A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 61: Meeting the spirit

Chapter 61: Meeting the spirit

"I understand, ma'am. But before I would think further on what to do about the spirit, can you please explain the benefits of this spirit if there's any to me?" Helena asked.

Roselyn nodded her head.

"Sure, I would tell you." She said.

Roselyn then tried stating the benefits of the spirit to Helena.

"As a spirit that was borne from one's will, resolve and determination, it would help you increase the damaging power of your attacks. Just as it is named, the Spirit of Universal Conquest, it is a spirit that would help you surmount every insurmountable obstacle in your path. It would help a host to overpower all adversaries that is at that host's level of power. And it would do all these, especially increasing the destruction or damaging capacity of the host's attacks by releasing an ethereal energy from it incorporeal body into the attack formed from Aetha energy. This ethereal energy which is called 'Cosmic Vanquishing Energy' would make all the magical attacks of a Host Spellcaster to become many times as powerful as before."

"Is that all that I would benefit from the spirit?" Helena asked after being shocked by what Roselyn said.

The Spirit of Universal Conquest was truly powerful.

"No, Helena. There are still a few more. But the major one is what I mentioned a moment ago. However, yours seems different. It is the first time I will hear of a spirit trying to influence the mind of the vessel it resides in. So, it could possess more power due to being more different from the others. Yours is at a higher dimension of power." Roselyn said.

Then she asked further "So, what do you say? Do I seal it away for later? Or you would manage it and grow strong with it?"

Helena exhaled and began to ponder again.

She thought hard over everything that Roselyn said.

She didn't want the spirit to interfere in her thing and even influence her to do things that she might not want to do.

However, she wanted the powerful energy that it would feed her attack which would raise it destructive power to a level that it can't be matched by the attacks of other Spellcasters who are at her level.

After sometime, she arrived at an answer.

Helena looked at Roselyn who asked again "What's it going to be, Helena? Should I seal it off for you till you are stronger to resist it influence, or I should let it be?"

"I don't want it sealed away. I would manage it and grow strong with it" Helena said.

Roselyn nodded.

"Well, its your spirit. It's up to you to decide what you want to do with it. Anyways, if we see that you aren't able to break out from it strong influence over your mind and body, we would be forced against your wish to seal it away. Am I understood?" She asked.

"Clearly ma'am" Helena replied.

"Good. You can return to your room. I guess training for the day should have ended. You have been out too long." Roselyn said.

"Okay ma'am. Thanks for watching out for me" Helena said on a grateful tone.

"You don't have to thank me, Helena. It's our job to watch out for everyone here and provide for their needs. It's our basic responsibility. So, don't ever mention thanks to me again for anything that I may do for you in future. Am I clear?" Roselyn asked with a smile.

"Loud and clear ma'am" Helena responded.

"Good. You can return to your room. Go and relax. Bye for now" Roselyn said.

Helena nodded and headed straight to the door to leave Roselyn's office.

When she got to her room, ignoring the gazes of everyone that she met on her way there, she sat in her bed in the cross-legged position and then closed her eyes to focus within herself.

Her intention was to try to see the spirit that strongly influenced her mind and communicate with it.

When she closed her eyes and focused within herself, she said "Spirit of Universal Conquest, I don't know if you can hear me, but I would like to talk to you"

However, she heard nothing.

Not even a sound.

"I know you are there. So don't pretend like you aren't there. I demand that you appear before me now" Helena commanded.

However, nothing still happened.

Helena grunted.

"Please, I beg you. I request that you appear before me. Besides, I have so many questions to ask you. And also, I am dying to see you. I want to know how you look like." Helena said.

Not perceiving a sound from anywhere within her mind, Helena decided to return her focus from her inner world to the outside world.

But before she could do so, her mind was suddenly pulled into a region that she never knew also existed within her mind.

Appearing in a vast and boundless expanse of space that was devoid of matter and light, throwing the whole area into darkness, the blurry form of a figure that emitted a brilliant resplendent light from it body suddenly appeared before Helena, bringing a strong beautiful illumination to this pitch-black dimension.

Although the light emanating from it body was so bright that if anything that tried to look at it for than a second, their eyes would become ruined, but Helena looked at it and wasn't affected. But it wasn't by her power, it was the entity that made the multi-colored, retina-burning light endlessly emitting from it body not to affect Helena's vision.

"You requested for me. Here I am" The entity said.

Helena who was absolutely shocked by all that had suddenly occurred became speechless.

Her mind was sent reeling fast in awe and utter astonishment that she didn't know what to say.

However, after sometime, she was able to regain control over her reeling mind.

"Hi" She said.

But the entity didn't respond.

It only looked at her.

"I guess you don't know what I mean by Hi. It is how we humans greet each other in the world" Helena said.

"I am not a human" The spirit said.

"Yea. I know. Sorry about that. I was only trying to greet you" Helena said.

Then before she could say anything, the entity before her said "You asked for me to appear before you. Here I am. What do you want?"

Helena grunted.

What kind of spirit residing within her was this?

So unfriendly and impatient. She thought.

"Actually, I am here to ask you why you keep forcing me to do things I don't wanna do?" Helena asked.

"I want you to grow strong in time. There's basically no time anymore for you to be playful or enjoy things that you puny weak humans enjoy." The entity said.

"And why's that?" Helena who was shocked by what the spirit said harshly, quickly questioned.

"I saw a terrible future where you, I and many others were destroyed, and many of the worlds in the universe wiped away. Only to be replaced by new ones with an exceedingly powerful devilish summoner and Spellcaster being the ultimate ruler of these worlds that had descended from somewhere I don't understand" The entity said.

Helena's eyes widened in shock.

"Really?" She asked to confirm again what she heard from the entity whose form she couldn't totally make out due to the blinding colorful light continuously emitting from it blurry body.

But the entity didn't reply, it only looked at her.

"So you can see into the future?" Helena asked.

"Yes. I can see into the distant future and the far past." The entity replied. 

Then it continued "But it's what greatly weakened me and made my form blurry" 

"Okay. But why did you look into the future?" Helena asked.

"To know what it holds in store for the universe." The entity replied.

"Hmm." Helena uttered.

Then she continued by saying "I want to ask. What really are you? The Spirit of Universal Conquest? You don't seem like one to me" She asked.

"What's that? I am not what you call that. I am the Primordial Spirit of Chaos, Might and Reborn. I am one of the higher, primal spiritual entities that have roamed round universes before all sorts of races started to appear after the formations of worlds. I chose to enter into your body after seeing the tremendous ability that you would possess as you grow. So I am here within you to augment that devastating godly powers to another level. It's only you and I that can bring the fight to that powerful entity that wants to destroy all the worlds in the universe and replace it with the one it would create itself" The entity said.

"Wow!" Helena exclaimed in shock.

"So you aren't a Spirit of Universal Conquest? I thought you were one." Helena said while the spirit didn't respond.

Still looking at the entity with a marveling gaze in her eyes, Helena asked "As a being that has existed for so long, you should know what a Spirit of Universal Conquest is?"

"No. I don't know. Maybe if you can describe it to me, I would be able to tell you what that truly is" The entity replied.

"Okay." Helena said.

Then she tried her best to simply describe what the Spirit of Universal Conquest is to the spirit.

"It's a spirit that might be born from the fusion of our will, resolve and determination. It also has the same ability as you to increase the damaging abilities of our power to a higher level to cause shocking destruction" Helena said.

"Oh. You mean the Primordial Spirit of Peerlessness and Indomitability? They are not born from anything. They have been around for long too. They choose who to possess. Just like how I chose you"

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