A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 73: Disclosing Jennifer's plan

Chapter 73: Disclosing Jennifer's plan

"Nice!" Lydia said in a praising tone.

Then they kept silent as they walked through the routes.

While walking, Lydia began to think of many things in her head.

"But she is really friendly, accommodating and considerate. She isn't even proud and haughty like how a Chosen One should really be. I don't exactly know the reason why I hated her those times. And maybe it was because of Jennifer. She had filled my heart with bitterness and hatred for Helena. It's so good that I came across her and spoke with her to see that she has wonderful and desirable traits in her. Helena is really far better than that Jennifer, that malicious witch that fills one's heart with evil intentions against one. I am going to face Jennifer and tell her that I am leaving. I am done with her group of evil clowns. I just don't know how Jennifer would take it. If she decides to attack me, I would be dead before I know it. And maybe I would tell Helena to go with me. I know that she surely would." She said and then concluded in her mind.

Lydia looked at Helena and gave a smile. Helena also did the same back.

Not long, they arrived before some magical beasts and began to fight.

And to her surprise, they made for a really good team.

Just like Helena had said earlier, which was that they should both watch each other's back, they fought and killed the beasts without fear that a certain beast which was in hiding was going to attack them from behind.

And as they did so, their trust for each other increased. They didn't have to look at their backs to guard themselves from a beast. They both believed that the other would strike down that beast for them.

When they killed the beasts, Lydia gave a smile.

Just the battle that she had fulfilled her with delight. She enjoyed the battle very much.

Although there was a lot of struggle from her against the beasts that she tried to kill, she however didn't worry about another attacking her from behind. So, she was able to face them with full concentration and then kill them.

This filled her with so much delight that she thanked Helena.

"It's okay" Helena replied.

"Let's go for more of these beasts" She said.

Lydia nodded.

Then they both set out to kill more of the magical beasts.

As they fought, their bond increased. Same with their trust in each other. But more importantly, their battle prowesses increased.

For Helena, her degree of adeptness in unleashing magical spells had increased. And for Lydia, her fighting prowess had increased. She was now more skillful in using her blade.

After going from one cave to another, killing magical beasts like they were butchering chickens, they decided to take a rest.

They rested in a cave where they killed all the magical beasts in there.

Helena at the moment was breathing. She was trying to recover her totally exhausted energy.

"Helena, there is something that I have to tell you" Lydia suddenly said, forcing Helena to open her eyes from her 'breathing state' position.

"Lydia, what is it?" Helena asked.

She now knew Lydia's name.

"It's about Jennifer. She is going to harm you. That's what she is training for." Lydia answered.

"Really? How? I think I should be able to defend myself from her attacks if she comes again for me. I have also been practicing you know. I haven't slacked once. And it's for that reason that I even came in here to practice more and hone my fighting and spellcasting prowesses." Helena said.

"Nope. It's not like that. She is planning to totally ruin you. She is trying to master a evil spellcasting technique which she would unleash at you to destroy your Aetha veins. I would suggest that you make peace with her, because I don't really know what would happen to you after you have been struck by that spell. It would definitely spell doom for your bright future and make you completely empty within, and could even leave overwhelming suicidal thoughts in your head. Please, go make over with her. You could surrender by leaving that that ninety-ninth room and then give her back the room that you forcefully hijacked from her. I have my own room. You could come stay with me. There is no law or rule in this place that says students can't co-inhabit together." Lydia said.

When Helena heard this, her eyes shone in shock.

'So, Jennifer was planning such a great devilish thing for me?' She asked inwardly.

Then she became glad that she made friends with Lydia. Or her future as the Chosen One who would bring sorrow and disaster upon the evil ones in the world would come abruptly to an end.

She now enjoyed spellcasting and hoped to reach a stage where she would be able to contend with Summoners. Besides, there was Sylla and her kingdom who she had promised to protect from all the storms and disaster that would come in their direction. Also, she wanted to look for the rest of her families. She believed that they hadn't been killed and were only kept captive at some place and were under serious torture. She wanted to grow strong to go free them if they were still alive and then devastate and decimate their enemies and their families too. Furthermore, she didn't want to leave her older sisters and the members of the Great Sister society who were very much after her progress with great disappointment.

So, just thinking of herself having irreversibly damaged Aetha veins caused exceedingly cold currents of fear to move down her spine and at the same time freeze her heart.

"But, would I go to surrender to her?" Helena asked sadly.

Then she continued before Lydia could respond to her question "I would be mocked by everyone. And our instructors would be so disappointed in me. I don't think I can do that. I won't go down that route. Not for ego. But I can't just do that. I will find a way to fight her. And now that I have knowledge of what she is about to do to me. I would try to avoid being hit by any of the magical spells that she would unleash at me"

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