A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 107: Lotus (15)

Chapter 107: Lotus (15)


"Is my magic artifact almost complete?"

"Yes, the conceptual stage is nearly finished, and now I just need to precisely arrange the structure before starting the actual production."


I feel a subtle sense of anticipation.

Although Im not interested in external items, Im curious about what kind of magic artifact she has created.

"Can you tell me what kind of magic artifact it is?"

"Ah, that's a secret. I'll let you know once I've completely laid out the structure."

"Hmm... I see."

"And, Daoist Seo, you have a task to do."


She takes my hand and leads me to her workshop.

"Starting today, Daoist Seo will also learn to make magic artifacts."


"Didn't you stipulate that the magic artifact should be easy enough for you to make as well?"

I let out a wry laugh.

"It seems that Miss Bulk wants to turn me into a craftsman to fulfill that condition."

"Ahaha, don't worry. It's really not that hard. You'll be able to make my designed magic artifact on your own if you can manage even the simplest thing."

After some thought, I nodded.

"If that's the case, please teach me."

After all, learning to make magic artifacts could be useful.

And so, the education in artifact refining began.

The beginning of magic artifact refining is getting used to crafting' things.

I became accustomed to using Buk Hyang-hwa's workshop, starting with crafting simple handicrafts.



I look at the glass craft I just made with my own hands in Buk Hyang-hwa's workshop.

Since beginners couldn't use precious materials, I started with making glass crafts from the abundant sand in the desert to get used to the act of making something.


Buk Hyang-hwa looks at the glass craft I made.

"What is this?"

"It's a cursed doll. It's among my cultivation methods."

"Cursed dolls are usually made in a human figure... is this a starfish?"

"...It's supposed to be a human."

At my words, Buk Hyang-hwa covers her mouth and looks away.

I can sense her muscles moving, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Hmm... It seems, Daoist Seo, that you don't have a talent for crafting."

"...I've always lacked talent in making things."


After a moment of thought, she says to me.

"Let's keep trying. It'll get better over time."

"Thank you for the encouragement, but..."

My crafting skills didn't really improve.

The glass doll, which initially looked like a starfish, gradually became more human-like, but it still seemed inadequate in Buk Hyang-hwa's eyes.

I was trained not only in artifact refining by Buk Hyang-hwa but also in their use.

It seems necessary to become familiar with magic artifacts to make them.

Buk Hyang-hwa, along with Kim Young-hoon who came to Cheon-saek City, started special training with me.

Vroom, Vrooom!

She noted improvements, corrections, and new inspirations while observing the monster puppet I controlled against Kim Young-hoon.

I maneuvered the monster puppet while also operating various magic artifacts given by Buk Hyang-hwa to corner Kim Young-hoon.



Kim Young-hoon is blown away by a magic artifact, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The artifacts are powered by spiritual power, but since their movement strictly follows my lead, the training is beneficial for Kim Young-hoon, Buk Hyang-hwa, and myself.

I trained Kim Young-hoon, constantly showing him the path to the next realm and refining his skills.

Buk Hyang-hwa had me start with doll crafts and then practice making glass artifacts in the form of flying swords.

Practicing in the form of a sword felt more familiar, and crafting became a bit easier.

I endlessly created glass flying sword crafts, gradually becoming accustomed to 'crafting.'

Months passed.

Before I came to my senses, I found myself working in Buk Hyang-hwa's magic artifact shop.


Although it wasn't artifact refining, I was the one managing the sales and explanations of magic artifacts to the cultivators who visited the store, as well as taking care of the artifacts themselves.

"Hey, boss, this saber seems a bit off."

"Kim Hyung, you don't need a magic artifact anyway. Besides, the owner of this magic artifact shop is Miss Buk, not me."

"Kukkukku, when a couple runs a store, both are the owners. What are you talking about?"

"What are you saying..."

Kim Young-hoon, who was examining a saber-shaped magic artifact, looks at me and says,

"Didn't you and Miss Buk practically live here for the past few months? Now, the cultivators who buy magic artifacts from Cheon-saek City are spreading rumors that 'a young cultivator couple' runs this place."


"Even Miss Buk's father thinks you and Miss Buk will get married soon. Hahaha, I don't know when you'll marry, but congratulations."

Buk Joong-ho and Kim Young-hoon had become drinking buddies.

'Damn it. Why has such a rumor spread...'

Feeling somewhat incredulous and dealing with Kim Young-hoon's nonsensical talk, I sent him out of the magic artifact shop and headed to the nearby market.

I had come out on an errand to buy paper for Buk Hyang-hwa, who needed it for her magic artifact designs.

