Arcane Sniper [Matan’s Shooter]

Chapter 43

Ch 43

“Huu, look! I can see it, kid!! Run!”

Kkung, Kkung!

Kuluku, kuluku,

The bear’s body proceeded without hesitation, like a tank moving through grass.

“Yeeee—— Haw! Run like the wind, Bullseye!!”

Leeha felt the cool breeze and grabbed the bear’s fur.

With a  huge city wall in the distance and the spires beyond it, Aelstock, the capital of Fibiel Kingdom, which was considered to be the most powerful country on the continent, caught his eyes in the distance.

‘Why didn’t I think of this earlier?’

He discovered it too late. If he had previously known e that he could move at such a tremendous speed he could have shortened his travel time by at least one to two days.

Then he must have already reached the capital by now!

What did he think of riding a bear? It’s all he knew now. Kik Kik.’

Leeha stared at the wall as he got closer to the city.

“Hiiik, i-it’s a bear…!”

“Ah, it’s okay everyone. It’s okay.”

The more users approached the gate, the more people became afraid and ran away, but Leeha reassured the users in a monotonous voice  and reduced the speed of the bear cub.

The gateway to the capital was as peaceful as always .

There were a countless number of users and NPCs coming in and out, and there were enough guards on duty to check if there were any dangerous characters among such a large number of people.

A bear suddenly appeared at  the gate.

And a human got off the bear.

Wouldn’t it be weird if one  didn’t get flustered after seeing that scene?

No matter how Middle Earth was, it made sense.

“There’s a person! A person got off!”

“Yes, it’s okay because it’s a bear that doesn’t attack people. Don’t attack.”

“Ahh! Someone help! Help!!!”

“This does not attack people. Do not worry!”

Again, the gate was wide and there were many people. Much more than Leeha thought.

This made it so that Leeha’s voice couldn’t be heard.

“S-stop! Stop! Don’t come anymore!”

“Ohhh! T-t-t-there’s a bear here!”

“A monster has attacked!”

The guards at the capital gate pinched their spears in panic.

Users may have been surprised, but he thought NPCs would recognize tamed monsters. Were Leeha’s expectations too high?

No, wasn’t it because it wasn’t really tamed?

Users were even more surprised when they saw the guards get flustered. Leeha shouted quickly.

“It’s fine everyone ! Do not panic! I raised it! This bear does not attack people!”

Leeha was also nervous about the strangely escalating atmosphere.

The guards were aiming their spears? In other words, they recognized Leeha and the bear cub as enemies.

On the way to the capital, Leeha was able to placate five or ten users with his shout.

But now?

Both users and NPCs got flustered and panicked. Leeha’s shout did not have any effect on the people on the southern gate of the capital, Aelstock, and was helpless.

Of course, it was  because the bear cub’s huge size and threatening movements had captured people’s attention.

“Everyone get  inside the gate! We will stop it! Levitation!”

“It looks like a field boss, everyone below level 60 should get inside the gate! If it’s that big, you might die in one shot! Fly!”

“W-what do you mean to stop it?! Wait a minute! Stop!! It’s not a field boss! I raised it!”

And Leeha saw for the first time.

They were clearly users. The two people that came from the gate were floating in the air.


“Amazing! They are high-level users!”

“Quickly kill that monster!” At  the gateway, the large crowd running behind the wizards all spewed admiration.

The estimated level of Wizards who could fly in the sky was at least level 150.

They had  the skills to take care of the bear at a leisurely pace. To those who are flustered and panicked, they must have looked like heroes.

Were  these users not aware of the field boss, Agonia Oso? Mistaking Leeha’s bear cub for a field boss.

“Hey ! You two! Please don’t cast your spells! It is not a monster!”

Leeha shouted to the crowd, hurriedly stroking the bear cub’s head. However, the two wizard users who floated in the air did not hear Leeha’s words.

Red and blue light gathered into the body of the two as  dots of light gathered. Their casting had begun.

“Don’t attack! Don’t!”

Leeha instinctively knew that it was not a situation where words would solve the issue. His military spirit immediately kicked in.

First, he had to stop them. How?

He needed to counterattack.

One shot was already loaded.

Leeha immediately pulled out his musket and aimed at the wizard users. The muzzle alternately aimed at the two. A sign that he could  shoot whoever he wanted to.

But it was just a threat for now.

Even after casting, it was still possible to cancel the magic once.

“Please stop, finish casting and cancel the magic! If anyone attacks this bear, I won’t stand still!”

If they didn’t stop then, Leeha would fire his musket.

One musketeer against two wizards with an estimated level of 150 or higher. Thousands of people at the gate watched the situation holding their breath.

Leeha clenched his teeth.

As soon as he arrived in the capital, he created an uproar.

‘Will my attack work? What is that magic? What if I die or the bear cub dies?’

In the meantime, time passed. The wizards finished casting.

‘Cancel… Cancel it quickly.’

However, Leeha’s wishes did not come true. The light that went into their bodies didn’t disappear, but rather, it spewed out.

“Flame Strike!”

“Aura Bolt!”

The two wizards activated their magic.

A huge flame blazed.

