A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 84: Nearing major perfection stage in her evil spell

Chapter 84: Nearing major perfection stage in her evil spell

"Okay ma'am" Helena said.

Then she followed Deylina to another side of the massive training training field which was demarcated by a long fence.

Helena looked at the fence and realized that it wasn't a normal fence erected out of building materials. The fences she saw, she felt that they were a result of spells. They had been raised above the ground using some earth-bound magical spells.

When they got there, Helena could see many mature girls training. They were around the ages of eighteen to twenty-three. And because of the way that they fought fiercely and ferociously, Helena couldn't help but be amazed.

"Wow!" She exclaimed in astonishment.

"These girls are from the batch that came here before us, instructor Deylina?" She asked.

"Yes" Deylina said.

"Wow. They are really good. See their fighting styles. It's really fierce" Helena said in adoration.

Then when she remembered how they were going to go up against these girls in the incoming Battle Tournament, her heart shook.

'These girls are going to simply brutalize all of us. We can't fight these girls. If their combat skills are as advanced as this, what about their spellcasting skills? Ugh.' Helena said within her with a solemn look in her face.

Deylina saw the serious expression in Helena's face and burst into a chuckle.

"Scaredy kitten. I know you are wondering how you are going to face these girls on the day of battle tournament. However, you don't have to. You are the Chosen One. If they can beat and knock out others, they wouldn't be able to do the same to you. You are different from the others because of the amazing abilities that you possess. So don't let what you are seeing them do give you dreadful thoughts about their fighting abilities" She said while Helena looked at her and only shook her head.

Then she turned her head away from Deylina to continue looking at the girls as they fought.

"Damn! These girls are good" She said in admiration.

"Helena, now would be a good time to use your copying ability and stop looking at them with admiring gazes. I would soon take you away from here back to where we came from" Deylina said.

Helena nodded her head.

Then she began to stare intently at them as they fought each other.

And as she did so, every move that the girls executed branded to her mind.


Twenty minutes later...

"Alright, Helena. Time to to back to the field. I believe you have gotten something from the girls that you watched as they fought?" Deylina asked.

"Yes ma'am." Helena said.

Then she said further "I would go work on them after training has ended to sharpen those ferocious fighting moves that I got from my seniors."

"Good. Let's go back to the field." Deylina said while Helena nodded.

When they arrived back at the area of the field meant for their own training, Helena came across Lydia who looked at her with a chilling gaze.

Helena stopped walking and looked at her with a mocking expression in her face.

"You know you can't beat me. So, why do you keep doing this. I fought your stupid boss and damaged her body and reputation. Do you also want me to do the same to you, you trashy blade throwing nonetity?" She asked.

"Oh. Because you are called the Chosen One, you think you are the most powerful in here. Anyways, I have nothing to say to a fool like you. Very soon, when Jennifer comes out of secluded spellcasting training, I would see whose body and reputation would be damaged" Lydia said.

Then she turned around and left Helena's presence to continue what she was doing. But she smiled inwardly.

'I am actually a good actress. See how everyone were looking at me. Haha! Fools. I would definitely look for actress roles when then world becomes balanced by Helena's mighty power. I have to. That's the profession I would take when I retire from battling bad guys here and there with the rest of Helena's group." She said within.

Helena also smiled inwardly.

However, she maintained a annoyed expression in her face, fooling people who were looking at her.

"Helena, come here right now." Deylina who left Helena behind when she went to face Lydia said out loud from where she was.

"Alright ma'am" Helena said and dashed towards the place where Deylina was.

"Since you have taken in lots of fierce battle moves, it's time to build your body" Deylina said.

"Give me thirty press-ups now!" Deylina ordered.

Instantly, Helena got into the press-up position and began to lower herself to the ground and push herself back up.

As she did so, she felt a burn in the back muscles of her arms, she however didn't stop and continued to do the press-ups.

After doing about thirty press-ups which was only counted as five because of her intentional counting method, Helena collapsed to the ground.

Her arms were now weak and they trembled from the fatigue that had permeated them.

"Up!" Deylina commanded, not even given Helena a chance to rest and recover some energy.

Helena however ignored her and remained on the ground.

"Helena, get up" Deylina ordered once again.

"Ugh!" Helena muttered.

Then she tried to get up.

As she did so, she looked at Deylina and said "Instructor Deylina, you take your job too seriously. Nothing would bite you if you make me rest for even a minute. I no longer have any energy in my arms to expend for more press-ups. They are weak."

"Well, that's what the weak says. And you aren't one. So, shut your fly trap and give me more press-ups" Deylina strictly instructed.

Helena exhaled and shook her head.

She didn't know what was wrong with instructor Deylina. Sometimes, she would be kind. While other times, she would be wicked.

"Well, she ain't really wicked. She is just being strict with me. But my arms.. They are burning." She said inwardly.

Then she recalled what she told the Spirit of Might, Chaos and Reborn.

"Ugh. It's better I do what instructor Deylina instructed me to do. Or that would certainly force me to accomplish the task and even do much more than that. And once my instructor realizes that I am under it powerful mind influence once again, she would definitely take me to the Camp Overseer so they could bind it to restrict if from affecting my activities. And I want it sealed away."

"Come to think of it, can it truly be sealed away? This is a spirit that has been here even before the formation of the worlds. Such would hold great power that one-hundredth of it power can't be matched by the full power of the Camp Overseer. Hmm. Anyways..." Helena said and tried to do the press-ups, and then at same time, endure the burning pain in arm muscles which began to intensify again.


- Anissa's room -

"Mom. I am nearing major perfection of the evil magical spell that you gave me." Jennifer said with an ominous glow in her eyes.

"Really? That's insanely fast of you, Jennie. And I was thinking you would still spend more months in mastering that ruination spell. You are a spellcasting genius, daughter. I gave birth to a beautiful prodigy."

"So, when do you think you would be coming out of your secluded magical training?" Jennifer's mom, Anissa asked.

"Two weeks time, if my calculations aren't wrong" Jennifer responded with an evil smile creeping up her face.

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