A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 97: Discussion with the girls

Chapter 97: Discussion with the girls

Many hours later...

Helena was back in her room since she had finished training.

Just when she was about to resume her comprehension of the spells that she had branded to her memories, she suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"I guess it's those girls. But they came so early. Ugh!" Helena said in a displeased tone.

She then stood from her bed to go open the door to let them in.

Lauren, Deborah and Lucretia stepped in with smiles all over their faces.

Then when they saw how majestic Helena's room was, they couldn't help but mutter in their heads 'Truly the Chosen One. Treated so specially. But what a grand room!'.

Lauren then proceeded to ask Helena a question that surfaced in her mind "Senior Helena, when do you think we can get a room like this one?"


Helena grinned.

"Well, I don't think that there is any other room that is as majestic as this in the training camp. So, if you want a grand queenly room like this, you will have to beat me in a spellcasting battle. Then I will have no choice than to surrender my room to you." She said sincerely.

Lauren's eyes widened with shock.

"Oh! No need. I was only asking. Haha!" She said and grinned.

Deborah suddenly dragged Lauren to her back and said "Senior Helena, don't mind my sister. She is the stupidly inquisitive one. She likes asking vexing questions all the time"


Helena cackled.

"You girls are funny. Come on, it's good for one to ask questions if one doesn't understand something, Deborah. She asked if she can get a room like mine and I responded that she could only get a room like mine when she beats me in battle and takes my room for herself. It's not an annoying question as you have claimed it to be."

"And don't ever call your sister stupid next time. Or I might descend on you and punish you for that. Am I clear?" Helena asked.

"Yes ma'am" Deborah respectfully nodded her head.

"Good!" Helena said.

She then sat on her bed and told the girls to seat anywhere they like.

Deborah and Lucretia pulled out polished wooden chairs that exuded relaxing and mind-clearing fragrant scents from a table and then sat on them. While Lauren went forward to actually seat on Helena's bed.

'Ugh! This daring girl' Deborah said inwardly.

She then gave her sister, Lauren an eye that she should come down from Helena's bed. But Lauren who was a stubborn and persistent girl totally ignored her sister's gaze and relaxed herself into Helena's warm and soft bed.

Helena caught Deborah's action and only smiled.

'Well, they are still little girls.' she said inwardly.

She then spoke in the next instant to the girls around her "You girls came very early. I was about to go into my spell comprehension state when you girls arrived. I guess you were eager to see my room"

"No senior Helena, that is just one of the many reasons. But we are really sorry if we have disturbed your spell study. We can leave and come back later if you want us to." Deborah said.

"Nah. It's okay. Just make sure that anytime you want to visit me again, come later in the evening or when it is almost night. Am I clear?" Helena said and then asked.

"Yes senior Helena" Lauren replied.

"Alright. So, what's it that you girls want to discuss with me?" Helena asked.

"Well, we want to know if you have created your own faction. We would like to join" Deborah replied.

"Okay. It's nice of you girls to think that." Helena said, praising them.

She then said further "I don't have a faction yet. It's not very long that I arrived in here too."

"Actually, I could have created one, but majority of the girls here are unfriendly since they want to rise way above others and get all the benefits that they could get from the Camp Overseer."

"So, since I am still growing and developing too, I have to strike a balance for myself in this place before I can go ahead with my plan to create a faction. When I have done so and I am fully ready for that, I will set out to start my own faction. Then anybody that is interested can join." Helena said.

"Okay." Deborah said with a nod of her head.

"So senior Helena, what name do you plan to give your faction?" Lauren who sat by Helena's side on the large bed asked.

"Lauren, I don't really know for now. I haven't thought that up. But I will produce a good name for it when I am ready" Helena replied.

"Okay. But can I suggest one, Senior Helena?" Lauren asked again.

"Sure. Go ahead." Helena responded.

Lauren gave a delighted smile.

"Thank you for this opportunity, senior Helena" She said excitedly.

"Lauren, don't dare to thank me next time or you will be punished" Helena said with a serious expression surfacing in her face.

Lauren quickly nodded her head. She then asked in the next moment "So senior Helena, what do you think of 'Heaven-Warring Girls'?"

