Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 280 [Bonus Chapter] The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (14)

Hmmmm… I don't want her to die.

I unfurled my fist, allowing my new slave to breathe and gasp for air.

"Her name is Tiana! So stop!" The Master requests once again.

"And why should I?" I reply with a taunting smile.

"STOP OVERSTEPPING YOUR BOUNDARIES!" The woman shouts, clearly losing control and trying to gain control of the situation, but I didn't falter in the slightest.

"You're overstepping your boundaries," I responded before blasting out my own deathly aura which eroded the Master's icy aura.

But, even though it eroded it, the icy aura began to surround it as if it was a predator stalking its prey, waiting for the right minute to pounce.

"You're one hundred years too early to be trying to contest against me," The Master says, her aura now devouring mine.

"Don't care… Now kowtow in front of me if you don't want your disciple to suffer more," I reply without hesitation.

Tiana, my new slave, had tears in her eyes and they almost seemed to beg for her Master to save her.

"M-MASTER- Ack-,"

She began to choke again due to my orders influencing the collar.

"STOP!" The Master shouts but I didn't stop and just looked at the woman with cold eyes.

"Then kowtow and call me Mistress,"

The Master's eyes darted around, looking for help as she didn't want to not only lose her disciple, but also her pride.

She's pretty hot… I want her as a slave as well…

"D-don't humiliate Master," Tiana just barely manages to squeeze out through gasps for air.

"My slaves don't talk unless they're told to," I say, kicking Tiana in the stomach, completely knocking the wind out of her.

I let her breathe a bit as if I kept choking her with the collar it would've killed her. But, it seems she managed to block part of it with her hands so the actual damage to her body wasn't bad.

"Come on, I don't have all day," I mutter before creating a few lances made from bones that rose from the stone roof we were currently on.

The bones shot out and killed the few assassins who crept up from the shadow behind me, created by the large wall surrounding the kingdom.

But just as I looked back up to see the Masters' face in despair, I noticed that it was the complete opposite. She had a small taunting smirk on her face as if she figured something out.


She suddenly flash-stepped toward me but as I was able to read it, I managed to duck out of the way of her spin hook kick that could've easily knocked my head clean off my shoulders.

Tup Tup

Once ducking, I jumped back a bit, landing next to Tiana who tried to struggle away from me but my slaves of death pinned her down to the ground.

"Hmph," The Master heaved, still a smirk on her face.

"Ah, I see," I mutter with cold eyes.


My black blade cut straight through Tiana's arm, slicing it clean off and sending it flying into the air.


"Shut the hell up," I cut off the Master before stabbing my sword into the back of Tiana, creating even more blood-curdling screams that almost slid out of her mouth.

"O-OKAY! STOP! MISTRESS! PLEASE STOP!" The Master shouts, her smirk warping back into that of a worried and distraught expression.

"Pfffft- HAHAHAHA!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Just because I stopped choking her with the collar, she automatically assumed I didn't want her to die… But who decided that.

"PLEASE STOP!" The Master shouted, her arrogant and powerful demeanor quickly fading.

Kshh Kshhh

I wedged my sword back and forth, causing Tiana to scream even more.

"Did you listen to me before? Call me Mistress and kowtow in front of me," I order while pointing to the ground in front of me.

The Master gritted her teeth in anger, but her reasoning screamed for her to follow my orders, which she eventually full filled.

"Mistress, I beg you… Please spare my disciple," The Master begged.

"Oh, I didn't even tell you to beg… What an obedient slave," I mutter, pulling my sword out but before Tiana could bleed to death, Alexandra healed her with a gray light that emitted from her hands.

"Mistress, may this lowly slave ask a question?" Alexandra speaks up.

"What?" I respond as Yin hands me another Magic Collar and I let a single drop of blood slide onto it.

The collar, once confirming me as its owner, reacted to my thoughts and clasped itself around the Master's neck, but her reaction was minuscule. In fact, you couldn't even call it a reaction as she just glanced down at the collar.

"Why did you not turn the both of them into Slaves of Death?"

"Cause rebellious people are more fun to play around with rather than obedient ones,"

After cleaning the blood from the tip of my sword with one swing, I stepped over to the Master in white robes and pressed my heel against the back of her head.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Alba," The Master responds bluntly.

She wasn't worried anymore about her disciple's situation so her tone and expression returned to a more casual and arrogant one that suited her perfectly.

I licked my lips lightly, excited to toy with her later but right now I had to fight a war.

"Rise," I mutter, summoning the rest of my army which consisted of about 50,000 more undead that completely coated one-third of the kingdom.

"W-what the hell- urk-"

"Shut the hell up. My orders for the both of you… Never attack anybody I deem an ally. And never attempt to kill me… Though you wouldn't have anyway," I chuckle to myself while removing my heel from Alba's head and walking towards the edge of the roof.

Now… We press forward until they reveal themselves…. Actually….

"Hey, give me all the information you know on the main leaders of this kingdom. Also all the information on the strongest warriors present," I order Alba.

"Y-yes Mistress," Alba replies through gritted teeth.

(Homura POV)

Slow and steady. That is what our progression was. We were slow but the casualties that we faced were so minute that I wouldn't even add it into a report.

And of course, there was a fair share of strong anomalies but I took care of them quickly, letting the commanders do their job at leading their armies.

But suddenly, a powerful presence not too far from me appeared. It felt as if a snowstorm had kicked up, swallowing the kingdom whole… but that was only a feeling… Produced by a single human.

I glanced in its direction and noticed Aika had come face to face with it.

A figure clothed in long white robes fluttered in the snowstorm surrounding her. Her hair was a silky white and it also fluttered like her clothes. But the most noticeable part was her glowing light blue eyes.

They were colder than ice but at the same time seemed to be filled with rage.

"Should I help?" I mutter to myself but suddenly a large explosion was set off, blowing up large a chunk of the army and leaving many injured.


Glancing toward the front lines of the battle I was currently overseeing, I saw a short-statured girl with long brown hair and explosive eyes that had stars for pupils.

Each time she waved her hand, a set of explosions that I assumed to be related to [Fire Magic] was set off, killing waves of my soldiers.

"Hmmm… The commanders are already on their way but this one seems stronger than usual," I mutter before summoning a few one-tailed foxes that had a beautiful light blue coat.

They followed my orders immediately that I gave with just a wave of my hand and once they got close to the little girl while staying on the rooftops, I closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes once again and my vision was not the same. It was slightly blurry and instead of overseeing the war from afar, I was right next to it.

Tup Tup Tup

My newly acquired tiny feet pattered across the roof, overseeing all angles of the fight against the one singular girl who proved to be a threat.

Yeah… She's a fire user but not a regular one. Each wisp that she makes has explosive sparks when coming in contact with anything, explodes into well, an explosion of fire.

Wait a minute… What the hell is that?


Suddenly, my mind was sucked back into my body and when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was kneeling with my head hanging.

"Okay, the commanders should be able to handle the girl itself but that thing hiding in her backpack," I mutter through gritted teeth.

A drop of sweat slid down my cheek as I made my way over to the frontlines as fast as possible.

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