A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 138: Baihui (5)

Chapter 138: Baihui (5)


Is the fairy tale book I saw really non-existent?

I thought it was just a common fairy tale.

But it turns out to be a nonexistent fairy tale?

No, then... why is the book that was definitely here in the previous cycle now gone?

This is strange.

It's too strange.

Why did this happen?

My thoughts, chasing each other's tails, soon lead me to the remnants of fate left by the Golden Deity Yang Su-jin.

Yes. Certainly those remnants had set up an attraction of fate near Shattered Heaven Peak, and to see those remnants, an unbelievable miracle of chance is needed.

Perhaps, that fairy tale is also like that?

It too could be a story that can only be seen by being drawn into the attraction of fate set up by Yang Su-jin, or someone else.

And to see it, does one need to realize some kind of miraculous chance?

Theres definitely a possibility.

If it's something left behind by a True Immortal equivalent like Yang Su-jin.

Perhaps that strange content of the fairy tale can only be seen again after passing through an unbelievable miracle of chance.

I nod my head as I ponder.

"I understand. If you ever find such a book, please be sure to tell me."

I speak to the little girl playing with dolls beside me.

"If you see a book with such fairy tales, or if such fairy tales come to your mind, be sure to tell me. It's very important to me."


The girl answers brightly, hugging her seven dolls.

"Hmm, but where is your sister?"

"Sister? What sister. My child is an only daughter."

The scholar speaks to me with a slightly uncomfortable expression.


I feel something strange again.

'I feel like I've forgotten something...'

An indescribable sense of unease.

'Ah, right. That's right. This little girl said in her past life that she was waiting for her parents...'

Why did I suddenly blurt out the word 'sister'?

"Anyway, thank you."

After expressing my gratitude,

I decide to go ahead and deal with the centipede demon as planned.

With a swift movement, I jump over the peak.

There, I see the centipede demon's lair.


Clang, clang, clang!

I see martial artists swinging their swords in front of the centipedes cave.

'Ah, those must be the ones.'

They seem to be the martial art experts hired by the village chief.

They are vigorously emitting sword energy, swinging their weapons at the centipede demon.

But their sword energy can't even scratch the centipede demon's carapace, and instead, they are vomiting blood from the demon's poison.

"Die, die, you monster!"

One martial artist charges at the centipede demon, coughing blood.

The centipede demon opens its mouth wide to welcome him, ready to tear off his head.

In a flash.

Instantly, I insert myself between them.


My palm's energy gently wraps around the martial artist and safely ejects him outside the cave, while my Formless Sword strongly pushes back the centipede demon.


The centipede demon is knocked back, vomiting blood.

"Oh, what...?"

"What in the world...?"

I extend my hand to the martial artists sitting on the ground, vomiting blood.


My Formless Sword touches their acupoints, seeping into their meridians, and forcibly operates their vital energy (Qi).

And then.


"Cough, cough!"


As my Formless Sword guides their vital energy, the accumulated poison of the centipede demon is expelled through their mouths.

"I've removed the basic poison, but you should seek a doctor for further treatment. I can't help with the poison that has penetrated too deeply..."

After saying this, I slowly approach the centipede demon.

"Kiiiguk, Kiiiiiguk!"


I speak to it in demon language.

On closer inspection, the centipede demon, while being wary of me, does not flee deeper into the cave.

Beneath it, there are grains like rice, smaller than a fingernail and densely packed its eggs.

The demon does not flee, emitting poison to protect its eggs.


Seeing this, I momentarily sheathe my Formless Sword.

"...Leave. If you swear never to eat humans again, I'll let you go."

"Kiireuk Kiiireuk."

The centipede demon hesitates for a moment, then speaks.

"My offspring, to... make them like me... how... how..."

It expresses despairing intent, stuttering in its speech.

"How will survive? Lonely... I am. Oh great one, rather, here, now, kill me..."

The centipede demon speaks with a resigned tone.

My flesh and blood, take, remaining offspring, become like me... please... kill..."


It's a fierce maternal love.

When Im contemplating whether to kill the demon or not,

From behind, the martial artist who had rushed at the centipede demon earlier, now coughing blood, runs and kneels before me.

"Greetings to the revered one! I dare to make a request of you."

"...What is it?"

I turn to him and ask.

"Please! Tear that monster to pieces! Kill it as painfully as possible!"

