A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 122: What You Trampled On / The Path You Have Tread (10)

Chapter 122: What You Trampled On / The Path You Have Tread (10)

Discord: /translatingnovice

"Deploy the Wall and Mountain Formation!"

At the roar of Cheongmun Jung-jin, Core Formation cultivators, holding the formation flags they had received earlier, formed in rank.

As the formation flags are arranged in a specific array, they emit a blue light and radiate a rainbow of colors.


The rainbow-colored light forms a mountainous barrier, acting as a giant wall to block the blood storm.

A level of precision incomparable to the hasty defensive formation used 200 years ago to block Yuan Li's attack.

[Quite sturdy.]

Yuan Li's blood storm could not penetrate the mountain wall and dissipated.

Cheongmun Jung-jin's voice spreads in all directions.

"Everyone! Take out the weapons you've prepared!"

Then, war dharma treasures brought by numerous clans began to glow.

Qi Building cultivators aboard giant warships form handed seals simultaneously.

Dozens of cannons on the warships aim at Yuan Li and emit bright light.

The cannon-shaped dharma treasures and gun-shaped dharma treasures also emit brilliance simultaneously.

The Core Formation cultivators in front also take out their dharma treasures.

Compared to 200 years ago, 200 more Core Formation cultivators, painstakingly nurtured by each clan to prepare for the final battle with Yuan Li, brought the total to about 400.

Dharma treasures and spells of all these Core Formation cultivators rush towards one being.

And then.


Within the numerous explosions and clouds of dust, a blood light arises.


Inside the blood light.

Thousands of black and red jiangshi, summoned by Yuan Li, start to move.

"It's the old monster's jiangshi legion!"


Several powerful jiangshi gather to face the dharma treasure of a single Core Formation cultivator.


As the jiangshi scream, their shockwave pushes back the Core Formation cultivators' spells.

"Four together are equal to one Core Formation!"

A cultivator screams, his face turning pale.

Just then.

From the back of the military camp, sixteen Easter Lords step forward.

Below them are strange individuals wrapped in black bandages, emitting a peculiar poisonous energy.

From the Northern Grasslands, three tribal chiefs step forward.

As they open their storage artifacts, grotesque monsters with layers of flesh pour out.

From the Western three countries, heads of Makli Clan, Ori Clan, and Jun Clan step forward.

Makli Clan calls forth a jiangshi legion like Yuan Li from their storage artifact.

Ori Clan unleashes a skeleton army, and Jun Clan releases ghosts refined from wandering souls.

Devilish Arts against Devilish Arts!

Greenish-black jiangshi of Makli Clan cling to Yuan Li's black and red jiangshi.

Although individual jiangshi are far behind Yuan Li's jiangshi, Makli Clan unleashes an overwhelming superior number, using the countless lives they massacred. 


Then, a Makli Clan elder opens his storage device, releasing water with the stench of decaying corpses, flowing like a river.

Makli Clan's jiangshi, upon touching the greenish water, gain even more vitality and strength, charging at Yuan Li's jiangshi.

In an instant, the momentum of Yuan Li's jiangshi legion is crushed.

"Fire Soul Infusing Joy."


Three Core Formation elders of the Jin Clan step forward and form seals.

A spirit of fire floats in the air.

The Fire Spirit trembles with pleasure each time the Jin Clan elders form a seal.

And with each indulgence in pleasure, the color of the primordial spirit changes.

From red to orange, orange to gold, gold to blue and white.

And then the Fire Spirit becomes a complete blue flame.



With the hand seals of the Jin Clan elders, the Fire Spirit trembles and falls upon Yuan Li's summoned jiangshi.

As a clan specialized in combating devilish arts, Jin Clan, which had been competing against the Makli Clan for hundreds of years, excelled in this area.

Their blue flames quickly spread among the jiangshi, burning Yuan Li's jiangshi legion.

The flames, particularly effective against corpses, spread in all directions.

Moreover, the flames seem to have a will of their own, chasing after fleeing jiangshi and clinging to them.

Makli Clan's jiangshi clung and dragged Yuan Li's jiangshi that were trying to shake off Jin Clan's flames.


In an instant, a sea of fire erupted in the desert.

