Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 299 Growing Five Empires (3)

"Yes interfere,"

The woman sitting atop her throne spread her black wings as if she was about to sore off into the blood-stained sky.

"The war is approaching… Within a few years, it will have grown into a full fledged war that will disrupt the balance of the system… I'm sure the great spirits won't sit back once that happens,"

"I know… DAMMIT!"

(Arpious POV)

Another eventful weeked passed and this time I had a nice and relaxing break with my wives.

I hadn't given them enough attention over the past month so they of course requested for a date and with Reyna taking over my position for a bit, there was no trouble.

"If anybody dares to question you, kill them," I say before leaving with all my wives.

"Take care," She waves us off.

The date overall was very fun despite it feeling a bit like work.

We inspected the slowly growing monster empire which was originally my kingdom.

And there was a bit of conflict between my wives which I knew would be unavoidable as we were all having a date at the same time.

But, thankfully, I was able to calm them down.

At the end of the day, we walked back into the throne room but I noticed a special visitor was here.

"Uh, what do you want?" I groan as I see Lon waiting in the throne room.

My wives noticed my agitated attitude and knew it was due to work, but as they were satisfied with today, they let me be and went back to do their own personal things.

"Y-your highne- I-I mean, Mistress, I have come to ask for a favor,"

"First of all, who gave you permission to enter?"

"T-the maids and a woman with dark purple hair,"

"That's me!" Reyna says, slipping out of one of the hallways and jumping onto my now cusiohed throne.

It was more of a couch than a throne now.

"Reyna, can you leave?"

"Sure. I'll be taking your kids back to my kingdom at sunrise so you better wake up early or say your goodbyes tonight,"


Reyna quickly leaves the throne room to look for Luna and Freya who were frolocking within my castle.

I didn't really feel the need to upgrade it into a palace as I was content with what I had right now.

"Okay, I'll listen to your request once," I say, walking over to my throne and swiping the cushions off with my hands.

"M-Mistress… I am very grateful for everything you've done for me so I am ashamed that I have to ask something of you… Please visit my empire once… Please," She begs.

"And why?"

"B-Because the morale of my empire is dipping a bit and work is slowing down… So can you do something to raise the morale. My citizens have all changed their minds about you after all this progress… So please,"

"Isn't it your job to keep the morale up. Also, I'm sure the dippage is because of wave of morale has passed and it will return to normal. If it crashes and burns… well, that's your fault," I say, sitting on my throne.


She began to fidget with her hands and her nervous look was unsightly and unfit for somebody of her status.

"What is it? Speak up,"

"T-to be honest, I just wanted you to see the progress of my empire. You haven't visited it in about a week and we have progressed much more,"

"Huh?! I'm already so busy and you expect me to just go visit your empire for no specific reason?! If you want to inform me of the progress, just say it now,"

"N-no! I really want you to see it in person!"

It seems she was earnest.

My glare made her take a step back as well, but she firmly held her ground, gathering all the confidence she could muster.

"P-please! I am very proud of my work and would like to show you!"

That is some development right there… Well then, I guess I'll give her a chance.

"If you want something, you're going to have to do something for me,"

"O-okay," She replies with a slight blush.

This woman…

"Tsk… Come here and massage my feet. I've had a long day of walking and they're sore," I say reaching out my right heel towards her.

She quickly walked over to me and kneeled before me, grasping the bottom of my heel.

She then placed her cheek against my heel before slowly sliding it off my foot.

"Mistress, I will be sure to please you," She says with a smile as she sets my heel down gently and begins to massage my foot.

To be honest, my feet weren't hurting at all but I just wanted an excuse to have a massage.

Her skills were quite good… almost as if she's been practicing for this.



When she glances at me, I could notice a slight blush blooming.

"Would you like me to clean your foot? I'd gladly do it without hesitation," She says and her blush begins to deepen.

I knew it…

"I just said massage it, didn't I?"

"O-Of course," She replies and continues to massage my foot.

After a few minutes she moves onto the next foot but I realized she was getting a bit too bold as she began to kiss my toes.

"*sigh*... If you really want to clean it that badly, then take my socks off… It seems you take it as a reward so you have to earn it, right?"

"O-of course Mistress!" She shouts with a strangely excited smile.

She then began to take my thin socks off my feet with her hands but I quickly interrupted her by kicking her in the face.

"Who said you can use your hands? Use your damn mouth and keep my sock in your mouth until I say you can let it go,"

"T-thank you very much for your generosity," Lon says as her breathing began to rapidly rise and her blush deepened even more.

Ah… A masochist…. I knew it.

Lon slowly removed my first sock with her mouth and stuffed it in and then I slowly got up from my throne and pushed her forehead, causing her to fall back.

She tried to call out for me but the sock gagged her mouth.

I then slightly stepped on her stomach with my sock-covered right foot, revealing a string of moans to come from her mouth.

"Maids, get me the work Reyna was unable to finish,"

"As you wish," My maids responded as I lifted my foot off Lon's stomach and brushed it against her breasts, causing her to shiver and moan once again.

"You want my feet that badly, huh?" I ask before placing my foot gracefully on her face.

She began to smell it as if it was a garden of flowers but this type of play honestly wasn't for me.

"This is kinda gross," I mutter under my breath before I lifted my foot off of her face, revealing an expression longing for more.

Her perverted eyes locked onto my legs and she tried to get up, but I placed my foot on her forehead and smashed her head to the ground.

She moaned as soon as her head hit the ground and even though the sound was very loud, her defense absorbed every bit of that impact.

Now, I'll just take something out of Aika's book… though it is a bit shameful as it was used on me.

I sat down on my throne once again, Lon still laying on the ground panting like a bitch in heat.

"Come here," I order and she immediately gets up and walks towards me.

And just as she reached me, I gestured for her to lie across my lap.

She understood what I meant… well, kinda as she placed her face on my thighs, rubbing her face against them as if they were a sack of clouds.

"Do you like my thighs that much?" I chuckled and she just moaned in response as I slapped her ass once.

"Mistress, here is your work. Miss Reyna was able to complete most of it, but there were some papers that were necessary for you to review," One of the elven maids come up to me, handing me my work, unfazed by the occurring events.

"I saw your eyes dawdle to this woman here? Would you like it as well?" I tease her a bit as I grab the paper from her hands and the pen she offered right after.

[Grand Jewelers Perfect State] allowed me to create a thin film of crystals underneath each paper so I didn't need any desk or clipboard.

"You must be mistaken Mistress,"

"Very good, you didn't crumble under pressure, unlike the other pets I have, and stood your ground a bit… This is why I like you, maids… In fact, take the day off tomorrow, you deserve a break,"

"We are unworthy of such grace, but will gladly accept whatever you grant us," She replies and could practically feel the power radiating from her.

She's strong… No, all my maids are much stronger than most of the warriors in my empire.

"Good, now all of you are dismissed, I need peace and quiet,"

"As you wish," My maids all reply before leaving the throne room.

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