Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 175 I’m in a picnic table talk?

Chapter 175 I'm in a picnic table talk?

Imperial Dragons Arc


(POV: Lumiere)

"What's the problem?" I asked Fasit.

"Well... it's about your recent evolution."

"My evolution?"

Serena's hand momentarily ceased its gentle feeding.

She wore a concerned expression.

"I've been meaning to discuss this with you, my love. It seems your ascension is causing quite a stir."

"Am I the only one lost here?" I looked around.

Fasit's expression grew serious, and she took a moment to carefully choose her words.

"You see, as you know, when someone ascends to become a Curse King or any similar being, it sends ripples throughout the realm. It's felt by their subordinates, others of the same class, and even the Church of the Divine Union."

Intrigued and slightly worried, I furrowed my brows.

"But I haven't caused any havoc or lost control. Why would it be a problem for the Church?"

I was sure it had to be the Church that was the problem. They were the ones who developed threat levels to know how and who best to use to respond to designated threats.

Isadora chimed in. "Well, it's not the Church that's the issue."

"It's not?" I raised an eyebrow.

Skarz dropped his sandwich and cleared his throat afterwards. "It's the Curse Kings themselves. When a new Curse King, Demon Lord, or Demon King ascends, it's customary for them to join a faction that aligns with their evolution."

"I see your point." I rubbed my chin.

Lirien managed to speak. "...the same rule used to apply to battle gods, but Akaza changed it later on..."

Deftly arranging yet another delectable sandwich, Serena spoke with a tender voice. "Darling, as a Curse King and a Human Emperor, you may have to choose between the two factions."

A sigh escaped my lips.

"So, if I were to side with the Human Emperors, the Curse Kings might act against me. And if I align with the Curse Kings, the Human Emperors might also make their move."

I glanced around at my companions, seeing their understanding nods.

"I mean it's not like you'd ever side with the Curse Kings," Stellaria ate a bit of her bread crust. "You don't really scream death and destruction."

Mimosa chewed her food delicately. "And if you join the Human Emperors, you'd have their support."

"In other words, they'd also give me support," I nodded.

Stellaria delicately nibbled on a bread crust before sharing her thoughts. "Even if you choose not to align with any of the factions, I doubt they would be able to do anything to you," she said, there was a disinterested tone in her voice.

I could proudly say I was one of the few things that excited Stellaria.

She was barely interested in anything. Even when Serena was suffering from the effects of the Destruction Core in her, she barely panicked.

Isadora nodded in agreement. "You have three Apex Skills, Master, and if that isn't considered overpowered, then I don't know what is."

Fasit calmly interjected, "It's wise not to make any presumptions about what may happen until the time comes. The God Continent is a complex and unpredictable place."

I nodded, taking in their words before adding, "To be honest, I don't know much about the God Continent besides what I've read in their literature."

Just as the conversation settled, Mojito joined us at the table, still coughing out a bit of water from his earlier "mishap".

Mimosa couldn't resist teasing him. "Feeling like laughing again, Mojito?"

Mojito shook his head, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. "No, I think I'll pass on that for now."

Suddenly, Mimosa snapped her fingers. "Oh, I almost forgot! What do you plan to name your unborn child, Great Lumiere?"

Isadora and I exchanged a glance, the uncertainty evident between us.

"Actually, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet," I admitted.

Serena chimed in, a soft smile on her face. "I have a feeling it's a girl."

Curiosity piqued, I directed the question to Serena. "And how do you know?"

She shrugged elegantly. "Sometimes, a mother just knows."

"But you're not the one giving birth though?" I was confused.

"It doesn't still mean they won't be my child... I love you and I also love Isadora, so that's more than enough for me to love them as if they were my own flesh and blood." Serena folded her arms and nodded sheepishly as she spoke.

Those words made me happy. It sent a sense of warmth across my body.

Fasit joined the conversation. "I agree. It feels like a girl." Her voice carried an air on certainty.

"I'll go with girl too," Skarz nodded.

Mojito, always one to make a bold statement, couldn't resist shouting, "I bet my money on it being a boy!"

"It's not an 'it' you idiot..." I sighed while stretching to grab the sandwich Serena just made me.

