A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 89: Living Flower (2)

Chapter 89: Living Flower (2)


"The Longevity Fruit...!"

I extend my trembling hand towards the still young Longevity Tree.

Soon after, Seo Ran rushes over and sees the Longevity Tree about to bear fruit.

"Th-this is..."

"Is it...?"

Seo Ran looks at the Longevity Fruit with a serious gaze.

"It's the Longevity Fruit... indeed!"



Seo Ran's face remains tense.

"If the fruit hasn't fully ripened, consuming the Longevity Fruit won't significantly increase lifespan. The life force of heaven and earth contained in a Longevity Fruit activates only after it's fully ripened, extending lifespan considerably."

"If it doesn't increase significantly, does it mean it might still extend life a little?"

"Yes, as far as I know, a Longevity Fruit in this state might extend lifespan by about half a year."

"...Half a year."

The difference between a fully ripened and an unripened fruit is too vast.

"Daoist Seo, how long do you think it will take for this Longevity Fruit to fully ripen?"

"The Longevity Fruit typically takes about 600 years to transform from a bud to a fruit. Judging by its appearance, this one seems to be about 400 years old. In another 200 years, this Longevity Fruit will ripen, and other fruits will also start to emerge."

"...I see."

I chuckle bitterly.

200 years.

Even if I were to return in the next life, break into Serving Command Palace, and feed the Longevity Fruit to Kim Young-hoon, there seems to be no solution other than extending his life by about half a year.

I gently caress the Longevity Tree in front of me.

Suddenly, I think of the Wood attribute spiritual power stirring in my dantian.

Wood is the attribute that governs life force in the Five Elements.

Therefore, those who mastere Wood attribute methods possess strong self-healing and regenerative abilities.

Among them, cultivators who learn special techniques can rapidly grow plants using the life force of the Wood attribute.

Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea is one of those special methods.

"Daoist Seo."


I draw forth the Pure Spiritual Force of Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea, displaying it before Seo Rans eyes, and ask,

"I am practicing a Wood attribute method. If I continuously infuse Wood attribute spiritual power into the Longevity Tree, could it possibly hasten the ripening of the Longevity Fruit?"


However, Seo Ran looks doubtful.

"Senior, while it's true that Wood attribute spiritual energy can accelerate the growth of plants, Longevity Fruits and other spiritual plants that take a very long time to bear fruit might require an unimaginable amount of power from you."

"How much do you think it would take?"

"I'm not sure. Even the Heavenly Being cultivators I know dont use Wood attribute power to accelerate the growth of plants. Perhaps, it might be possible only for Four Axis cultivators..."

"Four Axis..."

That would mean entering the stages of the Middle Boundary.

"Daoist Seo."

"Yes, Senior."

I look at the Longevity Fruit and ask,

"You said it would take another 200 years for this Longevity Fruit to fully ripen, right?"

"That's correct, but..."

"Then, for the next 200 years, I will stay here and continuously infuse Wood attribute spiritual power into this Longevity Fruit."

"Se, Senior..?"

Seo Ran seems taken aback.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Since this Longevity Fruit is nearly ripe, perhaps I won't need as much power as a Four Axis cultivator. I plan to keep infusing energy and observe how much faster the Longevity Fruit can ripen compared to its natural rate."

Knowing the exact amount of spiritual power required to ripen the Longevity Fruit could be useful for future endeavors.

'Then, next time, I can squeeze out more spiritual power to ripen the Longevity Fruit.'

Even though the Longevity Fruit hasn't ripened yet, how can I just stand by and do nothing?

Even if lifespan is granted by the heavens, escaping the attraction of fate through human effort is possible.

'I will ensure that this Longevity Fruit bears fruit!'

I stare at the Longevity Fruit, and Seo Ran looks at me with a complicated expression.

"...Its for your friend who passed, no. For your friend who ascended, isnt it?

Seo Ran seems to guess the reason behind my actions and sighs softly.

"...Then, I will further carefully search Serving Command Palace. I will see if the Heavenly Being cultivators really took everythingIf I find something I will let senior know."

"No need. If it's not related to extending lifespan, Daoist Seo can have them all."

