A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 844 Landing Craft

Chapter 844 Landing Craft

When Archer and Brooke entered, the four girls looked at them with knowing smiles, but he greeted each one with a kiss before slumping down on the nearest sofa and getting comfortable as she said, ''It seems my grandson can give me a run for my money.''

He laughed when he heard Brooke's words, but soon enough, Teuila walked over to him and sat on his lap before hugging him as she spoke: ''The army is nearly prepared to move out, and Elara said you can start loading up your monsters.''

Archer smiled, ''We can use most of them in battle. The Colossophants are returning to Draconia, but the rest can be used as soldiers.''

Teuila nodded, ''That sounds good. Now, are you going to leave Kass and me out? Nefi, Sera, and Brooke have to make love to you.''

''Okay, my love,'' he said with a smile before standing up and picking her up in a princess carry, catching everyone's attention.

Archer found Kassandra's beautiful black eyes. He scanned the rest of her, and it turned him on. She was muscular but still had a distinctive feminine charm. He smiled as he motioned for her to follow him, which the Kraken girl did without hesitation.

When Kassandra got close to Archer, she kissed him with such passion that it ignited his lust again before he dragged her and Teuila to another room. When the three were inside the room, he went crazy and made love to both of them.

By the time Archer was done, Kassandra and Teuila were out cold. The Kraken girl was curled into a ball while the covers were wrapped around her, and Teuila was lying at the top, which made him smile.

He let out a big yawn and thought, 'Teuila looks soft and comfortable. Maybe I do need some sleep.'

Archer crawled into bed and went next to Teuila, who quickly turned around and started cuddling him. He smiled when he saw this and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, causing her to make an adorable noise.

Without thinking, Archer softly kissed her forehead as he whispered in her ear, ''I love you, gorgeous.''

Her ocean blue eyes opened as she smiled, ''I love you too, darling.''

After that, Kassandra's head popped up before she went over to Archer's free side and clung to him, ''Do you love me?'' she said in a hopeful voice.

Archer beamed as he nodded, ''Yes my sea princess.''

This earned him a happy smile before she leaned forward and kissed him. Following that, the three of them fell asleep. While they were resting, things outside were getting underway as the Outriders were already scouting the surrounding areas under Elara's order.


[Dragon Marshal Elara's POV]

Days before Archer and the girls were enjoying themselves, Elara sat in the DRN Archer's Pride dining hall. She was asked to board this ship as Admiral Anderson wanted to speak to her.

Elara had been waiting for a while and had finally gotten fed up. She stood up after finishing her breakfast and made her way to the ship's bridge. While walking through the corridors, the cannons started going off, which made her jump.

'Damn things! They've been going off like this for days,' she internally complained.

While walking, she thought about the king and his behavior toward her since they met. Elara knew Archer liked her because of how he acted around her, but initially, she wasn't convinced by his flirty nature.

Soon enough, she saw him interact with other women like they were men, which made her realize that he had a soft spot for her. She felt a blush creeping up her neck but shook it away as she mused, 'Maybe I should make a move on him? I heard he takes the queens out often, so he might like a date.'

Elara shook her head, 'No, I'll let him make the move.'

After that, some sailors passed by while they carried more shells for the cannons. After ten more minutes, she arrived at the bridge, where people were coming and going. Eara saw the Dragon Marine commander talking to the admiral.

She had met the woman just before their deployment to the Aquaria Kingdom. Elara knew she was in her early thirties, but that didn't detract from her unique beauty, snow-white hair like the king, and bright pink eyes.

Elara's gaze swept over the woman, taking in her ample bosom and hourglass figure straining against her uniform. 'No wonder the king fancies her,' she mused. 'She's stunning for a woman her age. But why would he be interested in a thirty-year-old when society often deems them past their prime?'

As she was lost in her thoughts, a voice reached her ears, ''Oh, if it isn't the 1st Legion Dragon Marshal and one of the king's favorites.''

