Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 102 - You Shall Not Pass!

Chapter 102 - You Shall Not Pass!

"Where is this?"

Grey looked at the unfamiliar scene in front of him.

Ahead of him was a vast expanse of water. He turned around to see what was located in the land he was currently standing on, and to his surprise, he was currently standing on an island, in the middle of the ocean.

There were no trees on the island, and the only thing visible was the huge volcano which was situated at the center of the island.

'Is this place connected to that door?', he thought.

He still had some doubts about everything that happened though, for example, why was he the only one who felt the weirdness of the rock? Or could it be others who felt it but didn't think it was anything special?

But if others felt it also, at least one of his friends should have also felt it too. The entire event seemed strange.

"Hopefully my disappearance doesn't disturb their search for treasures"

Grey felt a little worried about how his friends might react to his sudden disappearance. He didn't want to be the cause of them delaying in their search for treasures.

'Guess I'll have to head to the top of the volcano to see what this place has in store for me', he thought.

Since there was nothing else to do, he started walking towards the volcano. He had looked around and didn't see any strange rock that might be able to send him back to where he came from.

Other than the volcano, there was only the water he could enter. And there was no way he was going to enter the water.

When he got to the foot of the volcano, he didn't delay and immediately started ascending it. Given the height of the volcano, it might take up to at least two hours if he walked, but if he decided to use his movement techniques, it would take him twenty minutes tops.

But being in a strange place, he had to be cautious since he didn't know what he might encounter. It would be strange if he got to the top of the volcano without encountering anything, given how weird this place was.

And just as he predicted, within five minutes of the climb, he saw what looked like a golem with lava running on the cracks of its body. Its eyes were made of lava, and it stood at a height of three meters.

"Well, this was expected", Grey smiled lightly.

Since he was already prepared mentally for anything that might happen, he wasn't too shocked seeing this golem.

Without further delay, he charged at it. The golem was already coming his way when it caught sight of him.

Boom! Bang!

A lightning spear hit the golem on its upper body, and contrary to Grey's expectations, it exploded.

"Uh! That weak?", the surprised Grey asked.

He initially thought the golem would be able to give him a tough time, but who knew it would explode on the first attack.

"Well, that's unexpected"

Although the first golem he faced was weak, it didn't mean he'll drop his guard, it even made him increase it. Given the mysteriousness of the trial land, he was sure there was a catch to this.

He could already guess this place was a trial of some sort also, so he had to ensure he was ready for whatever might come his way.

When he had climbed to about ten percent of the volcano, the strength of the golem started increasing. And unlike the first ten percent of the volcano, now, he would usually see the golems in groups of at least two.

But because they were still only at the First stage of the Arcane Plane, it didn't take much of an effort for him to destroy them.

After climbing to about twenty percent of the volcano, the strength of the golems saw a rise as it went to the Second stage of the Arcane Plane.

Although the strength of the golems increased, to Grey, they were still a bunch of assembled rocks waiting to be scattered by an attack. He waltzed through this part of the volcano without much difficulty.

The strength of the golem also increased a single stage every ten percent he ascended. By the time he climbed to fifty percent of the volcano, an unexpected change occurred.

According to the previous order of things, the golems were supposed to be in the fifth stage, but, they unexpectedly skipped a stage and were at the Sixth stage of the Arcane Plane.

Grey couldn't complain much since they were still not a threat to him, the golems were always in groups of fours and fives.

'I can still handle this, somewhat'

Without any other choice, he started his battle while ascending the volcano. Now unlike before, each battle was not as swift as it previously was, and he had to expend a little energy.

Given his strength, he should be able to easily deal with these golems. But the golems were unexpectedly, not blockheads, meaning, they always attacked him in groups and some even performed sneak attacks. Luckily, he was always vigilant.

'This is starting to get complicated', Grey thought after defeating this batch of golems.

He once again started ascending the volcano, luckily, the order went back to the previous format, and each ten percent he ascended gave an increase in one stage for the golems.

When he was ninety percent up the volcano, the golems were all in the First stage of the Origin Plane.

The only good thing he could take out of this was that at least they were only three in a group. But he couldn't celebrate since this was the first group he met. What if they increased as he continued further?

He had currently spent almost four hours ascending the volcano.

When he started the battle with the first group of the golem, he was quickly put on the defensive. These things were faster, stronger, and smarter than the ones in the Arcane Plane.

It took Grey almost thirty minutes to completely destroy all of them, but it was not without some slight injuries.

Grey decided it was best to rest and heal up before he continued on the journey. The battles could be said to be exhausting since he had been battling for a long time now with little rest.

After resting for thirty minutes, he once again started climbing. He would usually meet a group every two and a half percent he ascended according to the previous order.

But after facing one more group, he didn't encounter any other. He was currently in the last five percent of the volcano.

'I should rest here', Grey thought as he stared ahead of him.

He didn't know what he might face during this last five percent of the volcano, maybe something stronger? Or maybe, he might not even face anything at all. But he wouldn't head forward without preparing himself for what might come his way.

Sitting in a cross-legged position, he entered into a semi-conscious state.

Two hours later...

He was feeling energetic and pumped up. There was a chance he might face his strongest opponent to date. He had never fought against an opponent above the First stage of the Origin Plane.

He vigilantly headed into the last five percent of the volcano.

"Huh! How come there's no golem?", asked the confused Grey.

He had already prepared himself for the battle he would have with the golems, but surprisingly, there was none.

He continued to ascend, ninety-six percent, nothing yet, ninety-seven percent, still nothing, ninety-nine and a half percent, still nothing.

'Seems like there's no other challenge'

Since he hadn't encountered any golem yet, he guessed maybe he wouldn't see any, but he didn't drop his guard though. In a place like this, if he dropped his guard even for a second, then he might die without knowing what killed him.

Just as he was about to get to the top, he paused and stared ahead of him with a serious expression.

"Third stage", he said slowly.

Ahead of him, was a single golem. It was in the Third stage of the Origin Plane.

Compared to the other golems, this one was smaller, standing at a height of two meters. The surprising thing about this one was that it wielded a weapon, a mace to be precise.

Unlike the other ones, when it saw Grey, it didn't charge towards him. It just stood at its spot, waiting.

Seeing the golem wasn't making any movements, he didn't charge at it recklessly, nor did he send out an attack.

Since the golem was being so kind, then he would make an inscription first before attacking.

Two minutes later, a silver symbol became visible above Grey's head.

The golem silently watched all this without making any movements. It also raised its head and stared at the symbol in the air.

"Okay, I'm ready"

Grey sent out a lightning attack with the symbol, then he followed up with ice arrows as well.

But what Grey saw next stunned him, the golem casually raised its hand and an earth wall blocked the ice arrows, while it swung its mace at the lightning attack which destroyed it.

He never expected the golem was also an Elementalist.

"This just keeps getting harder and harder"

Grey complained before charging at it. If he didn't defeat this thing, then there was no way he would be able to get off this place.

Ten minutes later...

Boom! Bang!

The sound of attacks clashing against each other and something, or someone, hitting the ground heavily sounded out.

And just as expected, it wasn't the golem who hit the ground, rather, it was Grey who was already bleeding on different parts of his body.

He hastily stood up in case the golem followed up with another attack. But luckily, after it repelled Grey, it stood at its previous location once again.

Its message was clear, 'You Shall Not Pass'.

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