Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 214 Final adjustments before traveling?

Chapter 214 Final adjustments before traveling?

(POV: Lumiere)

I was seated in the opulent living room of the secondary Delia Manor, a smaller version compared to the grand mansion we were planning to erect. The sun had set, casting a soft glow through the large windows, and exhaustion washed over me like a heavy blanket. Closest to me was Umbra, his ever-watchful presence providing a comforting reassurance. Across the elegant table, Stellaria, Serena, and Sangria sat, their weary expressions mirroring my own.

Well, Stellaria always looked tired but... whatever.

Just as I was about to let my eyes slip shut, the doors flew open, and Lucilia entered in a flurry, clutching a rolled scroll in her hand.

"Why the fuck is she so energetic?" I was frustrated.

Serena tiredly waved her finger. "Language, my lord."

"Sorry," I sighed.

The stress was really getting to me.

Beside her, Fasit carried a tray of steaming tea for us.

Lucilia's eyes widened as she took in our fatigued states.

"Dear gods, why do you all look like worn out pieces of cloth?!" she exclaimed.

It was almost like she was doing this on purpose. She obviously knew why we were tired so why bother asking? Gosh, I've never felt so frustrated before, damn it.

Serena let out a weary sigh and replied, "We searched the entire Viscounty for you guys, Lucilia. Each time we thought we had you guys, you were gone..."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Why didn't you use [Magic Detect]?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Stellaria, who was equally drained, huffed and leaned back in her seat. "We did, twelve times! But you guys were gone each time."

I let out a low whistle. "Twelve times, huh? That's quite the record."

"Not funny," Sangria commented dully.

An awkward smile formed on my face. "Eh, I guess so."

Serena nodded wearily before adding, "If only Stellaria here hadn't been so lazy, maybe we could've caught up with you guys."

Stellaria shot Serena a glare. "Hey, it's not my fault! I'm a goddess, I'm not supposed to work too hard."

Lucilia raised an eyebrow, she stared strangely at us. "A goddess?"

Hoping to steer the conversation away from Stellaria's divinity, I quickly interjected, "Don't mind her, Lucilia. She's always saying ridiculous things. What about the plans for the headquarters?"

"But I ac—"

I shot Stellaria a glare and she kept quiet. This made Serena giggle and then a shove from Stellaria hooked Serena. Normally, there was a high chance Serena would retaliate, given that it was Stellaria, but she was too exhausted to do anything.

"Uhhh, is everything okay?" Lucilia asked.

Umbra nodded gracefully. "Indeed, it's always like this for my Master."

"Yeah, what he said." I sighed.

Fasit walked gracefully over to the center table, placing the tray of steaming tea before us. Her movements were composed and elegant, and I easily admired her poise. "Please, help yourselves to some tea," she said with a polite smile. The aroma of the tea wafted through the room, a comforting scent that seemed to dissipate the weariness that settled upon us.

Serena closed her eyes, savoring the moment as she delicately picked up a teacup and saucer, adding a sprinkle of sugar to her tea. She let out a contented sigh as she took a sip, the warmth of the beverage seeping into her tired bones. "Mmm, just what I needed," she murmured, relaxed.

Stellaria, her exhaustion evident in her heavy yawn, leaned back in her seat and waved away the offer. "I'm too tired to even hold a cup right now," she mumbled, her words slurred by fatigue.

Sangria reached for a teacup and poured herself a generous portion.

She took a sip, her face brightening her dull features as the liquid revitalized her senses.

Umbra joined in, his mystical form mirroring the action of sipping tea.

With everyone now partaking in the tea, I took a moment to settle into a more comfortable position, crossing my legs and leaning forward.

"Alright, about the headquarters," I said.

"As we discussed, we've decided to establish our headquarters in Oakwood Forest," said Lucilia.

Stellaria lazily interjected. "Why Oakwood Forest though? What's so special about it?"

Lucilia's smile widened as she patiently explained, "Oakwood Forest offers us the most favorable conditions. The ground there is firm and the land itself is relatively flat, making it easier for construction. Furthermore, it's strategically located at the center of the Viscounty, serving as the perfect nexus of information."

Nodding in agreement, I added, "Yes, being in Oakwood Forest means that we can establish strong connections with surrounding villages. For instance, there's a new village being built near the decided spot for the headquarters..."

"The fact you guys missed the sarcasm in my question," Stellaria mumbled to herself.

As the conversation flowed, Serena leaned back in her seat.

"Wait, the only village you mentioned to me was the... the Riverbend one I think?"

I yawned a bit, resting my chin in my hand.

"Yes, but I thought of another one but wasn't sure whether or not to implement it yet. I thought it'd be a perfect addition to establish an artisanal craftsmen village in the Oakwood Forest."

Fasit gracefully settled into her seat.

Her large breasts seemed to vibrate with an intense energy as she spoke.

"In the village, the people there would specialize in producing intricate woodwork, pottery, textiles, and various other artisanal crafts. These goods could be easily supplied to the headquarters, and being situated at the heart of the Viscounty would mean that people from surrounding villages wouldn't have to travel an unfair distance to access the products they desire."

Some locations were nearer and some, further away from Oakwood.

But seeing as it was in the middle, everyone had an equal chance at getting there by a fairer time margin.

Umbra interjected curiously. "So, have you thought of a name for this village, Master?" he inquired with his usual angelic voice.

I rubbed my chin, pondering for a moment.

"Well, we've been brainstorming, and the name Crestwood Village sounds like the best choice," I answered, glancing at Lucilia.

Lucilia raised an eyebrow. "We?" she questioned.

I sighed, taking a sip of tea to collect my thoughts.

"Alright, alright, it was mostly me," I admitted, a sheepish grin crossing my face.

Serena leaned forward. "When will construction begin?" she asked, her eyes fixed on me.

Rubbing my chin thoughtfully, I turned to Lucilia.

"Do we have a timeline for construction?"

Lucilia considered for a moment before responding. "Well, since construction has already started on Crestwood Village," she mused, using air quotes to highlight that the name was lame, "we could potentially pause it momentarily and divert some workers to prepare the land for the headquarters."

I snapped my fingers, "With a limited labor force, it'd be better to alternate between the village and the headquarters until we can increase their numbers."

"Oh," Lucilia's eyes brightened even more. "Not a bad idea."

"As expected of my lord," Serena remarked.

"Ugh," Stellaria uttered.

Just then, I rose from my seat.

It was about time I told them about what had been on my mind all day.

"Listen, everyone," I cleared my throat. "I've decided that I'll be heading to the Efistes Viscounty as soon as possible."

Serena, her brows furrowed in confusion, spoke up first. "What for?" she asked.

"Well... there's vital information I need to acquire from the Efistes Company in the viscounty. They've made significant advancements in their business, and it's beginning to have a profound impact on our magicubella trading line."

"Developments...?" Sangria asked, her words partly muffled by her scarf.

Stellaria interjected boredly, "This just sounds like another excuse to misuse my magic."

It was as if she knew she was the perfect form of transport.

For some reason a thought crossed my mind— How much as Lucretia changed since then?

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