A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 117: What You Trampled On / The Path You Have Tread (5)

Chapter 117: What You Trampled On / The Path You Have Tread (5)

Discord: /translatingnovice

This is definitely...'

The overall structure of the Sea Dragon Palace in front of me,

And the ritualistic formation I saw in the hidden room on the top floor of Serving Command Palace.

Somehow, their structures overlap in my mind.

After observing the Sea Dragon Palace for a while, I descend and ask Seo Ran.

"Daoist Seo, do you know anything about the construction of the Sea Dragon Palace?"

"Oh, are you asking about the structure of the Sea Dragon Palace?"

Seo Ran gestures in the air, softly touching the spiritual energy flowing around.

"As you are feeling right now, this Sea Dragon Palace always has a flow of auspicious energy and comfortable spiritual energy"

"I see."

Indeed, the area where the Sea Dragon Palace is located always has a strange flow of auspicious energy, and I could feel a faint sense of sacredness.

At the same time, absorbing the spiritual energy of the Sea Dragon Palace seems to clear my mind somehow.

"The Sea Dragon Palace itself forms a kind of ritualistic formation, and the Dragon King said that this formation is designed to awaken and clear the minds of the Sea Dragon Tribe living here, maintaining their pure and composed state of mind."

'A formation for mental awakening...?'

I recall the formation in the hidden room of Serving Command Palace.

'If the structures are almost identical, even if the effects are slightly different, surely the formation in Serving Command Palace is also related to the mind...'

I fall into doubt.

'Why... is there a mind-related formation left in Serving Command Palace?'

What was the Sea Dragon King thinking?

'I'll have to ask Song Jin later if he knows about this formation.'

"Anyway, let's search the Sea Dragon Palace."

Seo Ran leads the way, looking around.

"This is the outer palace, with various complex formations, but once we enter the inner palace, there are almost no formations, so we can look for dharma treasures or spiritual elixirs there."


I followed Seo Ran, breaking through the formations of the outer palace and entering the inner palace.

The deeper into the Sea Dragon Palace, the more intense the auspicious and sacred energies seemed to become.

'My mind is becoming clearer...'

Gradually, my consciousness became clearer.

What can be in this place?

Seo Ran and I decided to split up and search different parts of the Sea Dragon Palace.

'There are prohibitions everywhere...'

The outer palace had traps where if one steps wrongly, they fall into a maze-like formation. However, the inner palace had active prohibitions spread throughout.

'Each one is not easy to deal with. It takes two or three strikes with the Formless Sword to break them...'

But the presence of prohibitions means something valuable is hidden inside.

'Where should I start searching...'

Just when Im wandering inside the inner palace.


I suddenly find one hall among the many, uniquely without any prohibitions.

This hall is among the larger ones, and though there are no prohibitions, ritualistic scripts are engraved all over, emitting spiritual energy.

Clearly, its no ordinary place, but strangely, this is the only place without prohibitions.

I enter the hall, feeling something odd.



As I opened the door and entered, I trembled at the strong smell of blood coming from inside.

This place is...'

The inside of the hall is spacious.

Along the edges of the hall are numerous bookshelves, and in the center, there is a large celestial map.

The celestial map depicts constellations corresponding to the 28 Stars, positions of the Purple Forbidden Enclosure, Supreme Palace Enclosure, and the Heavenly Market Enclosure.

It also shows the sun and the moon embroidered on it.

And above the beautiful celestial map, theres dried scattered blood, giving off a chilling feel..

What on earth is this...'

Moreover, while the bookshelves along the edges are intact, there are no books inside, only heaps of black, burnt charcoal.

The bookshelves were all charred, as if...

Did someone kill the inhabitant of this place and burn all the books of the hall's owner?'

The most likely suspect is certainly Seo Hweol.

Given his twisted nature, its entirely possible he would do something like this.

The reason there are no prohibitions here is perhaps because there's nothing left, so theres no need to set them up.'

It seems I have stumbled upon the scene of someone's crime, with nothing else to gain.

I was about to leave the hall when it happened.


A sensation caught my attention, a sensation only I could perceive, having mastered the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, a curse method.

This is...

A curse?'

Someone had left a deep, lingering curse here.


My Inner Core suddenly vibrates.