"I understand."

Seo Ran bids farewell and leaves the arboretum.

I spend the next few days sitting quietly, practicing Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea, and infusing Wood attribute spiritual power into the Longevity Tree.

A few days later.

Seo Ran returns to the arboretum.

"...Senior, I found several items in Serving Command Palace and things left behind by the Heavenly Being cultivators."

"Anything related to extending lifespan?"

"Um... no."

He speaks with a look of disappointment.

"Mostly one-time talismans, immortal wine, incense sticks, or methods to grant spirituality to ordinary beasts, evolving them into demon beasts..."

Seo Ran clicks his tongue.

"Even those are mostly protected by formidable barriers that would require several Core Formation cultivators to break through, so I decided to give up.

Since even the Heavenly Being cultivators didnt bother to take them, they're probably not that useful."

"What exactly are these one-time talismans and immortal wine?"

I ask out of curiosity, wondering if any of these items might slightly extend lifespan.

But Seo Ran's response leaves me a bit disappointed.

"One-time talismans include the Heaven-Sealing Talisman, which grants Heavenly Being-level defense for several hours, Expansive Talisman that creates a maze-like formation to trap enemies instantly, and Demon Transformation Talisman which temporarily transforms one into a demon beast.

As for the immortal wine, I dont know their names, however I saw several Ive seen before in the past. Drinking them temporarily enhances abilities or speeds up cultivation, or smelling their fragrance can clear the mind, but nothing else."


"Both talismans and immortal wine mainly offer temporary enhancement of abilities, and the remaining magic artifacts and dharma treasures left behind are oddities, like those granting spirituality to beasts or aiding in rapid digestion of food. I'm not sure if they will be of any help."

I listen to Seo Ran's explanation and chuckle.

"Essentially, apart from this unripe Longevity Fruit, everything else is just trash."

"That's right. Considering even this Longevity Fruit hasnt fully ripened yet, the Heavenly Being cultivators probably discarded it as worthless."

He sighs lightly and hands me a jade scroll.

"This is a map of Serving Command Palace I made while roaming around. It includes the locations of the talismans, immortal wine, and artifacts I mentioned.

Honestly, each location is protected by barriers that would require multiple Core Formation cultivators to break through, so the locations might not be of much significance. But since you plan to stay here for a long time..."

"Hmm, I'm not really interested in anything except items or elixirs that extend lifespan, so I probably won't bother looking for them. But I appreciate Daoist Seos kindness."

Knowing them might be useful later.

I take the jade scroll from Seo Ran and embed the structure of Serving Command Palace in my mind.

After handing me the scroll, Seo Ran speaks.

"Then, senior, I will take my leave. There's no point wasting time in this abandoned palace."

"Very well. How do you plan to leave? I can take you out to the outskirts of space with the Nether Crossing Ship."

"Oh, thank you."

I briefly leave Serving Command Palace with Seo Ran and sail the Nether Crossing Ship, docked beside Serving Command Palace, to take him outside the void.

"By the way, senior. If I'm correct, Serving Command Palace appears on the continent once every few hundred years. Perhaps... while you guard the Longevity Fruit, Serving Command Palace may appear in the mortal realm, and other Core Formation cultivators might enter."

"That's fine. I should be able to fend off Core Formation cultivators."

"Haha, as expected of you, senior. Then, I'll take my leave."

Seo Ran transforms into a dragon and flies away towards the sea.

He has been quite loyal, making sure to say everything that needed to be said, but I could feel his apprehension towards me.

'He left in a hurry.'

After all, who wouldnt be apprehensive about staying with a human cultivator of Core Formation level?

I feel a slight bitterness as I watch Seo Ran leave.

In any case, he survived in this lifetime.

Demon beasts generally have much longer lifespans than humans.

Especially the dragon tribe.

Given Seo Ran's lifespan, will, and talent, he has a good chance of becoming a Core Formation demon beast in the future.

'It's for the best.'

After watching Seo Ran for a while, I sail the Nether Crossing Ship back to the void where Serving Command Palace is located.

 Serving Command Palaces prohibition Seo Ran had broken is regenerating.


Rumble rumble!

