Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 211 - 211: The Mystery of the Silver Heart Black Hole

Chapter 211: The Mystery of the Silver Heart Black Hole

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“The hyperspace channel to the Silver Heart probably does exist. The instrument we used to detect the hyperspace detected the hyperspace signal the moment the Administrator’s spacecraft disappeared…”

A signal similar to the meaning of this sentence began to be transmitted from the galaxies at the edge of the Silver Heart to the entire Milky Way.

Most civilizations paid close attention to Silver Heart’s secret and the Administrator’s movements.

Therefore, the moment Li Wenyuan explored the hyperspace channel and entered it directly, all the civilizations focused their attention on it like never before.

The heavens did not disappoint those who worked hard. They successfully detected an extremely weak hyperspace signal and confirmed that there was indeed a hyperspace channel that led to an unknown galaxy in those Silver Heart peripheral galaxies.

According to their previous conclusions about the hyperspace channel laws, they believed that the unknown starfields should be located in the Silver Heart.

The first to erupt was the various celestial body physics scientists. Although they believed that the probability of a supermassive Black Hole in the center of the AAilky Way was more than 98%, as long as there was no evidence, they could not be 100% sure of this matter.

Silver Heart’s hyperspace channel gave them a chance to confirm. As long as they could reach that place, they would be able to fulfill their lifelong dream.

Therefore, more than one scientist made a request to take the lead. Even if the environment of the Silver Heart was still inconclusive, these passionate scientists did not care.

Their personal safety was not a factor that they had to consider. As long as they could see the truth that they believed in, they would not hesitate to give up everything.

These fanatical scientists gave the civilization government a headache. Although there were many capable people in the interstellar era, scientists were not everywhere, especially the cutting-edge ones.

Therefore, these governments could only calm down the fanatical scientists and send unmanned detection equipment to the Silver Heart Space.

Their sensors could not penetrate the thick Silver Heart Dust and directly detect the galaxy on the other side of the hyperspace channel. For the safety of these precious scientists, such caution was necessary.

A few days after the Administrator’s spaceship disappeared from their probe through hyperspace, many sneaky unmanned spaceships rushed to the hyperspace entrance and passed through the long passage.

Unlike warp drives, hyperspace engines had a lot of room for improvement. After all, it was the most basic technology for interstellar civilizations, and the speed of travel in hyperspace was different for civilizations of different levels.

For Li Wenyuan, it took him less than half a month to complete the hyperspace channel. However, for these young civilizations, this channel was unprecedentedly long.

The faint signal representing the spaceship was flickering in and out of hyperspace, and it had been there for more than three months.

If it were not for the fact that they could barely detect that the spaceships were indeed moving forward, these civilizations would have thought that the other side of the hyperspace was some man-eating monster.

A few months was enough for the people to focus on other gossip, but for the scientists who were looking forward to the real-time image of the Silver Heart, it was an extremely difficult process.

Some scientists even aged visibly because of their anxiety. They had no choice but to use genetic drugs to improve the condition of their bodies so that they wouldn’t die before they could see their dream materialize.

However, the hyperspace was relatively stable and there was no danger. The good news still came.

The first civilization to cross the hyperspace channel, the Mingbow Science and Technology Nation, had their spacecraft complete the journey a few days earlier than other civilizations.

When the familiar signal became clear, the Mingbow scientists in charge of monitoring the unmanned spacecraft were first excited, but then they were shocked by the images transmitted back.

“I heard that the unmanned spacecraft has arrived. How’s the signal stability?

Is the image transmitted back clear?”

The immediate superior of these scientists rushed here, ready to pick the first-hand fruit of the discovery of the Silver Heart.

However, when he saw the image, he immediately showed an unhappy expression.

“What’s with this dark scene? Didn’t they say that they had already received a stable signal? How am I supposed to explain this to the chief scientist?”

At this moment, there was nothing but black on the screen. There was nothing but a thick black background. It even made people think that the screen had not been turned on.

However, a scientist at the side quietly wiped his cold sweat and whispered to his superior, “The image isn’t damaged. This pitch-black area is actually the Silver Heart Black Hole that we’re pursuing. Its diameter can even line up four to five galaxies…”

“The spaceship is trying to get away from there. It wants to record the appearance of this super Black Hole from as far away as possible…”

“Yes, our equipment is working fine. However, after passing through the hyperspace channel, the abnormal gravitational source detected by our equipment suddenly became countless times stronger.”

“It’s a supermassive Black Hole that we never expected. It has made our previous theory wrong. The Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way shouldn’t be so huge.”

In the end, the news about the Silver Heart’s supermassive Black Hole was concealed. Few people would realize why the Silver Heart exploration trip that was so grand a few months ago had suddenly disappeared.

These civilizations had yet to come up with a definite conclusion about this abnormal Black Hole, so it was not appropriate to publicize such unsolved mystery information.

At the same time, the megastructure that covered about 40% of the Silver Heart Black Hole also entered the Milky Way civilization’s line of sight.

They could not imagine what kind of civilization had the ability to build such a super megastructure. They could not even guess the function of the megastructure.

However, since the Administrator had arrived here first, there were already people with keen minds who began to link the Administrator to the abnormal Silver Heart Black Hole and the super megastructure built around it.

Everyone knew that the Administrator was artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence had always come from the hands of civilization and could not be born naturally.

Although the civilizations of the Milky Way always subconsciously ignored this problem and treated the Administrator as a naturally born artificial intelligence civilization.

After all, they couldn’t imagine what kind of civilization could create a group of civilizations as powerful as the Administrator. They would rather believe that the Administrator had popped out of a rock.

However, the discovery of the Silver Heart Black Hole made them think about this question again.

Perhaps the civilization that built the super megastructure was the creator of the Administrator?

If that were the case, how terrifying would the technology of the civilization that created the Administrator be? And why did they abandon the Administrator and disappear from the Milky Way?

The Milky Way civilizations gradually had a feeling that a secret from ancient times was about to be revealed..

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