Afterlife Department

Chapter 136 - Celebrity

Chapter 136 - Celebrity

"Hey…" Yi Bing called to Huo Ling who is squatting in the corner and is growing mushrooms.

"I disrespected you, oh, His Highness…" Huo Ling muttered as he stared at the bulletin board in front of him with his empty eyes.

The 'His Highness' is Shen Sheng, not me. Yi Bing thought and held back his smile when he saw Huo Ling turned to him. "I don't mind. I'm the one who imposed on you." He said as he continued his act. "Just treat me like the usual." He added.

Huo Ling dejectedly nodded. Yi Bing is the prince of the sacrificial yao. Also, a sacrifice yao is very valuable.. Why am I so stupid? He thought. They would be sacrificed to a god. How can they be less than a commoner? Instead, they are actually a royalty!

"I'm sorry." A hoarse voice that is filled with grief and guilt spoke.

The voice has broken his thoughts. Huo Ling turned when he heard someone apologized. He saw it was Lu Cang, one of the shareholders of the Huayue Entertainment – the most famous entertainment agency in China. From the music world, to the movie screen and TV screen, and even the modelling and designing world.

In front of Lu Cang are Qin Ce, his friend and also a shareholder of the Huayue Entertainment, and a woman who is crying in Qin Ce's chest - his wife, Emma. She is a designer, and is employed in Huayue Entertainment. It was said the two had met and fallen in love in Huayue Entertainment.

The 'Hannah' she cried earlier is her and Qin Ce's daughter, Hannah Lu. She is a teen model together with Cai Cai. Cai Cai or Lu Cai, is Lu Cang's daughter. Both girls also can act and sing. They act in youth-oriented TV shows.

"My husband!" a woman cried and collapsed after she got out of the car.

"Madam!" her bodyguards called and helped her up.

It was Yu Qing. She is a former actress and now Rong Ming's widowed wife.

Don't ask how Huo Ling knew them. Just because he grew up in a foreign land, he won't know what's happening in China. It's actually the opposite. Due to the nature of his job, Huo Ling recognizes these famous people.

He is updated with the events in China – or more accurately, the celebrities and influential people in China. Well, it's not only in China. He also recognized the wealthiest sheikh's wife – Janinah, who had just arrived with a large group of bodyguards.

Then, there's Thomas Wilson. He is the CEO of the Time Records. He is also the husband of Jacqueline, a famous singer. It is known to everyone that Thomas hates Loui, his friend and a songwriter, because not only is Loui close to Jacqueline. It was rumored that Lou is Jacqueline's first love and is now lover! Jacqueline betrayed Thomas. Now that it was found out Loui is also one of the passengers of the Ascend Cruise Ship together with Jacqueline, the rumor is confirmed!

Suddenly, another commotion happened. A car arrived and the doors opened. A man in his fifties appeared. It was Julius Pete! A member of the cabinet! He is here for his daughter – Jury Pete, a famous actress. She is also the one Huo Ling helped when the Ascend Cruise Ship rocked before.

It was said that Julius Pete dearly loves his wife, but it put his wife in danger. His wife was assassinated and when he arrived, together with the police, in their house, only the young Jury was alive. His wife self-destructed with the assassin to save their daughter.

Huo Ling watched Julius step by step walked towards the entrance of the hospital despite the flashes of the camera. Janinah, the wife of the wealthiest sheikh Jamir Khan, wiped her tears as she followed behind Julius. Song Jinrong saw them and he immediately left the reporters. Lu Cang, Qin Ce and his wife, Thomas Wilson, and Yu Qing also walked towards the entrance.

Julius Pete was born to be a leader. His aura is very different than the masses.

Huo Ling saw the family members of the deceased 'commoners' silently walking behind the 'celebrities'. The reporters and the paparazzi noticed the change in the atmosphere and they tactfully stopped bothering the 'celebrities'.

The solemn atmosphere became heavier as the entrance of the hospital opened. However, before Julius and the others could enter, a doctor stood by the entranceway. He is a man in his thirties. He wore black-rimmed eyeglasses, in contrast to his impeccable white uniform. He stood as if he was waiting for them.

Everything had fallen to silence as Julius and the others stopped and looked at the doctor.