Since the centipede demon and I converse in demon language, he, unaware of our conversation, cried out with tears in his eyes.

"It ate my lover! Please kill it! I beg of you!"


Hearing this, I turn back to the centipede demon.

'What am I even hesitating about?'

Maternal love is certainly noble, but this creature has eaten innocent people.


The words of the martial artist, whose lover was eaten, caused a throbbing pain in my heart.

"...Looks like you need to die. Do you have any last words?"

I raise my hand again, looking at the centipede demon.

The centipede demon bows to me, saying,

"My offspring... not like me... but, like you... a great being... please help them..."

The centipede demon kept bowing its head, not caring about its own death.

"Just, offspring, please..."

"...Alright. I'll try."

I approach the centipede demon and place my hand on its head.


My Formless Sword passes through its entire body, instantly severing all nerves and turning its brain to mush.

It probably didn't feel any pain.

"...It's done."

"Thank you! Thank you so much...!"

As the centipede demon died, the martial artist, shedding tears of gratitude, bowed to me. I then look at the place where the centipede demon had been lying.

There lay thousands of centipede eggs, tightly packed.

They look like ordinary centipede eggs, rather than those of a demon centipede.

Actually, I can't sense any spiritual aura from them.

They are just normal eggs that haven't inherited any of the centipede demon's powers.

I transfer all the tiny, rice-grain-sized eggs into my storage artifact.

I'm not sure if it'll work, but I'll give it a try.

After looking at the centipede for a moment,

I pass by the martial artists expressing their gratitude and return to the village.

"The centipede has been dealt with."

"Th-thank you! Please, accept this as a token of our gratitude, Immortal!"

I look at what the village chief is offering me.

Its a clean white Daoist robe.

The garment worn during the Twin Immortals Dance in this village.

"...I'll accept it gratefully."

I take the white Daoist robe from him and change into it. Clad in it, I am reminded of my past life.

'...Its nice.'

I savor the memory for a moment.

"Its the best gift. Thank you."

With that, I leap back onto the Nether Crossing Ship.

"Now for the last request, senior."

[Why have you been traveling so much? Alright, wheres the next destination?]

I tell him.

"Serving Command Palace."

The ship roars as it sails towards Serving Command Palace.

I penetrate the golden prohibition of the palace's outer walls and enter within.

'Still the same.'

Inside, I search around and acquire the necessary items.

Various immortal wines, especially the White-Red Wine.

And then...

'Now that I think about it, this is...'

I find the pipe artifact

A long, slender, bamboo pipe.

'Isn't this a magic artifact that imbues ordinary beasts with spiritual enlightenment?'

I carefully read the description of the artifact.

Magic Artifact: Demon Immortal Bamboo.

After lighting and inhaling, if you expose a beast to its spiritual energy, the beast has a one in ten thousand chance of gaining spiritual enlightenment.

If used on one beast, it should not be used again on the same creature for at least five years due to its potent nature, as it may lead to death.

For demon beasts, even those in the Qi Building stage, exposing them more than twice a month can be lethal, and for Core Formation stage demon beasts, once every seven days is the limit, while Nascent Soul stage demon beasts can be exposed daily.


The thought of using it on the centipede demon's offspring seems foolish.

'It's not even some kind of radioactive waste...'

At this level, it seems less like an artifact for nurturing demon beasts and more like a method of killing them with toxic smoke.

Despite my disbelief, I put the bamboo pipe in my storage device, just in case.

I continue searching and find another useful item.

"Two Heaven-Sealing Talismans."

These talismans are said to provide Heavenly Being stage defense.

'Thanks to this talisman...'

I glance subtly at Yuan Li's Blood Body.

That moment of immense despair caused by this guy came to my mind.

'I should keep it for now.'

I also put the Heaven-Striking Talisman into the storage artifact.

After doing so, theres nothing left to get from Serving Command Palace.

"Then now, shall I try to obtain the Serving Command Seal..."


I take out the red formation flags given by Yuan Li from my storage artifact.


As the Blood Body forms a seal, the magic artifacts emit light, attracting the power flowing inside the Serving Command Palace.

And then.


The magic artifacts internally collide the powers of Serving Command Palace, starting to break down the floors of the palace one by one.

I deflect all the debris falling from the top of the Longevity Tree.


After a while.

