
Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Sonya made a face, pursing her lips and squinting at the masked guard sitting across from her in the secure vehicle. The guard shifted a bit under her stare as she crossed her arms. He shifted again and the guard next to him looked away. The momentary look of betrayal in the first guard’s shoulders was very telling. He cleared his throat as Sonya crossed her legs and gave him a frown. Next to her, Marta also shifted a bit in her seat.

“Is someone going to explain to me why I can’t sit with my guests?” Sonya huffed.

The first guard looked at his comrade again who looked away even more pointedly. Marta restrained a smile next to Sonya. Sonya could feel her trembling a little with barely concealed laughter. The CEO crossed her arms and tilted her head, “I’m waiting,” She pouted.

The guard cleared his throat, “W-we didn’t have their clearance, ma’am, and there needs to be at least two of us in a vehicle with you at-”

Sonya stared at him, “Speaking of vehicles, a motorcade? Really?”

The guard flinched and basically threw his head at his comrade for help. Marta cleared her throat and reached over to squeeze Sonya’s arm, she turned, her lips trembling as she restrained her laughter, “Sonya, go easy on them, they’re just doing their job.”

Huffing a little, Sonya sighed and slumped a bit in her seat, “Fine, fine, yeah you guys did the right thing. I guess. Would have been more fun with them with me and the motorcade during the day, though,” Sonya muttered and crossed her arms petulantly, “What good’s a motorcade if nobody’s watching?”

Marta laughed, “You know that’s not the point.”

“I know,” Sonya grumbled and then sighed, sitting up a bit and smiling at the two guards, “Alright, teasing aside,” She glanced between the two men and their names appeared over their heads. A quick connection to the ASTA company database pulled up the relevant information. It was hard to keep track of everyone who worked for her as much as she would like to memorize every one of their lives. She turned to the first, “How’s your son doing, Carlos?”

The first guard, Carlos, stared at her for a moment, “Um… great! He’s starting football this year.”

She smiled, “That’s good to hear, how old is he?”

“Nine, ma’am, almost ten,” He said, his shoulders relaxing a little.

“Almost ten!” Sonya whistled, “I bet he’s excited. Does he need anything, equipment? I’m not a big sports girl myself so I don’t know everything about it.”

The guard rubbed his neck, “Y-you pay me more than enough to cover it all, ma’am.”

Sonya nodded, “You just let me know if you need anything,” She said and turned to the other guard who had been avoiding the confrontation, “And what about you, Liam? Got any plans? I saw you put in for vacation time soon.”

Liam cleared his throat, “I’m getting Married, going to Maui with her,” He said, looking significantly more animated. “My wife saw the uh…” He trailed off.

Sonya barked out a laugh, “The Maui photoshoot cover? It’s beautiful there, good for you. I know a wonderful beach house, actually,” Sonya said and tilted her head, “Check your email during your next break, dear. You get those tickets, I’ll hook you up with the same view she saw.”

The guard slumped in his seat, “Thank you ma’am,” He mumbled.

Sonya leaned forward and pat his knee, “You’re protecting me, it’s the least I can do.”

The motorcade arrived at the gates to the Pandora Committee headquarters not long after that and some suits hurried over to open the doors for her. She laughed as she stepped out of the car, “I’ll come see a game! It sounds fun, Carlos,” She said and took the hand of one of the men who were waiting for her outside, “Thank you,” She slipped onto the ground and stepped away as Marta made her way out and glanced around, watching their surroundings for a moment while the other two got out of the opposite side and did a quick sweep before meeting back up at her.

She took their hands, “Thank you both, I’ll see you after the meet-and-greet.”

“It was great meeting you, ma’am,” Liam said with Carlos nodding emphatically next to him.

Sonya winked at them and glanced past before holding out a hand, “There she is.”

Mikayla walked over and took Sonya’s hand for a moment before smirking and allowing a little distance. Sonya chuckled, “How was the drive? Sorry about that, rules and everything.”

“You hire some very kind people,” Mikayla said with a small smile, “They were nice.”

Sonya nodded, “Good,” She glanced up at Bernetta who joined them, “So! Let’s go see what all the excitement is about, mm? Marta, badges?”

Marta stepped up and held out a thin metal box. She opened it and inside were two metal plates attached to lanyards. Sonya picked hers up and pressed her thumb against it. The metal flickered for a moment before brightening and revealing a picture of her face, her name, her ability’s tier, and the words ‘Pandora Committee Official’ above ‘ASTA Corporate CEO’. Sonya plucked the lanyard up and slipped it around her neck. “They’re for bypassing certain security checks, tied to biometrics and a few other things,” Sonya explained to a confused Mikayla.

“Very secure,” Mikayla said thoughtfully.

