Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 249 - 249: The Battle of the Galaxy

Chapter 249: The Battle of the Galaxy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Each civilization had different names for the Milky Way Galaxy, but in the interstellar society, the naming rules of the galaxy were gradually perfected in the interstellar naming method.

Generally speaking, the first person to discover an unrecorded galaxy would have the right to name it. The Star Map Committee in the Milky Way would use this naming as a reference.

There were some historical issues that caused several civilizations to debate over the names of certain important galaxies.

For example, in a special galaxy that was once the home of a fallen civilization, it was a famous tourist destination in the Milky Way.

Although the Milky Way’s official name for this place was XXX Bull, there were still some civilizations who remembered the past and insisted that this place was XXXX Boo, and the leader of this extinct civilization would return like lightning one day.

In the past, the observation technology of various civilizations was not so developed. Many adventurers who had nothing to do were keen to wander around, looking for an undiscovered galaxy named after themselves.

In this way, even if their civilization perished and their radiance dimmed, they could still leave a faint trace in the long river of history.

However, with the advancement of science and technology, the means of observation had become more advanced. Space workers could observe the galaxies that adventurers had to spend countless years to reach just by sitting in the space station.

As a result, the naming of galaxies became faster and faster. Every day, hundreds of galaxies were given recognized names.

It was fine for the more special galaxies. Their names would also have a corresponding uniqueness, such as the garbage dump galaxy, the hatchery galaxy, and so on.

However, most of the galaxies in the Milky Way were almost worthless. The names of these galaxies were becoming more and more common under increasingly insufficient terms: Numbered galaxies.

And Operation Stargate, which aimed to achieve a great victory against the unexpected enemy, was focused on such a numbered galaxy.

“A large number of disguised fleets have already begun to enter and exit the space gate. The unexpected enemy who has always attached great importance to destroying such node galaxies will not let go of this opportunity.”

“The warp drives of the various Administrator Fleets have long been warmed up. They will arrive here in an instant and beat the unexpected enemy to a pulp!”

In the battle command center hundreds of galaxies away from the serial number pEW45 battle command center, a general was excitedly dancing on the star map. From the tone of his voice, it seemed that victory was already in his grasp.

The main battlefield of Operation Stargate this time was this numbered galaxy.

Although everyone knew that there was nothing special about the numbered galaxies, even the passing pirates did not care about such places.

However, there were still some numbered galaxies that were exceptions due to various reasons. There were several stargates inside the Numbered Galaxy PEW45, and more than 20% of the stargate routes in the Milky Way needed to transit through them.

Due to the different specifications and construction techniques of the stargates of different civilizations, the existence of such stargate nodes was necessary.

This was also one of the important interstellar routes of the Milky Way civilization. In the history of its construction, only the crisis of the Civilization Annihilate! had caused the stargate node here to stop operating.

The detection results of the unexpected enemy showed that similar stargate nodes were also places that were frequently attacked.

Although the unexpected enemy said that they were vermin, they did not show any attitude of underestimating the enemy. It was as if they were at least considered opponents in the war and would use all means possible to weaken them.

For example, the stargate node was a very important place for the Milky Way civilization to attack. The main reason why the stargate route of the Milky Way civilization had not collapsed was because of the Administrator.

However, this time, the Milky Way civilizations were not prepared to hide anymore. With the fleet of the Awakened Empire in their hands, they tried to use a beautiful victory to blow the horn of counterattack.

Now, the Administrator battleships were stationed in this numbered galaxy to guard against any unexpected enemies that could attack at any time.

The civilizations of the Milky Way had sharply increased the frequency of the use of the air route here. Although it was for the purpose of transporting the resources provided by the Administrator, it was more to attract the attention of the unexpected enemy.

Their rapidly expanding confidence made them not satisfied with a normal interstellar battle. They wanted to fight a war of annihilation and a big one.

It was not that the unexpected enemy had not attacked the place before, but the number of fleets that had come was very limited. It was more like a tentative attack to find the weak points.

The Administrator Fleet stationed here was usually able to eliminate the unexpected enemy without too much damage, but this time, they decided to attract at least ten times the number of unexpected enemy fleets to attack.

The source of their confidence was simple. Every guardian fleet that the Administrators assisted was equivalent to a fleet stationed here, and their entire civilization had more than a hundred such fleets. Even if an unexpected enemy could fight ten at once, they would be overwhelmed by them.

In order to truly make the unexpected enemy determined to attack this place, they had secretly carried out many infiltration activities.

Except for the few higher-ups, even their citizens thought that the other stargate nodes had been destroyed and that the numbered galaxy was the only usable one.

If this place was also lost, all civilizations would instantly be separated due to the distance between them. This would undoubtedly bring the destruction one step further.

Although many people believed that they would definitely hold on to this place, the pessimistic atmosphere still infected the people. As time went on, even if the unexpected enemy did not act, civilization itself would perish.

Of course, the Milky Way Civilization did not consider this outcome. The news that the people believed was not true. Their real purpose was to let the unexpected enemy think that as long as they captured this place, their overall resistance would be much weaker.

They understood the principle of holding back first. Although 99% of the people were in a low mood, as long as they won a big victory, they would be even more energetic and enthusiastic.

At that time, it wouldn’t be impossible for him to become a third party that was worth paying attention to in the war between the unexpected enemy and the Administrator.

This was their plan.

The stargates in the numbered galaxies were still operating at all times, and a large number of fully loaded spaceships were going in and out of the stargates in this place, looking like they were in full swing.

A large number of abnormal signs of spacecraft movement eventually attracted the attention of the active purification agreement. In order to explore the actual situation here, a huge scavenger fleet still came here.

“They’re here!”

Following the order, the Administrator Fleets that could not wait any longer warped to this place one after another.

These lost empire fleets controlled by the Milky Way civilizations seemed to be taking revenge for all the anger they had suffered before. They all aimed their cannons at the unexpected enemy fleet..

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