All the layers of Serving Command Palace have collapsed, and light begins to flash in the sky.


'The Serving Command Seal...'

As I look at the seal,

Song Jin and Seo Ran enter the inside of Serving Command Palace.

Song Jin's eyes shine as he looks at the seal.

[The Serving Command Seal, it's been a while.]

He asks me.

[Why do you want to obtain the Serving Command Seal? Are you trying to ascend in the traditional way like that Yuan Li guy?]

"Ah, isn't there a saying that the Serving Command Seal attracts heavenly fate?"

I ask, holding the Serving Command Seal.

[Heavenly fate? Heavenly fate is indeed good. But if you receive the blessing of the Serving Command Seal, don't carry it around in your pocket when ascending. The holder of the Serving Command Seal is drawn by the Serving Command Seal connected to this world and fates attraction, making ascension difficult. Eventually, you'll have to return to this world.]


I grin.

That is exactly it.

'Investigate the Ascension Gate, keeping the Serving Command Seal with me.'

In that case, even if I get caught in a spatial storm, I would eventually return to this world, right?

My goal is not ascension but to investigate Ascension Gate.

While Im looking at the Serving Command Seal,


Light bursts from the Serving Command Seal, scattering brilliance around me.

Somehow, I feel lighter.

[The blessing of the Serving Command Seal. Usually, you have to touch it to receive the blessing... Seems you are born with a strong fate.]


[Didn't you know? Serving Command Seal responds to fate, reacting more strongly to those born with a strong fate. The same goes for its blessings. The fact that the Serving Command Seal bestowed its blessings on you without you touching it means that you are born with an immense fate.]

"Is that so..."

Its a new fact.

'My fate...'

Certainly, it is a bit strong.

As soon as I try to step out of the framework of fate, the heavens would throw lightning like crazy.

Holding the Serving Command Seal, I speak.

"Anyway, I have a favor to ask you, senior."

[What now?]

I hand Song Jin the structural diagram of a formation and the blueprint of the formation's magic artifacts.

"If you install these formations and magic artifacts on the first layer of Serving Command Palace and activate them... After 5 years, the Longevity Fruit will ripen in Serving Command Palace. Please give one to Daoist Seo."


Song Jin looks at me with surprised eyes.

[You keep giving things. At this rate, my debts will never disappear.]

"Haha, I just need you to do me one favor."

I request him.

"When the Longevity Fruits ripen, please deliver the fruit to a man named Kim Young-hoon in Yanguo."

[Why don't you deliver it yourself?]

"That's... I have my reasons."

Going to investigate the Ascension Gate, I might die getting caught in a spatial storm.

I could become a lost soul in space.

Or I could be marked by a Great Boundary being, observing this place from outside this world and die.

Therefore, its right to ask beforehand.

"This is my last request. Thank you very much for your help so far."


He looks at me for a while.

[You, are you trying to ascend to the upper realm at your current level?]


Song Jin seems to realize my intention and asks in surprise.

[...It's too sudden. Why are you moving so hastily? We cultivators have hundreds of years. Of course, the Ascension Path hasn't closed yet, but there will be another opportunity in a thousand years.

With your talent, you can definitely reach the Great Perfection of Heavenly Being and prepare for ascension in about a thousand years...]

"A thousand years..."

I give a bitter smile.

Perhaps, even after a thousand years, I will still remain at this level,


Song Jin tilts his head, seemingly puzzled.

But I know my own talent well.

Even after a thousand years, it would be fortunate if I can barely reach the Nascent Soul stage with my cultivation methods.

Even if my martial skills are several steps ahead someone like Kim Young-hoon.

After all, I am not Kim Young-hoon.

'A thousand years is too long.'

Anyway, its something I have to investigate at least once.

Perhaps this life, having not formed many connections, is the most appropriate time to investigate the Ascension Gate.

When I handed the norigae to Buk Hyang-hwa, my decision solidified.

'I won't meet her again in this life, even if I live for a thousand years.'

If I do meet her again, I feel I wouldnt be able to restrain myself.

"Anyway... It's my choice. Please respect it."

[...Well, do as you please. Since my disciple has received much help from you, I will fulfill the tasks you've requested. They're not difficult, anyway.]

Song Jin crosses his arms and nods.

Then, we leave Serving Command Palace and head back towards Ascension Path.


A dark ghostly ship crosses the sky.

