A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 103: Lotus (11)

Chapter 103: Lotus (11)


"The Ender's Tale...?"

Its when Im looking at the storybook with trembling eyes.

"Sir Immortal...?"

"...Ah, sorry. I'll read it to you."

I read the storybook.

The contents of the storybook are roughly as follows:

  • Once upon a time, there was a Supreme Deity who ruled the heavens.

  • The Supreme Deity had seven beloved disciples, and one day, they had a great dispute with the Supreme Deity.

  • The disciples left the heavenly realm ruled by the Supreme Deity and descended to the human world.

  • The Supreme Deity, seeing that the seven disciples did not obey his command, called them Enders.

  • But the human world was harsh, and the seven Enders shed tears of pain, longing for the heavenly realm.

  • Seeing this, the Supreme Deity created a path to ascend to the heavens so that the seven disciples could return, and made it possible for them to reach the heavens by walking this path.

  • It is said that the seven Enders walked the heavenly path laid by the Supreme Deity, returned to the heavenly realm he ruled, and lived happily beside him, assisting him.

This is the rough storyline of this tale.

And then.

Shiver, shiver!

For some reason, I feel a surge of disgust and fear rising from deep within my soul, taking over my body.

I feel goosebumps all over my body for some reason.


This tale itself is a kind of fairy tale, intended to teach children the lesson 'not to leave home recklessly.'



I feel something ominous in every single line of this tale.

Especially at the end of the tale, the part where the Enders happily lived beside the Supreme Deity, it felt like chills were covering my whole body as soon as I read it.

"Sir Immortal, are you okay?"

The child, looking worried, tugs at my arm.


I suddenly realize that Im in a greatly shrunken posture with a distorted expression.

"It's okay. Just... feeling a bit unwell, don't worry too much."

'What is this?'

I felt this emotion surge from a place deeper than my soul, in response to a sentence and content I have never seen before.

Something is strange.

What exactly is this story?

'Is there something else hidden in this book or on the paper?'

After reading "The Ender's Tale," I move on to the next story.

'Ah, this is a tale I know.'

Fortunately, from the second story onwards, they are ordinary tales that I read before.

Like the story of a man who threw himself onto the ice to catch a carp for his mother to eat on a midwinter day.

Or the story of an old man who built a pagoda to offer a ritual to fate.

These were tales conveying the lesson 'sincerity reaches the heavens,' which I had seen before, and this time I read the tales to the child comfortably without feeling strange.

Just then..

'Hm? This is also a story I've never seen before...'

The thirteenth chapter, "The Tale of the People of the Spherical Land," is also a story I havent read.

'Ah, this is...'

Its the story of the content that Buk Hyang-hwa had narrated.

It said that people live in a place called the Astral Realm, and they live attached to a spherical land.

"Wow, how do people live attached to the land? People living under the round part would fall down, wouldn't they?"


I smile bitterly and turn the last pages of the storybook.

The last chapter of the storybook is about "World's End," which I had seen before.

Its about stories like if you go to the east, west, north, and south of the world, you would reach the World's End, and something like the World Shield Force surrounding the world.

And, in the last chapter, theres a map roughly showing what this world looks like.

'This is...'

In the center of the map, theres a large desert, and in the center of the desert, something like a small island is drawn.

To the left of the desert are countries that seem to be Byeokra, Yanguo, and Shengzi.

To the right are various states.

To the top, a large grassland.

To the bottom, an endless sea is drawn.

And, at the ends of each east, west, north, and south, there are clear boundary lines, and beyond these boundary lines, the sun, moon, stars, etc., are drawn.

'Is this... the entirety of this world...hmm?'

Suddenly, I notice something very small drawn outside the map, a cylindrical object, and my eyes widen.

"Serving Command Palace...? Is it also mentioned here? Huh..."

For a simple countryside storybook, the content is too detailed.

And then, I suddenly notice another strange aspect of the storybook.

"Sir Immortal, look at this. The sun and the moon here~"

The child points to the sun and the moon marked outside the map and says,

"They look just like eyes!"


The map depicts the sun and the moon like eyeballs.

Inside the golden sun, there are things like blood vessels and a pupil that is hard to see unless observed closely, and the silver moon is the same.

The pupils of both the sun and the moon are facing the continent inside the map.

Shiver, shiver!

As soon as I recognize these as 'eyeballs,' I feel chills running through my body again.

'What in the world is this place...?'

