A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 95: Making a new friend

Chapter 95: Making a new friend

- Next day -

Lauren and Deborah woke up from sleep and got off their bed to prepare for their very first training at the training field.

However, it was because they were both eager to see Helena, the Chosen One.

When they dressed up and left their room to go to the training field, the people that saw them battle yesterday looked at both of them with awe and respect in their eyes.

Deborah and her sister, Lauren, had earned the respect and reverence of these girls.

And when they got to the training field in their uniforms, they began to look around for someone that will give them the feeling of immeasurable power.

After looking around for sometime, they saw a girl that sat alone and looked like one that should hold endless destructive power.

Then they slowly approached her with adoration and veneration in their eyes.

When they arrived in front of this girl, they bowed and said "Senior Helena, we greet you."

The girl looked at them with surprise in her eyes and said "What? Please don't let them accuse me of impersonation. I am not the Helena that you just spoke about. I am Lucretia."

"And it's nice to meet you girls." The girl called Lucretia said.

"Oh! We are so sorry. Our bad."

"It's also nice to meet you, Lucretia." Deborah quickly said.

Then she said further "Forgive us for jumping at you like that. It's just that from the way that you moved and from your grandeur, we were suddenly struck with the thought that you hold unfathomable power in your hands."

"Oh really? I guess I have to change the change the way I move then, or I could unknowingly dip myself into trouble someday. You know, I don't hold any power in my hand. I am just a normal human girl here to learn spells to defend herself. So I don't want some abominable folks thinking that I hold some crazy terrific power with me and then come at me to slay me out of envy and wickedness. Haha!" Lucretia said and laughed.

"You seem easy to talk to. Unlike most of the other girls in here who are so frigging proud and lordly." Lauren unexpectedly said.

Lucretia smiled.

"Well, I am certainly not like them since I am a gentle person and don't want issues with anyone. I mind my business and hope that they mind theirs too" She said while Lauren and Deborah grinned.

"So, would you like to be our friend?" Lauren asked.

"Yea. Why not? I love making friends with people." Lucretia said.

Then she continued by saying "I think you girls should be new. I have not seen these faces in here since I arrived at this place."

"Yea. We are new. We just arrived yesterday" Deborah said.

"Oh! Alright. And I believe that some girls would have appeared to give you guys trouble, right?" Lucretia asked with a knowing smile in her face.

"Sure they have. Those bastards. But we taught them a really good lesson. Especially the one that fought my sister. She will never forget my sister in her entire life. Haha!" Lauren replied.

Lucretia grinned too.

"That's good." She said.

Then she spoke further "You girls must be really strong then"

"Yea. We are really strong." Lauren said while Deborah looked at her with a gaze that she should shut the fuck up.

"Wow! That's some confidence you have got there." Lucretia said with astonishment in her eyes.

"However, you still need to be careful in here and not be overly confident. There are some dragons and tigers in this place. Not some, actually. Many!"

"However, they are silent and mind their businesses since they don't want to become popular. I don't know why's that."

"So you girls should be really careful not to step on the toes of these people. Or you might regret it." Lucretia said.

"Hmm. Thanks for the heads-up, Lucretia. However, we are not excessively confident morons thinking that they can step on the toes of everyone and shout in their faces 'What are you going to do about it?'." Deborah said while Lucretia nodded her head.

"So, what are your names? You already know mine but I don't know yours. We should be even" Lucretia said with a smile.

Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads and took turns to introduce themselves to Lucretia.

Deborah went first as she said "My name's Deborah."

Lauren then went last and said "My name's Lauren."

"You girls got beautiful names. It's really nice knowing you" Lucretia said.

Then she spoke further "Since I have arrived in this place many weeks ago, you girls are the first people that I have spoken with and even made friends with."

"So bad of me, right? Haha!" she asked and grinned self-deprecatingly.

"Not bad at all, Lucretia. What if others are way disgusting and totally unapproachable?" Deborah questioned.

She then said further "If not that we thought and felt that you were Helena since we didn't want to start asking around due to the stupid and annoying haughty behaviors of most of the crazy girls in here, we wouldn't have come to meet you. Talk more of greet you and exchange friendly words with you."

"Haha! It's alright." Lucretia said.

She then asked "Do you want me to take you to Helena or you wanna use your powerful instincts to find her?"

"Please take us there. Our mind compasses aren't working really well at the moment." Lauren quickly said while Lucretia chuckled.

"Alright. Come with me." Lucretia said.

She then stood from where she sat alone and led Deborah and her sister, Lauren, to where Helena was being trained by instructor Deylina.

"That's her over there. And that's her instructor, Deylina." Lucretia said, pointing at both Helena and Deylina.

"Wow. But she's still kinda young. I was expecting someone very mature and towering in figure since only that kind of person will have the body to possess the great and infinite calamitous powers and not die from it. Haha!" Deborah said and grinned.

"Well, it's not about size sometimes." Lucretia said with a smile in her face.

She then asked "Well, there she is. Aren't you girls going to meet her?"

"We will. We are just amazed by her." Deborah answered with full reverence radiating off her speech and a bright glow of total admiration emitting from her large, sharp eyes.

The way she felt at the moment was exactly the same way that her younger sister, Lauren, felt too. 

'So this is the girl that my dad said will bring order to our chaotic world? Nice! And from the way that he said it, it seems he completely believes that the girl will become tremendously powerful than him in the nearest future.'

"Will you wait here for us, Lucretia? Or you will like to go with us to go meet Helena. I heard that she's exceedingly friendly and totally approachable" Deborah unexpectedly said.

Lucretia exhaled heavily.

Then with a determined and resolute gaze surfacing in her narrowed eyes, she said "Alright. Let's go meet her."

Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads.

Then they began to walk with radiant smiles in their faces to where Helena was being trained hard by her very strict instructor, Deylina.

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