The Nether Crossing Ship, emerging from the void, is floating in the sky.

When I asked why we didn't use spatial travel through the void, it was because frequent use would strain the Nether Crossing Ship.

"By the way, do you know anything about the upper realm, Senior Song Jin?"

[Of course. At least, what that Yuan Li guy mentioned is a well-known fact among the upper echelons of major forces.]

Song Jin, holding the ship's steering wheel, continues his explanation.

[Especially factions with a deep history like Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, Black Ghost Valley, Mighty Tiger, Holy Peng, and Sea Dragons. Ancestors who ascended through the Ascension Gate have occasionally contacted us over the long history.]

"...Hmm, may I ask what you know regarding the upper realm?"

[I don't know much in detail. Really, we only get contacted once every few thousand years... But about four thousand years ago, one of the ancestors from the upper realms who contacted Black Ghost Valley said that the spiritual energy in the upper realms is hundreds of times more abundant than in Ascension Path, and there are no mortals in the upper realm.]

"No mortals?"

[Thats right. I also thought it was unbelievable when I first heard it. In the upper realms, due to the immense heaven and earth spiritual energy, babies become Qi Gathering cultivators from the moment of conception. They are born as cultivators. Some with a bit more talent are born already at the 1st or 2nd stage of Qi Refining... Isn't it unbelievable?]


I have no words for the ridiculousness of what I just heard.

'The entire concept of mortals... doesn't exist there?'

How high must the density of spiritual energy be for such a thing to be possible?

Song Jin chuckles at my expression.

[Also, in the upper realms, people reach the Qi Building stage as early as their early twenties. By their 40s and 50s, everyone reaches that stage. Those over 200 years old are mostly Core Formation cultivators. From the Nascent Soul stage, substantial enlightenment is required, so the numbers drop there... Still, isn't it unfair? Some have to grind people down to reach Qi Building, while others just breathe to reach the same destination. Haha....]

"Really... It's unbelievable."

I smile bitterly.

Such a place would not have clans like the Makli Clan.

[Moreover, although I don't know in detail, the human race seems to be considered somewhat of a ruling class and enjoys quite a high status. The upper realm quite frankly seems like a paradise.  Tsk, tsk. This is the extent of the information I can provide. The rest of the more confidential information is subject to restrictions and is classified, so I can't disclose it recklessly.]

"...I see. Thank you."


In the distance, I see the barrier covering Ascension Path.

Standing next to Song Jin, I suddenly think of something else and ask.

"I'm curious. There's a place called the Nether Ghost Realm among the upper realms, and it sounds related to Black Ghost Valley. Is there any connection?"

It seems obviously related to Black Ghost Valley.

Yuan Li said he didn't know about Ancient Force, Nether Ghost, and Purple Gold realms.

But maybe Song Jin does.

Song Jin strokes his chin and replies.

[I do know. Before the Ascension Gate appeared, the main upper realm for ascension for Black Ghost Valley was the Nether Ghost Realm.]

"Just out of pure curiosity. Why then does Black Ghost Valley ascend to the Bright Cold Realm connected to the Ascension Gate instead of the Nether Ghost Realm?"

[Hmm, it's because ascending through the Ascension Gate is much safer and more certain, and also...]

He ponders for a moment and continues.

[The information from here onwards is confidential, and I cannot disclose it directly but...]

He chuckles.

[Why do the devilish sects not ascend to the True Devil Realm but choose the Bright Cold Realm, which is said to be at war with it? Yuan Li spoke of a war, but he only knows outdated information. Perhaps, there's a reason everyone is choosing to ascend to the Bright Cold Realm.]

'Could it be that the war between the True Devil Realm and the Bright Cold Realm is... turning in favor of the Bright Cold?'

I nod in understanding.

Then, I strike the barrier of Ascension Path with my Formless Sword.


The Formless Sword splits the barrier, creating a large entrance for the Nether Crossing Ship.


The Nether Crossing Ship doesn't stop and flies towards the center of Ascension Path.

And then, a familiar scene appears.

Kurung, Kurururung...

Thunderclouds are rolling in.

Below the thunderclouds, a bisected stele absorbs heavenly lightning.

Beyond the stele, a glowing spatial gate the size of a human torso resides.

Its the Ascension Gate.


Before the area riddles with spatial rifts, the Nether Crossing Ship descends.

