A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 150: Azure Heaven Creation Sect (1)

Chapter 150: Azure Heaven Creation Sect (1)

Pausing for a moment, Heo Ryeong frowns slightly.

With a somewhat displeased expression, he says,

"The Heart Tribe, broadly speaking, refers to those capable of reading emotions and the very essence of sentient beings, their heart essence. By mastering what the Heaven Tribe and Earth Tribe call the Heart Path Method, they can perceive the colors of emotions and, furthermore, read minds themselves."

Heo Ryeong, who has been frowning, continues with a look of slight confusion.

"Of course, in reality, these Heart Tribe folks are just grouped together for classification. Compared to the Heaven and Earth tribes, theyre nothing more than dregs. The number of genuine Heart Tribe experts is less than ten thousand, which is insignificant compared to the Heaven and Earth Tribe Masters that are so numerous they cant be counted. Ten thousand, ha! Even my descendants alone number more than that"

'Is the Heart Tribe scarce in high-level cultivators?'

I carefully absorb the basic information about the Bright Cold Realm that Heo Ryeong is providing.

Just then, Azure Tiger Saint, who was listening to Heo Ryeong, asks a question.

"Wait, I have a question, senior. You mentioned that seeing the colors of emotions or cultivating the body is characteristic of the Heart and Earth tribes.... In my case, and in the case of the cultivator Mad Lord Jo Yeon, it's possible to see the colors of intent, and I have also cultivated a method for training the body... If the distinction between tribes is based on the methods cultivated, doesn't that mean there's essentially no difference?"

Heo Ryeong responds with a grin.

"No, there is definitely a difference. As you said, firstly, the Heaven Tribe acquires the ability to read celestial energy by finding their unique ritual method. They can also theoretically obtain the vision of the Earth Tribe by separately training their bodies, and if they acquire the Heart Path Method, they could, in theory, gain the vision of the Heart Tribe. Theoretically, the Heaven Tribe can learn all the methods of the three major tribes. That is why the Heaven Tribe is called the most noble tribe, and why the Human Race of the Heaven Tribe is one of the ruling races of the Bright Cold Realm."

'Then why was I killed last time?'

I feel puzzled as I listen to Heo Ryeong's explanation.

"As for the Earth Tribe, they can theoretically gain the vision of the Heart Tribe if they learn their unique Earth Tribe Method, demon beast methods, and separately the Heart Path Method. However, the Heart Tribe is too foolish to learn either the Heaven or Earth Tribe Methods. They are mere scraps that can only diligently dig into their own Heart Path Method. Among the Heaven Tribe, there are three Star Shattering cultivators, while the Earth Tribe only has two. The Heart Tribe is a pathetic race with only their supreme leader at the Star Shattering stage. Before this leader, they were just a slave race.

I gain an understanding of the Heart Tribe while listening to Heo Ryeong's lengthy criticism.

'I thought they were a tribe specialized in the Heart Path Method.'

They turned out to be a weak race that could only learn the Heart Path Method.

"If those mere ten thousand proper members of the Heart Tribe hadn't all mastered the extremely esoteric Heart Path Method, they would have long been captured and utterly annihilated! While members of the Heaven and Earth Tribes can learn consciousness methods or see the colors of emotions based on experience, they cannot achieve 'beyond that' no matter what.... That's why the Heaven and Earth Tribes are desperately trying to capture members of the Heart Tribe to uncover the secrets of the Heart Path Method."

Theoretically, the Heaven Tribe can learn the Heart Path Method.

But it seems that in practice, there is practically no one in the Heaven Tribe that has succeeded.

Heo Ryeon keeps fiddling with his side as he curses the Heart Tribe.

"...In reality, the Heart Tribe is essentially hunted by the Heaven and Earth Tribes. That's why, at the Flying Immortal Platform, the Heaven and Earth Tribes can welcome disciples ascending from the lower realms, but the Heart Tribe is not granted this right."

'I see blue lines converging there.'

I read his intent and guess.

Judging by his behavior and psychology, it seems he once had a piece of his side torn away by a member of the Heart Tribe.

After a while of ranting about the Heart Tribe, Heo Ryeong also talks about other races.

The powers, types, etc., of all the races in the Bright Cold Realm.

I absorb the information I couldn't properly learn before when I was captured and modified by the currently wanted Mad Lord.

