A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 120: Battle I

Chapter 120: Battle I

"Oh that." Helena said with a smile.

She then answered by saying "Well, I haven't been able to complete them. It's hard. And the ones that work, they consume energy too quickly."

"What an excuse." Sephia unexpectedly said.

She then spoke further by saying "Helena, you are truly lazy. That's just the truth. Well, you need to work harder on mastering those spells. There is no time for you and for the rest of us."

"Yea, I know that instructor Sephia. And no, I am not lazy. The spells are just hard to complete. But I will do my best to complete them and master them" Helena said.

"Okay." Sephia said.

She then said further "If there is nothing else, you can take your leave."

"Yes ma'am." Helena said with a nod of her head.

She then stood to her feet to leave the office.

And when she came out, she headed for her own room.


- 99th room -

At the moment, Helena was on her bed relaxing.

"Today's training really paid off. Those girls have gotten an advancement in their abilities. While Lucretia will become stronger when she comes out of her Magical Comprehension state. It's just a matter of time before I and my girls will go into to the world to do exploits." Helena said and grinned.

She then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

And surprisingly, she didn't wake up till the next morning.

She only woke up after she heard loud knocks on her door.

"Helena, open up. It's me, Lydia"

Lydia's voice suddenly rang from outside.

Helena was totally surprised by why Lydia was up at her place when she recalled in the next moment that she had a battle that she had to go for, or if was canceled, it would be her own great loss.

She then hurried off her bed and into the bathroom to brush her teeth and shower.

Then when she came out of the bathroom, she used a magical spell to teleport her uniform to her body to dress herself up.

She then left her room to go meet Lydia who was waiting outside.

"I am thinking you overslept." Lydia said.

"Yea, I did. And I wonder why? It can't be because I was extremely tired yesterday, right?" Helena asked with her brow furrowed.

"Well, I don't know about that." Lydia responded.

She then said further "Come on Helena, let's go. They are waiting for you at the Punishment Hall."

"Okay!" Helena responded.

She then rushed to the Punishment Hall with Lydia.

On arriving there many minutes later, the large door of the hall swung open for them to come in.

And when they stepped in, they both saw a number of people who consisted mostly of females who wore uniforms that were different from theirs.

Helena and Lydia knew who these people were.

They were the members of the Law Enforcement and Punishment faculty, and were called the Magical Enforcers.

Seeing their stern gazes and the aura of formidability that exuded from them, Helena had a hard time swallowing her saliva.

After sometime as they walked through a narrow tiled path with all eyes on them, they saw Amber who sat at a table with a smile in her lips.

Immediately Helena and Lydia made eye contacts with her, Amber's smile grew broader. She then winked at them.

Helena and Lydia politely nodded their heads at her.

Just seeing her alone had eliminated the budding fear of these people and the person that she would be facing some moments from now.

"Helena, come here." Roselyn said from afar with a magically-powered booming voice.

"Yes, Camp Overseer." Helena said.

She then hurried to where Roselyn stood.

A few moments later, she got there after casting a Movement-Acceleration spell on herself.

Once she appeared at Roselyn's side, Roselyn said "Helena, jump onto that platform."

Helena nodded and then walked towards the platform that Roselyn pointed at to jump on it.

The platform which was really huge in size remained afloat in the air by many feet above the ground.

As soon as Helena got to a few feet before the platform and was ready to cast a Jump Enhancement-type spell on herself so that she could have her jumping power augmented to a great degree, she suddenly heard a swoosh sound from afar like an arrow was actually shooting through the air towards the top of the massive metallic platform at a tremendous speed.

But the swoosh sound that Helena heard was from a human that was shooting towards the platform from afar.

And when Helena saw this person who was a female, Helena's eyes widened in awe.

"I guess that is my challenger. But wow, she seems powerful." Helena said with astonishment in her tone.

Then when she realized that she had something wrong, she said with a shake of her head "Nooo! What the heck am I saying, of course she is powerful. I don't think I can do what she did which seems like she is flying. She will definitely be a Sky-level or Heaven-level spellcaster. Ugh!"

She then decided to leap onto the platform to battle her opponent who seems much more stronger than her.

Immediately she thought of a basic Jump Enhancement-type spell in her head and then spread the effect of the spell all over herself, she too leaped onto the platform that floated many feet above the ground.

She landed on the platform under the patiently waiting gaze of her challenger.

As soon as Helena landed on the massive platform where their spellcasting battle was going to take place, she looked at her challenger and saw that she was actually human and that she was quite tall in height. But the one thing that stood out from her challenger was the really arrogant look in her face.

Helena simply ignored her arrogant gaze and said with a smile "I am really new here. So, I hope senior can take it easy on me."

Immediately Helena said this, everyone laughed, including the pretty tall girl that was going to battle Helena to take away the chance that she needed to go into the world.

However, the arrogant look in her face never faded away. Instead, it remained there and even grew stronger.

"Now, for the rules of the magical battle that's about to occur." Roselyn's voice suddenly rang out from below.

"Anything, I mean anything, can be used to defeat your opponent. Then to win the battle, you have to knock out your opponent" Roselyn said that with a smile.

She then said further with her booming voice "Let the battle begin!"

Immediately Roselyn said so, a radiant dome-shaped field of energy suddenly surfaced from the battle platform, enclosing both Helena and her opponent within.

When Helena and her opponent saw the energy dome that suddenly surfaced from the battle platform, they instantly understood the reason why the dome had appeared. It was simply to block their launched magical attacks from shooting out of the platform that they were on towards any of the people that were watching the battle that's about to start from below.

"There is no place to escape to, Chosen One" The young lady unexpectedly said with an arrogant smile in her face.

"I know. But I won't try to run away. I am going to stay and fight you till only the winner emerges. So, that means that even if you were at the Great Mage-level spellcaster stage, I will never turn my back to run from you. I would either become the winner or be destroyed." Helena said with a great resolve emitting from her voice.

When Helena said this, the people below her who were members of the Law Enforcement and Punishment faculty, nodded their heads at the great resolve that they perceived in Helena's voice.

"Fight!" Roselyn said in the next moment.

Then Helena's challenger produced a smirk expression in her face as she put out both of her hands in the next instant at Helena and then fired off a raging stream of scarlet-colored fire at Helena.

But immediately her challenger put out her hands, Helena who understood what her opponent was about to do, quickly used that Jump Enhancement-type spell which was still acting on her body to leap far away from from her previous position.


The instant that she leaped into the air away from her previous position, the stream of fire that her challenger unexpectedly sent out at her, went ahead to smash hard into the energy dome which totally prevented it from shooting outwards toward any of the people watching the battle from below.

"What? Don't tell me that the Chosen One can only run and not attack!" Helena's challenger suddenly said while her colleagues below cheered for her.

"Well, running is also a form of attack" Helena unexpectedly answered.

She then punched from where she was into the air at her challenger and suddenly unleashed a frosty dragon that actually roared with excessive rage in it frost-white eyes like it were a real-life dragon as it shot at a great speed towards her challenger.

Helena's challenger only smirked.

Then with one of her fist suddenly emitting a blinding golden radiance, she sent out that fist that shone with a golden light at the frosty dragon that was raging towards her.

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