And then, I feel the intense curse that had been lingering somewhere rushing towards me.

Oh no...!

I panic and try to neutralize the curse with the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, but the curse already attaches itself to me.

And then.


Someone's 'voice' began to be heard.

-Will findheredemi-human...

A voice filled with intense resentment.

-Seo Ran...outsidenot

The voice, filled with pain, speaks.

-Trust himentrust to him... Ran look under..celestial map...

And with that, the voice cuts off.


The curse that was attached to me, seemingly with the sole purpose of conveying that message, disappeared after leaving me with a slight headache.

'Look under the celestial map?'

The floor where the celestial map is drawn is made of stone slabs of jade.

I infuse my arms with Pure Spiritual Force and forcefully insert my fingers between the slabs, lifting them.

Uguk, ugrgrgrgruk!

Gradually, the slabs are lifted up.

Beneath, there is a decaying leather-bound book, seemingly just an ordinary item with no spiritual energy, probably just a diary of the voice's owner.

An item not even detected by my consciousness...'

It seems that these jade slabs had some role in blocking consciousness and spiritual energy.

I pull the book towards me using sword control, then put the slabs back in place.


The slabs were quite heavy, so I wiped off my sweat.

On the book is a simple title in demon script: 'Diary'.

Why would they want to pass on their diary to Seo Ran?'

I check the diary for any special spells or techniques.

Indeed, its just a diary, without any traps or backhands.

Sararak, sararak.

The owner of the diary, a Sea Dragon Tribe elder named Jeon Hyang, was an astronomer, responsible for celestial observations.

Most of the diary's content involved their daily activities as an astronomer, noting unusual celestial phenomena, what they ate that day, conversations they had, and the weather.

-I spoke with a senior of the Heavenly Circle stage today. He told me that if I keep observing the World's End, my headache will only worsen and advised me to consume an elixir for relief.

The person referred to Heavenly Being cultivators as 'seniors of the Heavenly Circle stage'.

The demon race often uses the term 'Heavenly Circle' instead of 'Heavenly Being. Those who typically dislike the term 'Heavenly Being' tend to hold demon race supremacy beliefs, and they are known to capture and consume humans.

Indeed, Jeon Hyang often consumed human elixirs.

-I extracted and consumed the core formed by the livestock trained in the Summoning Wind, Coagulating Core Transformation. Indeed, its efficacy is remarkable. The headache has disappeared.

-There are rumors that the King has developed an even more exceptional livestock cultivation method.

-Not only does it involve extracting the cultivation efforts of the livestock by infusing them with the true blood of the Sea Dragon tribe, but it is also said to be an outstanding method that allows the Sea Dragon tribe to resurrect in the livestock's body once, should they die in battle. The livestock's body serves as a vessel for this singular resurrection."


Regardless of the species, exploiting another race to this extent, is that really right?

I flip through the diary, clicking my tongue at the Sea Dragon Tribe's anecdotes.


As I browse, I pause at a certain entry.

-Today, the Dragon King, I, and the other astronomers, along with the elders of the Sea Dragon tribe, gathered for a meeting.

-The King explained the astronomical records we had submitted to the elders, sharing a certain speculation he had been considering.

-It was a truly chilling speculation. If it were true, it meant that those living in this world could only prove their dignity by ascending and leaving this world.

-A Heavenly Circle elder opposed the King's words. He said it was too far-fetched, a speculation. Although I felt chills, I do think the King's words were a bit exaggerated.

-It was a meeting that gave me much to ponder. I must visit the World's End more frequently and observe the heavens more closely."

This was the end of that day's entry.

Speculation? What is the speculation mentioned here?'

What exactly did Seo Hweol think upon seeing the astronomical records?

I continue flipping through the diary.

The next few pages were records of mundane daily life.

Then, once again, I stop at a section of the diary.

-It seems the Dragon King had observed something else separately.

-The King called together the elders and us astronomers, presenting a hypothesis about the speculation he had mentioned.

-It was an interesting hypothesis.

-In this world, day and night do not actually exist; rather, it's merely that the heaven and earth spiritual energy divides into Yin and Yang, circulating in a cycle.

-On a macroscopic level, the grand flow of spiritual energy divides into Yin and Yang, rotating this world, leading to the illusion of day and night. In our world, day and night do not actually exist.