With the combined attack of the Western, Northern, Eastern devilish cultivator clans, and the Jin Clan, Yuan Li's jiangshi legion is annihilated.

Or so it seemed.


A blood-colored glow shoots towards the Wall and Mountain Formation.

Yuan Li breaks through the rainbow-colored mountain and, crossing over, swings his blood-colored leaf fan.


A bloody storm blows, instantly killing seven Core Formation and about 400 Qi Building cultivators nearby.

[Blood Cloud, Crimson Sea.]

Yuan Li forms a seal.

Simultaneously, the life force and blood from the corpses of the Core Formation and Qi Building cultivators rose as a Blood Cloud into the sky.

The massive blood cloud moved, converging on Yuan Li's jiangshi that had turned into charred remains.

Immediately after, the blood cloud is absorbed by the charred jiangshi of Yuan Li.

Wriggle, wriggle...

The charred remains writhe as they absorb the blood cloud.

Soon after, the charred corpses regenerate flesh.


The charred remains then rise from their places, fully regenerated.

The annihilated jiangshi legion is completely resurrected.

[Is that all?]

Yuan Li scoffs and begins to form another seal.


The protective formation that Yuan Li breached crumbles, and a new formation surrounds him once again.

Outside, the cultivators launch another assault on Yuan Li.

The elders of the Jin Clan and Makli Clan snicker.

"What a joke from the old monster. 'Is this the end?' If he resurrects them once, we'll just kill them twice."

Again, Makli Clan's jiangshi rush towards Yuan Li's jiangshi, and Jin Clan elders create a blue fire spirit, throwing it towards Yuan Li's jiangshi legion.



The black and red jiangshi are no longer affected by the fire.


The elders of the Jin Clan are shocked, their eyes wide open.

The black and red jiangshi are unaffected by the Fire Spirit, absorbing it instead and becoming more vigorous, starting to kill off Makli Clan's jiangshi.

Astonishingly, when Yuan Li's jiangshi touches those of the Makli Clan, Makli Clan's jiangshi are absorbed into Yuan Li's.

This sight causes the Makli Clan elders to shudder.


The cultivators of the Eastern and Northern devil path, as well as their devilish creatures, scatter their attacks on the black and red jiangshi legion, but the jiangshi absorb their techniques and grow even stronger.

[Isn't it marvelous? Bloodwood Ghost Corpses develop strong resistance once hit by a technique and can absorb the said techniques to recharge their energy...]


Yuan Li opens his mouth, and a blood cloud spews out, wrapping around him.

Simultaneously, the blood cloud spreads in all directions, shattering the protective formation of the Core Formation cultivators.

"The old monster is using his power!"


[Do you really think you can defeat me just because you've gathered in numbers?]


The blood cloud swirls.


Simultaneously, from Yuan Li's storage artifact emerges blood water, transforming into the shape of scythe-wielding ghost kings.

The ghost kings merge with the blood cloud, forming two giant ghost kings enveloped in blood clouds.


The two blood cloud ghost kings swing their scythes on both sides.


Dual strikes of Nascent Soul level!

Their attacks shatter the protective formation assembled by the Core Formation cultivators.

[Foolish beings. All of you....]

Just then.


A blue beam of light, turning the sky dark, shoots again towards Yuan Li.


Yuan Li flinches and forms a hand seal, and the two blood cloud ghost kings cross their scythes in front of him.


The blue flash explodes and after the light subsides.

The ghost kings are torn in half, and Yuan Li is seen protecting himself with his pagoda dharma treasures.

Even the pagoda dharma treasures dimmed significantly, indicating the attack had a substantial impact.

Yuan Li frowns behind his translucent black mask.

[...It wasn't this powerful before...]

Yuan Li's gaze turns to the far distance, where Manli Min-lap, wrapped in white bandages, is aiming the cannon at him.


Manli Min-lap holds the cannon with one hand and forms a seal with the other.

The cannon glows once more, and a blue flash begins to form, even more powerful than before.

[Ho... So it's like that. The deceased souls of the fallen Core Formation and Qi Building cultivators are being absorbed, enhancing its power... A cannon that grows stronger with more casualties...]

Yuan Li's eyes emit a bloody shine.

