American: Native Empire

Chapter 130: The Gun.

Chapter 130: The Gun.

At this time, the Ottoman Empire was at its peak.

But the expression of the sultan who ruled this Ottoman Empire, Suleiman I, was not very bright.

Where did such a country come from all of a sudden

Suleiman I clenched his head as he thought of the Wakan Tanka Empire, which had appeared not long ago and was taking over the worlds maritime trade.

Until the empire appeared, the Mediterranean was the center of trade.

But now, it was not the Mediterranean, but the Wakan Tanka continent that rose to prominence.

As a result, cracks began to appear in his empire, which had been enjoying its golden age.

However, Suleiman I was not a foolish sultan.

He did not just lament this situation, but tried to find a breakthrough.

First of all, he had to know something about his opponent in order to do anything.

So he sent an embassy to the Wakan Tanka Empire.

And a few days ago, the embassy that had toured the Wakan Tanka Empire arrived.

I cant believe it but I have to.

Suleiman I repeated the report of the embassy.

The overwhelming technology of the empire, and the numerous universities, research institutes and scholars that supported it.

The countless people and abundant resources living on the vast continent.

The firmly established huge economic power.

The railroad and steamship that made this possible.

Suleiman I had thought that his empire was the best until now.

But now he realized how arrogant this thought was.

The gap between the Wakan Tanka Empire and us is not something that can be easily filled.

He did not cling to his stubbornness.

He reluctantly admitted that his empire was lacking in every aspect, even though it was bitter.

We have to learn everything from the empire.

He had spent all his nerves on expanding his territory through war and establishing an ideal social system for his empire until now.

But his thoughts gradually changed.

He instinctively realized that he had to join the changing currents of the world in order for the glory of the Ottoman Empire to last for a long time.

Suleiman I openly expressed his thoughts to his subordinates.

You must have heard the news. The power of the Wakan Tanka Empire is much better than we thought. We are not even comparable to them right now.


The subordinates sighed at their sultans words, but Suleiman Is harsh words continued.

Im sure many of you are uncomfortable with the existence of spirits that they believe in. But now is not the time to reject them for religious reasons. We have to become students who learn everything from the Wakan Tanka Empire. That will be for the sake of the people living on this land.

He took a deep breath in the silent air and declared.

So those who are willing should go to the Wakan Tanka continent. Go and learn from the Wakan Tanka Empire. And dont hesitate to accept their culture and system. Shame and pride are not issues to think about right now. I hope you all keep this in mind.

After this day.

The Ottoman Empire voluntarily began to modernize by following the Wakan Tanka Empire.


Kim Ki-woo nodded as he watched the movements of the Ottomans.

Not long after the official embassy of the Ottomans returned to their country, he heard news that Suleiman I had started reforms.

And indeed, many of the Ottoman elites were crossing the vast sea to learn from the empire.

They also took a very humble attitude to accept their advanced culture and system.

He is worthy of being a person who left a deep mark on history by achieving the golden age of the Ottomans.

Suleiman I was a conqueror who put almost all of the Mediterranean maritime rights in his hands through force, and a wise ruler who established an ideal social system for the Ottomans.

This quality shone even in the history changed by Kim Ki-woo.

Maybe the name of Ottoman will not disappear.

Of course, he did not know how history would turn out.

But the situation was clearly different from the original history.

It was not a reform that started after the empire had already declined, but one that embraced the advanced culture when the empire was at its peak.

Surely, someday, the relations with the Ottoman Empire might worsen

If they were worried about that, they would have maintained the ban on sailing for longer.

Kim Ki-woo did not care.

He knew very well that the gap in development between them and the empire was not something that could be easily reduced.

Rather, if other countries in the world started to modernize under the influence of the empire, the empires influence over the world would be more solidified and could sustain the long era of the Wakan Tanka Empire.

Kim Ki-woo put aside his thoughts about the Ottoman Empire.

Its not only them who started such a reform.

Like the Ottoman Empire, many delegations from various countries experienced the empire and returned to their own countries.

They reported the shocking progress of the empire to their countries.

But their reactions were different.

Some countries accepted the culture of the empire and started to reform like the Ottoman Empire, while others denied it, or had their reforms blocked by the nobility.

Or some were too engulfed in wars to pay any attention to this.

Anyway, Kim Ki-woo was willing to help modernize each region if he wanted to, for the benefit of the empire and his ultimate goal.


Peace comes from power.

A cry without power is nothing but an empty echo.

Kim Ki-woo, who had learned about Koreas painful history in the past, knew this better than anyone.

Thats why he did not neglect to support weapon development since he achieved a certain level of modernization.

Thanks to this, the development of guns was gradually and steadily improved.

It was easy to get steel and various materials in an industrial area, so it was good for research institutes to enter.

