A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 141: Madman (1)

Chapter 141: Madman (1)

Bright Cold Realm, on the highest mountain in the White Cloud Continent.

The summit of Celestial Lotus Great Mountain.

There, a white pavilion made of white jade stands.

The inside of the pavilion is obscured by strange rays of light that swirl around, making it impossible to see inside.

Numerous light rays move back and forth around the pavilion.


And then, when a ray of light enters within.


[Hmm, more talents have ascended from the Head Realm? One of them killed a patrolling cultivator of the Flying Immortal Platform, captured his body, and escaped]

Pajik, Pajijijik!

Light rays continuously swirl.

Outside of those rays, something bursts out from inside the pavilion.

Its a pure white tree branch.

That branch is held in a hand, wrinkled and pale as white.

[To think such talents have ascended from that hideous world After 120,000 years, with outstanding talents having emerged again from that ominous place, the whole world will be engulfed in chaos again What will become of fate]


From the end of the white branch, a light orb similar to the swirling rays of light around the pavilion shoots out rapidly to some unknown location.

[I sent a message, but when will the Star Shattering kids who left for their journey return As the eldest in Bright Cold Realm, I must heal the injury I received from the Golden Deity even a day earlier for the world to stabilize]

The wrinkled hand holding the white branch trembles and returns back inside the pavilion.


Once again, the surroundings of the pavilion quieten down with light orbs swirling around as before.


After being captured by the Mad Lord and breaking through in all directions for a while.


Crossing mountains and rivers, seas, and all sorts of strange places and spaces, the Mad Lord finally sets me and Kim Yeon down.

The place he arrived at is a huge valley.

The size of the valley is not that of a moderately sized one in the lower realm. Its incredibly deep, about 30-40 Li (approx 12 to 16 km).

'How can something be so huge...'

I am stunned by the overwhelming size of the terrain in the Bright Cold Realm.

[Finally, those annoying ones have stopped following!]

The Mad Lord smiles broadly and takes out his box again.

And then.


As he opens the box, a huge fortress bursts out from inside.

'That is, indeed...'

I am certain as I look at the fortress, known as the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress resembles the Serving Command Palace quite a bit.

Its as if three Serving Command Palaces are attached to form a triangle.

In fact, apart from the color scheme, it looks exactly the same.

Unlike the Serving Command Palace made of jade-colored tiles and white stones, the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress of the Mad Lord is made of brown tiles and black stones.

Im curious, but decided not to speak unnecessarily in front of the Mad Lord.

'I need to find a chance to escape or commit suicide.'

Even contemplating suicide is impossible at the moment, as [She], about 10 Zhang (approximately 30 meters) tall, is emitting light from her whole body and freezing the heaven and earth spiritual energy around, preventing any movement.

And then, at that moment.

[Open, Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress. Clean up the things below.]

The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress opens its three gates on each palace.

And from there, like I saw previously, countless puppets pour out, heading down the valley.


After a while, a loud noise comes from below the valley, and then the puppets return back.

In their arms are the carcasses of demon beasts and insects that look like demon beasts.

[There. Now that the bottom is cleared, it's best to place the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress down there.]


The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress, floating in the air, slowly descends into the depths of the valley.

[Hehe. Then dear, you also bring those kids with you. I'll go down first.]


The Mad Lord jumps without hesitation towards the abyss where the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress descended.

Simultaneously, [She] reaches out her hand, and the bodies of me and Kim Yeon are lifted.

'Damn it'

I try to fiddle with the Formless Sword, but quickly realize its of no use.


[She] moves her massive body, taking me and her down.


As we descend into the depths of the valley, the Mad Lord has already pulled out numerous puppets, paving the way for the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress to settle.

There are so many puppets that the giant Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress easily finds its place in the depths of the valley, deep below.


The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress fully settles down, and its doors open.

[Now, please come in dear. You guys as well. Ah, Four-Axis level materials. I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going to go crazy with excitement! Haaaa!]



[She], who is 10 Zhang in size, vibrates and gradually shrinks to the size of a human.

Its only then that I can take in the full appearance of [Her].

[She] is dressed in a pure white robe and carries two spears on her back.

The structure of the spears look like they can be combined into one long spear.

[Her] face is covered with a white veil, so her appearance is indiscernible.

Step, step.

[She] moves towards the gate of the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress with a natural motion, but I realize.

'That's not human movement.'

The joint movement is subtly different from that of humans.

Its clearly a puppet.


'Damn, it's hard to look at for long.'

Its definitely a Four-Axis stage puppet.

[What are you doing not coming in?]


As soon as the Mad Lord's words are heard, Kim Yeon and I are lifted into the air and sucked into the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

'I can't resist!'


Im sucked in by inertia and nearly crash headfirst into the floor of the Fortress.

However, I manage to regain my balance and catch Kim Yeon, who is flying beside me.