[I've heard of it. The main cannon of the Black Ghost Valleys Nether Crossing Ship. One of the cannons destroyed in the battle with the Mad Lord, rumored to have drifted to the Eastern shores...]


Manli Min-lap silently infuses spiritual power into the cannon, holding it with one hand.


A faint ghostly wail seems to emanate from inside the cannon.

And then.


Another blue beam shoots at Yuan Li.

More ferocious than before!


The beam explodes.

The blue flash of light causes a storm that sweeps around, and Qi Building cultivators positioned behind struggle not to be swept away by the storm.

The brilliance subsides.

But the next moment.


A dull blood-colored glow pierces through the blue explosion and rushes towards Manli Min-lap.

Yuan Li, wielding a crystal skull staff, flies towards him.

[If it's the remnants of the Nether Crossing Ship, I'm quite interested. Hand it over...!]

Manli Min-lap furrows his brows and attempts to reactivate the cannon, but Yuan Li is faster.


In an instant, Yuan Li reaches Manli Min-lap and raises his hand.


A massive blood light gathers above his hand.



The next moment.


Black tendrils of darkness, not of a living creature but of dark mist, entwines around Yuan Li.


The tendrils are made up of thousands of tiny curse spells.

Crackle, crackle!

The black fog of curses envelop Yuan Li.

At that moment, Manli Min-lap quickly retreats, and an elderly man dressed in hemp clothes, Wolryang, descends to Manli Min-lap's position, taking out a brown wheel dharma treasure.

"Die, monster!"


The brown wheel begins to spin.

As Wolryang forms a hand seal, the wheel madly charges towards Yuan Li.

[Annoying pests...]

The wheel is completely stopped by the blood cloud summoned by Yuan Li with a wave of his hand.

Annoyed, Yuan Li spits out a bloody glow as he speaks.

[A surprisingly skilled curse sorcerer, but still far from enough. It is, however, quite troublesome....]


The blood light pushes away the curse spells.

[You have my acknowledgement....]

And then.


Manli Min-lap's main cannon, along with another blue beam, shoots at Yuan Li, who is still talking to himself.

Engulfed in blue light, Yuan Li faces the concentrated attacks of Core Formation cultivators and Qi Building cultivators' siege weapons.


The ground shakes, and a glassy crater forms in the desert.

The flash of brilliance that suddenly bloomed colored the desert, and, as if absorbing the desert's light, turned into darkness.

At the center of the explosion, Yuan Li formed a hand seal and curled the blood light around himself, defending against attacks from all directions.

[You've prepared quite a bit in 200 years. It would have been dangerous if I was still in the early stages of Nascent Soul....]

His shield trembles precariously but shows no sign of breaking.

[If I can just endure....]

Just then.


Yuan Li notices a dharma treasure.

The wheel-shaped dharma treasure Wolryang had thrown.

Spinning madly in front of him, the wheel began to spin faster.

At first, it was negligible, but its rotational force and power gradually increased.

Yuan Li's eyes widen in shock.

[What is this...! That bastard is...]


The brown wheel, gradually turning blood-red, emits a crimson steam, pressing against his shield with immense force.

[This bastard, he's pouring his vital true origin into it...!]

Wolryang, with blood falling from his eyes and mouth, continues to infuse his life force into his dharma treasure.

"Die, old monster...! Even if I have to burn all my life force, I'll leave a mark on you!"


The wheel spins even faster.

Rumble, rumble!

Yuan Li sees the wheel slowly penetrating his trembling shield.

[You think I'll be injured by the likes of you! Ridiculous!]

Yuan Li emits a bloody glow from his eyes, gathering energy.

And then, small characters in the air behind Yuan Li begin to float up.

Seo Eun-hyun's curse spells.

Yuan Li thought he had completely shaken off the sticky evil, but it hadn't entirely disappeared.

Wriggle, wriggle....

Seo Eun-hyun's curse spells climb up Yuan Li's body, settling near his heart.

Outside Yuan Li's bombardment.

Seo Eun-hyun, standing under Serving Command Palace, speaks to a Qi Building cultivator of the Cheongmun Clan assisting him.

[Create it.]


The Cheongmun Clan's Qi Building cultivator scatters seeds into the desert and forms a seal.


The cultivator's wood spiritual energy flows into the seeds, quickly growing them into a tree.