"Then, I thank you for everything up to now."

[Yeah, do well and take care.]

"...Senior, must you really ascend now?"

"Haha, don't worry about me, Daoist Seo. Just deliver the Longevity Fruit to Kim Young-hoon as I requested."

Song Jin and Seo Ran.

Their expressions differ, but both radiate the intent of concern for me.

After bidding them farewell, I take out the centipede eggs from my storage artifact.

"Well, I may not be able to do much, but if they feed on the dense spiritual energy of the Ascension Path and continue to grow, maybe they'll become demon beasts as their mother wished for."

I light the Immortal Demon Bamboo and fan its smoke over the centipede eggs.

The probability of becoming a demon beast will increase, albeit very slightly, with the dense spiritual energy of Ascension Path.

Just then.

Crack, crasasaack...

Whether its due to the time, the effect of Immortal Demon Bamboo, or the Ascension Path's energy, many baby centipedes hatch from their eggs.

They scatter throughout the Ascension Path.

'Live well, everyone.'

As Im about to put the bamboo pipe back in the storage artifact.


A small baby centipede wriggles up onto my foot.


I pick it up and place it elsewhere, but it keeps coming back and clinging to me.

'What's this...?'

Just when Im wondering.

[Just let it stay. You have the Serving Command Seal, right? The Seal has granted you a fate that suits you. It's an affinity brought by fate, so it might be more beneficial to keep it with you.]

"...I see."

After looking at the centipede for a moment, I pick it up and place it on my shoulder.

"I'm about to leave this world. Is that alright with you?"

The baby centipede doesnt respond.

After staring at it for a while, I bid farewell to Song Jin and Seo Ran.

Then, I head towards the Ascension Gate.

"Well, then..."


About fifteen days after my return.

I approach the Ascension Gate thats about to close, with Yuan Li's Blood Body in front.

"Shall we investigate the Ascension Gate?"

As I approach the gate, I take out the two Heaven-Sealing Talisman, activate one, and apply it to the Blood Body.

"Alright, now. Let's see..."

Just then.

Fzzz, fizzzz...

Suddenly, the stele above starts to spark intensely with lightning.

'What's this?'

Then, without warning.



A sudden bolt of lightning strikes me.



Though not a Heavenly Rejection level lightning, it was still immensely powerful.

Had I not enveloped my whole body in the Formless Sword, I would have been roasted on the spot!

As I grit my teeth against the lightning.



A familiar figure appears before my eyes.

A shadow engulfed in blood-red lightning, weeping blood.

'Yang Su-jin!?'

I tremble, recalling the shadow I had seen at Shattered Heaven Peak.

Then, the remnant of Yang Su-jin speaks.

[Ender, seeing this remnant means that you have heard my true words left at Shattered Heaven Peak.

I wont speak at length. If you are contemplating ascending to the upper realms, do not hesitate and quickly leave this grotesque world. This world is especially threatening to Enders. There's nothing good for you by staying in this world any longer Hurry and depart, from within this hideous head...]


The lightning ceases.

And at the same time, my eyes widen in shock.


The Ascension Gate created by Yang Su-jin, like a living entity, opens its maw wide and lunges towards me.


The Serving Command Seal inside me howls madly, but then,


Its forcefully ejected from my embrace by some strong repulsive force.


And at that moment.


I am swallowed by the Ascension Gate.

What on earth!

Seo Ran yells as he watches, and Song Jins ghostly fire burns with panic.


The Ascension Gate, having devoured Seo Eun-hyun, immediately closes shut.

[I've never seen such a phenomenon before...]

Normally, the Ascension Gate would open once, gradually shrink over several days, and finally disappear in a state as small as dust.

The kind of phenomenon, where it devours a person like a living entity and closes abruptly, is unheard of.

Thump, thud, thud...

The Serving Command Seal, repelled from Seo Eun-hyun's embrace, rolls towards them.


The ownerless Serving Command Seal lays in front of them for a moment and then is swept away into another spatial rift nearby.

The Serving Command Seal, with its inherent attraction of fate, is fated to return to the Serving Command Palace.

And in the Liberation Palace, it will wait to be freed, endlessly wandering the void.

Song Jin and Seo Ran, having witnessed Seo Eun-hyuns sudden devouring by the Ascension Gate, stand in silence, lost in their thoughts.

Translator Notes: I got chills.


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