made their way to an elevator before they began their ascent, the four of them standing awkwardly in the elevator. She glanced at the panel and it looked like they were going to the top floor. Floor six. Don’t tell me. She groaned inwardly as she hummed to herself. She kept her little performance up  the entire time, content with just hanging out on the moron’s shoulder.

“So…” Sonya trailed off and a few groans came out, “No teasing this time, genuine question,” She said, “Grimman right? Interesting name, guess you’ve got yourself an ability, huh?”

“Yeah, I can deliver neurological shocks to people, knock them out if they get too yappy,” Grimman said, “So why don’t you watch your mouth?”

Sonya shrugged, “Alright, fine, sheesh, no need to get touchy.”

The door to the elevator opened and she was carried down a hall filled with masked men standing at every doorway. Well, at least they’re trying to look organized. She thought, I can’t wait to see the contract for this scheme. I wonder how much money they offered up to me in case the plan failed. Aren’t I nice? Letting them go without paying if they pull it off? She snickered as they arrived at a door and she stared at the number, her stomach churning from enough cringe to make her sick. Sixth floor, room sixty six. Oh my god they’re so lame. Nevermind, I’m killing all of these idiots as soon as I’m done with their boss.

“Room six sixty six,” Grimman said proudly.

“Ooooh,” Sonya patronized him.

He snarled and knocked on the door, “Masque, we’re here!” He barked.

The door opened in front of her and she quickly took in the room. It was dimly lit save for over a dozen screens that provided minimal illumination along the walls. All of the screens were occupied by masked men who were hurriedly typing on forums, chat rooms, and performing a variety of tasks. Her attention shifted to the back of the room where a man was sitting behind a desk that, based on how the carpet was disturbed, they’d dragged in just to make him look impressive. He wore a white mask with a twisted red smile on it and a black hat on his head. He wore all black and was shockingly fit.

“Sonya Chernovna,” The man growled from behind the mask, “Finally.”

They sat her down on the ground in front of the desk and she pretended to look around in confusion, “Masque?” She called, “I’m afraid I can’t see your pretty face, dear.”

A pair of heavy footsteps announced him getting to his feet and he lumbered around the desk, walking over to her. She looked down to ‘follow the sound’ before looking up at him. He had to be a good six and a half feet tall. Whatever they’re feeding you, feed the others, please. She thought, “Ah, is that you there? I’m afraid I don’t have any light in these eyes right now,” She said misleadingly before holding out her hand, “Sonya Chernovna, mister Masque.”

To her surprise he took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

Oh? Well that works, Analyze.

<You have acquired the product: Masque of Oberon>

What, seriously? This guy? Well it's mine now.

She pulled her hand away and shook her head as she felt warmth wash over her skin, her HUD warned her that her body temperature was rising and she clamped down on it with every ounce of will she had. She stumbled back and shook her head, “That wasn’t very nice,” She gasped.

“Yeah well, I would prefer it if you were compliant,” He growled. “I have questions that I want answered.”

“Could have just asked,” Sonya said, “How about a deal? You answer a few for me and I’ll answer yours.”

“You have questions for me?” He barked out a laugh, “Sure, why not, while I’m waiting for my ability to do it’s thing.”

Have you not developed your ability at all? She thought before asking, “Why become a villain?” She asked, “Why do all of this? What’s the point?” She asked as she took another step away from him, her back landing against Grimman’s chest. She pulled away from him as she drew on her imperiousness, not for her enemies this time, but for herself. She crushed the effects going on in her body with a force of will and felt her body temperature drop.

“Because fuck the world,” He grunted, “Because I have power so I have every right to use it. It’s not complicated, lady, doesn’t have to be. Villains use their powers freely, sounds like a good thing to me. Ishtar was right on the money though that bitch doesn’t know her place. She should have joined up with me a long time ago.”

She went still, “That’s it?” She asked. “That’s your reason, because you feel like it? No greater goals in mind, nothing to accomplish with being a villain?”

“Yeah, that’s right, nothing,” He snarled, “We’ll do whatever we want! That’s good enough isn’t-”

“I’ve heard enough,” Sonya sighed and pulled the bindings apart with a flick of her wrist, the metal clattering to the floor. She turned her eyes back on and popped her neck, “Shut up, please,” She said as she looked up at the idiot in the grinning mask. 

He froze, “Huh? What happened to the-”

“Kerauna,” Sonya sighed, “Kill him,” She said, and with a terrible bang the ceiling exploded.

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