"In the Bright Cold Realm, there is one Sacred Vessel Sacred Master, five Star Shattering Esteemed Ones, one Star Shattering Heart Tribe Esteemed One, and Integration Grand Cultivators are scarce, ranging from several to only one or two per race. Also"

For a while, I listened to Heo Ryeong explain basic information about the Bright Cold Realm.

Finally, we arrived at the place called the Human Territory .


'So this place is the Human Territory ...'

I look at the majestic scenery unfolding before my eyes with a small exclamation of awe.


A region covered in white clouds from all sides.

Breaking through the clouds, we can see massive Sky Islands floating in every direction.

Dozens, even hundreds of Sky Islands, similar to Ascension Path, are floating above the white clouds.

Each of the Sky Islands are covered with a faint spherical barrier.

"This is the Cloud Island Archipelago, where our Human Race has settled. First, you should head to the smallest Sky Island over there, known as Temporal Fate Island, and issue identity badges to the disciples. After that, everyone must disperse."

"Hmm, must we separate?"

Azure Tiger Saint asks with a hint of regret as he looks around the scenery.

"Yes. If you were all at the Heavenly Being stage, it wouldn't have been an issue... but aren't all the leaders of each faction at the Four-Axis stage?"

Heo Ryeong crosses his arms and speaks.

"According to the regulations of the Human Territory, having more than three Four-Axis Masters in one Sky Island is restricted.

"Hmm, well, that's fine. It would be annoying if the three sects sat in one place and quarreled over resources."

Jin Byuk-ho nods in agreement.

"Let's go to Temporal Fate Island then."

Thus, we fly towards the place called Temporal Fate Island.

During our journey, something felt off.

"...? Wait, something's strange."

Azure Tiger Saint furrows his brows.

I, too, squint towards Temporal Fate Island, which is gradually getting closer in the distance.

'Something about the perspective...'

And shortly after,

Not only I, but also Azure Tiger Saint, Jin Byuk-ho, and Heo Gwak's faces are all etched with astonishment.

'That, that is...'

The thin veils that cover each Sky Island are expanding into thick barriers with immense power.

And what seemed like a Sky Island the size of Ascension Path size at most, starts to grow tremendously large.

'This is insane...'


"Lets enter Temporal Fate Island!"

Temporal Fate Island, the smallest island, boasted its insane size as we approached it closer.

Ascension Path?

Its incomparable to that.

Its rather....

'The Heaven-Treading Desert...?'

It boasts a size that combines the three countries of Byeokra, Yanguo, and Shengzi.

The size of the Heaven-Treading Desert occupies a quarter of the Head Realm's continent, an immense size!

I look at the other dozens of 'islands' visible beyond Temporal Fate Island.

'Those, from a distance, are at least six to ten times larger than Temporal Fate Island...'

In my previous life, I was trapped in the body of General Seo and spent most of my time inside the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress, so I couldn't grasp the scale of the Bright Cold Realm.

But now, I truly feel it.

The Bright Cold Realm.

The Human Territory within the Heaven Tribe's domain.

Each of these numerous Sky Islands in the Human Territory is about the size of the Head Realm I had lived in or slightly smaller.



As Heo Ryeong gesturs towards the vast barrier, reminiscent of the ocean, the barrier in front of us splits, creating a massive hole large enough for us all to enter at once.

"Go in."


We, momentarily stunned, follow without a word into Temporal Fate Island.


Temporal Fate Island is a place where strong winds blow fiercely.

The area seems more like a wasteland, overflowing with rocks, stones, and sand, rather than a place suitable for living.

"Follow me!"

We follow Heo Ryeong to one side of Temporal Fate Island, a rocky mountain area.

When Heo Ryeong forms a hand seal, one of the mountains gradually becomes transparent, revealing a huge palace hidden inside.

A gigantic palace, the size of a whole mountain, greets us.

"Everyone, go in and receive your identity plaques!"

Heo Ryeong forms another hand seal and pulls out thousands of ghosts from his sleeve.

His ghosts lead the disciples of the three sects, numbering in the millions, to different areas, and we each follow the groups of ghosts, receiving identity plaques in various parts of the palace.

After a while,


I too received my identity plaque.

On the back of the plaque, the character for "Heaven" is embossed.

On the front, the words "Human Race" and "Seo Eun-hyun" are engraved.

And beneath that, in small letters, engraves 'Disciple of Azure Heaven Creation Sect,' indicating my affiliation.