As the cultivator forms a hand seal, the tree grows into a peculiar shape.

It resembled a human.

A person with arms outstretched.

With a shadow submerged in dark curse spells.

As Seo Eun-hyun extends his hand towards the Wooden Man, a strand of curses flows into its heart.

[In this vessel, let agony reside.]


The curse spells in the Wooden Man's heart glows.


Yuan Li twitched as he felt the dark evil in his heart.

But before he can react, the evil explodes.

The Qi Building cultivator from the Cheongmun Clan next to Seo Eun-hyun strikes the Wooden Man's heart with his fist, creating a hole.

The curse is activated.



Yuan Li clutches his chest in agony as a sudden pain erupts in his heart.

And in that brief moment.


Wolryang's dharma treasure, emitting steaming red mist, tears through Yuan Li's protective shield and charges at him.


One side of Yuan Li's upper body is torn away.

Wolryang's wheel doesn't return to him but instead flies behind Yuan Li.

Countless dharma treasures and attacks assault Yuan Lis torn half.

Yuan Li, extracting Pure Spiritual Force, temporarily creates an arm and forms a seal.


Then, an explosion engulfs Yuan Li.


Numerous Core Formation cultivators hold their breath, watching the area where the brilliance is slowly fading.

Cough, cough!

Wolryang, dropping his usual cane, spits blood and glares at the area of explosion.

An all-out attack by numerous Core Formation and Qi Building cultivators!

Everyone looks with anticipation in their eyes.

And from within the dust cloud, something bizarre with a bloody luster appears.

"What is that..."

Cheongmun Jung-jin frowns.

Around Yuan Li, seven blank scrolls have appeared, with a bizarre blood-colored beast emanating  the energy of seven demon souls.

The beast was guarding Yuan Li.

[Haha, thrilling indeed.]

The faces of the cultivator alliance darken.

[But is this really all you have?]

Yuan Li was regenerating half of his upper body that was torn away.

In one hand he holds the crystal skull staff, and in the other, the blood-colored leaf fan.

[Try a bit harder. Im not even excited yet...!]


The Bloodwood Ghost Corpses that Yuan Li summoned began to extract energy from the spells, jiangshi, and devilish creatures they had absorbed.

The energy emitted by the Bloodwood Ghost Corpses coalesced into blood light and flew towards Yuan Li.


As Yuan Li lifts the crystal skull staff, the skull opens its mouth, absorbing the blood energy.

Simultaneously, Yuan Li's depleted energy begins to replenish.


Soon, Yuan Li returns to the same state as when he first emerged from the seal.

[Tsk tsk, how dull. My excitement's dying down. Dont you have anything more to show?]


A mass of black curses rise from under Yuan Li, engulfing him.



However, this round of curses fail to reach Yuan Li, bouncing off his shield.

Yuan Li looks at the shadow manipulating the curse spells from afar.

[I wondered who kept sneakily mixing curses in. So, it was you. Hahaha, now I see its not even a Core Formation cultivator but a Qi Building one.]

He lifts the blood-colored leaf fan.

[I acknowledge your skill in sending troublesome Core Formation level curses as a Qi Building cultivator. Very impressive. And...]

Yuan Li turns back to see Wolryang gasping for breath.

[You risked your life to hit me hard. It's impressive, but it seems you've run out of energy to retrieve your dharma treasure.]

Yuan Li mockingly taunts Wolryang.

Wolryang, gasping for air, smiles.

"The dharma treasure... I dont lack energy to retrieve it, you monster."


"It's been... delivered."

[What nonsense... Well then. You've all worked hard, so die.]

Yuan Li swings his leaf fan, launching a huge attack on all the cultivators who exhausted their strength.


The blood storm engulfs the alliance.

"Hold on...!"

"Nows the time!"

"Just a little longer..."

Cheongmun Jung-jin and numerous Core Formation cultivators spit blood as they once again deploy protective formations.

However, unlike the first formation, this one is considerably weaker, and cracks soon appear, allowing the blood storm to surge through.


"Clan head, save us!"

While Core Formation cultivators endure, many Qi Building cultivators are swept away by the blood storm, turning into mere droplets of blood.

The faces of numerous Core Formation cultivators contort in horror.

