A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 724 Irresistible

Chapter 724 Irresistible

When the trio stepped through the door of the Giggling Gnome Inn, as they entered, the current patrons went quiet and stared at the group. Aeris became nervous, and Archer sighed, but Lucrezia pulled on his sleeve while speaking, ''They think we're your women.''

Archer chuckled while answering, ''You are mine.''

Before Lucrezia could respond, Thalion walked in behind them and noticed the atmosphere as he ushered them to the counter, where a beautiful woman was sitting. The wood elf man said, ''Mary. Can you get me one room for the White Prince?''

"Yes, Thalion," the woman replied. "Room 4B is available." As Mary spoke, she looked up, and that's when Archer noticed her eyes widen in recognition as she realized who he was.

Mary turned to him and bowed, but Archer waved her off, ''I'm not a prince yet. I'm only engaged to Leira for now.''

''Well, the people know you as the White Prince,'' Aeris explained. ''You can't get rid of the name now, Arch.''

She giggled after speaking, causing him to smile before asking the price, ''How much for the room? We want dinner and breakfast.''

Mary nodded while replying, ''We do.'' She looked at the ledger and asked, ''I assume you also want a bath? And it will be three gold.''

Lucrezia quickly answered, ''Yes! And loads of food.''

Archer and Aeris laughed as Mary grabbed a key and led them to a staircase after he gave her the gold coins. The three followed behind the woman and admired the walls decorated with paintings and tapestries of famous battles from tales.

There were heroes fighting dragons and maidens weaving spells to beat back the hordes of undead. The flickering light from the torches cast dancing shadows that seemed to breathe life into the complex designs.

After walking for five minutes, Mary paused and turned to them with a warm smile, ''Here we are,'' she announced, gesturing to a door marked ''4B.''

Archer took a step forward and accepted the key from the woman's hand before turning to slip it into the lock. When the door swung open, a rush of warm air greeted them, carrying the scent of fresh flowers and other scents that made his nose tingle.

The room was spacious but cozy, and Archer spotted a large bed draped in comfortable-looking covers. When the two women crowded the room, they noticed a crackling fire roaring in the beautifully decorated hearth. Archer

Aeris gasped with delight as she saw the room; her red eyes showed her excitement, ''It's beautiful and looks so comfortable,'' she mumbled as she touched one of the soft cushions.

Lucrezia approached a door off to the side and swung it open, revealing a lavishly furnished bathroom beyond. Aeris's eyes widened in surprise at the sight. Mary, noticing their astonishment, hurried to explain.

"This room serves as a grand bathroom, often used by nobles and those seeking extra indulgence," Mary explained, gesturing around the abundant space. "It's typically reserved for harems and esteemed guests. It's a rarity to find it vacant, but with many nobles attending a market in another city, it's available for your use."

Mary started talking to Aeris and Lucrezia, allowing him to admire her beauty. The older woman's silver hair was perfectly straight, and a set of bangs made her look even better. He glanced at her emerald green eyes, which glowed as she watched his companions with a smile.

Archer was attracted to the glimmer of her eyes in the room's light, captivated by their glimmer. Then he noticed her heart-shaped face, perfect with high cheekbones that highlighted the graceful curve of her jawline.

She had plump lips painted rose pink, which caused Archer's lust to soar as he loved the color, but she made it worse when they curved upwards, revealing a beautiful smile that caught him by surprise.

Shaking his head, he gazed down at her incredible figure. Her hourglass shape was flawless, and there was no excess fat, which meant she worked out. The sleek black business dress hugged her curves perfectly, highlighting her beauty.

Archer couldn't help but look at massive boobs perfectly positioned on her chest, which his grown addicted to now, and thought, 'Do I like big boobs? Maybe but there's something pulling me toward her.'

After the others conversed, Mary sidled up to him, her voice dripping with allure. "A young man with such a hungry gaze for an older woman like myself... It stirs certain desires," she purred.

He flashed a seductive grin, closing the distance between them. "I have a weakness for older women, Mary," he confessed. Leaning in, he whispered, "But be warned, if you dare to play with fire, you'll find yourself ensnared in my web forever, my dear innkeeper."