Suddenly, the setting sun and the rising moon in the distance feel terrifyingly ominous.

'...No, it can't be. It's just a book that a child in the countryside has. The person who made this book must have drawn it just for fun...'

I force a laugh, driving away the terrifying thoughts that came to my mind.

'But why, in a country child's book, is there a map with Serving Command Palace and even the Ascension Path of Heaven-Treading Desert precisely drawn...?'


Even after closing the book, the faint pupils drawn in the sun and moon don't leave my mind.

What did the person who made this book want to convey?

And, is there a hidden secret in this book?

"Could you give me this book?"

"Huh? No! I have to read it with my sister when she comes!"


I make a troubled expression.

'How, is there no way...'

The girl seems quite stubborn.

Then, I see the sun setting in the distance.

'Night will fall soon.'

Its when venomous creatures will start to gather.

"By the way, child, shouldn't you go inside now? It's dangerous to wander outside at night."

"Umm... I'm waiting for my sister..."

"There's a festival in the village today, don't you want to see it?"


After a moment of thought, the little girl holds my hand and says,

"I'll go if you come with me, Sir Immortal!"

"Umm...? I..."

"If Sir Immortal doesn't go, I won't go either!"

Eventually, I sigh and collapse the earthen chair I had created with a spell.

"Fine, fine. I'll go too."

Soon after, I form another spell and creat an earthen doll.

Murmur, murmur...

Using the Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, I cast a small curse and graft it into the earthen doll.

"Wow, Sir Immortal. What is that doll? It looks creepy..."

"...It's a cursed doll."

Yin Soul Ghost Incantation includes a method to create cursed dolls and manipulate them remotely through curses.

I could cast curses through the cursed doll, and also input actions by infusing one or two curses.

The founder of Yin Soul Ghost Incantation, who handled 108 curses simultaneously, was said to have created a human-like doll, infusing it with 108 curses and manipulating it just like a real person.


The curse-infused doll wriggles awkwardly and stands at the edge of the village in my place.

"That will stand guard in my place."

If something crosses the village boundary, the cursed doll will send a signal, and I can sense it and eliminate it from a distance.

"Wow... Sir Immortal, you are really cool!"

"Ha ha, now that you've seen something interesting, let's hurry into the village."

I take the child's hand and enter the village together.

At the same time, forming another spell, I create three more earthen dolls, infuse them with curses, and send them to the four corners of the village.

This should be enough for the defense.

"Oh my, is Cultivator Seo also participating in the festival?"

Buk Hyang-hwa, dressed in traditional festival attire of a pure white gown, sees me walking with the girl.

Following the festival's rules, she only has a simple hairpin as her head decoration, like the other women in the village.

"Yes, thanks to this child."

"Wow, it's an Immortal maiden!"

The child approaches Buk Hyang-hwa and admires her dressed in the village's traditional attire.

Although her appearance is not particularly outstanding, dressed in white and looking neat, she appears quite beautiful.

"Ah, is Sir Immortal also participating in the festival?"

The village chief and some village men approach and ask.

"Yes, but... is there a problem?"

"No! Not at all. Just wondering if you've heard about the mountain festivals?"

"Yes, I'm aware. Great Stone Ceremony, Recounting Celebration Ceremony, Twin Immortals Dance. These three festivals are the most famous, aren't they?"

"Yes. This festival is the Twin Immortals Dance festival among them. After people were taken by harmful beasts, we always perform the Twin Immortals Dance ritual to console our hearts and minds."

In the mountainous regions of Shengzi, there's the Great Stone Ceremony, held once a year when lightning covers the entire mountainous area,

Recounting Celebration Ceremony, a festival of scholars reciting classics and scholarly works, hosted by Shengzi, known for its scriptures and academia.

And the Twin Immortals Dance festival, famous for praying that such incidents of people being taken by beasts or monsters never happen again, if they do occur in the mountainous regions.

"I am aware. Oh, but to participate in the Twin Immortals Dance festival, don't all participants need to wear the same outfit..."

I realize there might not be any spare clothes if I decide to participate on such a short notice.

"That's alright. We can get clothes that fit you from the young men of similar stature..."

"Well, never mind then. If that's the case, I might as well not participate."

Youre saying that, but arent you really saying not to participate?

That's when Buk Hyang-hwa approaches me and asks.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, I don't have clothes to participate in the festival, so I've decided not to participate."

Upon hearing my words, she chuckles and says,

"Oh, was that the problem? Please tell the village chief. I'll make clothes for Cultivator Seo."

