A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 81: When is she coming to liberate the weak from their oppressors?

Chapter 81: When is she coming to liberate the weak from their oppressors?

- Palace of Lord Black Scorpion -

"Hey Arnold, how are your wounds? Have the pain lessened?" Linda, the Scarlet Bloodqueen asked.

"No. Ever since you lost Miracukus, I haven't been able to get any other person who is a powerful magical healer." Arnold, Lord Black Scorpion said.

Then he continued by saying "Linda, you once promised me that you would get another magical healer. But you haven't brought any other healer to me all these while. With this intense agonizing pain that I am suffering, I pray I don't give up the ghosts soon. I am tired of enduring the extreme chilling coldness that is causing my blood to turn solid."

Linda shook her head.

"I am trying my best to help you look for a magical healer, but I haven't been able to get one. As in one that is as good as Miracukus. I simply wonder where that bastard went to hide in with that stupid daughter of his." She said.

Then aura of slaughter bursted out from her body in the next instant when she thought of how she who high and mighty was reduced to a helpless person by the powerful calamitous attack that Miracukus's daughter, Myra, unrestrainedly unleashed at her.

'Bitch, we would meet again for sure. And when we do, prepare for your death. You would never be able to escape from my grasp again. You were able to get away then because I was too overconfident on myself. But now, when we meet again, you would die for su...'

She couldn't complete what she was saying in her mind when Arnold suddenly spoke "Linda, are you still here with me? Your eyes look absent. It's like you are lost in a forest of thoughts, eh?"

"Nah. I was just thinking of something." Linda said.

Then she continued "I was thinking of where else to get a powerful magical healer for you. But no one came to mind."

"Or, I could gather hundreds to thousands of magical healers. Perhaps if they combine all their magical healing energy, Vitaria, upon you, you could heal." Linda said.


Arnold laughed.

"Those flimsy magical healers? Linda, Eden struck me with one of his extremely powerful, killing magical attack. So the wound that the attack caused me is not something that some inexperienced magical healers would fuse Vitaria energy exuding from them to heal me. Just forget about it."

Linda sighed and then nodded her head.

"I would try to get a magical healer for you, Arnold. There is this boy that I came across sometimes ago in the past. He is also capable of manipulating Vitaria energy to bring about healing. But I don't know if he would still be around. He was all by himself the last time that I was at his place. He could have moved to another location."

"Anyways, I would check his place. If he's still there, I would bring him to you so he could try to heal you." She said.

"A boy? A young and inexperienced boy?" Arnold asked in a heavily shocked and greatly perplexed tone.

"Nope. He isn't inexperienced. He's quite good with healing. He once laid his healing hands on my body to heal some great wounds that I sustained in a battle with another Summoner." Linda said.

"And was he able to heal you?" Arnold asked.

"Well, not to a very great extent. But at least, he was able to cause some degree of tissue regeneration in me. And at that time, I was injured to the point of being paralyzed. I could not move at all due to the heavy injuries that I sustained."

"If not for him healing me to a degree where the incapacitation of my body was removed, I might still be there till now or I would have emaciated and withered off in death, since I wouldn't be able to cause the appearance and eventual possession of my body by a healing Calaendrian spirit for body regeneration" Linda said.

"Hmm." Arnold uttered thoughtfully.

"Okay. Bring the boy to me. And this time, please no stories from you" Arnold said with an imploring tone in his voice.

Linda nodded her head with a smile in it.

Then she disappeared with a flash of bright red light.


"Eden, your girls. What are you going to do about them?" Selena asked in a curious tone.

"I am still deep in thought on what to do about them." Eden said with a thoughtful expression surfacing in his face.

Then he said further "I think I have to take them away to where they would be trained."

Selena's eyes glowed in shock.

"No. I was thinking that you should train them yourself and help them develop their inborn magical powers" Selena said.

Eden smiled.

"I know that you don't want our children to go far from us. But this place that I am talking about is like a safe heaven for them." Eden said while Selena shook her head in a retorting manner.

"Babe, look at it this way. I know that you don't want our children to be too far from our reach so I can easily jump into protecting them. But have you ever thought of one day where I might be faced with hundreds or thousands of Summoners and magical warriors?"

"I know you would hope in your heart that such day shouldn't come. But let's face the reality babe. With all that's going on in the world, I have a gut feeling that I might be faced with innumerous spiritual warriors and high-level magical combatants some day. I might be overwhelmed that day and you guys wouldn't be able to escape from the onslaught of my enemies." Eden said looking at his wife who had now become speechless.

What Eden said was actually right.

She totally understood the point he raised.

It was true that he was extremely strong and powerful, but what if one day, thousands gathered before him to slay him once and for all. At that time, he might not be able to do anything to protect them; her and children.

Then she could hear the terrified shrieks of her two daughters as they were been wickedly slaughtered. And she could see herself been done so many unmentionable things to.

She inhaled deeply and then suddenly broke into tears.

She wished she was powerful too so she could reduce the burden on her husband. But alas, she was only an ordinary mortal and could do nothing. And now, her loving children would be separated from her.

As soon as she bursted into tears, Eden quickly moved towards her and then embraced her. Then he began to rub her back.

"Don't worry, Selena. Everything is going to be fine." Eden said, trying to soothe her and stop the tears streaming down her eyes that radiated the feeling of sadness and anguish.

Selena nodded her head.

However, she still continued to cry.

She was crying because her children would be taken away from her to some distant hidden place. And she really loved those radiant and beautiful children of hers.

"Eden, what about the prophesied one? When is she going to come to the rescue of the oppressed ones? We have waited for too long. Do you think she would still be alive, and that she is already strong enough to come liberate the weak from the oppression of the strong?" She asked with an ember of hope burning in her heart.

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