Deborah looked at her sister, Lauren with a smirk expression in her face and then shook her head.

'I have an idiot for a sister. Aii!' She said inwardly and sighed.

"Oh. That's a really good try, Lauren. I like the name that you suggested. It sounds really tyrannical and will certainly invoke fear in our enemies. However, my faction won't be composed of only girls. There will surely be males in it too" Helena said with a smile.

"Oh. Can I go again?" Lauren asked with a smile.

"Sure. Give it another try." Helena answered.

Lauren then became exceedingly thoughtful like she was having an exam that if she failed in it, her life would be taken.

A few moments later after pondering deeply, the thoughtful gaze in her eyes vanished to be replaced with bright sparkles.

"Senior Helena, what of Heavenly Fiend Termination cult?" She asked with her large and sparkling eyes looking hopefully at Helena.

Helena gave a smile.

"That sounds nice. I like it. I could actually use that." She said while Lauren nodded her head blissfully.

She then looked at her sister, opened her mouth and brought out her tongue to wiggle it at her sister who was looking at her with full annoyance in her eyes.

Deborah face-palmed a moment later and then turned away her head to look at Helena.

Helena cackled, same with Lucretia who was silently watching everything that was going on before her.

"So, are you girls fully humans? Or you also belong to some other incredibly powerful race?" Helena asked.

"You are correct, senior Helena. We belong to the Heaven-Warring race and Dark Warrior Seraphim race" Lauren responded with pride in her tone.

"Oh. That's really nice. I know those races. They are in the top ten of the most powerful races in the universe" Helena said.

She then asked further "So, have you girls awakened any ability of the two powerful races that you are from?"

"Yes, senior Helena. Can I show you?" Lauren suddenly asked.

"Oh. As long as it won't damage anything in my room, you are free to do so." Helena said with a smile.

Lauren nodded her head and then jumped off Helena's bed in the next moment.

Then with a thought from her after getting to the center of the massive room, large lustrous wings that shone like they were actually forged from steel sprouted from her back and spread out to actually connect to the opposite walls of Helena's wide and spacious room.

"I see. A pair of large beautiful wings. That's good. Can you use it to fly yet?" Helena asked curiously.

"Yes, senior Helena. However, I don't want to do so in here since a single flap of my mighty wings might generate powerful gusts of wind that will scatter everything in your room and damage many things in the process."

"Then I might end up being chased out of your room and asked never to come again. I don't want that to happen." Lauren said cutely and innocently while Helena laughed.

"Alright. You can retract your wings, Lauren." Helena said.

She then spoke further by asking with curiosity radiating off of her speech "So, apart from large and collapsible, metal-like wings for flight, what other abilities of your other races have you girls awakened?"

"Just that, senior Helena. We haven't discovered any other ability of the two powerful races that we have their blood flowing in us, talk more of awakening them." Deborah answered.

"Okay. You girls should strive to realize new bloodline abilities and develop them. It will go a really long way for you. That should be one of your top priorities now." Helena said while Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads.

"So, our silent listener. You haven't been contributing anything ever since we started talking. Are you plain shy or just don't want to talk?" Helena suddenly asked Lucretia with an amiable smile in her face.

"Oh. Uhm... Uhm... I-I don't really have anything to contribute, Helena. Pardon me for not saying anything since. I am sorry." Lucretia said.

"Nah. Come on, Lucretia. You haven't done anything wrong. No need to apologize" She said while Lucretia nodded.

Lauren who had retracted her pair of large wings walked back to Helena's bed to sit in it.

"So girls, I will like to resume my study of spells. You can come again another time to chat with me." Helena suddenly said.

"Alright senior Helena, we will surely come again another time." Lauren said.

Then she, her older sister and Lucretia stood from where they sat and walked towards the door to leave Helena's room.

"Bye senior Helena" Lauren said smilingly.

"Bye Lauren" Helena said with a smile in her face and then waved her hand at Lauren as she walked out of her door.

After they had gone, Helena closed her eyes to resume her comprehension of the magical spells that she had self-branded to her memory.

She had a feeling that time wasn't on her side anymore as Jennifer could come out from her secluded magical training anytime from now.

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