A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 37: The threat

Chapter 37: The threat

Immediately the Summoners regained their balance, they tried rushing back towards Helena who at the moment was afflicted with a severe headache. Then the moment she decided to strike out at them, she suddenly felt an intense headache surface in her head. Then the intensity of this headache rapidly climbed by many degrees that she felt like her head was cleaved open with an axe.


She screamed out in pain and agony as she grabbed her head. While thin streams of blood streamed down her nose and the sides of her lips, and even dyed her eyes which lustred in purple, blood-red.

The Summoners who were furiously dashing to where she was stopped when they saw what was happening.

At the moment, her body which had taken a form they couldn't understand reverted. Her golden hair turned raven-black. While her previously intense purple eyes which was then colored blood-red disappeared.

Now, Helena had reverted back to her weak human form. The power of Hrithika transformation she borrowed was too excessive and overwhelming to use for a long moment.

While grabbing her head and forgetting about everything else as she gnashed her teeth hard to endure the intense splitting ache that endlessly afflicted her head, Helena fell to the floor of the high structure that she and Sylla's mom stood at to watch the battle.

Sylla's mom rushed to her side to try to help her up and hold hands around her to seemingly help her reduce the intense aching pain that she felt in her head.

But just when she could make a move, the Summoners who were moving at a tremendous speed arrived before Helena and Sylla's mom high in the air and then put out a constricting force which instantly, entirely enveloped Sylla's mom's bodies and prevented her from moving forward.

Not long, the battle ground became quiet like a graveyard. No battle actually took place again.

What previously happened had shocked them to the extreme.

Just how could that girl that looks either fifteen or sixteen be able to unleash such frightening magical spell-based attacks which could even successfully knock back Summoners by many meters?

It was simply unbelievable that despite witnessing all that happened, they still found it hard to believe.

And no matter how hard they thought she could come up with such mystifying magical power, they couldn't figure it out. Then they felt that she was a special girl who possesses special attributes.

The members of the Seven races that allied together against the Fey race had been utterly reduced in number too. Also, many of them were very injured that the magical wounds they have sustained might not be curable till the time their life span would expire.

They would definitely regret allying with the Zohrrindane race and coming here to kill the fey race and ravage their kingdom.

Immediately one of the Summoners put out a restraining force to lock up Sylla's mom which felt to her like she was in a body-sized cage, a Summoner who seemed like the strongest of the Summoner and as well as their leader asked "Girl, who are you and where are you from?"

But his question got no reply as Helena was in pain which she tried to endure till it would abate.

However, the aching pain that Helena felt in her head slowly began to ebb in the next second.

When the pain disappeared, Helena who was on the ground stood back to her feet with wrath and hatred radiating in her eyes as she looked at the Summoners before her.

"I see that you have recovered." The Summoner said. Then without time, he asked "Who are you and where are you from? How were you able to come across such insane magical power and the techniques to deploy such tremendously powerful magical attacks?"

Helena didn't reply. She only gave a mtcheew and faced away from him to look into the distance to see if Sylla was okay. And she became glad when she saw that Sylla was okay. However she was too far away or she would have seen the intensely surprised gaze in Sylla's eyes.

"Kid, I asked a question!" The Summoner asked in an angered tone. Helena didn't even give him the respect that he deserved as a Summoner. It was like she looked down upon him.

Helena then gazed at him but with coldness in her eyes.

"I don't have an answer to your questions." She boldly replied.


The Summoner laughed raucously that it seemed like the sky seemingly shook.

"Trying to look tough, eh? See, I don't think you would want to evoke that form of yours again after what you have earlier gone through." The Summoner said. Then he stated further as he questioned "So, where are the answers to my question. Or you would very much regret it because you wouldn't like what I would do to you."

"You can do your worse. But I assure you, when my sis comes looking for me, you would regret ever trying to place your filthy, bloody hands on me" Helena said fearlessly.

Although she felt that her older sister might have died, or was really far away from here. But she could at least scare the Summoner who understood how powerful she was because of her form which profoundly, greatly augmented the size, might and damaging powers of the magical spell-based attacks that she produced. If she was this powerful, how powerful would her sister be. She could be very strong.

"Hmm!" The Summoner uttered and then furrowed his brows as he began to think a lot of things through.

His gaze which was wavering as he pondered about some things became unwavering in the next instant as it shone with full resolve that showed no fear.

"Oh really? I would love to see what she can do. Haha!" The summoner said and grinned in a somewhat wicked manner.

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