The Nether Crossing Ship, which I have been using so far, begins to disintegrate.

This is the last time; its remaining energy has finally run out.

"It lasted well."

I jump off the Nether Crossing Ship, entering Serving Command Palace before the barrier fully regenerates.

Behind me, the Nether Crossing Ship shatters into pieces, scattering into the void of space.

I watch the disintegrating ship for a moment before entering the depths of Serving Command Palace.

Now, once again, it is a time of solitude.

I focus more on practicing Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea than the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation.

Its because I need more spiritual power from Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea to infuse into the Longevity Tree.

Primarily, Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea is a Wood attribute method, and the Longevity Tree is in the arboretum of Serving Command Palace.

'It's dense here.'

Although the Heavenly Being cultivators have plucked everything valuable, numerous spiritual plants remain in Serving Command Palace.

Of course, the parts containing spiritual properties were all picked, rendering them largely useless.

However, the spiritual plants themselves emit Wood attribute spiritual energy.

The arboretum is even more filled with Wood attribute spiritual energy than the Ascension Path.

'Its the perfect place for practicing Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea.'

Hence, I spend time practicing Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea with the method of Understanding before Breakthrough.

Simultaneously, I keep contemplating and refining the Formless Sword.

What clue has Kim Young-hoon left behind?

What martial art has he executed at the end?

How did he perform Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains in the void, without an opponent?

Even after years of practice, I still cant fathom the technique.

I just practice the Formless Sword, becoming more familiar with it and mastering its variations.

How he cut through space remains a mystery.

150 years.

It's been about 150 years since my regression.

That is, about 50 years since entering Serving Command Palace.


I breathe in spiritual energy and sense the stars in my Dantian.

As a result of continuously infusing spiritual power into the Longevity Tree and practicing cultivation in the arboretum full of dense Wood attribute energy,

Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea developed rapidly, forming five spiritual stars: Horn Neck, Root, Room, and Heart.

' I might even catch up to my master soon.'

Its a bit audacious, but true.

My master had formed six stars Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, and Tail and was on the verge of completing the seventh.

This rapid progress was thanks to the dense Wood spiritual energy in this place.

I achieved considerable growth.


'The Longevity Fruit still seems unchanged.'

Despite infusing it with spiritual power for 50 years, the ripening of the Longevity Fruit didnt accelerate much.

How much more spiritual power is needed for a change?

I sigh lightly and leave the arboretum to wander around Serving Command Palace.

Sometimes, when I feel particularly stifled, I explore various parts of the city.

I became more familiar with the complex structures and checked for anything more hidden using the map Seo Ran gave me.

Despite exploring over 80% of Serving Command Palace's intricate formation and labyrinth-like structures, I found no more hidden elixirs or treasures.

'Of course, there are still remaining barriers...'

The items visible inside the barriers, as Seo Ran said, are just one-time talismans.

Moreover, each barrier is so powerful that it requires several Core Formation cultivators to break through, so I lose interest and pass them by.

'Is that one of Mad Lords puppets?'

More interesting than those useless items inside the barriers are the remnants of Mad Lord's puppets scattered throughout Serving Command Palace.

It seems Mad Lord also contributed to the looting of Serving Command Palace, as the remnants of his puppets are strewn all over.

"Anyway, what level of magic artifacts are these puppets...?"

Each look quite powerful.

And there are many of them.

Unfortunately, most are shattered to the point where it is hard to imagine their original power.

Among the remnants of the Mad Lord's puppets and traces left by other Heavenly Being cultivators, something unique catches my eye.

'That is...'

I clear the debris and approach.

'A puppet...?'

One of the Mad Lord's puppets, and its relatively intact.

The bee-shaped puppet appears almost undamaged on the outside.

'It seems its internal components are broken.'

The human-sized bee puppet rattles and clunks as I lift it, indicating something rolling around inside.

'Can I fix this?'

I wonder about the Mad Lord's power.

What kind of person is he to confront three sects simultaneously?

'Maybe his specialty is fighting with an army of puppets...'

Not now, but someday.

I might need to confront Mad Lord, so understanding his puppets could be essential.

I memorize the location of the bee puppet and return to my practice.

