Afterlife Department

Chapter 79 - Bittersweet

Chapter 79 - Bittersweet

"That butler… he is mute." Yi Bing told Huo Ling, stating the obvious fact. "It was not that they're talking to each other... but, it was actually only your grandmother who's talking to him." he said. "Being reminded of her old lover… which is really him… she can't help but talk to him. But, her husband also can't help but be jealous." He explained. "Added to the fact that she's still been sending him letters…" he said, didn't need to continue his words. Her husband would naturally explode in anger and extreme jealousy.

"You're right… old Tang is mute." Huo Ling said.. "That's why I sympathized with him. He was left by his family, and he's also mute… now, I think this sympathy I felt is because we're blood-related." He laughed.

Yi Bing is a lonesome man. He doesn't know how to speak words of comfort, thus he can only hug Huo Ling tighter to comfort him. Huo Ling... I'm not sure if you guessed the reason why your biological grandfather made himself mute. It's because he's afraid he can't help himself to speak, and would be found out by the woman he loves. Thus, he chose this way - to not accidentally expose himself, even if he cannot confess to her again. Ever. He closed his eyes as he patted Huo Ling's back.

Huo Ling doesn't need words of comfort, either. He picked up the wig and the mustache that was buried underneath the letters old Tang received, as well as the last and unsent letter inside the box. "That deed of the land…" he said. "My foster grandfather should be regretting it in his grave now, giving the land to me." he chuckled. "He must be, after he found out everything!" he bitterly laughed. "He planned to kill everyone but, too bad, I was already sent abroad so I escaped from his net. Haa." He sighed. "Jin Yu must have been sent by him, too." He said. "Only my foster grandfather knows about the deed of the land. The enemy… my enemy all along, is him." He bitterly smiled. "How can I avenge my family from someone, who's also my family, that is already dead?" he raised his head and asked Yi Bing.

As an answer, Yi Bing hugged him tighter, almost molding him into his body. "Huo Ling…" he called, his voice low. "Do you know why things like this happen?" he asked, his voice soft as if coaxing a child to sleep.

"Why?" Huo Ling asked. "Tell me what should I do… tell me the answer, Yi Bing." He told him.

"It's to tell someone to give up… and let go." Yi Bing said as he turned his head to look at Huo Ling's face. Then, he stared at him.

Huo Ling's eyes widened. Then, he smiled. Instead of pushing Yi Bing away, he buried himself in the grim reaper's arms. "Yi Bing…" he called, his voice muffled. "You're no grim reaper at all." He told him and raised his head to look at Yi Bing's shocked face when he saw him smiled at him. "You're my – " he said as he raised his body, his face closing in Yi Bing's handsome face. "Thank you..." he whispered before he closed his eyes.

The light from the flames on Huo Ling's hair spread all over his body. However, they didn't burn his body.

"Huo Ling…" Yi Bing called as his hands trembled when he saw Huo Ling – no, his soul, is dissipating. However, this isn't death for his soul but – "Enlightenment." He muttered. "No… no way… Huo Ling – " he called as he tried to catch the scattered orange lights in the air. They're warm… he thought when he felt them but unable to touch them. They're warming his cold body. His cold soul. "Huo Ling…" he called. However, how can he grab something that cannot be grabbed? He thought as he pulled his hair. The red string that tied his hair slipped off his hair and fell on the ground - "Huo Ling…" he called as he helplessly watched Huo Ling's body fell on the ground, together with the red string, while his soul ascended to the sky. "Huo… Ling…" he called as he watched a droplet of water fell to the ground, followed by many others.

It rained.

Three Weeks later…

"… 0001…" Qi Shan called when he saw Yi Bing appeared at the entrance of the palace. He and Lei Shan already took over the country after they forcefully took it from the government's hands. Next is the world! Qi Shan thought with a bright smile. But, for now… his smile disappeared and was replaced by a grimace as he watched Yi Bing approached them.

