A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 729 Underrealm

Chapter 729 Underrealm

The creature's eyes bore into him with intensity, making him feel small and insignificant in comparison. As it moved closer, he could feel the ground trembling beneath his feet, the very earth shaking with each ponderous movement.

He was rooted to the spot, unable to tear his gaze away from the terrifying spectacle before him. Archer continued watching the massive Nameless Thing as it slithered past and traversed down the tunnels.

As he did this, Mary appeared in front of him with a worried expression, ''I know we've just got together, but I hope this doesn't change things between us,'' she said in a troubled voice. ''I was going to tell you until Lucrezia sensed my power.''

He was paying attention to her but looked around at the large chamber he found himself in and commented, ''What is this place?''

Following his question, the older woman revealed, "We refer to it as the Underrealm. It has existed since Thrylos was forged by the head goddess many millennium ago. We were the first inhabitants of this world, but subsequently, the other deities intervened, giving rise to the younger races and monsters."

''Now that I have answered your query, answer mine,'' Mary asked.

Archer looked into her green eyes and answered with a broad smile, ''Why would I care? You told me in the end and never planned to hide it from me.''

Upon hearing this, Mary smiled before speaking in a low voice, ''You're truly nothing like the previous White Dragon.''

''What do you mean? He questioned. ''What was he like?''

"Grandmother said they engaged in a fierce battle when they first met as he fell into the Underrealm. But ultimately, the White Dragon emerged victorious, claiming her as his own. They then wed not long after.'

Mary spoke, her voice carrying the weight of the tale. "The Elders were displeased, yet they approved due to her strength and his unmatched power. However, he treated her good at first, but then his mistreatment got worse as it plunged her into a deep depression as he used her powers to help him, but she recovered when my mother and I were born."

Archer nodded before embracing her. ''I'm nothing like that fool and will never hurt any of my girls,'' he said. ''I may be greedy, selfish, and sometimes evil, but the one thing I will never do is mistreat any of you, and I will do anything in my power to make everyone happy.''

When he finished speaking, Mary leaned back and smiled, ''I've seen your future and can see the happiness you bring to the women around you, and I have wanted it since the day I received my gift.''

''What is this gift you keep mentioning?'' Archer inquired.

Mary gave him a radiant smile, ''I can see the future, while my sisters can see the past and present. Our goddess is Moirai, the deity of fate, who joined Tiamat in her battle with the Dark Gods.''

''Fascinating. So, The Sisters of Fate exist in this world, too," he remarked.

''What? How did you know our name?'' Mary asked in an alarmed tone.

Archer chuckled before revealing his life on Earth, how he was murdered protecting Alexa, and how he woke up in the previous Archer's body. Mary sat there listening while he explained as the emotions washed over him.

He felt his mind was about to break by the time he finished. Suddenly, Mary lunged at him while wrapping her arms around him as she spoke, ''I'm sorry about your murder and the loss of Alexa.'' She backed away with a smile as she continued. ''Can you tell me about her?''

When hearing her question, Archer delved into his and Alexa's relationship, from their first meeting to the night they made it official, when he died protecting her. When he recounted that part, Mary noticed his emotions were spiraling into madness.

''Stop Arch!'' She said. ''It's painful for you to tell, so don't speak about it. I can wait for the full story.''

Archer looked into her emerald green eyes, brimming with care, and nodded. "Thank you. I nearly lost myself again."

"Let's head back. The two girls must be worried sick about you. We've been standing still in the inn," Mary giggled, rubbing his back.

"Okay," he replied with an honest smile. He suddenly found himself back in the inn with Lucrezia and Aeris, panicking as they shook him awake.

Archer shook his head. "Sorry, girls. Mary was showing me her true form, and it's amazing," he explained, glancing at Mary. "It was magnificent. She made me look like an ant.''

''You'll grow Arch,'' Aeris spoke. ''In dragon years, you're a baby.''

He understood, ''It's fine. I'm not bothered about that; it's just that I've never seen something so big under us.''

