A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 63: Sudden unease

Chapter 63: Sudden unease


The dark robed girl gave out a loud, evil laughter when she saw that her attack had knocked Helena unconscious.

Then she grabbed her blade which produced a ear-aching humming sound and floated in the air by itself.

When she grasped it, she began to walk towards Helena with an intention no one could describe.

Just as she was a step away to get to where Helena was, Helena eyes suddenly snapped open.

But her beautiful, intense blue eyes had become entirely dark black and invoked the feeling in anyone that something monstrous and greatly evil had taken total possession of Helena's body.

The dark robed girl saw Helena's dark eyes and a great fear abruptly set into her heart.

Just as she was about to throw her blade and abruptly appear where it had reached to quickly escape from this 'Helena', a force suddenly came upon her and mercilessly flung her hundreds of feet away into the distance.

Then when the dark black color in Helena's eyes faded away to reveal her intense blue eyes, she collapsed back to the ground.

"I guess the party is over" One of the many females that had quickly gathered to watch the battle said. Then the others nodded and began to leave to their various rooms.

They all actually left Helena's body behind and walked back to their rooms.

Many hours later, Helena woke up from her unconscious state.

Then she remembered what the dark robed girl did to her.

"That bastard" She said angrily.

She then looked at her body to see if the dark robed girl made any cut into her body. But she was surprised to find none.

"Where is she by the way? Did she just hit me and walked away?" Helena asked herself.

"Maybe that's what she did" She said.

She then stood to her feet from the ground and walked into the room to see what she initially wanted to see.

She was amazed to see that the room was seventy percent close to hers in terms of beauty, grandness and stateliness.


Helena laughed happily.

"I now have two majestic rooms. That's nice."

She then left the room and closed the door behind her.

As soon as she did so, she headed back to her room.

But on her way back to her room, she started to feel uneasy.

Then she became cautious in the next instant as she began to look vigilantly around her for anything that might suddenly appear to harm her.

Also, she readied herself to fully drain her body of the rest of the Aetha energy flowing in her magical veins with the aim of releasing an astonishingly powerful magical spell attack at whatever would suddenly appear in front of her to abruptly destroy it or at least, ruin it to a great extent.

And as she did so, she increased her walking pace to quickly get back to her room.

When she got to where her room was, the strong feeling of uneasiness which she felt earlier totally disappeared like it wasn't there in the first place.

She heaved a sigh of relief and exhaled deeply.

Then she opened the door of her room and walked in to relax for the activity of the next day.

But before she would go to sleep, she began to ponder about having herself trained in combat. At least, she should have some defensive skills if she couldn't have some offensive ones yet.

Helena arrived at this thought when she recalled how she was heavily struck in the chest with a punch. She felt that if she had some close-combat fighting skills, she could have skilfully evaded the punch attack or even successfully block it and send out her own.


She sighed.

She doesn't know if Instructor Deylina would agree to teach her defensive-type combat skills.

As a principled instructor, she would surely want Helena to finish her training on building up a strong body before she could move on to learn any or all types of fighting skills.

Helena understood this, and so she sighed in unhappiness.

But she would still try to speak to her about it.

Helena felt that probably when she tells Deylina how the dark robed girl struck her and she couldn't do anything to block or evade it, perhaps she would agree to teach her some defensive or evasive methods that would be really useful for her.


Few hours earlier...

"Jennifer, that Helena girl has really grown wings and would ascend to the heavens with it very soon. We want you to please come and cut them off. Her haughtiness and boldness is becoming too much for us all to bear or handle. Can you believe that she came to your room and asked us all to get out, despite knowing that the oom was yours?" A girl named Twinia said angrily.

Then she continued "Even after telling her that the room belonged to our boss, and that even if she lost it in a bet to her, the room was still our boss's own. She said that we all are insane, including you and your mother, and that she doesn't want to hear anything like what I was stupidly spouting from my mouth. She said a lost is a lost and since our boss lost the bet that she entered with her, we should move our smelly asses out of the room. She then went on to boldly say that the room now belonged to her and that there's nothing any of us, including you whom she called a weakling can do about it"

Jennifer who sat in the cross-legged position on the ground and had a large book of magical spells handwritten in it and was placed on the ground before her gave a wicked smile.

"I see that her wings have grown. But I would have them cut off very soon. Let me finish what I am doing here first, then I would come for her." Jennifer said to her faction members who flanked her at all sides.

Then she said further with that wicked smile still in her face which grew broader "No one should disturb or accost her. Let her enjoy her reign for now. Very soon, she would be dethroned. And when she loses her throne to me, that would be her fall from the heavens to the bottomless pit of anguish"

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