It was a massive undertaking to issue identity plaques to millions at once, but surprisingly, the process of distributing the plaques was completed quickly.

Inside the gigantic palace, the size of a mountain, the people of the Bright Cold Realm's Human Race were bustling with activities, handling their duties. As the minor tasks were all processed through spells, the work was done quite efficiently.

Approximately half a day later, everyone had received their identity plaques and became official members of the Bright Cold Realm's Human Race.

"Now that the basic identity verification in Temporal Fate Island is complete It's time to choose your respective Sky Islands. Those who came from other realms and are at the Heavenly Being stage can freely choose and enter any Sky Island. As for the three sects from the Head Realm"

Heo Ryeong sighs softly.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice. Since you belong to a faction with a Four-Axis stage leader, you can't just enter any Sky Island. For those from Black Ghost Valley, just follow me. As for those from the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and Azure Heaven Creation Sect, youll have to disperse completely."



Azure Tiger Saint nods, and Jin Byuk-ho responds with a grim expression.

Watching them, I suddenly feel curious.

'The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect also has a long history, so why is no one from there coming out to greet us?'

Reaching the Four-Axis stage significantly extends ones lifespan.

It would have been enough for the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect to establish their place with just a few of their ancestors who ascended thousands of years ago.

'Whats going on?'

After a while,

Jin Byuk-ho and Azure Tiger Saint went below the palace to a map showing the Sky Islands and decided to disperse by choosing their appropriate Sky Islands.

"Then, head to the Sky Island marked on the map. Each Sky Island has a Human Race Administrator, so you can ask them for guidance. Now, Ill take my leave"

Heo Ryeong effortlessly boards the Nether Crossing Ship and, along with Black Ghost Valley, heads towards a distant black Sky Island.

"Then, I wish you good luck from this point, Azure Tiger Saint.

"I, as well."

After exchanging farewells, Azure Tiger Saint and Jin Byuk-ho fly off in opposite directions.

After some distance from Jin Byuk-ho,

I ask Azure Tiger Saint something Ive been curious about.

"Lord Azure Tiger Saint."

"Call me master from now on."

"Ah, yes, master. I have a question."

Far in the distance, the Sky Island chosen by Azure Tiger Saint can be seen.

"Why is it that Black Ghost Valley had ancestors come out to greet us, but the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, despite its long history, had no one, and Elder Jin seemed unhappy?"

To my question, Azure Tiger Saint clicks his tongue.

"I don't know the details either. But according to rumors, it's said that after a great chaos struck the Head Realm 40,000 years ago, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect lost proper contact with the Upper Realms. The ancestors of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, who ascended to the Bright Cold Realm from the Head Realm before this chaos, were also involved in a great war related to the sect 40,000 years ago, suggesting something went wrong. As a result, aside from a few ancestors who ascended thousands of years ago, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect has had little means of contacting the Bright Cold realm. The ancestors of the sect who recently ascended are also mostly weaker than even Jin Byuk-ho."

"I see."

So, there was no ancestor of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect to warn about the immortal treasure.

'Should the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect be left as it is?'

A sect doomed to be annihilated by a True Immortal in a few years

What can be done to save them?

'Theres only one answer.'

I need to become stronger.

To make that brutal sect listen to me, I need to grow in power.

'First, let's get stronger.'

I strengthen my determination and resolve myself.


"Are you alright, Chief Oh?"

Beside the flying chariot.

Looking at Chief Oh Hyun-seok, whos suffering from motion sickness and panic,

I click my tongue in sympathy.

The flying chariot is fast, but without the convenience of modern airplanes, its very shaky.

Cold wind continuously enters through the gaps in the door, and Chief Oh Hyun-seok has been trying to survive the combination of flight sickness and cold wind since departure.

I pressed various acupoints on his body to alleviate his discomfort, but the continuous shaking of the chariot seemed to worsen his motion sickness.

"Just hold on a little longer. It seems were almost there."


The thick barrier surrounding the Sky Island draws nearer.


Azure light starts to swirl around Azure Tiger Saint's fist.

"To contest for a place in the Sky Island, we must battle the internal forces and seize their territory! The Human Race Grand Alliance supports this survival-of-the-fittest competition, believing it benefits the Human Race! Do you all understand? Whether it's the lower realm or the Bright Cold Realm, the essence is the same!"


Immense fighting spirit emanates from Azure Tiger Saint.

