Afterlife Department

Chapter 92 - Promise

Chapter 92 - Promise

"I'm home." Gu Xingfeng said when he closed the door behind him. He looked around and saw the lights are still on. However, Hao Baiyun is nowhere to be seen. He lowered his gaze and saw it's already 2 in the morning. He smiled. This is better. He thought as he walked inside. Staying up late is bad for his health… he thought and his footsteps slowed down when he saw Hao Baiyun was on the sofa and is deeply asleep.

He dropped his phone and walked towards Hao Baiyun before he hugged him tight. Then, he froze when he saw Hao Baiyun's eyes are sore. I'm sorry… he thought as he wiped the tear off the corner of Hao Baiyun's eye. I hurt you again, did I? He thought and, with a shaking hand, tucked in the locks of Hao Baiyun's hair to the back of his ear. Xiao Yun… he called in his mind and his heart as he lowered his head and planted a kiss on Hao Baiyun's temple.. I'm sorry to hurt you. He thought and then gently picked Hao Baiyun up before he carried him to their bedroom. Then, he carefully placed him on their bed and he lied down next to him.

He wrapped his arm around Hao Baiyun's waist and pulled him towards him before he closed his eyes to sleep.

Afterlife Department, conference room.

"Director. The casualties have lessened and all the Soul Eaters are annihilated." Di San reported to Gu Shi as he projected all the reports he received from the grim reapers.

Gu Shi read them one by one and he sighed in relief. "Those who are injured, send them back. Those who are in the better condition, make them on standby in case more Soul Eaters would appear." He said.

"Roger." Di San answered and sent the grim reapers the message.

"Who has assignments left?" Gu Shi asked.

"None except 0001 and 0007." Di San answered. "6666 is about to finish. The rest, their assignments had completed their cycle. There were no new assignments given to them lately because of the appearance of the Soul Eaters." He explained.

Gu Shi took a deep breath. "Let's leave the newly-died souls to the junior grim reapers for now." he said. "Tell 6666 to immediately come back after his assignment has completed its cycle." He told Di San.

"I understand." Di San answered and sent a message to the senior grim reapers as well as a private message to 6666.

"San Di." Gu Shi called.

"Hm?" Di San answered before he blinked when he saw Gu Shi's face is right in front of him. He has been too concentrated on his task he didn't notice Gu Shi. "What?" he asked in surprise.

"Shen Taizi told me to send a team to investigate the Soul Fragments in every world." Gu Shi said in a low voice. "Can you lead the team?" he asked as he stared at Di San's eyes.

Di San's eyes widened in shock when he realized what Gu Shi meant. He trusted him, and to not leak any information. This is convenient for him since with his soul attribute, he can closely monitor his future team members. "I understand." He answered. His expression solemn.

Gu Shi smiled. "Good." He said before he rubbed Di San's head and he went back to his seat. Gu Shi had to whisper to him since the walls have ears. It meant, the gods above Shen Taizi can hear them.

Di San felt his heart beating fast in fear. It's obvious Shen Taizi hasn't reported to Shen Tianjun – the chief god of the heaven or the emperor, which he should have since the Soul Fragments can jeopardize all of the worlds. What is Shen Taizi planning? He thought and looked at Gu Shi who has the same thoughts as him. However, for now, they shouldn't think of this and instead think of more pressing matters at hand – the Soul Eaters.

They'll cross the bridge when they get there.

Stable World, S City.

Hao Baiyun suddenly felt his heart panged and he touched the corner of his eye. However, he didn't feel it's wet.

"What's wrong?" Gu Xingfeng asked when he noticed Hao Baiyun's silence.

"… it's nothing." Hao Baiyun answered. "Do you suddenly felt something?" he asked.

Gu Xingfeng stared at Hao Baiyun for a long time before he answered. "Yes." he honestly said and balled his fists. "I… suddenly felt warm." He told him.

Hao Baiyun gasped and he stared at Gu Xingfeng with wide eyes. "You, too…" he muttered as he stared at Gu Xingfeng in aghast. "You're not lying, are you?" he asked.