Day and night do not exist?

What does that even mean?

I look at the sentence several times, unable to comprehend.

But still, I cant understand.

-It was disrespectful to the King, but we astronomers couldn't help but laugh.

-The idea that day and night don't actually exist while the sun and moon orbit the world!

-As we struggled to contain our laughter, the elders became furious. Eventually, we were scolded, listening to the wrathful voice of the grand elder.

-Normally, such disrespect could have warranted punishment, but the King, with a heart as vast as the sea, forgave us.

-The King may indulge in somewhat extravagant imaginations, but his boundless compassion and heart are truly admirable. I only feel sorry towards the King.

'The sun and moon orbit the world...'

Apparently, in this world shaped as a flat plane,

The heliocentric model, where the world revolves around the sun, doesn't apply, but rather a geocentric model, where the sun and moon orbit the world, seems to be the accepted theory.

But Seo Hweol's statement concerns me.

'If day and night doesn't truly exist, does that mean neither geocentric nor heliocentric models apply to this world?'

With this question in mind, I turn the page.

-Recently, a half-human, half-dragon brat named Seo Ran is causing a stir in the Sea Dragon Palace.

-If it weren't for his royal lineage, I would have driven him out immediately, but he always clings to me and annoys me.

-The King always greets Seo Ran with a smiling face, but those with insight know that the King doesn't really fancy him.

-Ironically, that annoying brat follows the King the most, but does he realize?

-That it's the King who most often orchestrates situations to avoid him?

-I wish that brat would soon realize this himself and leave the Sea Dragon Palace.



I turn to the next page.

-We astronomers plan to go to the World's End to properly align ourselves and observe the orbit of the sun and moon, intending to shatter the King's speculation.

-Some of the elders subtly support us. They seem to want to prove that the King's extravagant speculation is wrong.

-The idea that day and night don't actually exist, as sorry as I am to say this about the King who has accomplished so much, it seems that the King might have spoken so because of his lack of understanding in astronomy.

-I won't be able to write in this journal for the next few months. We'll be holed up at the World's End, repeatedly observing.

-I must take plenty of the livestock's cores with me. The headaches worsen when continuously facing the World's End.

Sararak, sararak, sararak.

The following pages are blank.

As I continue turning the pages, I eventually reach a part where the diary resumes.


The handwriting here is incredibly erratic.

It is evident that Jeon Hyang was extremely agitated when writing this entry.

-With my own hands, I succeeded in observing the sun and the moon.

-It's unbelievable. The results are too strange.

-Neither the sun nor the moon orbits the world!

-Both celestial bodies are simply fixed in one place in the sky!

-Even the rising and setting of the sun and moon from the east and west are just an illusion!!!

-The actual position of the sun and moon is in the south, closest to our Sea Dragon Tribe's homeland.

-The hypothesis proposed by the King was correct!!!

-Neither the sun nor the moon orbits. They simply remain in place, and in this world, there is no day or night. What we thought of as day and night is merely the macroscopic circulation of the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth spiritual energy!"

Jeon Hyang's handwriting is extremely shaky, as if their hands were trembling while writing.

I can feel from his writing that Jeon Hyang was terrified.

-If the King's hypothesis is proven, then what does it say about this world?

-Isnt the form of this world too grotesque?

-Have we been breathing, cultivating, and living in such an ominous place?

-How are we any different from maggots?

-I began my observations intending to refute the King's speculation, but in the end, the astronomical observations of myself and the other astronomers only splendidly proved the King's hypothesis.

-The Council of Elders is calling for me. Not just me, but all the other astronomers will be gathered too. I'm afraid. Have I inadvertently proven such a grotesque truth?

Sararak, sararak.

In the next page, the handwriting is a bit more stable.

-Beheading Punishment.

-If that statement is true, then this place is definitely not where we should live.

-I and the other astronomers, along with all members of the Council of Elders, agreed with the King's opinion that all races should ascend together at once.

-The King is indeed benevolent.

-Isn't he giving the other races an opportunity to preserve their dignity too?"

"Beheading Punishment...?"

What does that mean?

It seems like Jeon Hyang wrote something in the diary that only they knew.

Is it some sort of code?'

I cant tell at the moment.


I turn the pages again.