Rumble rumble rumble!



I half-open my eyes and operate Pure Spiritual Force.

In my dantian, seven Spiritual Energy Stars are twinkling.

Qi Building, 1st Constellation.

I have completed the Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket!

'It took 90 years.'

Even this achievement was only possible because I trained in the Serving Command Palace's arboretum, a place of unbelievable spiritual energy.

'My master's profound insights also played a big part.'

190 years since my return.

Only now do I qualify to move from the early stage of Qi Building 1st Constellation to the middle stage of Qi Building 2nd Constellation.

But, Im more worried about the time ahead.

'Until now, I completed the Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket with the Azure Dragons Blessing. However, from Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, and Wall, I cant rely on the Azure Dragon... My cultivation speed will slow down even more.'

Of course, being in a place rich in Wood attribute spiritual energy, I can still make some progress.

More importantly, the Longevity Fruit still shows no signs of properly ripening.

'When will it be ripe...?'

I sigh lightly and infuse the Longevity Tree with spiritual power.

Regardless, I begin my cultivation of Qi Building 2nd Constellation, Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, and Wall.

30 years since completing Qi Building 1st Constellation.

Nearly 220 years have passed since my return.

'It's amazing that I still have about 130 years left to live.'

Having received an additional 300 years of lifespan from the heavens, I still have an immense amount of time left.


'I've only managed to create one Spiritual Energy Star in Qi Building 2nd Constellation.'

Thirty years invested for just one star.

'Before entering Serving Command Palace, I cultivated the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation in Ascension Path. After entering, relying on the dense Wood attribute spiritual energy, I cultivated the Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea, completing Qi Building 1st Constellation in 140 years.'

I have managed to create a Spiritual Energy Star every 20 years, relying on tremendous spiritual energy.

But from the moment I could no longer receive the Azure Dragons blessing, it took 30 years to create just one star.

'Those without talent might spend their entire 300-year lifespan in cultivation and still not reach Core Formation.'

How much suffering must one endure for a flower to bloom?

No matter how much spiritual power I inject, the Longevity Fruit does not bloom, and my talents are insufficient no matter how much I cultivate.


I blow Wood attribute spiritual power into the commonly grown weeds in the arboretum.


The weeds tremble as they absorb the Wood attribute spiritual power and immediately grow.

I look at the weeds and smirk bitterly.

For a spiritual plant, this amount of spiritual power would be insufficient, and it would need constant feeding of spiritual power to grow.

But this is how weeds are.

With just a little spiritual power, they bloom immediately, but that's also the limit for weeds.

Perhaps, my situation is similar to that of weeds.

I can grow quickly to a certain extent due to my return, but beyond that, overwhelming time investment is necessary.

This is my limit.

'Even if I live another 100 years, at most I'll create two or three more Spiritual Energy Stars.'

Is it because I've been alone in this space for so long that I've begun to have more melancholic thoughts?

After all, it's not the first time that prolonged cultivation has led to madness.

I click my tongue and look up at the ceiling.

Serving Command Palace is divided into seven floors.

This place, the arboretum, is on the first floor of Serving Command Palace, the lowest level.

But for the current me, theres no difference between the first and seventh floors.

After all, cultivators of the Heavenly Being stage have already taken everything from all the floors.

Perhaps, this young Longevity Tree is the only treasure left in the entire Serving Command Palace.


I infuse the Longevity Tree with more spiritual power, imagining it growing and piercing through all floors of Serving Command Palace, becoming massive enough to shatter the entire structure.

How much time would that take?

I seriously contemplate this fantasy.

Trees don't just grow as time passes.

The soil must be nutritious, roots must dig deep, draw water, sprout, grow stems, and branch out.

Observers only see the tree grow, but the tree exerts tremendous effort every moment.

Digging roots, sprouting leaves, branching out.

All this must be accomplished by the tree alone.

And that's not all.

'With each season, it changes its attire.'

In spring, it dons colorful garments.

In summer, a robe of green.

In autumn, a bright yellow dress.

And in winter, it strips all its clothes to rest for a while.

I place my hand on the Longevity Tree, infusing it with spiritual power while continuously practicing the Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea Method.


