A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 851 Very Handsome Bandit

Chapter 851 Very Handsome Bandit

''You three look like a fine adventuring party. Would you like to guide us to Celestia City? We were ambushed by those vile Ratlings and lost half our numbers before the rest bested them,'' Natalia revealed.

Archer nodded, looking at the woman before introducing him, ''I'm Tony. These two lovely ladies are my wives; the brown-haired elf is Bubbles, and the cat girl is Poppy.''

He felt Nala pinch him while Lucrezia giggled, but Natalia greeted them with an honest smile before he answered her previous question, ''Yes, my lady, we would love to escort you as long as we get paid. We would take some quests when we got to Lumina Sancta.''

Natalia smiled, ''We will pay you 1 gold coin a day and cover your room in the inns we stop at; it's only one room, correct?''

''Yes,'' Archer answered. ''I assume there are dungeons on the way to Celestia?''

The older woman nodded, ''I believe a few are on our route. You could visit a couple because we are resting to help the injured Church Knights.''

Archer nodded, ''Thank you.''

Following that, the carriage started moving again once Natalia reentered. The knight commander asked them to take the position in the rear, which they were happy to do, and they made their way there.

When the trio were alone, Nala spun on him with a raised eyebrow, ''Bubbles? Arch?''

Archer and Lucrezia laughed, causing the lion girl's tail to straighten. "You couldn't give me a sexier name? Why Bubbles?"

As Nala began ranting, the laughter of the other two only grew louder. Archer then shared tales of his adventures in the Avaloch Kingdom, including his kidnapping of Maeve. They found this incredibly amusing and began teasing him about his growing collection of princesses.

He waved them off while ignoring their giggling. The caravan traveled until sunset, and the commander informed them they were setting up. Archer nodded at the man before walking off the road, pulling out a rucksack from nowhere, then taking out a tent, shocking the surrounding guards.

Nala and Lucrezia kept watch while laughing at him setting up the tent. Once he was finished, the two girls entered after kidding him on the cheek, bringing a smile to his face. While standing there, he heard the commander's voice, ''You and your girls will be taking the midnight watch.''

Archer nodded just as a Tressym sent him information regarding the three banks in Lumina Sancta, which Templar Knights heavily guarded. He grinned before joining the girls inside the tent when he received this information.

Lucrezia was resting on one of the sofas while reading a magazine, which baffled Archer. ''Where did you get that, Luce?''

She glanced at him before answering, ''Oh, Teuila gave it to me. She said Hecate's company started creating them before the war started.''

''What's it about?'' Archer questioned.

Nala answered, ''Make-up, women's fashion, and gossip.''

''Oh, so it's for ladies?''

''Yes, my love, Hecy wanted another revenue stream to help the kingdom, so she remembered the stories you told her and created this,'' Lucrezia held up the magazine.

Archer nodded, ''Who wants to rob the first bank with me? We can swap it out in every city, which there are a few between here and the capital.''

''Take Nala, I'' cover for the both of you,'' Lucrezia smiled.

He got excited and rushed over to the Mosasaur girl. Archer kissed her all over the face, making the Demi-God giggle in a fit of laughter. Shortly after that, Lucrezia pushed him away as she was bright red.

Nala held her stomach while laughing. Once the trio calmed down, Archer said farewell to Lucrezia and transformed into his Shadow Prince form, wrapping the lioness in darkness before vanishing.

The two of them slipped out of the tent and traveled across the landscape, diving into every shadow Archer could see. By the time the duo reached the city, Nala was moaning in his ear, which distracted him.

Archer stopped in the nearby forest, and when he freed Nala, she was sweaty, and her legs were trembling like a baby giraffe, which was adorable. The lioness looked at him before complaining, ''You lewd dragon! I felt you touching my boobs and rubbing me.''

''I don't know what you're talking about, Nala, you're imagining it,'' he replied while laughing.

The lioness went red before closing in on him and grabbing his collar as she growled, ''Stop teasing me! You've turned me on, and now you must take responsibility.''

Archer felt his lust soar before he leaned in and kissed her, but Nala bit his bottom lip, earning a groan from him. They went at it in the forest once he cast Cosmic Shield and Mana Manipulation to hide their naughty activities.

