After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 217: Hospital Room

Chapter 217: Hospital Room

Luo Xi forced herself to cheer up and said with a smile, "Mr. Tao, please."

The two walked into the elevator one after the other and stood side by side. Luo Xi's husband stood outside the elevator holding a thermal container, and explained sheepishly: "Xiao Xi, I actually"

Luo Xi didn't wait for the man to finish speaking, and just pressed the close button.

The closed elevator space was awkward for a while, Luo Xi stared directly at the elevator door which showed their reflection, and apologized warmly: "I'm sorry CEO Tao has to experience that just now."

Tao Mu knew that after this kind of thing happened, Luo Xi, the party directly involved, would definitely be more embarrassed than himself. Hearing this, he just smiled and said, "Every family has their own issues, so there is no need for CEO Luo to take it to heart."

Hearing this, Luo Xi chuckled and said, "That's right, who didn't meet a few scumbags when they were young."

Now these words were not for Tao Mu to comment on.

The atmosphere was quiet again. Luo Xi also felt that this comment was a bit rash. After all, her friendship with Tao Mu was far from the level where she could discuss personal topics.

Luo Xi thought for a while, and then brought the topic to Luo Yang: "..Actually, I also think that my father sending Luo Yang to the army to gain experience is a good thing. Luo Yang was spoiled by my parents since he was a child, so he developed a domineering personality but has a confused mind. He also made friends with those people as well. I'm really worried that one day he would be instigated to do something he shouldn't do, or offend someone who shouldn't be offended, and would implicate the Luo family."

Luo Xi also knew that Tao Mu had a bad relationship with Luo Yang. After all, with Tao Mu's personality, they were lucky that Tao Mu didn't want to bother quibbling about the bad things Luo Yang had done before. Let alone Tao Mu and Luo Yang really becoming friends.

But then again, if the relationship between Tao Mu and Luo Yang was really good, Luo Xi would not have reached a cooperation with Tao Mu. After all, though Tao Mu seemed to be a profiteer on the surface, gratitude and grudges are quite clearly distinguished in his bones.

As Luo Xi thought to herself, the two had already reached the door of Luo Yang's room.

Luo Xi looked in through the window and found that Luo Yang had his left leg in a plaster cast and suspended at the end of the bed. The head of the bed was propped up at around 45 degrees, allowing Luo Yang to lean on the head of the bed comfortably, talking to the person sitting next to him who was helping him peel an apple. The person's back was slender, revealing delicate facial features when he turned his face slightly.

Luo Xi's face darkened, she pushed open the door directly, walked to the hospital bed and asked, "Why are you here?"

Shen Yu looked at Luo Xi who spoke sternly, and was startled immediately, standing up subconsciously and explaining embarrassingly: "I, I came to take care of Luo Yang."

"Is the Luo family not able to hire a nurse?" Luo Xi took a deep breath and felt like her head was about to explode: "And you, didn't Dad tell you to stay away from this kind of person? If it wasn't for him, would your leg have been broken? Why do you never learn your lesson?"

"Sister, don't say that to Xiao Yu." Luo Yang habitually felt guilty in front of Luo Xi, but he didn't want Luo Xi to misunderstand Shen Yu: "Besides, such a thing happening, you can't blame Xiao Yu. It was clearly a scheme by surnamed Lin. Sister, you don't know, if I hadn't discovered it in time, Xiao Yu would have been ruined by them.."

Luo Yang was embarrassed to go on, so he could only curse fiercely: "Those people are complete trash."

As Luo Yang spoke up to here, he couldn't help but ask: "Uh, so how is Dad now?"

"You still know to be worried about Dad? If you really listen to Dad, don't stay in contact with those kind of people." Luo Xi glared at Luo Yang angrily, and sneered: "You still think you are the hero who saves the beauty, don't you? Despite being the middle of the night, as a student, instead of staying in the school dormitory, he went to the entertainment club with those kinds of people who are complete trash. I can only say that birds of a feather flock together."

Shen Yu's expression changed, and he looked at Luo Xi with a pale face, his figure shaking: "Sister Luo Xi, you misunderstood me. I'm not the kind of person you speak of"

"Don't call me sister." Luo Xi said with a fake smile: "I don't dare to be your sister. Besides, it doesn't matter what kind of person you are, it doesn't matter to me. Also, I remember that Mr. Shen, you and Yan Sheng haven't officially broken up, right? Since this is so, I hope you can keep a distance from my brother. My brother is rather stupid and has a very impulsive temperament. I don't want him to inexplicably get involved in other people's feelings for no reason and become a third party. "

Luo Yang blushed at what his sister said, and was embarrassed to admit that he did have feelings for Shen Yu.

Shen Yu felt pierced by Luo Xi's arrogant attitude. He looked at Luo Yang with tears in his eyes, and when out of the corner of his eyes he saw Tao Mu who was standing behind Luo Xi, he suddenly also felt indignant and humiliated. And couldn't help but think of the lawyer's letter sent to him by .

"Seeing how miserable I am now, you must be very happy, aren't you? I really don't understand why, I clearly regard you as a good friend, but why are you always unable to get along with me? Must you throw stones at me while I am already down? Just because my life is better than yours? Because we are both orphans, but I grew up in the Shen family, while you grew up in the orphanage, so you are jealous of me?"

As soon as these words came out, both Luo Xi and Luo Yang were shocked. After thinking about it for a long time, they still couldn't figure out the logic here.

Although Luo Yang felt sorry for Shen Yu, and even liked him romantically, he didn't want to offend Tao Mu. But most importantly, Luo Yang really didn't think Tao Mu was jealous of Shen Yu. On the contrary, it was Shen Yu who always brought up Tao Mu no matter the scenario. Under the pretense that everyone was friends here, when something happened, he would smear Tao Mu's name.