It was when I reached the paper store.

"Oh, isn't this the groom, Sir Seo?"

"Excuse me?"

The old lady who owns the paper store hands me a bundle of paper with a chuckle.

"I saw you walking down the street with the daughter of the chief observer, looking quite cozy. I heard you've been living together lately, aren't you married yet?"

As Im bewildered, the old lady looks at me curiously and asks.

"...We haven't married yet."

"Oh, you haven't reached that point yet. But everyone in the city knows you two are meant for each other, so why not get married soon?"

"Ah, no..."

While Im flustered by the old lady's words, another shop owner comes out and adds to the conversation.

"Everyone in this city knows you two are lovers."

"That's right, we've been watching the two of you together for years."


It seems the rumor has spread throughout the entire city, painting me and Buk Hyang-hwa as a cultivator couple running the magic artifact shop.

'This is crazy.'

Why has such a rumor spread so far?

I received the bundle of paper amidst people's premature congratulations and returned to the workshop.

"What? You're still not officially together?"

Kim Young-hoon, practicing his saber, says to me.

I read his intent, block all his attacks, and reply.

"We haven't said anything to each other yet."

"Ugh! I'm going to explode! I mean, you're one thing, but why hasn't Miss Buk said anything to you? I thought her intent was clear..."

"Just stop it, please."

I dodge and suppress Kim Young-hoon's blade, aiming at his vital points.

"Alright, you win this time. But... thanks to you, I'm getting the hang of it."

Indeed, I could feel his speed gradually deviating from his usual patterns.

If he continues training for a few more years, he might truly grasp the essence of Beyond the Path to Heaven.

"But why can't you grasp people's hearts? Confess to her properly and start dating already!"

"...I told you to stop."

Sighing, I finish the spar with Kim Young-hoon and head down to Buk Hyang-hwa's workshop for today's crafting practice.

Behind me, I hear Kim Young-hoon yelling.

"Man, just confess already! It's so frustrating to watch!"

'Frustrating to watch...'

I feel the same way.

I sigh softly and enter Buk Hyang-hwa's workshop.

Years passed.


In Buk Hyang-hwa's workshop, I pick up a newly made glass sword artifact.

"Somehow, you've grown in your refining skills. This is almost indistinguishable from a real sword, isn't it?"

"It's thanks to the Miss's good teaching."

Not only the sword artifacts, but I also look at the glass dolls.

My glass refining skills have improved significantly, and the dolls now closely resemble real human figures.

Recently, I also began attempting to refine other items beyond dolls and swords.

"By the way, Daoist Seo, did you make another starfish?"

"...It's not a starfish. It's a flower."

"Oh, a flower. I'm sorry."

"No, it's my lack of skill."

After some idle chat with her, I head outside.

Its closely approaching 10 years since I came to Cheon-saek City.

I have become well-acquainted with the streets of Cheon-saek City and have grown familiar with its residents..

In that long yet short time, many changes have occurred.

"Greetings, Immortal Seo."

"Yes, greetings to you too."

After exchanging pleasantries with an elderly passerby and greeting neighbors, I head out of Cheon-saek City towards the Heaven-Treading Desert.

Among the various changes, the most significant is Kim Young-hoon's progress.

Vroom, vroom!

Through relentless training and meditation, Kim Young-hoon has nearly reached Beyond the Path to Heaven.

In a state of no-mind, he dances with his saber, weaving countless martial principles, slicing every grain of sand carried by the winds of the Heaven-Treading Desert.

An insane display of martial prowess!

Whoosh, whoosh!

Gradually, his saber dance begins to be suffused with a golden hue.

Its a pure, natural light, reminiscent of the sun itself.

'It's been like this for a few days now.'

Hes on the brink of enlightenment.

'Really, Kim Hyung. How far can you go this time?'

It's been only 10 years.

In just a decade, hes about to cross the threshold to Beyond the Path to Heaven, with over fifty years still left in his life.

'Show me!'

His saber dance accelerates.

Was it called Stepping on Snow Without a Trace?

Although it isn't a snowy field, he moves across the sandy terrain without leaving a single footprint.

And then, suddenly.

'His heart essence is solidifying...!'

I feel Kim Young-hoon's heart essence suddenly expand and become distinct.

A giant Peng made of golden rivers!

As his heart essence becomes clear, a bright glow shines in Kim Young-hoon's eyes.

His consciousness domain radiates like a golden sun, infusing into his saber.

"Beyond the Path to Heaven."


"Surpassing Radiant Saber!"


A golden radiance explodes in all directions, shooting towards the heavens and slicing through a passing cloud over the desert.