Bernetta nodded, “Pandora Headquarters is one of the most secure government buildings in the world,” The woman explained, “With villains on the rise, it goes without saying that their officials have passes for entry.” 

“That’s right,” Sonya said and frowned a little, “I’m afraid you’ll have to go through security normally but I can push it along a little bit, stick with me ladies!” Sonya said and turned on her heel, marching up to the gates where a man in a suit was holding a portable RTE in one hand and a phone in the other. 

He held the phone up to Sonya and Marta’s badges before nodding. “You’re clear, welcome to Headquarters, Miss Chernovna, Handmaiden,” The man said before turning to the other two, “Please hold this device, it will check to see if you have an ability and what tier. Also-”

“They’re fine, just check their RTA reading,” Sonya interrupted.

The man glanced her way, “Right. Please accept the device.”

A quick check showed that neither of them had abilities, after that there was just a cursory metal detector wand scan and the gates opened for the four of them to enter. Sonya straightened her tie as she walked in, taking in the elegant garden path that stretched out towards the large regal looking building ahead of her. Flowers lined the paths broken up by green grass. Lights were positioned to give the place a magical feel. Near the beginning of the path, a marble statue stood bearing a achingly familiar face.

Hi, Nick, Sonya thought sadly and started walking only to pause when she saw a sign at the head of the path. She grimaced, “...oh no.”

Marta snorted behind her and even Mikayla giggled a little, “The Sonya Chernovna Path of Legends?” Mikayla read aloud, sending a chill up Sonya’s spine from pure embarrassment.

Sonya groaned, “They didn’t have to name it after me. I just paid for it.”

“Isn’t that what normally happens?” Bernetta pointed out.

“On request!” Sonya whined.

Marta pat Sonya’s shoulder, “Just endure,” She chuckled as Sonya shot her a dirty look.

Traitor. Sonya grumbled before making her way past the god awful sign and to the statue of her lost friend. She looked up at it, the bright eyes and the gentle smile. They did a good job. She thought before looking down at the dedication.


Sonya’s lips trembled a little as she knelt down and put her hand on the sign, “I kept my promise, didn’t I?” She said with a heavy heart, running her fingers over the words, “And I’ll keep doing it.”

“He was a good man,” Marta said.

“One of the best,” Sonya said and got to her feet.

“He had a crush on you,” Marta teased, which drew Mikalya’s raised eyebrows.

Sonya rolled her eyes, “Oh, why did you have to bring that up? I’m no blind! Of course I knew, poor thing,” She said with a small laugh, “That goofy man,” She shook her head, “Anyway!” Sonya barked, striking a pose, “We’ve got politicians to meet.”

Sonya led the others down the path that had plenty of spots waiting for statues of future heroes like Firestorm. She admired the beauty of the place, but she appreciated something a little more. A private joke just for herself. This place, this spot, this was where Otis would have built Avalon in the future. Just another little snub to the arrogant bastard. The thought alone brought a smile to her face as she imagined the look on his stupid blonde- Wait. She frowned, I remember his face? She blinked and nearly glanced over her shoulder, Hold on, the other aspirants have mentioned him in conversation too. What changed? 

Before she could think any harder on the sudden revelation a voice called out to her from the steps leading to the building. She looked up to see the Chairman standing there with a glass of champagne in his hand and a big smile on his face. She brightened for his benefit, “Chairman!” She elated, walking up to him and holding out her harms to bring him into an embrace, “How are you dear?”

He returned the hug with a laugh, “I’m well, Sonya! Good to see you.”

She tilted her head and smiled at him, Not for much longer. Your time’s almost up, I think. I was impressed that you had the political strength to stick around, even with me vouching for you. It doesn’t matter, though, I’ve got a replacement finally prepared. “Thank you,” She said sweetly, “Oh! You know Marta of course, but let me introduce Bernetta Lucci of the Lucci fashion company and her head designer, Mikayla Summer!” Sonya said, stepping to the side for the two women.

“Charmed!” The Chairman guffawed, shaking both of their hands, “My wife is actually wearing your clothes, Miss Summer. She’ll be excited to hear that I met you. I also understand that you designed the International Team’s gear, you are a master of your craft.”

“Oh!” Mikalya flushed, “Thank you!”

Sonya glanced at Bernetta who looked immensely proud of her protege. She turned to the Chairman, “I wanted them to see the place before they went back to where they were staying.”

“Pishposh!” The Chairman blustered, “They’re more than welcome inside! Come in!”

He turned and boisterously lead the quartet through the doors into the enormous brightly lit atrium of the building. Marble walls and floor greeted them. Sonya glanced down at the expensive carpet and raised an eyebrow. They certainly went overboard with decorating. Politicians. She exchanged a look with Marta as they went further inside. There were dozens of people there all drinking, talking, and shaking hands. The pre-party to break the ice before the big meeting over the next few days.