However, the seemingly endless blood storm soon subsides.

Manli Min-lap, who had been withstanding at the back of the protective formation, once again lifts the main cannon of the Nether Crossing Ship.


Absorbing the souls of the dead Qi Building cultivators, the cannon flickers with an even more powerful blue light.

But Yuan Li laughs at Manli Min-lap.

[Its laughable. I have already grasped the time it takes for the main cannon of the Nether Crossing Ship to charge. Even when it consumes numerous resentful souls, it actually takes quite some time to fire, doesn't it?]

He slowly approaches the Manli Min-rap.

[Well then, obediently hand over the remnant of the Nether Crossing Ship.]

Chwa Chwa Chwa Chwak!

Curse spells resembling earthworms fly towards Yuan Li, binding his feet.

Yuan Li snorts with derison, looking at the shadow casting curses at him.

[Aren't you ashamed of yourself? A curse that won't even work...]

[It's time.]

The shadow interrupts Yuan Li's words and speaks to Cheongmun Jung-jin.

[It's time.]

"Everyone! Get ready!"

Cheongmun Jung-jin shouted, and the cultivator alliance began to move in unison.


Then, several Qi Building cultivators rush towards the shadow wrapped in curse spells..

As they take their positions in the four directions around the shadow and form a seal, an altar rises from the ground.

Altars each offering sacrifices to the heavens.

Yuan Li looks at them with incomprehension.

[A Core Formation altar...? Have they all gone mad together?]

But Yuan Li soon turns his gaze to something else.


The gate of the Serving Command Palace is opening.

[Alright, that's it. Why should I deal with you vermin any longer? I have business to attend to, so just die.]

From Yuan Li's body, bloody brilliance begins to scatter.

And then, a formless trajectory flies towards Yuan Li.



Yuan Li shudders and shoots the blood light he was preparing towards the formless trajectory.


The surroundings quake.

[Ho, what's this now....]

Yuan Li's gaze turns towards the gate of Serving Command Palace.

From within the wide-open gate of Serving Command Palace, a mass of black curses pour out like a river.

At the center of the black river stands a man in white clothes, shedding black tears.

[Two curse sorcerers...?]

Yuan Li takes a look at the shadow standing on the other side.

And then, Yuan Li shudders.


The curses obscuring the shadow's entire body are sucked into the shadow, and its true body is revealed.

Its a glass sculpture the size of a human.

A glass doll (human form) that moves just like a human, filled with thousands of curse spells!

The intricately made glass doll resembles Yuan Li.

As the glass doll that just absorbed thousands of curses raises its arm, a brown wheel flies into its hand.

The dharma treasure... I dont lack energy to retrieve it, you monster.

Its been delivered.

The glass doll, looking just like Yuan Li, absorbs the blood and flesh that had burst from Yuan Li's upper body and stuck to the brown wheel.

[Cursed Doll!]


Without hesitation, Yuan Li lifts his fan.

'It's dangerous. If a Qi Building-level cursed doll contains my blood and a first-class curse sorcerer casts a curse...'


However, a formless trajectory flies towards him, interrupting his actions.

The curse sorcerer who emerged from Serving Command Palace, shedding black tears,

Seo Eun-hyun raises one hand above the river of curse spells.

"Yin Soul Ghost Incantation."

Black curses flutter around him.

"Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea."

From the river of curses, a forest made of black and green curse spells arise.

"Silica Earth Great Wall Practice."

The dragon veins that flow through the Serving Command Palace weave in and out of the black and green forest, gathering around Seo Eun-hyun according to his will.


And around Seo Eun-hyun, the energy that had gathered began to rush into his dantian.

Pure Spiritual Force bubbles up throughout Seo Eun-hyun's body.

Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, Winnowing Basket.

Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, Wall.

Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Beak, Triple Stars.

Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wing, Chariot.

Twenty-Eight Stars, Qi Building completion!

Chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk!

Then, four more figures appear around Seo Eun-hyun.

They too are shadows wrapped in black curses, Seo Eun-hyun's cursed dolls.

The cursed dolls each have the cultivation of Qi Building Grand Perfection.

