Alpha's Rejected Mate Returns as Queen

Chapter 486 - 486 Old Cases

486 Old Cases

Selma Payne’s POV:

Jordin did not obtain this. On the contrary, the Teal Family had a double guarantee: There’s no conflict between the main family and Jordin’s personal loyalty. You can’t put all your eggs in one basket. Since ancient times, how many families with a long history have relied on this wisdom to stand out in the tide of the times?

In short, this was a win-win situation. The Teal Family had returned to the center of power, and I had also obtained more help in the fight against the Evaria Family.

Those Evaria officials were either removed from their positions or investigated, and the vacant positions were filled with suitable candidates. This also became a reason for me to conduct an investigation and replace even more officials with ulterior motives or were completely useless, replacing them with suitable candidates.

The Evaria Family’s temporary defeat was already a foregone conclusion. Many families still on the fence sensed the change in the situation and began to recommend themselves to me. My father turned a blind eye to this. I knew that he was preparing for my succession. I couldn’t always rely on my father’s confidants to do things.

The human body experiment case greatly damaged the Evaria Family’s reputation, and they lost completely in politics and business. This was not an unexpected result. In the end, the werewolves still had a monarchial system.

According to the humans, the power of the nobles is only the extension of the royal power. Our fight with the Evaria Family was just an internal struggle for the royal power. As long as the king still held this core power, it would be useless no matter how much the other nobles jump around.

I didn’t expect that this also involved many other problems. For example, the student protest. Although we managed to kill the rioters in the cradle before the situation got out of hand and dealt with the board members involved in illegal cases, the matter continued to ferment and was no longer just a conflict between a group of students and the school.

This incident became a trigger that led to more missing people cases surfacing. Some of these cases were from last week, and some were older than me, most of whom were women and children.

Their families’ search was fruitless, and they all harbored a beautiful hope that they would be reunited with their children one day. However, the human experiment case completely shattered their hope and exposed the ending they were most unwilling to accept, but also the most likely one.

For a time, the number of visitors to the police station multiplied, and the number of calls the operator received in a day was more than in the past month. However, it was too difficult to crack the missing people’s case. There was still hope for the recent cases, but there was little hope for the long-term cases that were decades old.

The families of the missing people had formed a mutual assistance association, hoping to find some clues on their own. Many of them were not completely unaware of the disappearance of their relatives. They had produced evidence to prove that their daughters, sisters, mothers, or children had participated in some organization or activity and then disappeared from the face of the earth.

The police found out that a large number of these organizations and activities were inextricably linked to some aristocrats or rich businessmen, and there was no lack of frequent headlines.

These organizations did various things, from volunteer groups to poor areas to ‘legal drug experiments’, from mutual aid groups to official institutions. It caused a big uproar.

The missing women and children, the strange organization, the powerful and influential background, and the support of the rich gave people a sense of deja vu.

Hence, when everyone was caught off guard, the bomb exploded.

Suddenly, the public’s doubts about the officers peaked, especially about the rich merchants and nobles involved in the disappearance case. When the police discovered that a rich local philanthropist was related to a missing boy case, their dissatisfaction and anger peaked.

It had only been a week since I sent Carey off.

If I were to fight against the Evaria Family, I would still have some confidence, but I would only be left with a terrible mess that had been created over the years.

I didn’t even need to think to know what was going on with those rich merchants and nobles. They were disgusting, despicable, and completely disregarded the law and morality. But everything had to be based on evidence, right? This week, I’d read over a hundred case reports. Some were wronged, some were purely coincidental, but many facts made me want to vomit.

This wasn’t even the most difficult part. The Evaria Family was simply pervasive. They were unwilling to fail, so they secretly began to make all kinds of obstacles at this chaotic juncture. Solving a case was harder than doing it. Under the instructions of the Evaria Family, many ‘family members’ began to create false appearances to cause trouble at the police station.

Once the police saw through their trick and refused to accept the false case, the incident would appear in the headlines of the local newspapers the next day. Of course, it would not be written as the truth. How could ‘a scammer wreaking havoc at the police station’ be as eye-catching as ‘the police pushed and threatened the family of the missing person’?

The direction of public opinion was always ever-changing, and this false news undoubtedly intensified the already boiling public opinion. The government’s reputation, which had been gradually restored by the police’s painstaking efforts to solve the case, began to decline rapidly.

However, at this critical moment, the wolf cub’s evolution ended.

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