-The youngest at the Core Formation stage among us astronomers, a naive youngster who couldn't even perform transformation, briefly went to the continent and was captured and killed by a human devilish cultivator.

-The King chased down that cultivator to reprimand him and retrieved the body. Indeed, humans are all treacherous and unreliable trash.

-These creatures are best used as livestock. After all, aren't the elixirs made from them the most effective?

-And the headaches from observing the World's End are also best alleviated by the cores of these livestock. Of course, there will be no need for them for headaches anymore.

-The reason for headaches when gazing at the World's End was revealed to be due to unintentional eye contact with a Great Boundary True Immortal.

-Even if it's not the gaze of a True Immortal, observing the World's End means continuously witnessing the will of True Immortals, so it's natural that the upper dantian is unknowingly under strain.

-Now, we astronomers have stopped meaningless astronomical observations. Hence, there's no more need for elixirs, and they will be used as emergency medicinal materials.

"Great Boundary True Immortal...?"

Suddenly, the folktale book I read to the child in a previous village comes to mind.

In the folktale, the sun and moon were depicted as eyes.

I continue flipping through the pages.

-I've been feeling terrible lately.

-Is it because I've observed such a terrifying fact with my own hands?

-That fact lingers in my mind and won't leave.

-The realization that I have been unwittingly making eye contact with an unfathomable entity fills me with deep fear.

-What was that entity thinking while looking at me? Lately, whenever I recall that fact, it feels like it's driving me insane.

-It's not just me. I can see that the characters of most of the astronomers are becoming increasingly volatile. They too always seem to have fear written on their faces.


-This is madness!

-The Mad Lord, that perverted old monster, attacked the livestock pen! Not only the royal family managing the pen, but also my fellow astronomers who were visiting have been captured by that monster and turned into living puppets!

-The pen has collapsed, and all the livestock have escaped.

-The King rushed out to pursue the Mad Lord, but he had already fled.

-It's so bitter and grievous. All the emergency medicinal materials have run away!

-Lately, we haven't been observing the heavens, so there's no headache, but it's a painfully significant loss.

Sararak, sararak.

-...The atmosphere has been strange lately.

-Although it's said that our relationship with Black Ghost Valley has worsened and we have been in disputes with them, it's unusual how often my fellow astronomers are being attacked or go missing.

-Starting with the youngest Core Formation stage astronomer last time, from the attacks by the Mad Lord, it seems like my fellow astronomers are being targeted unusually often. There are quite a few who have disappeared without any apparent reason.

-It's likely that the elders, who have been unsupportive of the King and encouraging our astronomical observations while opposing the Kings extravagant speculations, are putting us in danger.

-My fellow astronomers discussed this and decided to inform the King about it.

-I, as the representative, went to the King to report. The King praised me with a trusting face, saying I did well in speaking up. He assured us of his protection.

-Especially me, being an exceptional astronomer who directly observed the sun and the moon, he said I would be firmly protected. I am grateful.

-Thinking about it, since the fact I observed not only affected the astronomers but also changed the expressions of the Heavenly Circle elders, it's surprising.

-Despite such a terrifying truth that should affect everyone regardless of being at the Nascent Soul or Heavenly Circle stage, the King always maintains his benevolent smile and gives us faith.

-As expected, he is our King.

Sararak, sararak....

I turn the next page.

And then, I see Jeon Hyang's handwriting start to shake again in the following entry.

-What is happening!

-Among the astronomers, I'm the only one left.

-All have either disappeared or died in battles with the Black Ghost Valley, at the hands of the Mad Lord, or due to other disasters.

-The King promised to protect us, yet how has it come to this?

-I know it's disrespectful, but I can't help but make a terrifying speculation.

-Its not the elders who opposed the King, but the King himself is orchestrating the disappearance of the astronomers who know the truth.

-It can't be. He is a benevolent person. I mustn't worry. It's just a needless thought.


And in the very next entry.

The handwriting became completely distorted, and oozing with rage.

-Your Majesty!

-You are pushing the astronomers who know the truth towards death!

-I too will soon die!

-Promising to firmly protect me meant nothing but to exploit me to the end before killing me.

-I am going to die. I won't even be able to participate in the ascension.

-Why are you doing this to us, Your Majesty? Why?