"I reached the stage to advance to Core Formation 200 years ago through pain. But just for today, I refrained from Core Formation, continuously storing the growing spiritual power from the suffering into five cursed dolls, all advancing to Qi Building Grand Perfection...."

Drip, drip....

Seo Eun-hyun, shedding black tears, seperated from Serving Command Palace.


The ground where his black tears fell rotted away.

"I've come to return this pain, Yuan Li."


The four Qi Building cursed dolls that lined up beside Seo Eun-hyun run to the four prepared altars, taking positions in all four directions, and climb onto them.

[Keke, coming here with such a show.... Are you really performing a mere Core Formation advancement ceremony in front of me?]


The leaf fan in Yuan Li's hand begins to glow.

[What on earth.... Have they all collectively lost their minds....]

"Go, Seo Eun-hyun!"


Wolryang, shedding bloody tears, charged towards Yuan Li, who was about to swing his leaf fan.

"I'll hold him back! Kill him!"

[Tsk, this insect....]

Yuan Li clicks his tongue, trying to shake him off.

But Wolryang's body blazes red.


His blood evaporates, and Wolryang's entire body bursts into flames.

The ghost fire that had been burning in a brownish hue now shines as bright as the golden sands of the desert.

[Even if! I burn my life! I will kill you!]


Wolryang's body, burning his Golden Core, breaks through Yuan Li's barrier and enters his embrace.


[You... trash!]

[Go, Seo Eun-hyun! I'll stall for time! Curse him!]


Seo Eun-hyun, leading the curse spells, nods as he enters the interior of the altar spread in all four directions.


The glass cursed doll in Yuan Li's appearance lays down obediently before Seo Eun-hyun.

[You, this...!]

Seo Eun-hyun looks at Wolryang's brown wheel dharma treasure with eyes streaming black tears.

He lifts the wheel dharma treasure.

The glass doll hands the storage artifact it held to Seo Eun-hyun, who then exchanges glances with Wolryang after receiving the bag.

The two avengers nod to each other.

[This bastard...!]


The wheel raised by Seo Eun-hyun smashes down onto the Qi Building Grand Perfection cursed doll containing Yuan Li's blood.


The glass cursed doll shatters into thousands pieces, scattering in all directions, and the curse, having used up one Qi Building cursed doll, strikes Yuan Li directly.


Blood pours from Yuan Li's seven orifices.

From his mouth, which had only produced snorts and tsk sounds, now came a genuine scream of agony.

[You... damn trash...!]

Yuan Li roars in a furious voice.

However, Seo Eun-hyun turns his gaze away from Yuan Li.

"The advancement to Core Formation begins."


The altars placed in all four directions and the four Qi Building Grand Perfection cursed dolls who climbed onto the altars.

The cursed dolls each form a seal.

At the 7th Star of Qi Refining, the Seven Stars Ritual is performed to receive blessings from Seven Stars among the Four Constellations, thereby opening the eyes that see celestial energy and determine fate.

And in each Constellation of Qi Building, one ascends based on the blessings received during the ritual.

To reach Core Formation, a cultivator who has reached the Grand Perfection of Qi Building must perform rituals for each of the Twenty-Eight Stars corresponding to the Spiritual Energy Stars within their body.

The ritual involves embedding celestial energy in each of these Spiritual Energy Stars.

While this ritual ceremony is common among many cultivators, the detailed practices vary slightly depending on the methods they cultivate.

The method of the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, which Seo Eun-hyun has mastered, involves placing cursed dolls at the altars in each direction, cursing oneself through these dolls to embed celestial energy in the stars.


Seo Eun-hyun's ritual began.

[In the East, the stars of Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket. To the Spirit of the Azure Dragon, I, Seo Eun-hyun, perform this ritual to seek guidance on the Human path. Please accept it!]

The cursed doll at the eastern altar, after weaving a curse spell into a string of curses, strangles itself with it.


The neck of the cursed doll at the eastern altar snaps, and it collapses on the altar.

[In the North, the stars of Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, Wall. To the Spirit of the Black Turtle, I, Seo Eun-hyun, perform this ritual to seek guidance on the Human path. Please accept it!]

The cursed doll at the northern altar, using curse spells, creates a black sword and beheads itself.

The head of the northern altar's cursed doll rolls, and it collapses on the altar.

