A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 42: A title above other titles

Chapter 42: A title above other titles

"What?" Helena's body shook while her eyes widened in great astonishment.

"I am the one prophesied to bring an end to the disasters happening in the world?" She asked again to confirm what she heard.

"Yes, you are the one that would nullify the chaos in the world and unite all kingdoms in the world." Olivia said.

"B-But I don't have such strength to be able to do that. You people have mistaken me for the prophesied one." Helena said.

"We know it would be incredibly hard for you to accept a title that is heavy as that. But you are truly the chosen one. And we haven't mistaken you for another person. You are the prophesied one who is born with vast, terrifying magical and summoning powers to single-handedly end all the thousands of wars going in the world. If you think we are saying something untrue or invalid, why is that you were able to battle Summoners for some time before your sisters appeared and eventually slew them? Think about it" Olivia said with a smile.

Helena thought about it for sometime and then shook her head.

It was true that she was able to fight the Summoners for sometime before a severe, skull-splitting headache suddenly manifested in her head.

"So, do you now believe that you are the chosen one?" Olivia asked.

"I can't really say. Can no other person do what I did?" She asked in curious tone.

"Absolutely no other person can do what you did. You are tremendously powerful. Powerful enough to handle hundreds to thousands of Summoners yourselves. That's something none of us can dream or imagine of doing. But you haven't reached that stage at all. Right now, you are still inconsequential. You are like a bug that can easily be squashed by powerful challengers that you may cross path with. Therefore, to transform you into the unmatched godly being that you truly are, we are taking you away to a camp where you would hone your usage of advanced battle magic and learn formidable fighting skills. Our plan is to groom you into a peerlessly powerful magical user and Summoner that would grow to terrorize all beings or creatures." Olivia responded.

Despite being a powerful leader who was supposed to be calm about everything and probably be indifferent about this particular matter, she couldn't contain the immense excitement bubbling in her heart and body. However, she concealed the excessively delighted emotion that had surfaced in her heart from appearing in her face, or her followers might take her as a joke. Anyways, she wasn't the only one having thrill and excitement running through her. The others were, and they couldn't wait for Helena to grow so powerful and then wage war on the Summoners who they couldn't go ahead to fight with.

Helena's eyes glittered wonderfully upon hearing what the leader of this coven, Olivia said.

Although she would like to be the 'Chosen One', as it was a title that would command both awe and reverence from everyone. It was however a title that would endlessly plunge her into an unbounded sea of despair and misery. All the rest of her days till she grows strong enough wouldn't be sweet as she must grow rapidly in strength to be able to ward off every attack that would come her way.

But since it has been said that only her can do what she did, making her truly the 'Chosen One', then she was going to accept that title and train hard so that the title which commanded veneration and fear from all creatures wouldn't be mocked at and thrown into the mud. Besides, as the 'Chosen One', meaning that she had numerous powerful cards which she was going to discover later on her journey to become the strongest, she was going to try to rapidly develop herself so she could go meet Sylla and stand with her. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her girlfriend who wouldn't be as strong as she would become. And also to realize their dreams on vanquishing territories which they would absorb to expand their kingdom.

After arriving at this resolution, her eyes glowed with an unyielding and adamantine resolve.

Then she looked at Olivia and asked "When do I start my training?"

"Very soon. Your sisters still want to talk to you" Olivia said.

Then she continued "Now, as stated earlier, you would be sent to a large camp where you would meet thousands of people who are people from many other races that want to study battle magic under us. The great number of people at that camp consist mostly of young and arrogant, prideful girls that also have astonishing gifts. These haughty girls would definitely give you a tough time if they eventually discover that you are the one prophesied to unite the kingdoms. They might try to overwhelm or dominate you with the intention prove to you that you being 'Chosen' means nothing to them, and that they can tread anytime upon you like an ant. So, it's up to you to stand up to these girls and give them a taste of their own medicine. And whatever you do there, whatever decisions you may make, do so with your intelligence and wisdom on."

"Okay" Helena nodded.

"You can go now" Olivia said while Helena nodded.

Then she left the encirclement of these cloaked, mysteriously looking women and went to the room where her sister was.

As soon as she got to the door of the room, and just before she could knock, the door unexpectedly swung open for her while Jessica's gentle voice rang out.

"Come in, Helena"

Helena nodded and went in to appear before her sisters.

"So, are you ready to be the chosen one?" Alyssa asked with a smile.

She had listened to their conversations when she was in the hall. 

"Yes, sister. I am ready to be the chosen one. Although it's a name that would attract all sort of gloomy and horrendous things to me, I don't really care, for I would ruin and decimate them in whatever number they may come. Then when I grow very strong, I will set out for that witch who caused our family to be totally overshadowed by intense grief and sorrow with her selfish actions of selling me out for some stupid wealth and connection"

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