"Where's Huo Ling?" Lei Shan immediately asked Yi Bing when he saw it was only Yi Bing. This is their first meeting after they split up before.

Qi Shan's eyes widened and he sharply turned to Lei Shan.

"Hm?" Lei Shan looked at him, his eyes puzzled.

Too late. Too late to stop this guy's mouth from talking… Qi Shan thought and face palmed. Lei Shan had always been straightforward. Qi Shan should have expected this.

He looked at Yi Bing's face. It's the same as when he first met him – it's, ironically, lifeless, just like his body. "0001…" he called.

"I already sent a report to San Di." Yi Bing said as he sat on the other end of the table.

"… about what?" Qi Shan nervously asked when he noticed Yi Bing is edgy. He's afraid everyone would suddenly turn to ice statues if he'd accidentally provoke him.

"The Soul Fragment." Yi Bing answered.

"O-oh. The Soul Fragment… what about it?" Qi Shan asked and forced a smile.

"It's gone." Yi Bing answered.

"Oh…" Qi Shan just said as he secretly observed Yi Bing's face. I don't care about the Soul Fragment! I'm worried about your mental state! He thought. I don't want to be turned to a popsicle! He added and secretly sent an email to Di San.

0007: Di San… Yi Bing is frightening me…

3257: Doesn't he always frighten everybody?

0007: But it's only me in this Special World with him! I'm really scared! QAQ

Qi Shan's face is dark. Damn it… he thought as he pressed his lips tight. Why isn't he leaving?! "Qi Shan?" he heard Lei Shan called. "Where's Huo Ling? Why haven't I seen him?" Lei Shan asked.

That's right. I still haven't told this guy that Huo Ling's already gone. He thought and looked at Lei Shan. That time when he felt Huo Ling's presence disappeared in this world, it was a critical situation for him and Lei Shan. He worried, if Lei Shan would have known Huo Ling disappeared, Lei Shan would stop what they're doing and help Yi Bing. Huo Ling has already become a friend to Lei Shan. Thus, Qi Shan didn't tell Lei Shan about Huo Ling's disappearance. Fortunately, Yi Bing and Huo Ling are outside Lei Shan's radar. Or else, Lei Shan would also feel Huo Ling's disappearance.

It should be impossible for a soul to leave this world until he and Lei Shan had taken over the world, completing their task. However, it had been possible for Huo Ling, since he had the Soul Fragment.

"The Soul Fragment helped Huo Ling's soul break free from the rules of this world." he heard Yi Bing told Lei Shan.

"O-oh…" Qi Shan said. Yi Bing is eerily calm despite Huo Ling was gone. Qi Shan is afraid to poke his sore spot, thus he just ate to stop his mouth from speaking. "You eat, too." He didn't forget to tell Lei Shan. He's afraid Lei Shan would speak more unnecessary things given his straightforward attitude.

"Oh." Lei Shan said and obediently drink water. It must have been one of the effects of the Soul Fragment. The zombies, their bodily functions began working again. In short, they became like humans once again. The only difference is that they're already dead. However, this change helped the zombies integrate with the human society. This is the reason the government ceded to their faction. The Soul Fragment has changed this world along with its occupants.

Qi Shan secretly looked at Yi Bing. Yi Bing was just calmly eating, and that's the terrifying thing. Yi Bing is terrifyingly calm despite everything that happened.

Yi Bing should have left this world after Huo Ling had left. He has no reason to stay in a world where his assignment had left. However, he stayed, and then wandered. He remained in this world even if Huo Ling was gone.

Qi Shan could guess why. Yi Bing plans to stay in this world for the years Huo Ling should have lived. After that and he'll be following Huo Ling in his next reincarnation.

"Why are you smiling?" Lei Shan asked when he looked at Qi Shan and saw he is smiling.

"It's nothing." Qi Shan said. "I just ate something bittersweet."

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