[In the West, the stars of Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Beak, Triple Star. To the Spirit of the White Tiger, I, Seo Eun-hyun, perform this ritual to seek guidance on the Human path. Please accept it!]

The cursed doll at the western altar, using curse spells, creates a black dagger and cuts its own stomach.

Black curses pour out of the stomach of the western altar's cursed doll, and it collapses on the altar.

[In the South, the stars of Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wing, Chariot. To the Spirit of the Red Vermillion, I, Seo Eun-hyun, perform this ritual to seek guidance on the Human path. Please accept it!]

As the cursed doll at the southern altar forms a curse spell, the curse turns into Yin Fire, engulfing the doll.

The southern altar's cursed doll burns in the Yin Fire and collapses onto the altar.

In the center of the altars, Seo Eun-hyun gathered the curse spells coming from all directions.

There is no need to match the time for the Core Formation ritual.

One simply has to attract celestial energy with their cultivated method and embed it into the twenty-eight corresponding Spiritual Energy Stars.


The black curses swarming from all directions burrow into Seo Eun-hyun's entire body.

Seo Eun-hyun, shedding black tears, closes his eyes.

Celestial energy begins embedding and connecting the twenty-eight stars in his dantian.

At the same time, the stars begin to rotate.

Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, Winnowing Basket represents the East,

Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, Wall represents the North,

Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Beak, Triple Star represents the West,

Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wing, Chariot represents the South.

The Spiritual Energy Stars symbolizing the four directions start rotating in Seo Eun-hyun's dantian, beginning to create a [Domain] within it.

This domain, also known as the Heavenly Domain or Heavenly Sphere Diagram, is engraved in his dantian.

The space within the Heavenly Sphere Diagram in the dantian begins to condense.

Crack, crackle

The domain in the dantian gathers the Pure Spiritual Force flowing within the body, confining it within the domain.

The Pure Spiritual Force condenses more and more, starting to take a solid form.


Celestial energy from all directions pours into Seo Eun-hyun's body furiously.

[Kugh, Keughh]

Yuan Li vomits blood from his injuries.


He burns his vital true origin and throws Wolryang who bound him far away. Then, he looks at Seo Eun-hyun.

He hasn't fully recovered from the curse inflicted by sacrificing the cursed doll at the Grand Perfection of Qi Building.

Yet, even so, a smile never left his face.

[Like lunatics Everyone seems ridiculously laughable. There wont even be a need to reveal what Ive been hiding. Do you truly believe anything will change in the grand scheme just because another Core Formation will emerge?]

He bursts into laughter.

[Hahaha, that's right. Ascend to Core Formation and make me die with you with your curse. Go ahead! Aren't you underestimating a Nascent Soul cultivator too much? Even if you curse me at that level, I can quickly recover just by devouring a few more bugs]

Yuan Li points at the sky.

[If you have eyes, try to read the celestial energy! Do you really think you can win? Hasn't a great misfortune been cast upon you? Even the heavens know!]

Yuan Li's voice echoes throughout the desert.

[Today, I will be the victor. The heavens will witness it]

And then.

Rumble, rumble

In the once clear desert sky.

Dark clouds begin to gather.


As Seo Eun-hyun ascends to Core Formation, he flies towards Yuan Li, breaking through his defenses with the Formless Sword and charging into his embrace.

"Enjoy this beautiful sky to your heart's content."

Rumble, rumble

The suddenly appearing dark clouds severe the connection between heaven and earth.

The Phenomenon of Heavenly Rejection.

The heavens begin to gather strength to prevent the lifespan of an Ender from being rewritten.

Seo Eun-hyun entered Yuan Li's embrace, hugging to the point of crushing him.

Kuuung! Kuuuung!

Within the dark clouds, jagged blue flickers.

The streaks of blue are even more enormous than when Seo Eun-hyun reached Qi Building.

Seo Eun-hyun smiles brightly.

"It'll be a bit thrilling."


The Heavens drop a pillar of Heavenly Lightning towards the Heavenly Rejected.

Translator Notes: I really enjoyed the 4 cursed dolls ritual scene and the reveal that Seo Eun-hyun was in the Serving Command Palace this whole time. I also bet yall didn't expect Seo Eun-hyun to enter Core Formation, eh?


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