“Sonya Chernovna in the flesh!” A voice called out to her and she glanced to the left to see a pair of men in suits approaching her. The man on the left had tan skin and perfect black hair to match his immaculate goatee. The man on the right was a dirty blonde who radiated smugness in a way that reminded her of her worst enemy. 

“Brent Marion and Adam Frask! We finally meet in person!” Sonya enthused before glancing at Mikayla and Bernetta with a wink, “I guess it’s right to business, ladies, enjoy the refreshments,” She murmured. Mikayla chuckled and waved her off while Marta fell into step with Sonya. “How are things at Marion and Forge?” She asked, shaking the two men’s hands. They gripped hard, she just grinned and returned a firm grip of her own as she glanced at their names.

Both awakened, huh? Analyze.

<You have acquired the product: Ride of the Valkyries>

<You have acquired the product: The Ceaseless Volley>

Fascinating. Wasted on them.

“Have a good look?” Brent asked with a grin, reaching up to pull back his blonde hair and look down at her. Next to him, Adam grinned as well.

“Well, they’re certainly interesting. I’m surprised you aren’t working as heroes,” Sonya said honestly, “A bit of a waste, if you ask me.”

Brent frowned, “I make much more of a difference providing for heroes.”

“Mhm,” Sonya chuckled, “Why would I think anything else?” She teased before turning to Adam, “Thank you for lending Axel to the camp, Adam, that was very kind of you. I know he’s one of your biggest assets.”

Adam inclined his head, “It was nothing. Forge wants to see the next generation grow.”

Sonya smiled at him, “I think we’ll get along famously.”

Brent frowned harder, “Um.”

“Miss Chernovna!” Another voice called out to her, she glanced in the direction of the voice and smiled before turning back to the two men. “We’ll talk more later, boys,” She said and walked away with Brent fuming behind her. That was fun, she thought to herself while Marta maintained her perfect stoicism next to her. Now you wear the mask, Sonya thought and gave her a small smile. Marta just winked back at her.

Next were a few representatives of various countries, most of the conversation was small talk, though until a representative from Italy raised a point, “I’m surprised that Miss Mint isn’t here,” He said, glancing around, “You two are usually thick as thieves.”

Sonya chuckled, “Well! Carla takes the work of the Committee very seriously, she’s overseeing the East Coast Aspirant Camp right now and wishes she could be here,” Sonya said honestly, “The next generation is her priority, though.”

“Very admirable,” One representative said.

“I really should reach out to her at some point, it would be good to make contact,” Another said.

“With her managing North America she’s come a long way,” A third added.

Sonya kept her pleasant poker face, “She is certainly worth getting to know,” Sonya chimed in, “I have a lot of faith in her and what she can do for the Committee.”

“Well said,” Another representative chimed in, Sonya eyed his massive mustache as it wriggled, it made her think of a caterpillar and was immensely distracting. “I hear the two of you are married? How interesting!”

Sonya barked out a laugh, “Something like that,” Sonya said, cupping her face and looking coy as best she can, “Work comes first, of course, and we take our jobs very seriously.”

“Oho! I see! Apologies for jumping to conclusions, the rumor mill is a scary place,” The official grunted, straightening his tie.

Save me from this small talk, Sonya whined as she smiled back at him as another face strode forward that took her a little by surprise. A pair of red eyes locked with hers and she froze. She returned the stare of the well dressed tan-skinned man who adjusted his tie and smiled at her from a safe distance. Far enough away to avoid a handshake. Marta shifted and Sonya gave her a sharp look to hold back.

“I hear you’re building a new headquarters, how is that going?” Astaroth, future Herald of Otis said as every murderous impulse Sonya had fired off in her brain. “Lucien DuCast, by the way. Though I imagine you already know that with those fancy eyes of yours.”

She reigned it in, “Mister DuCast! It’s going well, thank you!” Sonya said with all the sweetness she could muster for the beast in human flesh, “I didn’t know you were joining us tonight, what is a hero like yourself doing here?” And how do you know about my new building, you bastard? I took pains to have it constructed under layers of shell companies.

He grinned, “Security for the French Representative. I’m leaving in the morning, though, duty calls, being an Assistant Guildmaster is very busy work,” He said dramatically, “But, I saw your pretty face and just had to say hello.”

She returned his grin with one of her own, “Well, I’m sure this won’t be the last time we meet. Thank you for coming by to say hello.”

He winked at her and turned away, returning to the side of his charge. Sonya restrained a shudder as she stared at his back. Sick bastard. She thought before turning back to the other representatives, “Now, where were we?”

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