At that moment, Leeha remembered Ram Hwayeon’s Fire arrow, but it couldn’t be  compared with this. Was this the rage of a living flame?

The magic activated in the dark blue light distorted space.

There was neither colour nor shape, so it was difficult to see what exactly it was , but space was  clearly rippling. If one got caught up in those things, one won’t even know how they died.


If casting was  just a threat, then activating was  no longer one.

Leeha did not care about the enemies in front of him. He did not care about what would happen to him or whether he would get a PK status. He will think about those things later.

First of all, there was  only one thing on his mind, and that was  to deal with the ‘enemy’ right in front of him!

He didn’t hesitate to  pull the trigger.


“Blessed Shield!”

“Area Dispel!”

Huowoong, a small light flashed for a moment and wrapped the southern gate of the capital Aelstock.

Those who heard the gunshot for the first time covered their ears and shouted.


“What- what? What happened?”

They heard the Kaaang late! That was the sound of metal hitting something hard.

The wizard that Leeha aimed at was fine.

Since their level was high, did that mean they did not receive any damage from Leeha’s attack?

At that, the wizards who  had  puzzled expressions were also confused.

In addition, Leeha and the Bear were also fine.

What was the magic that interrupted them? The Flame Strike and Aura Bolt seem to have vanished into thin air.

Users, NPCs, and even the parties around the gate could not understand the situation.

What happened?

“The stranger with a bear, lower your weapon!”

“No one can cause trouble in the capital!”

Step, step. Two men walked out and the crowd parted like frightened chickens.

“Ah… Anti magic?”

“S-Sacred Knights!”

Leeha held his muzzle without knowing what was going on, however, the wizards floating in the air knew.

Anti magic canceled all casting and magic of wizards below the caster’s level.

In addition, because it scattered all the surrounding mana for a certain period of time, wizards would not be able to use mana for a while.

To make it  worse, the ones that used such high-end magic were not wearing cloth armor but  full-plated armor.

Even without checking the patterns on their chests, they could see that they were the Sacred Knights guarding the capital of Fibiel Kingdom.

‘Sacred Knights?’

Leeha stared at the brilliant silver knights approaching him.

“Put down your weapon, stranger. Considering that the current situation was due to misunderstanding, we will not punish either party. But if you fire again, we won’t let it go .”

“They attacked first.”

“I know. However, it is true that you are the one who caused the misunderstanding. Therefore, I am saying that we will treat it as something that never happened.”

The knight’s tone was relatively polite.

Leeha also noticed that these people had done something. It must be said that the two wizards floating in the air were surprisingly powerful.

As such talented people were  not trying to solve it with force, they should be said to be polite anyway.


Leeha lowered his musket and glanced at the wizards. Another knight approached the wizards.

“In the capital, the use of attack magic is forbidden except for those with permission. Considering that you have done for the safety of Aelstock citizens, I will pretend that this never happened, so please leave it to us now. Everyone, please disperse! You are blocking the way to the gate. Disperse!”

The knight shouted to warn the wizards and dispersed the crowd.

Leeha and the giant bear were  quickly forgotten by the people who saw the high-end magic being cast and the skill that negated even that kind of high-end magic.

“Phew… Will the situation come to an end?”

Leeha sighed when he saw the people scatter, and one of the Sacred Knights approached Leeha.

“Would you please follow us?”

The knight’s voice was stern. It was a situation where the equipment and skills of the knights would cause others to be intimidated, but it wasn’t the case for Leeha.

Rather, he was confident. Actually, Leeha himself knew that he did not do anything wrong.

“… You won’t kill me after I follow you, right? And you won’t kill my bear?”

As soon as they saw the bear, users immediately tried to kill it, so it was natural for Leeha to think this way. At Leeha’s words, the knight’s eyebrows furrowed.

“In the name of the Sacred Knights, I Sir Cindergard swear, there will be no harm to the stranger and his bear.”

Tong-! Sir Cinderguard bumped his clenched fist into the left side of his full-plate armor.

Although Leeha felt nervous about the sudden action, Sir Cindergard showed the best courtesy in his own way.

Because he guaranteed his promise using the title of “Sir” of a Knight to a stranger he had never seen before.

“Would this be enough?”

Of course, what could Leeha do in this situation? He didn’t know the meaning of what Cindergard had done. But taking a glimpse of the picture on the left chest of the full-plate armor, he could only speculate that this person was  performing a salute-like movement.

“Sir Digrom, I have asked for consent from the stranger. Please guide him.”

“Okay, Sir Cindergard. Follow me, stranger.”

“Ah, yes.”

Leeha and the bear cub followed Sir Digrom.

Only after Sir Digrom, Lee Ha, and the bear cub walked along the gate’s wall did Sir Cindergard look for the remnants of the magic he used.

Blessed shield blocks all physical attacks below a certain level.

At least, as the Sacred Knights currently understood , there was no one  in the capital who was  capable of breaking the Blessed Shield with a single blow.

It was one of their main responsibilities to monitor the entry and exit of masters to the capital.

‘By the way, did the Blessed Shield crack? That guy…’

He was curious about the identity of the stranger who made him swear by the honor of the Sacred Knights.

(To be continued…)

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