Mary laughed alongside Lucrezia before the older woman revealed, ''There are bigger things that dwell in the deep. They are bigger than me but not by much, thanks to the goddess blessing me, and are known as the Dark Ones.''

''Damn,'' Archer replied with a puzzled expression. ''What god would create such creatures?''

The three women all beamed when they saw his face; as Mary explained, ''Two dark gods. Vorath, the god of despair, and Xyronth, the dark god of Alchemy, kidnapped many of my kind, experimented on them with his dark magic, and twisted them into pure evil beings that lurk even lower than us.''

''How deep does the Underrealm go?'' Aeris inquired as she listened.

''Six times the size of the surface world,'' Mary thought briefly before continuing. ''Some believe it is endless.''

While listening to the older woman, Archer's expression turned to one of befuddlement. This made the three laugh and start fawning over him, but Lucrezia was the next to tease him with a smirk: ''What's got you so confused?''

''You said there was a race called Deep Ones, then there were the Nameless Things, and now there are the Dark Ones. What's going on?''

Aeris agreed with a nod, as she was also confused. Lucrezia looked toward Mary, who smiled. ''I'll explain, but first, let's get some food and privacy.''

Archer looked around and realized they were standing in the inn's foyer. After realizing that, the three followed Mary to a private table. When they were all settled, she tapped something on the table, causing a wave of mana to cover them before walking to the backroom.

'A Silent Dome,' he looked at the mana circling them. 'I've heard of them but never seen the need to use them.'

Minutes passed, and the grey-haired woman reappeared with a pretty smile as she sat next to him and Aeris and informed them, ''Food will be here shortly.''

Archer nodded as the older woman began to speak. "Well, the Underrealm consists of three layers: the Underdark, home to the Dark Ones; the Underworld, where the Primordials dwell; and the Upperdark, where the Deep Ones coexist with the Swarm and numerous other factions and races."

''So why do you call your race Nameless Things? Don't you have a name?'' Lucrezia asked in a curious tone.

Mary shook her head while explaining, "Some of my kind were here at the beginning. They snuck onto the world, assuming whatever form they wished. They didn't bother creating a society; instead, they simply stuck to their sleeping spots and only interacted to mate."

The trio nodded while listening as she spoke of the horrific battles between monsters that shook the earth and caused tunnels to collapse. After she finished speaking, Rowan and another young woman pushed a trolley along and placed the plates in front of them.

Archer recognized the meal as a wrap and a portion of rice. The sauce covering the food emanated a sweet aroma, making Archer's mouth water. The other dishes were meats, salads, and bread. Taking a bite of the wrap, he experienced an explosion of spice in his mouth.

The group ate and spoke about the upcoming festival, and Mary informed them that the people of Mountianholm were throwing their own one this year as the roads south were infested with beasts and bandits.

Archer grew curious when he heard bandits but chose not to do anything as he could steal off the Church Of Light if he needed funds, which he reminded himself to do so he could afford the first two Draconian Fleets.

With those thoughts in mind, he finished his food as the three women continued their conversation. Eventually, Rowan called for Mary, signaling to her that she needed her help. Quickly, Mary jumped up and approached him before giving him a big cuddle.

As she did that, she leaned in and whispered, ''See me at least once a week until I can move to your kingdom, but that will take a few years as the goddess instructed me to keep watch over this land until the threat is taken care of.''

''Okay,'' Archer replied, taking out a bracelet and Dragon Orb before handing them over to Mary, who took them with a smile as he explained. ''You can contact me using this bracelet, and if you're ever in trouble, smash the orb to summon me.''

She looked at the gifts before a radiant smile appeared on her beautiful face as she thanked him, ''Thank you, Arch.''

Just as she said that someone entered the inn, causing everyone to turn toward the visitor, and Archer spotted Mathias. His paternal grandfather said he would come to see him. The other patrons returned to their business.

The old man approached their table, and Mary said her goodbyes and left to get back to work. Archer was looking at her leave. Mathias arrived and spoke kindly, fitting his role as a grandfather. ''Can we talk before you leave?''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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