Gu Xingfeng shook his head although his eyes are bewildered. He gently took Hao Baiyun's hand, which made Hao Baiyun surprised, before he took him in his arms. "Just like this…" he whispered to Hao Baiyun's ears. "I suddenly feel you're in my arms. Just like this…" he muttered and held Hao Baiyun tight. "Xiao Yun." He called.

Hao Baiyun's pupils shrank and he held Gu Xingfeng's face. He saw Gu Xingfeng's eyes are clouded yet they're also clear. "Gu Xingfeng…" he called and felt the pain in his chest increased. He can't help but let his tears fell. "Why…" he muttered.

"Is it because of your dream?" Gu Xingfeng asked. Seeing and feeling what is happening to them now, he has to believe Hao Baiyun. "Do you… really…" he said.

Hao Baiyun nodded. "Yes…" he answered and looked at Gu Xingfeng. "I really saw a different you and different me." he told him. "Their world is normal. You're still a police officer while I'm an artist. And then, we – " he said and stopped. His face suddenly reddened in shame.

Gu Xingfeng's heartbeat sped up. "We… what are we?" he asked.

"We're…" Hao Baiyun said. His voice weak. "We don't have a good relationship, but we're… married…" he said and lowered his gaze.

Gu Xingfeng's eyes widened and his ears reddened. "You don't mean…" he said.

Hao Baiyun closed his eyes tight and he lowered his head. "Yes…" he answered. The them in another world did it.

Gu Xingfeng gaped at Hao Baiyun in shock.

Hao Baiyun saw Gu Xingfeng's gaze and he felt offended. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked and his eyes narrowed as he pushed Gu Xingfeng away from him. "You're the one who… who – " he said. His face becoming redder. "Just now…" he said as he frowned and then looked away.

Gu Xingfeng felt his face became hot. He felt embarrassed for the very first time. "I just – " he said. "You're the one who asked…" he muttered and he also looked away.

Hao Baiyun's eyes widened and he looked at Gu Xingfeng in disbelief. "How dare you!" he said and kicked Gu Xingfeng in the shin as he glared at him. "Get out!" he said.

"Young master Hao, I just – " Gu Xingfeng said when Hao Baiyun suddenly gasped and clutched his chest before his body collapsed. His pupils shrank. "Ah Bai!" he cried in alarm and immediately caught Hao Baiyun who was gasping for breath. "You – " he said and felt mad. "Why are you pushing yourself?" he asked as he brought him back to his room and closed it. "Can you… not…" he said and took a deep breath to calm himself. "Let's say there is really another me and you in another world. However – " he said and looked at Hao Baiyun who was lying on the bed and was silently crying. " – can you cut off your connection with them?" he asked and wiped Hao Baiyun's tears. "You'll only hut yourself." He told him.

"I can't…" Hao Baiyun answered and he sobbed. "I feel pity for him. Sharing his pain is my only way to comfort him…" he explained.

"Ah Bai…" Gu Xingfeng called and lowered his head. "Is it because of the other me?" he asked. He remembered Hao Baiyun was muttering before in his sleep. Only when he assured him did he relaxed.

"…. Yes." Hao Baiyun answered. "Gu Xingfeng… he's a part of me. That's why I can't leave him alone." He told him. He's referring to the other Hao Baiyun.

"The other me is also a part of me, then." Gu Xingfeng bitterly smiled. "However, I don't know what he's doing or is trying to do. But, Ah Bai – " he called and looked at Hao Baiyun's eyes. " – I will never hurt you. Not in this lifetime." He told him before he covered him in quilt. "Go to sleep." He told him.

"… mn." Hao Baiyun answered before he held Gu Xingfeng's hand tight. "That's your promise." He told him.

"Mn." Gu Xingfeng answered as he combed Hao Baiyun's hair.

"We don't have any grudges between us. Let's be friends." He told the young Hao Baiyun.

Hao Baiyun cried and didn't answer. His family has just been buried.

"I will never hurt you like they did." He added. When he saw Hao Baiyun finally turned to him, he smiled and reached his hand out to him. "I will protect you. I'll be by your side always." He told him.


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