'This place is.'

I look around the interior of the Fortress.

The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress also applied spatial compression, boasting an immense size.

And most of all.

'It's completely different from the interior of the Serving Command Palace.'


Numerous puppets are roaming around.

Dozens of pavilions, halls, and factory-like places where puppets are being produced, disposed of, and repaired.

In many compartments, puppets are being created and managed.


[Daily Life].

Its just as it says.

Two puppets that look like a couple hold the hands of a smaller puppet, walking around inside the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

That isn't all.

In various areas of the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress, there are puppets running shops.

Puppets dancing.

Small puppets running around and clicking among themselves.

Its like.

A city inhabited by real humans.


Shudder, shudder.

'What in the world is this?'

I feel a chill run down my spine at this bizarre sight.

All these puppets are acting naturally as if theyre human.

But none of them are truly alive.

They are all connected by a strange flow of spiritual energy, a flow so sophisticated it almost resembles real human intent.

But thats all. It only resembles intent.

[These things] that are clearly not alive, are imitating real humans?

Just when Im feeling goosebumps,

[What are you looking at so intently? Come this way.]



The space around us warps, and Kim Yeon and I are brought to a certain area in the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.


A space filled with giant cogwheels and strange puppet arms.

A place crowded with numerous mechanical devices.

Click, click, click.


In this strange space.

Theres a large workbench with numerous moving puppet arms and mechanical devices above it.

And in front of them, the Mad Lord is cackling as he is working on modifying the green-armored wooden man.

[Indeed, a Four-Axis cultivator. Using the body of a real Four-Axis cultivator as a base will stabilize [Her] unstable spiritual energy flow. Huhu, its perfect. Perfect!]

The Mad Lord spends a long time tinkering with his equipment to modify the body.

During that time, I glance at Kim Yeon, who is still unconscious beside me.

'She's been mentally tampered with.'

She isnt just unconscious. 

Inside her upper dantian, there is a kind of restraint similar to the Five Elements Blood Curse Banner, suppressing her vast consciousness.

Its when Im examining Kim Yeon,

[Now that the basic work is done Shall we decide what to do with you?]

The Mad Lord turns around and looks at us.

My face stiffens like a rock, and I draw out the Formless Sword.

Thinking he had completely subdued me, the Mad Lord no longer solidified the spiritual power within my body, allowing me to move the Formless Sword again.

'If it comes to it, I'll just commit suicide....'

I glance at Kim Yeon.

Perhaps, I might have to kill her too.

Better than being modified by that madman and living an existence that's neither alive nor dead for thousands of years....

Just as Im about to swing the Formless Sword.

The Mad Lord smirks.

[What are you doing? Didn't I say I would take you as my disciples? Aren't you going to greet your master?]


I hesitate to strike with the Formless Sword and flinch.

'Is he serious?'

Its impossible to predict what this madman might do.

I try to discern whether the Mad Lord's words are sincere or just a product of his twisted mind.


The Mad Lord flicks his fingers, and I feel the restraint in Kim Yeon's upper dantian dissolve.

And then....



An enormous consciousness bursts forth in all directions.

Her consciousness, like threads, extend everywhere, transforming into a net that seems to engulf the heavens and the earth.



Im taken aback by the strange aura emanating from her.

Despite revealing such immense consciousness, she no longer appears to be on the verge of having her head explode as before.

I immediately understand why.

The dual-colored aura emanating from her body.

The yellow and blue auras envelop her, stabilizing her physique.

Spiritual Constitution?

[Before entering the Ascension Gate, I fed her a precious elixir I acquired long ago. I gave her the Red Spirit Ginseng, creating a Red Spirit Tree Body for her. I've been quite generous. After all, without the Red Spirit Tree Body, she wouldn't have been able to withstand such an enormous consciousness.]

Red Spirit Tree Body!?

Im taken aback.

If Ghostly Yin Transformation Immortal Root and Heavenly Golden Thunder Body are mythical and legendary, almost fantastical qualities,

The Red Spirit Tree Body, while not as mythical, is a well-known type of spiritual quality.

Its a constitution that develops both Wood and Earth properties in one's spiritual roots.

Characterized by a training speed no worse from a normal Heavenly Spiritual Root, but even with the ability to read minute variations of wood and earth spiritual energy making one stronger than peers of the same cultivation level.

However, this constitution is more about the individual's innate spiritual energy rather than lineage, and Red Spirit Ginseng itself is a herb naturally possessing the spiritual energy of the Red Spirit Tree Body.

Therefore, anyone who consumes the Red Spirit Ginseng, be they mortals or cultivators, will accept its energy and develop the wood and earth attributes of the Red Spirit Tree Body.

The Red Spirit Tree Body also harmonizes and strengthens the physique, fortunately preventing her head from exploding....

I ponder, watching her regain consciousness as the mental restraint disappears.

Soon after, Kim Yeon rises to her feet.