This was also true for the northern industrial area.

Although it had a short history, many research institutes sprang up here like mushrooms.

And there was also a research institute built for the improvement and development of guns, but interestingly, there were two directors of this institute and they were identical twins.

Moreover, because they were twins, they had the same taste since they were young.

Wow Its awesome!

They showed great interest in how a small bullet flew at a tremendous speed by the explosion of gunpowder.

Ive decided. Im going to be the best gunsmith.

What are you talking about! Im going to make a better gun than you.

What? Are you done talking?

They ran towards their dreams while arguing with each other since they were young.

And before they knew it, the Blue Starlight and Blue Moonlight brothers became quite famous as gunsmiths.

Thanks to that, they were selected as a government-supported research institute.

But their views on guns were different.

A gun should be miniaturized so that it can be fired with one hand later.

What are you talking about! What are you going to do with a small gun? A gun should increase its firepower even if it increases its size.

Tsk! If you increase its size stupidly, thats a cannon, not a gun.

What about you? If you want to make toys, why dont you get a job at a toy research institute?

What? Toys? Okay, if youre so confident, lets bet on which gun is better between yours and mine!

Haha. Who do you think will be scared? Dont whine when you lose later!

One day, they made a bet while exchanging their opinions on guns.

After that day, the tasks of the research institute were divided into two parts.

Blue Starlights research to miniaturize guns and Blue Moonlights research to increase firepower even if it increases the size of guns.

The research of both parts proceeded competitively.

The brothers made guns while thinking hard to beat each other.

But neither of them liked their first prototype.

Hmm This wont do.

Blue Starlight made a pistol that could be held and shot with one hand.

But as he reduced its size, its destructive power decreased, and it was single-shot, so it had no big advantage.

This was also the case for the Blue Moonlight.

Ive become stronger but how can I carry this around?

He thought it would be better to make a cannon as the Blue Starlight suggested, rather than this.

The brothers pondered and pondered, and around the same time, they came to one conclusion as if they had planned it.

The answer is in rapid fire.

Cant we make the bullets fire continuously?

Through this, their research underwent a great change.

And time passed.

The first one to complete the research was the Blue Starlight.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

This is it!

He was sure after trying out his six-shot revolver.

This revolver that he made would make history in firearms, and bring him victory in his bet with his brother.

How about it? Do you think you can beat this?

The Blue Starlight ran to the Blue Moonlight and showed him the power of his revolver.


The Blue Moonlight was quite surprised to see him fire six shots quickly with one hand.

But he suppressed his astonishment and said,

Ha! Is that what you worked so hard to make? What are you going to do with a cannon instead of a gun? You better not faint from shock when you see my gun.

Stop bluffing. Lets see you try your best. Ill be improving this guy a bit more.

The Blue Starlight left his brothers lab with a confident expression.

Watching his arrogant back, the Blue Moonlight gritted his teeth.

Just wait Ill show you that my gun is better.

He continued his research with burning enthusiasm.

He practically lived in his lab, except for a few hours of sleep and eating time.

The Blue Moonlight repeated to himself.

Overwhelming rapid fire, overwhelming firepower. Thats what will change the course of war!

He spent his days with this belief without giving up.

And this relentless obsession finally led him to create a masterpiece of his life.

The day of the firepower test for the prototype finally came.

The Blue Moonlight conducted the experiment carefully, preparing for any possible situation.

Haha. Look at that ridiculous thing. How can you call that a gun when its a cannon?

Surely, thats too much for a gun? How can it be a gun with a crank attached?

The other researchers who followed the Blue Starlight laughed at the prototype that the Blue Moonlight and his subordinates had made.

But this soon subsided as soon as the demonstration began.

Well start now!

As one of the researchers started turning the handle,


The bullets were fired forward like a downpour.


What is that?

The researchers who saw the prototype for the first time were shocked by its effect, which was almost identical to Gatlings gun in history.

In no time after the prototype was fired, the target board turned into rags and disappeared.

The researcher did not stop there, but turned the direction and wiped out all the surrounding targets as well.

After the demonstration ended,

The Blue Moonlight approached the Blue Starlight and asked,

Do you still think Im wrong after seeing this? Imagine how the war will change with my machine gun.

The Blue Starlight was silent at his brothers confident look.

But soon he chuckled and nodded.

I admit it. Your gun is really awesome.

Haha! Of course! This guy is really lovely.

And he added with a smile on his cheek,

Your revolver wasnt bad either. It definitely has some advantages over mine in terms of mobility.

Thats obvious.

But I won this bet.

What are you talking about! Theyre just different in purpose, you just said my revolver wasnt bad!

They argued for a while about who won the bet, but they couldnt decide on a winner.

But at least in the history of the empire, they were both recorded as winners of gunsmiths.

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