A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 103: Overpowered

Chapter 103: Overpowered

This woman who was very far away from the Great Sisterhood society could actually see the ray of light that projected into the sky.

Then when she vanished, she reappeared in the next moment at the Great Sisterhood society.

"Jessica" Olivia called out when Jessica suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Olivia. What's wrong? Have you sent people to check out the reason why the distress ray was sent? Hope it's not that it is been heavily attacked?" Jessica asked many questions at once.

"We don't know. But I don't think it would be a full attack. However, before your arrival, we have quickly mobilized twenty magical warriors to be sent to that plane where our training camp is located." Olivia said.

Jessica nodded and said "Have they gone through the portal to that world? I would like to go in with them."

Olivia said "They haven't. The magical portal was just about to be opened where you arrived. Go to that place where the twenty magical warriors are."

"Alright" Jessica said and nodded.

Then using a powerful movement spell on herself, she vanished from the hall with a single step and reappeared in that same instant in the place where twenty women who radiated an aura of indomitability stood.

The women turned their heads to see who had appeared and then nodded their heads at Jessica when they saw her.

Jessica also did the same by nodding at them. She then placed back her focus on the horizontal portal that had appeared and was growing in size.

After the portal had gotten larger to take them all in, they all went to stand under it.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!...

Numerous swoosh sounds rang out as the bodies of both Jessica and the twenty women were pulled into the portal.

Then they dropped out of another portal that had abruptly surfaced at a place in the training camp.

As soon as they landed on their feet when they dropped out of the massive portal, they all took into the air and searched around for what caused the distress.

Then they saw someone that looked really strange floating very far in the air at a high altitude.

This person who was Anissa saw them and began to laugh raucously. And as she laughed, numerous frightening voices could be heard laughing out all at once.

"Hmm" Jessica said and then dashed towards this person. Same with the other women who had entered the portal with her.

When she arrived before Anissa, she looked down and saw Dawn. She had fallen unconscious and was bleeding from the mouth and nose.

"Haha! Is this not the legendary white warrior?" Anissa asked with many voices speaking out at once when she saw Jessica.

"Yea. She is the one" Jessica replied with a cold gaze.

She then asked with an arched brow "Who are you? And how did you gain entrance into this place?"

"I didn't gain any entrance into this place. I was an instructor here before I consumed a fiendlord evil transformation fruit so I could possess great power to unleash immense terror and unparalleled destruction upon everything that would appear in my path to stop me" Anissa replied with dozens of voices sounding out all at once.

"I see. But why did you do so? What is your reason for trying to shed away your humanity and become a demonic fiendlord?" Jessica asked.

"Because I want to kill that little girl called the Chosen One. I want to annihilate her and everyone else in here and then turn this place to my abode." Anissa replied and laughed raucously.

As soon as Anissa said this, a sharp glint of light shone from Jessica's eyes.

"I see...." Jessica was about to speak further when she was suddenly interrupted by Anissa who further said with unmatched ferociousness "White warrior, since you are here, don't think of going back. Why don't you leave your puny life and rotten body behind?"

Jessica smiled.

"I like your flaming horns. When I put out the flame burning around them, I will give them to some object shapers to turn them into decorative horns for me." She said.


Anissa laughed raucously.

She then shot towards Jessica who quickly told the other women that had gathered behind her to take away Roselyn and Dawn who were unconscious and go guard the trainees at the camp from attacks.

Once she said that, she then shot towards Anissa and began to mutter invocation words.

"Great Spirit of Might, Krathius. One with the unmatched phenomenal strength to reduce hundreds of continents to crumbles with a single punch and shatter dozens of constellations of stars with an effortless finger strike, I ask that you make me a conduit of your unfathomable planet-devastating physical strength. Give me the strength of a thousand men" she uttered with a resolute gaze in her eyes.

Jessica had uttered an invocation word to call upon the Great spirit of Might from the Calaendrian realm for near-limitless physical strength.