She rubs her eyes as they meet mine.

A dream? I remember parting ways with Deputy Seo

It's not a dream, so please pull yourself together.

As I help her up, shes startled and trembles.

Deputy Seo? It wasnt a dream?

She looks overwhelmed by emotion, but my attention is more on the Mad Lord, who is observing us with glittering eyes.

I must ask Senior, what do you intend to do with us?

Even if the madman goes crazy and modifies us on the spot, I have to ask.

Just what will happen to us?

At that, the Mad Lord grins, showing his teeth.

[Didn't I say? For now, I will take you two as my disciples, no. As temporary disciples. Yes, temporary disciples. First, I'll teach you as temporary disciples, then choose one of you to inherit my true inheritance and complete this Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.]

'Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress....'

What exactly is this place that he wants us to complete?

Isn't his goal related to [Her]?

I have a mountain of questions about [Her].

But the fear of the Mad Lord suddenly going crazy and modifying me for bringing up such matters prevents me from asking.

[Aren't you going to thank me for accepting you as disciples?]

The Mad Lord stares at us, his eyes glowing.

I swallow hard, gently pressing Kim Yeon's shoulder, who still couldn't grasp the situation, and whisper.

Follow my lead, Team Leader Kim.

Y-yes? Yes.

Kim Yeon follows my actions and pays respects to the Mad Lord as a disciple.

[Heh, good. Good A disciple with the highest level of consciousness in the Four-Axis stage as a mere mortal. A disciple who, without learning any cultivation methods, possesses Core Formation level consciousness and has achieved ascension on his ownI will raise both of you welland definitely fulfill my dream!]

The man spoke while stroking his beard.

[Now then, first Ah! That's right. I'm sorry.]

The Mad Lord suddenly looks at [Her] beside him.

[Come to think of it, I haven't properly introduced myself. I almost forgot my disciples' names too. Thank you, indeed I can't do without [You].]



I clench my fists as I watch the Mad Lord, who is suddenly crying and laughing, hanging onto [Her] puppet body.

Kim Yeon still looks confused and very frightened.

[Hmm, well. First of all, as you know, I am the Mad Lord Jo Yeon (). Theres no chance you dont know about me, so let's skip my introduction. What are your names?]

"I am Seo Eun-hyun."

"Kim Yeon is my name."

[Yes, yes. I'll definitely remember. Kim Yeon, you had your talent tested before the Ascension Gate and youve also taken the Red Spirit Ginseng. Theres nothing more to know about you so you can go inside for now.]


With a flick of his finger, the Mad Lord summons a bee puppet, which picks up Kim Yeon.

Confused, she is carried away by the bee puppet, jumping through space and disappearing somewhere.

And then, only the Mad Lord and I are left in the room.

[I haven't figured out what your talent is yet. I've been feeling curious since earlier, but what is that consciousness you're wrapping around your body? It's not demon beast methods, so what is it?]

What should I do?

After a moment of contemplation, I reply.


I wave my hand, and the Formless Sword sweeps around.

[Ha! Crossing planes! What in the world is that?]

"This is a unique method using my consciousness It's through this that I was able to ascend. My will and emotions are crucial in controlling this strength. If you modify me recklessly, I may not be able to use this ability as is."

[Hmm, it seems so. The power is directly connected to the heart essence. Wait, that means you]


The Mad Lord suddenly leaps in front of me.

Our eyes meet.

[Does that mean you also see this vision? If you have the ability to handle heart essence, you shouldn't be unable to see it, right?]


Our gazes lock, my heart essence and his heart essence face each other.

'How should I respond?'

Should I give this person information?

If I carelessly talk about heart essence and it happens to be an area the Mad Lord is familiar with, he might modify me while keeping only my heart essence

"I can't see it."

[Hmm, is that so]

The Mad Lord steps back, looking slightly disappointed.

Just as Im about to breathe a sigh of relief,

[Then, lie down on that operating table for now. First, let's modify one of your arms and see if you can still produce that transparent thing with a puppet arm. Can you do that?]

"Ac-actually, I can see heart essence!  Please forgive me for talking nonsense!"

[Oh, is that so? That's really surprising. Truthfully, I suspected as much. Alright, lie down then.]


Next to the operating table where a wooden puppet is being modified,

Another operating table rises, and above it, strange puppet arms and mechanical devices descend.

Translator Notes: The Yeon in Jo Yeon is different from the Yeon in Hyang-hwas mothers name. Jo Yeon can mean early fate or early connection, which might mean that his connection or relationship with [Her] happened prematurely, causing the unfortunate events to occur. Also, Celestial Tribe -> Heaven Tribe

Hehehe. Seo Eun-hyun escaped the fate of having his arm torn off by the fox but now its changed to his arm being turned into a puppet! I bet some of yall still got tricked into thinking the Mad Lord isnt that bad after all for a moment there.


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