A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 113: Eric

Chapter 113: Eric

Shakeela smiled.

"Well, for the bad guys, they should continue. Their day of reckoning is coming. Someone will come for their souls oneday to appease and pacify all the souls that they have slayed. Then for the first question that you asked, although it's a really long story, I will try to narrate it to you."

"Our race in the far past helped a little boy who was being chased by some people from some other race who had the intention to drain his half-human, half-Cysterea and Half-Chronororia blood for something only known to them. Although people of my race guessed that they wanted to extract some essence from his blood to use it to prepare some elixir or medicinal pills, we are however not really sure. But that was what the young boy told them. That they wanted to drain him of his entire blood and use it for the preparation of something that they also didn't tell him about. But they were really excited about it, the people from the races that were after him"

"So, to protect the boy, we gave him sanctuary at our place. Although this was totally decided against by the entire members of my race at that point in time, since they didn't want some bad guys to come for us and demolish what we spent many years building. But like our Ancestor saw something special in that boy, he went against the decision made by every other member of my race at that time."

"The boy grew up here into an adult, but with hatred and dislike from many of the people of my race, since they at that time, didn't like to interact with anybody from the human race. They saw them as filthy and arrogant beings that nothing good can really come from them."

"They saw the human race as a race that multiplied in large numbers which became the worry of many races and then as people that were full of betrayal and definitely the cause of many of the disasters and calamities occurring in the numerous kingdoms of many worlds in our magical universe."

"Then another reason why my people hated that boy then, was because we saw him as a ticking disaster just waiting to happen. The people of my race felt that he was going to be the one that will cause my race to go into total extinction. And so, they hated him. Not showing him any form or degree of love"

"Although he was hated by almost all the people of my race at that point in time, the patriarch of our race however showed him love that kept the boy going, preventing him leaving our race since ninety-nine percent of us strongly disliked him and hated him."

"However, after many years, the boy who had grown into a striking adult decided to leave to go do something that he had in mind. He told our patriarch that he wanted to go find a small family of his that he wasn't related to by blood with a towering, burnished hope in his heart that nothing bad or terrible had happened to them since he was long gone. He then handed a small, cube-shaped item that he made from earthen materials and had numerous, glowing runic inscriptions all over it surface to our patriarch to crush it whenever his life or that of our race was in danger or in serious trouble."

"He said that it was a favor that he was returning to the Ancestor of our race for helping him and looking out for him since he was young, not allowing any form of harm to come to him from any member of our race since they had feelings of strong aversion towards him"

"Although he could have left our small kingdom long ago to go find that tiny group of people that he grew up with, but because he was too weak then and was very fearful of being caught by the people of some other race that were seriously after him, he stayed behind in our kingdom till he had grown stronger and more powerful. Powerful in the sense that he had awakened many of the strongest bloodline abilities of the two non-human races that he was from. So after doing all these, he was confident of leaving our world to wherever he came from." Shakeela said.

Then with curiosity emitting from the gaze which she used to look at Jennifer, she said "I just wonder how he arrived in our world."

She then continued with what she was narrating to Jennifer "Many decades later, a really strong race came to our race with the intention of entirely swallowing it up. After fighting for a few hours against them which only resulted in the gruesome death of many members of our race since the warriors from that race were far individually stronger than ours, our Ancestor decided to crush that item that was given to him by Eric, the boy from the half-human, half-Cysterea and Half-Chronororia race that grew up into an adult in our kingdom"

"However, nothing magical or supernatural happened. It was only the wicked slaughtering of the members of my race that continued which was accompanied by intense mockery from the Valraax race that came to attack us to seize our lands and properties for themselves."

"Due to nothing happening after crushing that item that was given to him by Eric, our Patriarch became disappointed and heartbroken. Besides, the higher-ups of our race didn't even try to help matters. They started blaming him that the time which he spent into taking care of Eric till he grew up into an adult could have been used to make himself and the rest of his race stronger."