"The survival of the fittest! Only the strong survive! Now, disciples of the grand Azure Heaven Creation Sect, let's see how capable these natives of the Bright Cold Realm are!"


Disciples of the Azure Heaven Creation Sect, one after another, start to exude formidable combativeness.

'The Cheongmun Clan was just child's play.'

The Cheongmun Clan, known for its fierce veneration for the Dao of Combat, is nothing compared to the aura exuded by the Azure Heaven Creation Sect.

"Now, it's time for the rolling boulder to crush the stationary rock! Let's enter our new home, Azure Cold Island!


Azure Tiger Saint leads the way, crashing into the barrier of Azure Cold Island, creating a huge opening.


An announcement echoes throughout Azure Cold Island.

At the center of Azure Cold Island, atop a gigantic jade mountain peak.

In a blue pavilion there, several Heavenly Being cultivators are discussing.

"We've received a message from Temporal Fate Island. A sect called the Azure Heaven Creation Sect from the lower realm has come to Azure Cold Island to fight for territory!"

"A sect from the lower realm ascended? What are you talking about?"

"It's news from Heaven-Earth Palace. Apparently, there are monsters who ascended with their sect and the leaders reached the Four-Axis stage as soon as they ascended."

"Four-Axis? Damn. The regular sects in Azure Cold Island won't stand a chance. To face such power"

"West Spirit Gate, West Spirit Gate should step in!"

Many Heavenly Being cultivators look at a man seated in one corner of the pavilion.

"Elder Wei, doesnt the West Spirit Gate have a Four-Axis senior? As the leading sect of Azure Cold Island, it's time to assert your authority"

The man in a dark blue robe chuckles.

"Isnt that too much a funny request?"


"Are you suggesting that the grand elder from our main sect should confront mere newcomers from a lower realm? It's like using a dragon-slaying sword to kill a chicken. How strong can these newly ascended ones be? They have never even witnessed the true cultivation methods of the Bright Cold realm. This contest for territory is merely a pretext, it will suffice to simply allocate them a corner in Azure Cold Island.

"B-but I heard theres a Four-Axis cultivator among them"

"Ha, the sect formations in your factions should be enough to handle one early stage Four-Axis cultivator. Don't make a fuss. And seriously, do you think this so-called Azure Heaven Creation Sect came here to genuinely engage in competition?"

Another Heavenly Being cultivator speaks with a dark expression.

"The only way for a new force to establish itself in a foreign land is through competition, is it not?"

"Not necessarily. Submitting to a stronger power is also a method. In other words, this Azure Heaven whatever sect is basically saying, We have the strength of Four-Axis and the will to fight. Theyre showcasing their advantages to sell themselves at a high price to the strongest power in Azure Cold Island

"Urgent news!"

Interrupting Elder Wei's words, someone rushes into the pavilion.

"West Spirit Gate has fallen!!!"

At that moment, as if his brain froze, Elder Wei of West Spirit Gate became completely petrified.


"Here lies the best spiritual vein! From today onwards, this place belongs to the great Azure Heaven Creation Sect! Yield your place to us!"

Azure Tiger Saint laughs heartily as he grabs the collar of a Four-Axis cultivator in West Spirit Gates highest pavilion.

Similar events are also occurring throughout the Human Territory. 

Thunder Spirit Island

Supreme Thunder Spirit Sect, Thundercloud Pavilion.

The place where Thundercloud Pavilion once stood has literally become 'where Thundercloud Pavilion once stood.'

Kurung, Kururung!

Fizz, Fizzzz!

Wielding a flag wrapped in the power of lightning, Jin Byuk-ho of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect looks down upon Thundercloud Pavilion with cold eyes.

"In this Thundercloud Pavilion, despite being an ascendant from the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect of the lower realm, a traitor has forgotten their roots and sold the sect's secret methods for luxury. If they don't come out within a count of ten, I'll obliterate the entire Thunder Spirit Island. One, two, nine, ten."

Kwarurung, Kwarurung!

Jin Byuk-ho rapidly counts to ten without giving the opponent a chance to respond and swings the flag.

Simultaneously, the entire Thunder Spirit Island is enveloped in lightning.



Black Mist Island.

Above the Black Mist Island, filled with yin and ghostly energy, two black ships are floating.

"The Nether Crossing Ships have finally ascended. Today, Black Ghost Valley will reclaim its place as the foremost sect of Black Mist Island"


Heo Ryeong gathers ghostly energy from his entire body, and Heo Gwak begins to muster a horde of hundreds of thousands of ghosts.