'With each season passing, the tree adds another layer to its growth.'

Wood attribute spiritual energy gathers around Seo Eun-hyun.

A green tree-shaped figure flickers around him.

'Tree rings form gradually, one by one, as time passes.'

Seo Eun-hyun has become a tree emitting a green light.

'Accumulating, accumulating, accumulating... Layering the years...'

The green tree and the young Longevity Tree seem to be exchanging something.


Seo Eun-hyun is unknowingly connected to the Longevity Tree.

After decades of concentrating on a single tree, sharing and dividing his spiritual power, the Longevity Tree itself began to respond to Seo Eun-hyun's spiritual power, and his Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea Method also started to interact with the Longevity Tree.

'As it slowly becomes enormous...'



Seo Eun-hyun opens his eyes.

The massive clumps of wood attribute spiritual energy that has formed around him as tree shapes now enter his body.

Seo Eun-hyun, as if mesmerized, looks at the Longevity Tree and mutters.

"Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea."

Qi Building, 2nd Constellation.

Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop.


The method of Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea.

Upon grasping its essence, spiritual energy rushes in at an incredible speed, and Spiritual Energy Stars begin to emerge.

In an instant, five Spiritual Energy Stars shine brightly.


A total of 12 Spiritual Energy Stars are now shining in my dantian.

'Now, how many years have passed...'

While repeatedly infusing the Longevity Tree with spiritual power, I have lost my sense of time.

I place my hand back on the Longevity Tree.

'Tree rings...'

I infused spiritual power into the Longevity Tree and read the tree rings that have formed.

Then, I let out a hollow laugh.

Just 30 years.

In just 30 years, I have nearly completed the middle stage of Qi Building.

"Ha, hahaha..."

The Tree.

Through contemplation and scrutiny of the tree, I understood the profound insights contained in the Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea.

Thanks to that, I grew at an overwhelmingly rapid pace.

This is a kind of serendipity.

Perhaps such rapid cultivation insights will never occur again.

But, seeing the Longevity Fruit almost ripe enough to catch the eye, I can't help but shed tears.

The Longevity Fruit is slowly but steadily nearing fruition, fed by my spiritual power.


I am not wrong.

Perhaps, just confirming that is enough.

250 years since my return.

I am nearing the completion of the middle stage of Qi Building, have gained profound insights of the Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea, and the Longevity Fruit is almost within reach.

Everything seems to be going well.



Serving Command Palace is shaking.

At the same time, spiritual energy begins to stir more actively throughout Serving Command Palace.

"This is..."

I quickly leave the arboretum of Serving Command Palace and fly towards the main gate.


The jade-colored gate of Serving Command Palace.

The gate is opening.


Wind blows in.

I look outside the gate.

A blue sky.


Its not outer space.

Once floating in the void, Serving Command Palace has again appeared in the mortal realm.


"Cough, cough, cough!"

I frown as dust-laden wind hits my face and quickly perform a spell to purify the air.

Strangely, theres a lot of dust blowing in from outside.

I furrow my brows and step outside the gate.

And I can't help but be startled.

"The Heaven-Treading Desert...?"

Serving Command Palace is now floating above the Heaven-Treading Desert.

'It floats in space, appearing randomly every few hundred years, and this time it's above the Heaven-Treading Desert...?'

How close might it be to the Ascension Path?

While pondering this, I suddenly feel a chill.

Celestial energy is ominous and chaotic.

After advancing to the middle stage of Qi Building, I am able to better read celestial energy.

'Damn, what is this ominousness..."

Its when I'm about to read the celestial energy.


In a part of the Heaven-Treading Desert, a huge explosion occurrs.

'Is this, the smell of blood!?'

I frown and pinch my nose.

Then, I realize that I have smelled this blood scent before.


'That is...'

Beyond the explosion.

The dust clouds part, and behind them, I glimpse something I have passed by before.

A gigantic black castle.

Zap, zap!

Chills run through my body.

The sense of dread I feel is at its peak.

Suddenly, I remember something.

'The Great War 200 years later.'

Thinking about it, the 200-year mark was from the perspective after I had lived for 40 or 50 years.