From within the golden light, Kim Young-hoon emerges with a face filled with all the joys of the world.

"I've reached it! Seo Eun-hyun!"

With a hopeful expression, he holds his golden saber and speaks to me.

"Come at me!"


Surpassing Radiant Saber rushes towards me.

Seeing its familiar speed, I smirk.

'This is it.'

This isn't some poor imitation, but the 'real' Surpassing Radiant Saber!


I draw out my Formless Sword and clash with the Surpassing Radiant Saber, creating a massive explosion that sweeps across the desert.

With a flicker of golden light, Kim Young-hoon disappears momentarily.

I squint my eyes, scattering my Formless Sword in all directions.

The Formless Sword transforms into a massive colorless storm, sweeping around me. Kim Young-hoon, as fast as light, dodges through the storm like a graceful bird navigating the winds.



Kim Young-hoon, having reached me in an instant, strikes down with his golden saber.

I morph my Formless Sword to block his path and unleash countless colorless trajectories towards him.

In the instant between seconds, thousands of clashes erupt.

The desert landscape is carved out, sand melts into glass, valleys are created, and clouds are torn apart.


I tear through the golden brilliance and strike upwards with my Formless Sword towards Kim Young-hoon.

In an instant's gap, Kim Young-hoon defends against my Formless Sword with his near-light-speed reflexes and strikes back nearly thirty times.

I cover myself with the trajectory of the Formless Sword to block his attacks and launch him into the sky.


We ascend, tearing through the desert clouds.

Among the dry clouds, there is still some moisture, which immediately evaporates due to our movements. Only a handful of droplets are left around us.


Our strikes send the handful of droplets flying, and soon, there are only a few droplets remaining

Seven droplets.


Kim Young-hoon's Surpassing Radiant Saber pierces through the trajectory of my Formless Sword and lunges at me.

In an instant, my Formless Sword undergoes seventy-three changes, scattering the Surpassing Radiant Saber and then attacking him with hundreds of variations.

One of the seven droplets burst and evaporates during the clash.

The remaining six droplets slowly fall downwards.

We follow the droplets down, exchanging blows as if by agreement.

Kim Young-hoon circles around me, pressuring from all sides.

I extend my Formless Sword in all directions, catching his saber. This leads to another droplet bursting, leaving five remaining.

Bang, bang, bang!

After several more exchanges, we stare at each other, descending together at the speed of the falling droplets, with the ground slowly approaching below.


I infuse the changes of my Formless Sword into two of the droplets in front of me and shoot them towards Kim Young-hoon.

All the variations of the Severing Mountain Swordsmanship contained within the Formless Sword are packed into those droplets.

Recklessly intercepting them will result in being torn apart instantly!

Kim Young-hoon observes the changes in the two droplets and, with his Surpassing Radiant Saber in hand, precisely pierces through the weakest point of the transformations and rushes at me.

The two droplets burst, leaving only three remaining between us.

Kim Young-hoon's assault begins.

He uses Mountain Wind to stab at me, and one more droplet bursts in the process.

I barely dodge the thrust, but cant avoid a slight scratch on my face.


Hundreds of thousands of variations erupt from my Formless Sword, engulfing Kim Young-hoon like a tidal wave.


He tries to escape the onslaught of changes but fails to shake off the techniques of my Formless Sword, falling straight down.

Another droplet bursts, leaving only one remaining.

We land on the ground faster than the last droplet, assuming our stances.

The last droplet is on the verge of hitting the ground.


Kim Young-hoon's Surpassing Radiant Saber shines brightly.

His internal energy connects to the Surpassing Radiant Saber like veins, drawing in external energy.

The Surpassing Radiant Saber acts as an external core, amplifying his energy. Kim Young-hoon holds his stance in that state.

I too grasp my Formless Sword. Simultaneously, the Pure Spiritual Force within me links with the Formless Sword, and I feel my life force intertwining with it.

My Formless Sword also becomes an external core, amplifying my energy.

When the last droplet falls precisely to our eye level.

Without hesitation, we both smile and unleash our most powerful attacks towards each other.

At that moment, when our martial prowess causes the last droplet to evaporate on its own.

[I've decided. To confess.]

In the midst of the intense spar and the whirlwind of emotions, I finally share my decision with him.


Translator Notes: Extra donated chapter by Gwhoisj, Ymmm16, Augustus63, and maxr. Thanks for the support!

We finally got the Martial Art scene weve been expecting! By the way, Kim and Seos fight with Seos declaration at the end feels like when two bros are playing games together and one suddenly spills the tea.


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