The doctor also looked back at them before he spoke. "Two thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine passengers, from old to young, and wealthy to poor." He said. No one dared breathed loudly in fear of breaking the atmosphere that suddenly turned tense. "Eight hundred and fifty-one are missing. One thousand nine hundred and eight is was claimed until yesterday." He said.

Everyone sucked in a cold breath as they stared at the doctor with a burning gaze.

However, the doctor is unperturbed by their gaze as he continued. "Follow me." he said and turned on his heel as if practiced. His long and white coat fluttered on his feet as if he is about to take flight. But, the hospital's doors are behind him, and he is followed by a large crowd.

Huo Ling saw, at the side, his neighbors have gathered.

"Finally, the doctor has arrived." Laila said. her daughter Lily isn't with her, so Lily must still be in school. "When Lily heard Howee died, she has been crying non-stop." She sighed.

"Same with our kids." John Fortuna said. His wife went to work while their children is with Lily in their school. "Such a good kid." He shook his head.

"Good people die earlier than the bad ones, be them old or young." Aunt Gene said.

Sam, who is unexpectedly here, nodded to what aunt Gene said. "Only in life the wealth matters." He said as he sat on the plant box beside aunt Gene. "In death, everyone is the same. Status is useless." He said and looked at the large crowd entering the hospital.

Huo Ling knew Sam is referring to the 'celebrities' earlier. He felt like he had just discovered Sam's animosity to the wealthy people.

He sighed, but smiled as he looked at them. He felt touched to the concern they have towards him. It's as they say, you regret when you're already dead. He regrets he didn't try to be closer to his neighbors.

Yi Bing saw Huo Ling's sad expression and remained silent. He let Huo Ling reminisce his time with his neighbors.

"Kale had already arranged Howee's funeral. Now, he went to claim Howee's corpse." Laila said.

"Kale sure is dependable." John said as he sighed in admiration.

"Then, let's just wait here." Aunt Gene said. Sam gave her a bottle of water.

"Kale…" Huo Ling muttered and looked at the entrance of the hospital.

"Go?" Yi Bing said.

Huo Ling nodded. "Go." he answered.

They walked towards the entrance and were about to go inside when they met Kale who is walking towards the exit. His handsome brows are knitted as he walked towards their neighbors.

"Kale!" they called. "We were just talking about you… what's wrong?" they asked when they noticed his expression.

Kale looked at them. "Well…" he said. "Howee… I can't claim his corpse." He told them.


"Why?" they asked.

Huo Ling, who followed Kale, was puzzled, too. Why can't Kale claim his corpse?

Kale sighed. "Howee's corpse has been claimed." He answered.



Huo Ling was as puzzled as them. Who claimed his corpse? Suddenly, he remembered the missing Liu Lingling. Could it be him? He thought as he felt hope burned on his chest.

But, Kale's next words doused a cold water on him. "The doctor said it was Howee's relative." He answered. "They are from China." He said.

"China?!" they exclaimed.

"Wait. What's surprising about it? Howee is half-Chinese." John said.

"But, didn't he say he has no relatives? His father and mother are both orphans." Laila said. Her delicate face registered a confused expression.

"Maybe they have been looking for him for a long time." Aunt Gene, the eldest, said. She turned to Kale. "Did they verify the person's identity?" she asked, referring to the person that claimed Huo Ling's corpse.

Kale nodded. "I asked, and the doctor said they are from the Hao family." He answered.

"Hao family? That sounds familiar…" John said.

Aunt Gene sighed. "Then, if they are really Howee's family, it is right to leave Howee to them." she said. "Let's just hope we can be invited to Howee's funeral so we can give him our farewell." She told them.

"Yes." they answered. John and Laila helped aunt Gene board John's car they used to go to the hospital.

Kale and Sam were left, and silence befell them. "The Hao family..." Sam said.

Kale nodded. His genial smile disappeared and was replaced by his serious expression. "The most influential family in China." He said. "I didn't expect…" he frowned. "I don't know whether Howee's death is a relief for him. He doesn't have to compete for inheritance."

Sam nodded. "His death may have been the best for him."

Meanwhile, Huo Ling watched the two men left. "…" why the hell I only knew about this?! And my mother is surnamed 'Hou', not 'Hao'! My corpse was kidnapped without my knowledge! Help!

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