A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 59: Punched by her instructor

Chapter 59: Punched by her instructor

- Training Field -

"Good morning ma'am" Helena said when she arrived before Deylina.

Deylina simply nodded her head to her greeting.

"Alright, Helena. Give me a hundred squats" She said.

Then she looked at Helena with a gaze that Helena herself felt that it meant 'Don't try to turn your Aetha energy into an energy for your body, or I would finish you off here'.

Helena simply smiled.

Then she began to do her squats.

Not long, her legs began to approach fatigue after doing up to eighty squats which to Deylina was just thirteen squats because of her counting method.

As her legs began to tremble and she felt like quitting due to the tiredness that had set into her legs, a sweet-sounding voice that was rather otherworldly suddenly surfaced in her head. It spoke in Helena's voice and told her to keep going, that she can do it.

Immediately the voice appeared in her head and said those things, Helena who felt like falling with her knees to the ground and boldly tell Deylina that she was tired, couldn't do so anymore. She basically couldn't resist that powerful, intoxicating voice that produced warm currents of divinely sensations in her body anytime it uttered a word. She just couldn't bring herself to resist the voice ringing softly in her head.

Therefore, she continued to do the squats.

Helena kept on going till she surpassed a hundred squats, two hundred squats, three hundreds squats, until she surpassed the number of squats Deylina told her to do.

Yet, she didn't stop.

She kept on going.

Although she felt the intense burn in her legs, she just couldn't bring herself to stop.

Deylina who was surprised that Helena actually squatted up to the number of squats that she demanded for with her intentional counting method, became further surprised when she saw Helena going.

She was shocked.

Then when she looked into Helena's eyes, she could see the pain in her eyes.

A thought then surfaced in her heart that gave Deylina the feeling that Helena was under a spell.

"Helena, stop" Deylina said after noticing the pain in Helena's eyes.

Although she would have loved that Helena continued the squats. But after seeing the tremendous pain that she might probably be experiencing in her eyes, she was forced to tell her to stop.

"Ma'am, I don't feel like stopping" Helena said. But she said it in a tone that invoked the absolute feeling that she was in pain.

"You have to stop now" Deylina said.

Helena didn't listen to her. She simply continued with what she was doing. And this was because of the voice that sounded in her head had blocked her sense of hearing. It was probably trying to keep all distractions away and let her focus on what she was doing.

"That's it" Deylina said.

Then she launched a heavy punch in Helena's face, instantly knocking her unconscious.

Helena fell to the ground flat, drawing everyone's attention towards her unconscious body, and then at Deylina with surprise in there eyes.

'Did instructor Deylina just punched Helena?' They asked within themselves.

Then they arrived at an answer which was that Helena was feeling arrogant and then had a punch sent to her face.

"Haha! Serves her right" One of Jennifer's faction members said out loud and laughed without care.

Deylina ignored everyone's gazes on her body and looked at Helena.

Her body appeared to be burning up in her vision.

'What's going on in your body and mind, Helena?' Deylina asked within.

Then she carried Helena and gently placed her on her shoulder.

She then left the training field to go see the director.

When she got to the director's office and was allowed in, she placed Helena on a bed that was magically teleported into the office and floated some meters in the air as there was not enough space to occupy the big bed.

Then after being told what Helena did at the training ground, the middle-aged woman who was the director of the magical and combat training camp looked at Helena for a long time before her eyes narrowed.

"Could it be...?" She asked.

Then her eyes shone with amazement.

"Oh my... She has awakened an accompanying Spirit of World Dominance." The middle-aged woman said.

As soon as the director said this, Deylina's eyes glowed with shock.

"Spirit of World Dominance? That's great fortune for her" Deylina said happily.

"I know. But the one she awakened is aggressive. It's controlling her instead, forcing her to complete things that Helena herself wouldn't be able to fulfill. And this could damage her body." The middle-aged woman said.

But if she knew that accelerated healing would kick up in Helena's body to heal her of every injury that she might have sustained, she wouldn't talk in that manner.

"I think it's too early for her to have a Spirit of World Dominance. I would have to place a magical inhibition timeseal on this dominating entity to keep it from affecting Helena's activities. After she has matured enough and is able to effortlessly control her numerous vast powers, the seal would wear away by itself to allow the spirit reveal itself once again." The middle-aged woman said.

"Ugh." Deylina uttered.

"Wouldn't it affect her?" she asked.

Then she stated further before the middle-aged woman could respond to her question "Director, in my own opinion, I like it that she would be able to grow strong very quickly. I get that it would affect every activity that Helena may carry out, but it would allow her entire capabilities to grow quick on time. The spirit is trying to force her to surpass her limit. And it only by influencing her mind can she do it. Ma'am, we need her, the world needs her. I therefore see no point in inhibiting something that would make her grow very strong quickly in this chaotic world. However, if you insist, I would advise that we watch her for sometime. If the spirit keeps interfering in her tasks, forcing her to fulfill them and even go beyond them, and which might be deleterious to her system instead of beneficial, then I would bring her to you so you could seal it up till Helena would be able to subdue the voice or rather control it since she's the originator of it"

The middle-aged woman sighed.

"Alright. I guess we would do just that. Or I could just inform Helena of what has cropped up in her body. Then it would be up to her to decide if she wants it sealed or not. If she however refuses to have it sealed off, we would still be on the lookout for her. So, the moment we notice that the Spirit is trying to compel her to go far beyond her usual limits, we would have no choice than to seal it up for later" She said.

Deylina nodded.

Then she left the Director's office, leaving Helena's body on the bed that floated in the air by itself.

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