-Is the truth we know harmful to the Sea Dragon Tribe?

-It might be. It's so terrifying that even the seniors of the Heavenly Circle stage are sometimes tormented by it. Even we who have reached the Nascent Soul stage spend sleepless nights.

-Yes, if it's for the good of the Sea Dragon Tribe...

-If it's for the sake of our tribe, then it can't be helped.

-Let's accept it.

Their handwriting started in anger but seemed to stabilize as they reconciled their thoughts while writing.



-After accepting my inevitable death, I feel at peace.

-One must accept that they will one day die.

-Accepting death, life, in fact, feels renewed. 

-Things I couldnt see before are now visible. This precious life, the scenery of the Sea Dragon Palace...

-And then, there's Seran, who seems to be ostracized under the King's leadership, just like me.

-I've recently become close to that child. Perhaps it's a case of shared misery.

-The child is exceptionally bright. Previously blinded by prejudice regarding race and lineage, now I see the child's intelligence.

-Quite adorable. If this kid had joined the astronomers, I would have treated him well....

-The King said he won't take this child on the ascension.

-Instead, he assigned him the task of liberating the souls of the Sea Dragon warriors trapped in the wrecked Nether Crossing Ship destroyed in the war with the Mad Lord.

-Indeed... the King, though stern, truly cares for the Sea Dragon Tribe.

-Seo Ran, this child too, is pitiable, but... it's for the sake of the tribe, so sacrifice is necessary.

-I too will soon die for the sake of our tribe. The King's demeanor towards me is subtly changing.

-Perhaps I will die before the Ascension Gate opens....

Jeon Hyang's diary is nearing its end.


And then, when I turn the next page.

This is...


The next page is written in dried blood.

-Seo Hweol!!!

-I despise you!

-All of our Sea Dragon Tribe are being deceived by him!

-He is not a King (), just an Ignorant Mortal ().

-Seo Ran, I leave this message for you. If you return to the Sea Dragon Palace, read my diary and learn the true nature of Seo Hweol.

-It was all lies.

-Do not believe anything he has said!

-He is a madman, more deranged than the Mad Lord, consumed by vengeance, a broken monster!

-Even to the Sea Dragon Tribe....

-Seo Ran, he is coming to kill me now. I can't leave a long message.

-Be sure to read this diary later!

-Thank you for being my confidant.


That is the last page of the diary.

Although I dont understand everything, the diary provides many insights.

I closed Jeon Hyang's diary.

Grotesque form of the world? Day and night being an illusion? Seo Hweols true nature...

Various truths swirl confusingly in my mind.

Even Yuan Li is under the influence of Seo Hweol.'

What does Seo Hweol want....


Just when I close the diary.



Wriggle, wriggle....

Suddenly, the diary began to wriggle.


I hadn't sensed any presence or spiritual energy infused in it.

But why...?

And then.


From between the pages of the diary, a blue hand reaches out and grabs my arms with crushing strength.


Suddenly, I feel a heavy weight all over my body.

The heaven and earth spiritual energy around me presses down, pinning me in place.

What is this...

And then, a voice filled with kindness and gentleness, Seo Hweol's voice, begins to be heard.

[Closing this diary means, Seo Ran, that you have survived without using the space-breaking bead and somehow reached the Sea Dragon Palace. Jeon Hyang thought he hid the diary well in front of me... but unfortunately for him, he didnt.]


[Regrettably, Ran-ah, that was the extent of your role. Liberating the souls of the Sea Dragon Tribe warriors trapped in the Nether Crossing Ship was your last utility, and your continued existence is now just an obstacle... So, rest now. Go to your mother and fathers side.]

Crack, crackle!

I struggle desperately to break free from Seo Hweol's grasp.

Just then.


The entire Sea Dragon Palace suddenly begins to tremble.

"Seo Hweol...!"

Translator Notes: Adding -ah is like Xiao in Chinese. Its a suffix added to names to denote affection or familiarity, a term of endearment. I made sure to include it to further highlight Seo Hweols hypocrisy and heartlessness. 

is a term used in Buddhism and Taoism to describe someone that is not spiritually enlightened, in contrast to the sages and those with spiritual understanding. It means Ordinary Person but to fit in the context of the setting and meaning, I translated it as ignorant mortal.


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