"Um...? What do you mean by that?"

"Ah, please tell him quickly."

Although Im confused, I relay her words to the village chief, who laughs heartily, nods, and then leaves.

"No, Miss Buk. The festival is about to start..."

"It's alright, just stretch out your arms."

She quickly takes out a tool resembling a tape measure from her storage device, measures my body, and then takes something else out.



From her storage device, something like a small model house pops out and then drops in front of us with a bang.

"This, this is..."

"It's my portable workshop. Just wait for a moment. I'll make it quickly and bring it to you."

After a while, there are sounds of rapid movement inside her workshop, and she comes out with a white Daoist robe.

"...Is this a pre-made outfit from inside the workshop?"

I ask, glancing inside the workshop, astonished by the unreal production speed.

"Why would I have this region's traditional clothing in the workshop? Stop fussing and try it on."


'Is this what they call Extraordinary Pattern Law Talent...'

Those with a natural talent for 'making' things.


I dont know about ordinary magic artifacts, but it seems she would whip up something like clothes in no time.

Im momentarily astounded by the speed, receive the clothes, and change inside her workshop.

The outfit I received is a flowing white robe. Even the shoes match perfectly, making me look like a white heron to an outsider.

"Hmm, it suits Cultivator Seo quite well, doesn't it?"

"Hmm, thank you. Miss Buk, you look quite fitting as well."

"Oh, thank you."


She then shrinks her portable workshop and puts it back into her storage device.

I head towards the site of the festival thats about to begin.

There, the village chief is busily overseeing the festival preparations.

"Ah, Sir Immortal. You've arrived. Ha ha, you look good. How many times have you seen the Twin Immortals Dance?"

"Ah, actually, this is my first time. Until now, I've only read about the festival in ancient texts."

The village chief strokes his beard and nods.

"It's an honor for our village to show Sir Immortal his first Twin Immortals Dance."

"It's an honor for me as well to witness such a long-standing tradition."

"The festival has been passed down for sixteen hundred years in the mountainous regions of Shengzi. I hope you enjoy it."

I ask, surprised.

"Sixteen hundred years... It's quite a historically deep-rooted festival, isn't it?"

"Yes. As legend has it, long ago, two immortals defeated a notorious demon in these mountains, and the Twin Immortals Dance began from the dance they performed together.

That's why, when people are taken by monsters or harmful beasts, we perform the festival, praying for the miraculous power of those immortals so that such tragedies never happen again."

The village chief suddenly looks overwhelmed with emotion and wipes his tears as he speaks.

"Until now, the village was too close to the habitat of the centipede demon, so when people were taken, we couldn't even think about recovering their bodies, let alone hold a festival with any hope.

But now, just like the legendary immortals, two immortals appeared and saved our village, and I can't tell you how moved I am."

I listen to the village chief's words while watching the festival preparations.

Soon after, as the sun sets, the festival begins.

The women and elders of the village play the drum and zither, while others pluck the pipa at home.

The music, though, is not too frivolous, befitting a festival that mixes the atmosphere of comforting the deceased with a gentle melody.

Then, young men and women gather in the center of the village.

All dressed in the same white robes, the village women approach the young men and women, distributing a paper fan to each.

Whether these fans are from their homes or not, they are all different in shape and equally worn out.

Some even just folded roughly when there weren't enough fans.

Flutter, flutter!

On both sides of the clearing, scrolls depicting the two immortals from the distant past are unfurled.

Then, the village chief prays for the souls of the deceased at the front of the clearing, asking for the miraculous power of the two immortals to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

And so, the dance begins.

The Twin Immortals Dance is literally a dance where pairs of men and women, each holding a fan, dance together.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the festival, the women's faces were covered with white cotton cloths, making it hard to recognize each other.

'Ah, Miss Buk has completely withdrawn her divine consciousness.'

It seems like it wouldnt be fun if we both have our domain of consciousness, as we would recognize each other instantly.

Thinking like that, I, too, close my eyes and transform my consciousness into the Formless Sword.

Pairs start forming in the clearing.

I drift around the edge without partnering up, launching my Formless Sword into the distance.


A venomous creature, caught by the cursed doll's detection and trying to enter the village, is struck by the Formless Sword and bursts.

Boom, boom!

I dance casually, focusing more on the defense of the village from the center.

Until Buk Hyang-hwa creates her magic artifact in a few days, it's only right that I do my best to protect the village.

