Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 193: Reaping the benefits

Chapter 193: Reaping the benefits

Wei Jiayi released his own, spiritual energy, condensing fire to form lightning, using it to deflect Gao Lan Mei's rampaging spiritual energy, so he could be able to get near her enough, for arms to reach. 

He could feel the pressure around her. Gao Lan Mei smiled brightly like she was delighted with him near. 'So she could absorb my spiritual energy,' Wei Jiayi thought bitterly. 

The energy that was getting out of him was not much to cause him to immediately feel weak. He never expected that he would be reaping the benefits of dual cultivation as well.  

It seemed he could somehow neutralize Devour, because of the spiritual energy that they had shared. He was still getting used to it and hoping that he had enough time to save her still.  

The static wave was too much in the air, giving others goosebumps, especially when contrasting spiritual energy clashed, making the most beings around move back as they held their breath.

Even if they had already moved away, they could still feel it. What more for Wei Jiayi who was now the closest to Gao Lan Mei. 

'Master please stay safe...' They could only support. They had never encountered a being who had the same ability as their Wangfei. 

They also knew that they would just hinder Wei Jiayi's progress despite how badly they wanted to back him up. 

However, there were just some beings who did not understand the severity of the situation. 

"Wei Jiayi? What are you doing? Stay away from her! She is a demon!" Ming Ya exclaimed, voice hoarse due to her being weak and her forced aging. 

Ming Ya could not believe that the rumor that the Wei Prince was ugly was not true. The demon woman gave her the feeling of hopelessness. 

She could at least destroy the woman's image so Wei Jiayi would leave her. Who would want someone that would cause them to die so soon?

Wei Jiayi frowned, taking a quick side glance at the one who spoke, making sure that most of his attention was still towards Gao Lan Mei. 

His face turned blacker after seeing the red dress, the now old woman was wearing. 

He then suddenly sent a blast to Ming Ya, not even caring if the woman would die. 

"Ah!" The blast of fire hit Ming Ya's legs. It was burning her slowly, especially the long red dress that she was wearing. "Wei Jiayi! I am telling you the truth! Can't you see?" She asked screaming in despair, still trying to stand her point. 

Adding more, she said, "She is a dirty woman! Open your eyes! Look at her neck!" Ming Ya forced herself to roll on the forest soil, hoping the fire would stop. It did but the burns were still very painful. 

Despite this, Ming Ya would not give up. As long as she lived and got out of this place to ask for her father's help, there was still a way to get back to normal.

"Hehe, you should really open your eyes. I like that dress. You should have not burnt it." Gao Lan Mei said casually, indifferently looking at Ming Ya. 

Gao Lan Mei hummed under her breath, "Hmm... Hmm... Hmm..." Then lifting her finger to run across her face. Particularly lingering to the black protruded veins she said, "Heh, I guess she is right," giggling with the notion. 

Then her attention moved away from Wei Jiayi. Turning her back at him in dismissal, she then glanced at the beings with them who were just watching anxiously. 

"Aren't you going to attack?" She asked no one in particular. No fun if they were not resisting. Then noticing something, "Hmm, mother, are you here to stop me?" she said with her tone indifferent, laced with warning.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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