Meaning, now, in the 250th year of my regression

'Is it now, the time of the Great War...?'

Then, it happens.


From the explosion site, several figures begin flying towards Serving Command Palace at high speed.

'Is that Flying Escape Technique!?'

Dozens of figures are flying towards my location, each one a Core Formation realm clan head or elder from the cultivator clans.

"Serving Command Palace has revealed itself!"

"Everyone, take cover inside!"

"Hurry, before the old monster follows!"


The Core Formation cultivators who arrive at the entrance of Serving Command Palace using the Flying Escape Technique form hand seals with pale expressions.

Confused, I ask one of them.

"What, whats going on?"

"Who are you! How are you still alive with just Qi Building cultivation? Nevermind, don't talk, just stay out of the way!"

One of the elders with long white hair and in white robes shouts while forming a hand seal.

"Close Serving Command Palace!"

"Seal the gate!"


The jade-colored gate begins to slowly close.

And then, from the explosion site, a few Core Formation cultivators who haven't reached Serving Command Palace yet are heard shouting towards us.

"Wait, fellow daoists! Please wait!"

"No, don't close it yet!"

"Wait, wait!!!"


However, the Core Formation cultivators inside Serving Command Palace quickly form more hand seals, and soon the city's gate close.

"Hah, hah..."

"Its closed..."

Finally, the Core Formation cultivators seem relieved.

"Hold on... Whats going on?"

Seeing them catch their breath, I grab one of them and ask again.

"Who are y-"

At that moment.


Behind the jade gate, a blood light flashes.

At that sight, the expressions of the Core Formation cultivators inside the hall turn white again.

"That old monster is knocking on the door!"

"He won't break through, will he...?"

"Quick! Everyone, infuse spiritual power into the gate to block him! As long as we can hold out until Serving Command Palace re-enters the void, that old monster won't be able to follow!"


Once again, when the blood light flashes behind the gate, the jade gate shakes as if it will open any moment.


"This is crazy, is this the power of that old monster.."

"Everyone, gather! If we combine our powers, we can hold the gate..."

"I don't want to! We're all going to die!"

"Scatter in Serving Command Palace! If we hide inside, the old monster wont bother to find and kill us all..!?"

The elder with long white hair and white beard tries to rally the Core Formation cultivators, but they scatter throughout Serving Command Palace in fear.

"Oh no! Come back! If we combine our strength, we can hold on...!"

The next moment.


Blood light explodes, and the gate opens.

The next instant.


The Core Formation elder turns into a handful of blood and bursts, and someone enters through the jade gate.

I immediately vanish into the air like a phantom using the Hidden Consciousness Technique and Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts.

That figure laughs maniacally and disdainfully.

"Trash. Instead of combining your powers to stop me, you all hide in Serving Command Palace. Haha... thought you could hide from me by running to deep places.

How foolish..."


The stench of blood is so strong it feels like my nose is going numb.

At the same time, I feel like vomiting.

After ascending to Beyond the Path to Heaven, which grants the ability to perceive heart essence, his heart essence is so utterly repulsive to the point they induce vomiting.

"Starting from right now, I plan to smash Serving Command Palace to pieces. Why hide uselessly?"

Step, step...

Im hiding with Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, the Hidden Consciousness Technique, and various stealth techniques.

He approaches me closely.

Zap, zap!

'What is this pressure...!'

Its almost suffocating.

'This power, it's not just Core Formation.'

Step, step...

He passes by me, heading towards the arboretum.

'This person, definitely...'

And then, the next moment.

"By the way, you use quite unique techniques."


He twists his neck the opposite way and looks at me.

'Nascent Soul cultivator...!'

"You, not even trying to run away, and with such a well-balanced face, I like it. Would you not like to become my disciple?"


As the man in the blood robe gestures, the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts and all other stealth techniques are dispelled.

At the same time, unable to bear the revolting aura emanating from him, I collapse on the spot and vomit.

"Bleeeech! Blargh!"

'A Nascent Soul cultivator, and moreover, a monster who has devoured a terrifying number of people...!!!'

I see the figure in front of me contort his face as he watches my pathetic state.


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