'I should practice my footwork around the edges.'

While Im practicing footwork similar to the Twin Immortals Dance around the edges,


In the distance, someone is drifting around like me, heading my way.

'Why are you drifting around, too?'

She seemed eager to participate in the festival.

I approach Buk Hyang-hwa, who is awkwardly practicing her dance moves.

As I approach her, she recognizes me somehow and looks at me.

"Is that you, Cultivator Seo?"

"Indeed, it's Miss Buk. Why are you drifting around here? I thought you were eager to participate in the festival."

"Ah, that... the dance is difficult."

She laughs awkwardly. Curiosity strikes me, and I ask.

"By the way, how did you recognize me with the cotton cloth covering your face?"

She hid her consciousness inside her head, like mortals, to enjoy the festival. She couldn't have used her consciousness but she recognized me instantly.

'With the cotton cloth covering the front, you can only see the sides and the feet of the person in front of you...'

"How could I not recognize you, Cultivator Seo? The clothes, the shoes, I made them all. Why wouldn't I recognize them?"

She retorts.

"And how did you recognize me, Cultivator Seo? My face IS covered, and there was no feeling of consciousness."

"Ah, that..."

I begin to respond while matching her dance moves.

"I remember your breathing, heartbeat, body shape, scent, shape of your hands, and so on. Even if your face is covered, those things don't change."

At my words, shes taken aback and asks.

"Why in the world would you remember such things?"

"Ah, that's because..."

Im about to say 'it's a habit from when I reached the peak' but realize it sounds odd.

Even if I meant the peak of martial arts, she probably isn't interested in the realms of martial arts.

'It sounds a bit perverted...'

Should I just say it's a usual habit?

'I usually memorize people's breathing, heartbeat, body shape, scent, and so on...'

Somehow, that also feels incredibly creepy.

'Why am I even worrying about this?'

It's not only about people, but I also apply this sense to the surrounding environment, so I never felt it was strange.

'Well, let's keep it simple...'

I choose the most normal-sounding answer I can think of.

"It's just that Miss Buk, you are particularly memorable."

'Yes, this should sound normal enough.'

We gradually match our dance steps, moving from the edge of the clearing towards the center.

'Is something wrong?'

I glance at her.

Buk Hyang-hwa has said nothing in response to my answer.

'Hmm? Is she feeling unwell?'

For some reason, her neck above her clothes is flushed red.

"Miss Buk, are you alright?"


"Miss Buk?"

"Stop talking, Daoist Seo. The dance is complicated enough without you confusing me."

"Ha ha, sorry about that."

The tips of the fans we are holding brush against each other.

At the same time, my Formless Sword encircles the village, driving away the venomous creatures rushing towards it.

I step to the left three times, completing a full circle.

Buk Hyang-hwa moves just like me, also turning a full circle, and once again, our fan tips brush against each other.

Before we knew it, we had entered the center of the clearing, and the second act of the dance began.

Rustle, rustle, rustle...

The young men of the village began to remove the white cotton cloths covering the faces of their dancing partners.

I, following the others, remove the cloth covering Buk Hyang-hwa's face.

"Ah... Finally, I can see."

She seems overheated from the cloth, her face flushed and warm.

Once again, our fan tips brush against each other.

We take another three steps to the right, completing another circle.

My Formless Sword as well circles the village, forming several overlapping rings and scattering in all directions with numerous transformations, repelling the venomous creatures.

In the center of the village, numerous torches, the drumming, the zither, and the plucking pipas resonate, along with the footsteps of the youth.

"Miss Buk, even though you can see, you seem to be struggling with the dance. Are you not good with physical movements?"

"Are you teasing me about being uncoordinated, Daoist Seo? Considering how you couldn't even dress properly, you're not one to talk, are you?"

"Ha ha, my apologies."

Our fan tips brush several times, and we chuckle, teasing each other amidst the unique festival of the mountainous region.

Some are laughing, some are crying, and some are beating the drums.

Others are praying in front of the scrolls depicting the two immortals.

On the scroll is an immortal wielding a spear and an immortal with a ribbed fan, depicted after they had defeated the evil demon.

The two immortals, having laid down their weapons, were drawn dancing in a circle, holding fans.

The immortal with cloth covering their face and the other with the ribbed fan were only depicted with their mouths, but both were smiling gently at each other.


Translator Notes: Extra donated chapter by Twisted Umbrella and Lenka. Thanks for your support!


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