Although Luo Yang was very fond of Shen Yu, he had to admit that Shen Yu was quite narcissistic and self-opinionated. It was obvious to all that between him and Tao Mu, who was trying to hang onto the other, and who was always wanting to throw stones at the other.

Tao Mu was too lazy to pay attention to Shen Yu, but he couldn't tolerate Shen Yu's slanderous accusations: "Who is it truly who can't get along with others? Although your brain is a bit stupid, you should still have this self-knowledge, right?"

Shen Yu's expression changed.

Tao Mu continued: "Having known each other for a while now, I advise you to think before you speak in the future, don't open your mouth to spread rumors. I don't know how many times the Shen family can take care of your messes, but I know that if you continue like this, I'm afraid that you will receive quite a lot of lawyer's letters accusing you of spreading rumors."

The most crucial point was that the assets under Shen Yu's name were really running out. If it went on like this, even if the lawyers win the lawsuit, he was afraid they wouldn't get much remuneration. People come out to work just to make a living, and Tao Mu didn't want these lawyers to work hard only to not even be able to collect the most basic legal fees.

When Zhou Shenxing sent a lawyer's letter to Shen Yu, he deliberately checked Shen Yu's assets. Knowing that there was barely any money in Shen Yu's account, he tried his best to make the Shen family pay for Shen Yu. Afterwards he also complained to Tao Mu. And even came to the whimsical idea that Shen Yu just spread rumors because he felt that he had no money, so if others sued him they would not be able to get much compensation from him, and if they gave up on suing him they would be too disgusted to get past this hurdle.

"But fortunately, now you have been blocked by related departments. In the future, there will be no media reports on your words and deeds. At least it can be guaranteed from the side that even if you spread rumors and cause trouble, it will not cause too much damage and you would not be caught and sent to jail because you can't pay compensation.

Tao Mu paused, then added truthfully: "If you can survive this time smoothly."

"You're too vicious!" Hot blood rushed to Shen Yu's brain, and he blurted out: "How could you treat me like this?"

"Because I'm not your parents." Tao Mu said indifferently, "I'm not obliged to endure your always inexplicably smearing my name."

"I never thought of smearing your name." Shen Yu stared at Tao Mu with wide eyes, and denied without thinking, "Isn't whatever I said facts?"

"Conclusions that rely on the chain of evidence are called facts. When you open your mouth without thinking, or just rely on subjective speculation to say partial facts out of context, and then lead others to maliciously speculate, this kind of practice is called spreading rumors." Luo Xi couldn't listen any longer, and added: "Mr. Tao is right. Shen Yu, you are already an adult. Since you are an adult, you should be responsible for your own words and deeds. You have spread rumors and caused trouble many times without evidence, trying to discredit Mr. Tao. Not only has it affected Mr. Taos reputation, but also the corporate image of . If is a listed company, your actions may even affect the decline of s stock price.

"Cutting off people's source of livelihood is comparable to killing one's parents. You grew up in the Shen family, so you do understand such a simple truth, right?" Luo Xi sneered. She hated people who pretended to be dumb the most. To spread rumors about others was not intentional, and to sue him was vicious and insidious. This double standard was used so naturally indeed. The key was that there was a brainless admirer on the side who was kissing his stinky feet.

Thinking of this, Luo Xi glared at Luo Yang fiercely again, and continued: "You don't have to pretend that you are wronged and treated unjustly. If you really insist that what you say is the truth and all facts then you can explain to the judge in court. As long as the judge agrees with your actions, you can win the lawsuit. At that time, not only will you not have to compensate money and apologize, you will also be able to proclaim to everyone that you were right with the result of the lawsuit.

"If you don't have this ability, then I advise you not to stay here and pester my brother. Buy a plane ticket to fly back to Shanghai as soon as possible, and beg the Shen family, maybe the Shen family will help you out with the compensation money out of the affection from raising you for 19 years. Otherwise, you're really going to go to jail."

Shen Yu's eyes were slightly red, and he bit his lips with his teeth with an aggrieved expression. He was frightened by the consequences described by Luo Xi, but still looked at Tao Mu stubbornly, and asked with a trembling voice, "You really must be so heartless?"

A white lotus flower that had been growing in the greenhouse for a long time was finally exposed to the strong wind and rain, and the petals swayed and trembled with the wind and rain. That appearance truly inspired tenderness in all who witnessed it. It was a pity that the three people present, Tao Mu and Luo Xi, were not soft-hearted people, and as for Luo Yang, the only one who had the heart to express tenderness, was too cowardly to speak up.

In the end, Shen Yu could only leave tearfully.

Luo Yang, whose leg was in a plaster cast, called out to Shen Yu anxiously, but was stopped by Luo Xi.

"You can't even help yourself, so just leave him alone." Luo Xi felt a headache when she thought of this: "You and that Lin Rong'an from the Lin family in Hong Kong got into a fight, and you even turned a perfectly healthy man into a eunuch. Do you think the Lin family will give up on this matter?"

Taking a few steps back, even if the Lin family did not dare to go too far because of the Luo family's power in the capital, and just used some nasty means to get revenge on Luo Yang. But Shen Yu, as the main culprit of their jealousy, once caught by the Lin family, could the Lin family easily bypass him?

So Luo Xi persuading Shen Yu to buy a plane ticket to return to Shanghai as soon as possible was also for Shen Yu's sake. Shanghai was the Shen family's territory, and the Shen family at least have some familial affection for Shen Yu. With their protection, the Lin family would not be able to take it too far.

Speaking of which. Just as Luo Xi thought of the Lin family, the Lin family also came knocking at the door.

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