When Elara heard this, her cheeks turned red, but she nodded and followed the admiral, who told her second-in-command to take over the bridge while she spoke. The man saluted before turning to the window overlooking the deck below.

The admiral led her into a medium-sized room with a bed, desk, and other furniture that decorated the room. That's when the woman introduced herself, ''I am High Admiral of the DRN Olivia Anderson,'' she said pleasantly. ''I called you here today because we want the first leading an amphibious assault on a Swarm army besieging an Aquarian Port City.''

Elara's eyes widened, ''What about the Dragon Marines?''

''They are needed on board,'' Olivia responded. ''The Swarm has sea monsters that try to board our ships. Before we left, High Command deemed it necessary that every ship double its marine detachment, and it was a good call as they've repelled several attacks already.''

She nodded when hearing the admiral, ''Okay, I will prepare my soldiers. Are we using landing crafts? And will the ships cover our landing?'' Elara said.

Olivis smiled, ''The Thunderbolt Throwers will cover the legion's advance.''

Following that, the two women went over the plan and received reports from the scout squadrons that armies of monsters were roaming the coasts and needed to be dealt with before the Draconians could advance.

Days later, Elara was dressed in battle armor and flanked by her command staff, consisting of only women. She did this because the king was a jealous man and wouldn't look at her if men surrounded her, so she went with the powerful women the queens suggested.

There was a mix of races from humans, demi-humans, and elves. They were waiting to board the first landing crafts the Ironfoot family designed for the kingdom. Elara could see the flagship had enough to hold the soldiers she had with her.

The rest were on the transports and ready to land on the Aquarian shores. Olivia informed her that once they destroy the Swarms monster, they must return to the ships as they are close to arriving at the capital.

Soon after, the 1st Legion was given the green light to start their mission, and when Elara's landing craft splashed into the sea, it started sailing toward the shore thanks to the mana engine.

Elara looked around and saw thousands of the same vessels ferrying them to the shore. When they got close, magic started raining down; just as the ship cannons roared to life, the mana shells flew over their heads before connecting with the hordes of monsters waiting for them.

Just as the landing craft closed in, the Draconian mages unleashed their spells that washed over the monsters, allowing the Dragon Legionnaires and Dragonblook Knights to land unhindered as they barreled into the creatures.

Swords, axes, and war hammers crushed bones and rendered flesh into meat paste as the soldiers went on a killing spree. The navy's bombardment weakened the horde, allowing the 1st Legion to get the upper hand.

By the time the 200,000 soldiers landed, they had pushed the Swarm back, and when the defenders of the Aquarian port city spotted them, they rallied and charged out before crashing into the enemy.

The two armies hit the Swarm in two ways, shocking the creatures and causing them to falter, but the Draconians didn't let up and only went even wilder. Elara was fighting with her bodyguards on the frontline.

She was skilled with the spear while twirling it around and decapitating many monsters that got closer. That's when a massive mutated troll appeared, shocking the surrounding soldiers who stepped back.

When Elara saw this, she rushed forward to challenge the monster. When it saw her, it swung its large fist. The dragonkin marshal ducked under the clumsy attack, stabbed her spear into its thick hide, and gave it an evil grin.

''Poison Kiss,''' Elara cast a spell she learned long ago.

The troll went still and couldn't move its limbs as the skin started exploding outwards, causing bits of meat to fly everywhere. It then dropped dead, allowing Elara to attack even more monsters.

An hour passed by, and the battle ended with their victory. The Aquarians thanked her before returning to the city. Elara was now standing on the shore, looking at the 1st Draconian Fleet waiting for them.

She chose to wait until most of the legion was back on the ships, and thanks to the Mana Radios, someone from Draconia devised a communication system between the ground and naval forces.

Elara stared into the distance and wondered if the king would visit her when they landed at the capital. They were told to build a fortress outside the city because there wasn't enough room for them inside.

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