By the time they left the forest, Nala had a radiant smile as her tail swayed behind her. He noticed the limp in her walk, which made him smile, but Archer commented, ''Let's not disguise ourselves when exploring the city so they see us and lose their shit. Once we rob the banks, we flee and change into disguises before returning to the tent.''

Nala nodded, and she grabbed his arm as the two walked toward the city gate and strolled in. Archer threw the guard a few gold coins, saying, ''Treat yourself at the tavern; make sure to bring the others.''

''Thank you, young master,'' the commander said while talking to the others.

Once the couple were inside, they made their way to the first bank, which was a high elf one. When Nala saw this, she commented, ''Are you going to rob the Nightshade Empire?''

Archer shook his head, ''No, they haven't annoyed me to the point I have to teach them a lesson,'' he said as the two moved on. ''I will only touch the Novgorod and Church banks. They are no doubt stacked to the brim with wealth.''

Nala giggled, ''I love it when you're this excited.''

He smiled at his lioness before leaning over and pecking her cheek, ''My lioness, you're gorgeous, and I love you.''

Archer watched her cheeks turn red, but a radiant smile appeared, allowing him to see her sharp canines, ''I love you too, Arch,'' she replied before taking his hand. ''Now, let's rob these church fools.''

Following that, they soon came across the first bank they could rob. It was a large Church of Light Bank used by the citizens to save their coins in a safe and secure location, but to Archer, it looked like a Christmas present waiting for him.

The couple entered the bank, which caught the Templar Knights's attention. Archer noticed three approaching him with determination in their eyes. He sent a message to Nala. [They know it's me and will attack. Kill them while I summoned the Stone Men]

[Okay, Archie!] Nala replied before whipping her sword with a smirk.

She charged forward as the templars prepared, but the lioness was quicker and dodged around them while striking the one man on the right, which sent him flying into a nearby wall before kicking a second.

The third lunged at her, but Archer cast Azur Cannon into the templar body, which sent him crumbling. After that, he summoned the Stone Men, who materialized out of thin air as more soldiers appeared.

But Archer ordered the stone constructs to end the templars, which they instantly did. While they did this, the couple rushed further into the back while he summoned his Shadow Creatures and sent them after any wealth.

They soon reached the metal door leading to the bank vaults. When Nala saw this, she commented, ''How are we going to get past this?''

Archer chuckled in response before stepping forward and ripping the door off the wall, launching it at the entrance to block the way. When he finished, Nala looked at him with wide eyes.

''What?'' he said before entering the vault.

Nala followed behind him, ''You're strong.''

''I am, but not strong enough,'' Archer spoke before locating several bulkheads.

Archer approached the first one and grabbed a hold of it as he tried to rip it off the wall, but this one was tougher. After failing to do that, he stepped back and started casting Plasma Missiles into the wall surrounding the vault door.

The wall crumbled, allowing him to rip the bulkhead off the wall; when Archer did that, he spotted mountains of gold, silver, mithril, and many other valuable treasures. Without wasting more time, he entered the vault, followed by Nala.

When entering, the lioness was shocked, ''Oh my. So many gold coins.''

Archer laughed before holding his hand out and sucking everything into his Item Box until the vault was bare. Nala giggled, ''You never cease to amaze me, Archie,'' she said.

He shook his head and started looting every vault, and while this happened, the battle upstairs was pure chaos. Stone Men were running wild while creepy shadows looted everything of value.

When Archer and Nala were ready to leave, a mountain of random valuables appeared before him, thanks to the Shadow Creatures. He waved his hand and stored it all away as the two fled the bank after dismissing the Stone Men.

They made it outside only to hear the city alarm ringing, causing them to rush across the bank's garden and leap over a nearby wall. Archer hit the street with a thud, and then Nala landed gracefully.

The two rushed into a nearby alleyway, activating their disguises and slipping into the panicking crowd. The Church of Light and Novgorodians made it to the bank while searching for them.

Nala couldn't stop giggling, ''You're a bandit, Archer, but a very handsome bandit,'' she said before kissing him as they stopped on a bench.

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