Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 339: Border Gate

Chapter 339: Border Gate

"What?! Are you telling the truth?!" Wei Jiayi stood up from his sit, with disbelief. "But I was told to leave immediately..."

Zhao Liwei scowled before speaking, "Do I look like someone who will do that? You are not that important for me to request!" He sought with annoyance, though finds Wei Jiayi's reaction weird.

"Why? What is going on?" Zhao Liwei still added with confusion all over his normally stoic face.

"Xi Ma! Full speed ahead to the border gates!" Wei Jiayi suddenly exclaimed. He also dived into his consciousness to contact Lou Ren or Lou Chen, through his pawns but his attempt is being blocked!

Xi Ma immediately complied and went to the captain's room to advise. He also feels worried about the current events.

"Blasted dragons!" Wei Jiayi cursed loudly, before facing Zhao Liwei. "What is going on? A higher-up commanded me to immediately escort you. Strangely, a lot of beings from the Immortal Domain. Another weird thing is that I cannot contact anyone from the Mortal Domain!"

Wei Jiayi can see a very bad premonition. But why? Is this because of the hunt for Keepers? If he can just use the transportation magic crystal in the Shizi Empire, it should be good.

The emergency portal was used recently when they were looking for Gao Lan Mei, it will take a while before it can get activated again!

Wei Jiayi is just thankful that he has asked Ma Fei Hong to protect Gao Lan Mei. At least he will be confident that she will be fine, but, what happened to his raven?

'Did she made the raven sleep because she is hiding something?' Wei Jiayi though to himself, holding a slight ache in his heart. He feels that Gao Lan Mei does not trust her at all, by doing this.

He only did it, because most of his retainers are male and the female ones are just not experiencing enough, basing on what happened when the Ming girl visited his courtyard.

Then the atmosphere in the room turned colder, "What are you trying to say? That I was used?" Zhao Liwei asked, but every word is spoken carefully with authority as he looked at Wei Jiayi with indifference.

"Probably. The only thing that I understand is that someone wants me to leave the Mortal Domain. Everything else after does not make sense." Wei Jiayi mumbled not wanting to deal with Zhao Liwei's bad mood. He already has a lot to worry about.

It did not take long before the Voltar arrived at the border gate of Immortal Domain and the Mortal Domain.

The border gate is a space, each ends with large hanging rock that is encrypted with runes and spells, forming a gigantic square shape.

From afar the place looks magnificent, but when close enough, you would feel the strong spiritual energy on it.

Looking closely as well, one can easily notice that the large space in the middle seems like the very thin body of water, almost transparent, that is flowing nonstop, but not spilling out of shape.

One cannot pass through it without cultivation restriction talisman unless you are a sentinel officer like Wei Jiayi or officers from Justice Affairs who just need to bring their jade amulet with them to pass the gates.

This rule also applies to Zhao Liwei that never went to the Mortal Domain before as he never had the opportunity and he does not find visiting the place appealing.

He was having second thoughts initially regarding visiting the Mortal Domain because of these restrictions, not though he will gladly comply if this will help him to confirm if he was really used to lure Wei Jiayi. A trap that his name was insultingly involved.

After everyone from else is already wearing the restriction talisman, the Voltar immediately moved towards the center of the transparent gate.

And to everyone, especially those who are familiar with the gate, the sight inside is not what they unexpected!

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