Mistaking my action as me trying to attack him again, Mojito flinched and whimpered.

"Hehe." I grinned at him.

Serena then shoved me lightly and gave me a stern stare.

I frowned slightly before taking a bite of my sandwich. "I was just playing around a bit."

"Is that right?" Serena spoke sarcastically.

Changing the subject, I scratched my chin thoughtfully. "Well, it could go either way. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. Then again, I have a strong feeling it's a boy."

But Stellaria poured more fuel into the fire.

"Maybe a girl wouldn't be good enough for you, my Lord?"

Her grin said it all to well, she was trying to gaslight me— and it was working.

Serena, Fasit, Mimosa, Isadora and Lirien all stared at me.

"Is that true, Master?" Isadora asked.

I waved my hands dismissively, "N-no, no! Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with either one honestly, boy or girl... it doesn't matter to me." Meekly, I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Well regardless, we'll find out in a few weeks." Isadora shrugged.

"A few weeks? I don't get it." I asked, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

The rest nodded in agreement, sharing the sentiment.

"Well I'll put to bed in a few weeks.." she casually spoke.

"Eh?" said everyone.

Fasit leaned forward. "Generally, for humans, the gestation period for a child is around nine to twelve months," she explained.

"Yeah, a few weeks sounds unbelievable." Mimosa was intrigued.

I interjected. "It's usually shorter for grygans though, isn't it?" I chimed in, hoping to contribute to the conversation.

Serena nodded in agreement with my statement. "Indeed, for Trifects like myself, the duration of pregnancy depends greatly on the energy levels of the child."

Stellaria, always indulging in her food, chewed on a bread crust before adding her own insight. "Hmm, for someone like Serena, it took only about a month," she mused.

Serena shot her a mock glare, rolling her eyes. "Nobody asked you, Stellaria," she retorted.

Stellaria shrugged nonchalantly, her contagious smile never faltering. "Well, since when have I ever followed what others expect of me?" she teased, her words muffled by another bite of bread.

The speed of development in the womb was directly proportional to the amount of energy one possessed. Trifects, naturally bursting with energy, could conceive and develop a child in no more than two months, proof of their unparalleled vitality.

Lirien gazed at me with a solemn expression.

"Your unborn child... is a manifestation of a Demon Lord Seed combined with your magically-rich sperm... that means it's already brimming with enough energy to develop quickly in the womb..."

I took a sip of my tea, trying to appear unaffected by Lirien's bluntness.

"Can we please not bring up the topic of my sperm again?" I sighed, hoping to move past the subject.

"Ara~Ara, aren't you proud of your hot yogurt?" Stellaria smiled.

Serena was about to retaliate but I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just let it go... I'm too tired for this."

Serena shrugged off Stellaria's comment.

"I have a request," Serena asked with her melodic voice.

"Hm?" I uttered.

"I want to test out some of my newly acquired dragon abilities."

A wave of concern washed over me.

"Serena, that doesn't sound like such a good idea," I cautioned.

Unfazed, Serena smiled gently. "Well, if you say so," she responded, her gaze locked on mine.

I felt a surge of protectiveness, my worry outweighing my desire to witness her powers in action.

"It's not that I don't want you to try it, but after what happened last time..." I trailed off.

Fasit interjected, her voice was almost always filled with gentle wisdom.

"Perhaps, it might be best for Lady Serena to test her abilities. In doing so, she can gain a better understanding and control over the core. Instead of opting for the safer, yet likely risky route of avoiding a deeper exploration into her powers."

I pondered Fasit's words, rubbing my chin thoughtfully.

"You make a valid point," I admitted.

Before I could voice my agreement, Stellaria chimed in.

"Why don't you spar with Serena?" she proposed, her eyes disinterested. "That way, she can test her new abilities, and you can test yours as well."

Isadora nodded approvingly.

"Grandma Stellaria has a point."

"Not this again," Stellaria was almost too lazy to react.

Serena rose from her seat and adjusted her bikini.

She looked at me tenderly, her voice gentle and filled with unwavering trust.

"It's you versus me," she smiled affectionately.

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