Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 315 Demons

"Fine… Then no allowance for the next month,"


She appeared in front of me.

"I-I am ready to work!" She shouts.

"Good girl," I say before petting her head.

Her smile grows wider before we make our back to the palace as the ice from before retreats into my favorite warrior's body.

"My favorite warriors, let's go!" I shout.

"Why'd you call him that?"

"Cause I didn't bother to remember his name, and I think it would be rude if I asked now… after a few years," I respond as the man quickly jogs over to me.

Unsurprisingly, Arpious was quick and efficient with her work.

I gave her triple my stack of papers, but she only finished a few minutes after I finished my own stack.

It was currently late at night, and I was stroking her hair as she lay on my thighs.

We were in a resting area quite frequently within my palace, and it was basically made entirely of cushions that let me lay on the floor whenever I pleased.

There was a mold growth problem due to the chilly air that melted upon touching the cushions, but we solved that by making the cushions slightly cool.

"This is nice," Arpious muttered.



All of a sudden, the door was swung open, and a man came running in with a panicked expression.

Oh, what now…

"Y-your highness!" He shouts before taking a knee without stepping onto the cushions with his dirty boots.

"What?" I groan.

"A-a demon has appeared!" He shouts, and my face pales, but Arpious's smile widens.

"You… Can you take responsibility for your words?" Arpious mutters before reappearing right in front of him.

"Y-yes!" He shouts.

"Then, if I go there and there isn't a demon… Then you will die,"

"Y-yes! I understand!" He shouts, and Arpious's smile only widens.

"Wait! Arpious! We have to evacuate the citizens!" I shout, but she doesn't even bat an eye as she quickly leaves the vicinity.


I quickly got up and flew out of the palace, hoping I wasn't too late.

This damned little sister of mine! She needs a spanking when we get back!

As soon as I flew out of the palace doors, I noticed Arpious was directing all the soldiers and citizens simultaneously… while also blocking the massive fireballs being shot by the black demon.

It had black horns, purple eyes, black fleshy wings, and a tall humanoid figure.

"Big sis! Take over!" Arpious shouts, and I quickly nod as it seems I've misjudged her a bit.


She disappears and reappears in front of the demon, who was sadistically laughing to himself while chucking fireballs at the running citizens.

He didn't even realize his head had been cut off though, as Arpious appeared behind him… and ended his life in an instant… well, kind of.

Demons are unique beings who don't die from having their heads cut off.

You need to eliminate their core which can be anywhere from their brain, to their left foot, inside their stomach… anywhere basically inside them.

"There… now let's get some answers, but first, let's help the citizens," Arpious says as she gazes over what has become of my kingdom.

The center of the kingdom was set ablaze, and my citizens were panicking, but a golden flag helped calm them down as they fled safely.

(Arpious POV)


I kicked the stone pillar from off the corpse of the dead moth man, but thankfully, he managed to keep his child alive, so I quickly took her hand and brought her to safety.

I repeated this multiple times while also using Hermes in order to save as many people as possible.

More time passed, and eventually, I put out the widespread fire with [Grand Water Magic], saving even more lives, but I wasn't really satisfied.

The cries of help rang in my ears, and I couldn't help but imagine if this happened to my empires now… Would I be angry?

But, no, that wasn't what I was actually thinking.

No, it was much scarier… What if this has already happened to my empires?

What if demons attacked just like on that damned broken plane… I could barely fend off a few hundred and their commander… so how could my empire fend off millions or possibly billions.


I threw up onto the ground from exhaustion, my body so much thinner from before, you'd think I hadn't eaten in weeks… but if you said that, you'd be right as I hadn't.

The battle against the demons took one week, but the struggle against the commander took another week.

I had absolutely no rest in between.


I chew, chew, swallow.

Bite, chew, chew, swallow.

I completely devoured his body, but none of the skills I got were strong enough for me to keep… due to this damned system.

"GET ME OUT! HAHAHAHA! I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE! KILL ME! TITAN! COME KILL M-" I shout, but all of a sudden, a yellow oni mask appears on my face.

I huffed the yellow smoke before blowing it out of my mouth.

"Thanks," I muttered.

'No problem,' My inner demon replied as I sat on the mountain of demon corpses.

A stream of tears flowed from my eyes as I quickly flapped my wings, allowing me to evade the nimble and quick stomp of the titan before me.

Its black eyes glanced at me before continuing their way down the plane as if the massacre right below it had never happened.

"Uh, bad memories," I muttered before quickly flying over to Amanda and greeting all the people I saved.

Amanda looked at me in disbelief as if she'd never expected me to do this.

"I was a ruler for a reason," I say with a smile.

It took about two weeks to finally rebuild everything and put everything basically back to normal, but the dead citizens were irreplaceable, so Amanda had the grand idea of mourning their deaths through a parade.

The parade lasted for about a day, but I didn't participate as I had more important matters to attend.

And just as Amanda came back, exhausted, I immediately gestured for her to sit down at the dining table.

"This is my palace. You know that, right?"

"Sure, sure… Anyway, why are demons here?" I ask.

Normally, demons only appear when there is something they want on a plane… or when there is something they want to kill, like me.

But it took them five years to finally get to me, so I doubt they've already figured out I'm here right now.

And, I know all these things because of my inner demon… who was most likely a demon when she was alive.

I mean, this is all speculation while peacing together everything she's said and other clues and facts.

"I don't know… why are you asking me?"

"Of course, I'm going to ask you… Now, why are fucking demons here? There must be a reason," I demand as not only could my life be in danger, but this entire plane.

And I've grown to quite like this kingdom and the people in it, and having them die isn't the best option for me.

"I'm telling you, I actually don't know. Maybe one of the other kingdoms has something, but if there was word of demons, I'm sure they would've already informed us and offered an alliance," She says.

"Or, they're doing what we're doing and withholding the information now, hoping the demons wipe out the other kingdoms before they can even prepare,"

"Y-yeah… I guess so," Amanda replies.

We sat there in silence for a bit, but as we had no answers, we just returned to our rooms as we were both exhausted.

I had been racking my brain for answers for so long, but nothing has come up.

Even my inner demon was stumped, which was a first in quite a while.

"Welcome back, Mistress," Lisa greets me as I enter the room in her usual bunny suit.

I licked my lips upon seeing her seductive appearance before grabbing the glass of wine from her hand and having her remove my dress.

She then wrapped me in a soft white robe that felt practically like a cloud brushing against my skin.

"Mistress, what would you like today?" Lisa asks as she kneels in front of me.

"Sit next to me. I don't feel like being attended to today… but having a beauty by my side will cheer me up," I say as she quickly sits next to me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

She blushed in embarrassment before leaning into me as I sipped on the wine.

"*sigh*... It seems we need to create an alliance… and we'll act first in order to gain the upper hand," I muttered to myself as the wine was already hitting me.

Also, why is this girl blushing when she can do all that other stuff without even a hint of hesitation.

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