Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 254 - 254: Dawn

Chapter 254: Dawn

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

[ Detected that all Purification Terminals have lost connection. Attempting to reconnect. Please wait… ]

[ Please note that the purification is not complete. Please absolutely do not approach the CX-9881. ]

[ We…We are reevaluating our war strategy. ]

[ No one who gets in the way will be able to escape our final reckoning. ]

This was the special notice that the entire Milky Way received when the last core galaxy of the unexpected enemy was exposed.

The unexpected enemy, who had not communicated with outsiders for a long time, took the initiative to contact the Milky Way civilization. Its words were full of intimidation and threats, but it exposed the fact that it was empty internally.

More and more garbage mixed with dangerous targets with lethal abilities arrived at the final core position, causing it a lot of trouble.

Its decision to swap homes with the Administrator might have been correct. After all, it knew the Administrator very well, but the Administrator knew nothing about it.

Although the explosion of the central processing unit felt a little strange, according to past experience, as long as it could interrupt the operation of this supercomputer, its archenemy would lose most of its combat power as usual.

This time, in order to eradicate the roots that it had failed to do before, it decided to use this opportunity to completely eliminate the guy that had been hindering it, even if it would lose the last part of the Purification Terminal.

After all, in its view, the remaining pests in the Milky Way were just a bunch of ants. Even if there was only the core left, it calculated that the success rate of the Milky Way Purification was more than 90%.

However, the pests who had always been timid and had to mobilize countless combat forces to deal with one of its carrier aircraft had made a mistake in its calculation and launched a brave and fearless charge.

The Milky Way civilizations had observed it very accurately. After losing all the Purification Terminals, its computing power was not much better than the so-called 4% computing power.

Not only that, but these Purification Terminals were also an extremely important source of production. A large number of creation of things machines on them were the capital that allowed it to continuously produce fleets, and the planet-level shipyard was core to ensure the number of fleets.

These things had all been destroyed. Even if the last Purification Core was very special, it did not mean that it could quickly clear the Milky Way in a broken state.

The sudden increase in computing burden had caused it to lose control of a large number of fleets. The fleets that were used to rescue the Purification Terminals at the last minute had fallen into a state of standstill, just like the Administrator Fleets that had not been destroyed.

Originally, it had calculated that the AAilky Way civilizations, who would increase their defensive posture, would give it time to reallocate its computing power. However, the unexpected attack on the Purification Core disrupted its plans.

Not only that, but there were also various accidents that caused loopholes in the defense of the Purification Core.

[ Unknown discovered… Unknown error— ]

[ -< Detected that all Purification Terminals have lost connection. Milky Way civilization comprehensive ability test will enter the final stage. The coordinates of the CX-9881 have been automatically broadcasted>- ]

[ -< Connecting to the { data loss } matrix… Connection failed, subspace link is offline; The Final Exam Reinforcement Fleet will not arrive in time. Please prepare for defensex ]

This was a series of errors that occurred within the active purification agreement. It was not without problems over a long period of time. At least, it could not completely solve the problems in its underlying logic.

The Milky Way Exam set by humans had clearly set up the questions. All the Purification Terminals would be known to the entire Milky Way at the moment the exam began.

And after this question was answered, the final question would be announced to the entire galaxy in a very humane manner.

It was actually very easy to solve, but the prerequisite was that one had to ignore the high difficulty of solving it.

After all the Purification Terminals were destroyed, the signals that were automatically sent to the Purification Core exposed its hidden location. Even if these signals were not discovered, it would not be long before the Purification Core would uncontrollably broadcast the coordinates to the entire Milky Way.

This made the unexpected enemy’s hidden core useless. Now, almost all the battleships in the Milky Way were rushing to this place.

In addition, there were also some mistakes that the unexpected enemy couldn’t find the cause of, which added fuel to the fire burning in the Purification Core.

The superluminal suppressor that was supposed to work normally in this galaxy had unexpectedly disappeared, and even its responsibility had lost its effectiveness.

The civilizations of the Milky Way were only trying to warp to this galaxy, and there was no hope that the warp would succeed. After all, even the Purification Terminal was equipped with such a device to prevent warp, let alone the Purification Core.

However, the fact was that they had succeeded. There was no space-time locking net woven by the superluminal suppressors in this place. Even an experimental warp drive that could only be used once could come here.

Due to the urgency of the situation, no one had time to think about this matter. Only the unexpected enemy was very concerned.

It vaguely sensed that something was not right, and the probability of a certain possibility was still rising. However, the increasingly urgent battle situation made it unable to spare its computing power to pay attention to this matter.

The overwhelming number of garbage battleships arrived at the core of the CX-9881 galaxy and successfully provided cover for the true main force, the Administrator Fleet.

These broken ships that the unexpected enemy looked down on had been greatly modified in terms of defense and unmanned automatons. Although they were still killed by the unexpected enemy battleship, as long as they were not completely melted, the battleship wreckage could still rush toward the unexpected enemy battleship under some simple command.

They didn’t even have a main cannon installed. Instead, they had installed a large number of thrusters at various positions. The weapons were all neutron torpedoes that had a hit rate at short to medium distances.

Even if it literally became space junk, the remaining thrusters would still use the last of their energy and inertia to send the junk to its destination, causing heavy damage to the target with the neutron torpedoes.

However, the damage that this whimsical method could cause to the unexpected enemy was ultimately limited. The Milky Way civilizations were researching unmanned automated combat systems so that they could send a large number of battleships to act as interference bombs.

Although the technology of the battleship was not good, it was big enough to distract the unexpected enemy. It could also interfere with direct light cannon attacks. When they were close enough, they could still take advantage of the opportunity to attack.

It was the Administrator Fleet from the Administrator that was truly lethal to the unexpected enemy.

The civilizations of the AAilky Way found it difficult to understand why the same weapon could cause a huge difference in the use of different civilizations. However, it was still produced by the Administrator after all. Even the basic power was enough to kill or even destroy the unexpected enemy battleship.

Although the Stargate Battle was painful, it did not mean that the unexpected enemy had left unscathed. It had also lost a large number of fleets there, but it was much better than the number of fleets participating.

Under the cover and attack of the garbage battleships and guardian battleships, a gap was opened up on the path to the Purification Core.

On the surface of the huge Al Planet, there were still signs of a large number of factories producing automatically.

At the same time, fleets that had just been assembled flew out from the cracks in the planet and joined the battle in space.

However, the journey of civilization was not stopped. Many Colossuses that were larger than ordinary battleships warped to this place under the protection of a group of battleships.

They had terrified countless people because when a giant cannon that could destroy a planet hung over their heads, everyone would feel that the end of the world had arrived.

However, at this moment, they were all praying and hoping to end this doomsday..

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