Above the dark Nether Crossing Ships, blue ghost flames flickered.

The influence of Black Ghost Valley began to cast its shadow over Black Mist Island.

Elsewhere in the Human Race Territory, Cloud Island Archipelago.

Numerous newly ascended cultivator factions began pushing out the existing groups to establish their own areas.

"Kugh! This insolent fellow! A mere lower realm creature!"


A blue light spreads in all directions, and far away, the Four-Axis cultivator caught in the hands of Azure Tiger Saint begins to exert their power.

[Hahaha! Are you planning to fight seriously now? As theres no chance of victory, youd better just surrender your area to our main sect!]


Azure Tiger Saint's momentum also begins to grow.

The two Four-Axis cultivators start to battle, rising into the sky.

Simultaneously, the voices of the Four-Axis cultivators resonate in all directions.

[Listen, West Spirit Gate! Show these lower realm fools the power of native Bright Cold Realm cultivators!]

[Azure Heaven Creation Sect disciples, listen!]


Azure and blue light covers the sky.

Azure Tiger Saint's voice rumbles loudly.

[We will win!]

Its only one statement.

But its all that is needed.


The Azure Heaven Creation Sect begins to overpoweringly push out one of Azure Cold Islands sects.

I look down from the flying chariot, pondering.

'Is there no intention of even attempting negotiations?'

The cultivators of Temporal Fate Island mentioned to Azure Tiger Saint that conquest is a method of integrating into a new area.

Although the method itself is accepted, I hadnt expected them to storm in so bluntly without any discussion.

'It seems I can't adopt the quiet and disciplined training approach I had at the Cheongmun Clan...'

As I shake my head in disapproval,


Suddenly, a strange figure falls in front of the flying chariot I am in with Director Oh Hyun-seok.

He appears to be an elder of this West Spirit Gate.

"Cough! Cough! Damn it How could such monsters ascend from the lower realm!"

After grinding his teeth for a moment, the elder and I lock eyes.

He glares at me, grinding his teeth.


A tremendous surge of Nascent Soul stage aura emanates from him.

"Ah, you must be the precious disciples of the sect. You are now my prisoners!"

As I watch him for a moment, I sigh softly and stepped off the flying chariot.

"Hahaha, wise of you to surrender quickly. Ignorant lower realm beings Once the conquest is over, well use your lives as bargaining chips"

'Formless Sword won't work here.'

Well, no matter.

I can handle him even without the Formless Sword.


I gather spiritual power from the Blood Body Skin Armor still enveloping me and begin forming a spell.


As he looks puzzled,


A blood-red tree grows from the ground, gradually coalescing beside me and transforming into a wooden puppet.


I place my hand on the wooden puppet and quickly etch a spiritual circuit.

The puppet gradually transforms into a familiar face.


After a while,

The completed puppet's spiritual circuit absorbs the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy, beginning to emit tremendous spiritual pressure.

I look emotionlessly at the West Spirit Gate elder.

"This friend here is named General Seo, a kind-hearted fellow despite his appearance. It would be nice if you could play with him."


For the past thousand years, I had meticulously studied the structure of the body and circuits.

Knowing the structure inside out, I can now replicate it at any time.

Of course, the real General Seo's body contained incredibly expensive materials in abundance, so its impossible to create a true Four-Axis stage puppet in less than a second.

Therefore, the power of this hastily made puppet is roughly.


'Early Nascent Soul stage, perhaps.'

I ponder this as I watch General Seo mass-produced version shooting beams from his eyes.

The elder of the West Spirit Gate hurriedly dodges the beams and begins preparing his spells.

Seeing the West Spirit Gate elder still appearing composed, I begin creating another General Seo puppet.

Translator Notes: We get more info on the three main tribes and the power structure of the Bright Cold Realm. Im curious why the Heaven Tribe cultivators couldnt learn the Heart Path Method while our MC was able to. Also Temporal Fate Island might not be the definitive name as the author didnt give the Hanja/Chinese characters.

Other than that, this chapter was jokes lmao. From Elder Wei getting absolutely face-slapped, Azure Tiger Saint acting as a true muscle head, Jin Byuk-ho skipping counts, and Seo just casually creating a Nascent Soul puppet, especially General Seo mass-produced version xDD

Donated chapter by Wasabi. Thanks for the support!


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