"But all of a sudden after a few moments, a vast unseen force which we couldn't really describe what it was suddenly appeared and enwrapped everyone of them, including the people from the Valraax race and then caused them all to become really sluggish in their movement. And to give you the degree of the slowness or sluggishness that suddenly came upon them as I was told, it will possibly take them many minutes to open their mouth to speak. It was like they were in a time field meant to radically slow them down."

"Once this force engulfed everyone, Eric suddenly appeared from a portal and began to cleanly cut off the heads of the people from the Valraax race using a large broad blade that he condensed from the bloodline power of Radiance Construct that he possessed. And he moved so fast that he slashed off the heads of all the warrior males and females of the Valraax race in a matter of seconds."

"So, just like that, he vanquished many of the people from the Valraax race and then made the others who he didn't kill captives of our race to become our free manpower. And since a large number of the people of the Valraax had been eliminated, we took over their massive kingdom and made their resources ours, seriously enriching ourselves."

"Although other races tried us too, thinking that they could overpower Eric because of their incredibly powerful and tough, fearsome-looking warriors, they only met with disaster and desolation as rivers of their blood flowed throughout the lands of their kingdoms."

"So, that's how our kingdom became extremely strong that no other race could attempt to do what the Valraax race and some other idiotic race did, just because of that single person that they believed was backing us, acting as the guardian of our race."

"They saw Erik as a tremendously powerful and extremely formidable fighter that will swing into full action once he was summoned by any of the elders of our race"

"Then apart from being our protector, he was the one who taught us to how create runic artifacts and weapons. We don't know where he got knowledge of such an amazing thing from, but it was he who taught us to help us develop and improve the strength and prowess of our race. Therefore, with that knowledge, we started implementing the runic inscriptions and engravings that Eric taught us into objects to turn them into weapons or items that we could use to augment the offensive and defensive power of our race."

"So Jennifer, that was how my race cultivated and harvested the ability to do good deeds unto others who are either crestfallen or feel totally desolated or are living in total sadness and misery."

After Shakeela said all these, Jennifer couldn't help but shake her head with awe and amazement glowing intensely in her eyes.

"I guess he had the bloodline ability to control time, making him an extremely dreadful combatant." Jennifer said to Shakeela while Shakeela nodded her head.

"Yes. Recall that I said he was from the Chronororia race. That race had the ability to manipulate time to their will." Shakeela said while Jennifer nodded her head.

"Hmm. So what about Eric, is he still alive?" Jennifer asked with a light of deep curiosity gleaming from her eyes.

"Yes of course. And he still looks so youthful, like he's twenty-five. The aging effect of time can't affect him since he can control time itself and bend it to his will. And like he once told some elders, he built an invisible dimensional layer of time around himself. So, the weathering and aging ability of the river of time which will affect every other person has zero effect on him since he is engulfed by an auric layer that totally separates him from time that affect everything on our world. It simply like he exists in a timeless zone. However, I have never seen him since I was born. This is just what I was told by the enlightened elders of my race" Shakeela responded.

"Wow. That's really awesome. To be sincere, I will truly like to meet him. Maybe I could request that he uses his total domination time power to help me accomplish something." Jennifer said and grinned, fully concealing the wicked intent in her heart from emitting from her voice.

She then looked around in her room and said with a smile in her face "I guess you guys are one of the major powers of this world, right?"

"Sure." Shakeela answered.

"While this building where the people of your race healed me is just one of the numerous healing buildings that you guys have in your vast kingdom?" Jennifer questioned.

"Yes. This building is just one of the numerous buildings that we have. We use it to treat sick people of our race and other races. Our palace is still very far away from here. It will take us a few days to get there using our transportation beasts " Shakeela said while Jennifer shook her head with awe.

"So massive. Your kingdom is truly flourishing" Jennifer said while Shakeela gave a beautiful smile.

"Thank you. But it's all do to Eric. Or we would have ceased to exist, talk more of flourishing" Shakeela answered with a smile in her face while Jennifer gave another nod of her head.

However, many devilish plans started brewing in Jennifer's mind which was innately full of serpents and scorpions.

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