She could request for more strength, but if it was excessive, it could do more harm than good to her body, since her body would have to bear the immense spiritual power that would be pulsating within her entire body.

Immediately she uttered those words which were one of the many Spirit Summoning chants that only she knew, the patch of sky in this region abruptly turned from blue to violet, then strong winds began to rage within the entire magical confinement done as an utterly powerful presence

suddenly appeared.

The entity that had suddenly appeared was invisible, but the vast unseen aura of might that emanated from it body was one that gave the absolute feeling that it could reduce chains of mountains to fragments and completely split oceans apart.

Once it appeared and irradiated everywhere with it power of might for a second for all to venerate and dread it, the magical confinement dome that Dawn generated to block every soul from leaving the training camp shattered with a ear-aching loud bang into millions of pieces of solid condensates of magical energy.

Then the powerful presence disappeared in the next moment.

It had actually shot into Jennifer's body to reside within it and endlessly supply her with the power to instantly level mountain ranges and sunder the vast seas and oceans.

Immediately she became possessed by this spirit, her hairs abruptly changed from white to violet. Same with her eyes which abruptly turned to violet too.

When Anissa witnessed the powerful phenomenon that Jessica caused to manifest by calling upon that spirit, a great fright set into her heart.

Besides, on her way to meet Jessica to attack her with her extensible bony tails, the enormous unseen aura of power of Might that had suddenly appeared and pressed upon everything in here knocked her flying for many meters into the distance and caused her to cough out a large mouthful of dark scarlet blood.

At the moment, the blood in her whole body churned greatly like it wanted to burst out of her body. The force that the overwhelming aura of Might impacted her with was too much for her transformed fiend body to handle.

'No wonder she is so powerful and difficult to destroy despite the really long years of her fighting with numerous dreadful enemies.'

'She is one unmatched spiritual warrior who can conjure extremely frightful spiritual entities into her body to allow their power to pulse endlessly within her, making her terrifying since she would be bestowed with their alarming and phenomenal destructive power. And she is an epic and fearsome magical and bloodline warrior at the same time. Ugh! How would I be able to beat her?'

'And I thought that stupid evil fruit would give me the power to easily contend with someone like her and effortlessly destroy her. Damn! I did my calculations really bad. But where did the insane bitch even come from? She wasn't at the Great Sisterhood society anymore as I was told many weeks ago. Fuck!'

'Well, there is nothing that I can do other than battle her. Let me fight her for sometime. If I see that she is basically overpowering and totally invincible. I will instantly leave here and try to take my daughter away with me. Then to leave here here faster, I will use that escape treasure.'

'And thankfully, she has unknowingly destroyed the magical confinement dome generated by Dawn to stop me from leaving by invoking that insane spiritual entity. Haha! I won't be partially barred from leaving here when I see that things basically go awry for me. Haha!' Anissa said and grinned.

"Die!!" She shouted with fury coming from the numerous voices that sounded out at the same time and then shot towards Jessica.

When she was close to Jessica who stood where she was in the air waiting patiently for her to arrive, Anissa punched out towards Jessica and a massive fist that had flame burn around it shot towards her.

Jessica aimed her pinky finger at the massive solid fist condensed from magical energy.


The fist shattered into smithereens with a loud ear-deafening bang.

Many people far below the attack were knocked to the ground because of the terrifying waves that surfaced and swept out with lot of kinetic force when the huge and corporeal magical attack exploded into bits upon being poked by Jessica's small finger.

Jessica then used a high-movement flight spell on herself.

The instant that she casted the spell on herself, her entire body glowed in a soft cyan color.

She then dashed towards Anissa that she appeared before her like she teleported there.

Anissa who wasn't expecting Jessica to do that was suddenly grabbed by one of her flaming horns and had a really heavy punch that could sunder a mountain sent to her face which then knocked her flying for hundreds of meters backwards like an arrow.

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