Mary stepped back, a smirk on her pretty face, and whispered, ''See me when your other ladies are asleep. I'm on the top floor, the blue door at the end of the hallway.''

Archer noticed her cheeks were red and her eyes were lust-filled, which caused her to spin around and leave the room after saying bye to his companions. Once she was gone, Lucrezia commented with a grin, ''What's your charisma stat, Arch?''

''28000,'' he answered. ''Is there a problem?''

''Jesus, no wonder women find you irresistible. Just don't use women dragon, then we won't have an issue,'' Lucrezia warned with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Aeris spoke up in his defense, ''He doesn't use women, Luce! Arch could have taken advantage of my feelings for him, but he didn't and respected my boundaries.''

''That doesn't matter because his Charisma is so high that weak women will throw themselves at him,'' Lucrezia said. ''Can he control his draconic urges?''

''Yes!'' Aeris declared. ''He has enough women to see to his needs without neglecting one of us.''

Lucrezia grinned when she heard Aeris speak. Everyone laughed at her reaction before they started relaxing, and then the death witch looked at the menu. ''I wonder what kind of food they have,'' she said. ''Let's order one of everything.''

Archer agreed, ''Yes, and tomorrow we will fly back to the empire. The emperor needs to pay me what he owes.''

As they settled into their seats, Archer picked up a device that looked like a bell and rang it. Nothing happened until the door opened, and a woman stood there. She smiled before speaking, ''What can I do for you, young master?''

"Three of everything on the menu, please," Archer ordered with a grin, glancing at his companions.

Aeris's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her excitement evident as she nodded like a chicken. "Yes, let's try everything!" she exclaimed, her red eyes gleaming.

Lucrezia smirked, her interest piqued. "Sounds like a plan," she agreed, leaning back in her chair with a mischievous glint in her red eyes.

The server returned shortly with a procession of trays, each one laden with a tempting array of dishes. Archer's eyes widened as he looked at the feast before them, the smell of spices and delicious food wafting through the air.

"Wow," Aeris breathed, her mouth watering at the sight of the food. "This looks amazing!"

Archer chuckled, his gaze sweeping over the spread. "Indeed it does," he remarked, his excitement matching his companions.

Lucrezia grinned, her eyes alight with anticipation. "Let's dig in!" she exclaimed eagerly, reaching for a nearby plate.

Aeris picked up a plate with pastries on it while Archer grabbed one with a mana-filled soup that he started dipping bread in before eating. The three of them enjoyed the meal and continued to eat.

The blonde death witch wanted more food, so she rang the bell device and ordered five more of everything; when Archer heard this, he started laughing before teasing her, ''You will get fat, Luce, if you continue to eat like this.''

Lucrezia stopped eating and went quiet, and Aeris started shaking her head. The witch was getting even angrier. ''Idiot Arch, don't joke around about a lady's weight. That's a no-go.''

''I was joking with her,'' he worriedly explained. ''She's clearly not fat.''

Once Archer finished speaking, a piece of soggy bread unexpectedly splattered against his face. Lucrezia, the culprit, giggled at his startled expression while Aeris doubled over in laughter beside her.

Despite the stunt, Archer wiped the bread off his face and resumed eating, ignoring the antics and continuing with his meal. After an hour of feasting, the two women fell asleep on the large bed due to their fallen stomachs.

As they drifted off to sleep, he began to unwind, considering a beast book he wished to read. However, a knock at the door abruptly interrupted his quiet moment. Glancing towards the sound, he made his way over to answer it.

When opening the door, he was met by a servant who promptly informed him, "Lady Mary requests your presence."

He nodded and followed the man through the inn until they arrived at an office, where he was ushered inside. When entering the room, he spotted Mary sitting there, but something was different about her.

A mysterious aura enveloped her, leaving Archer intrigued yet captivated. As her words dripped with seduction, sending a tantalizing shiver down his spine, she purred, "Won't you indulge in some tea, my handsome dragon?"

Archer's grin widened as he settled into his seat. His gaze lingered on the woman's shapely figure as she gracefully rose to pour him tea; her charm captured his attention. Her nightwear emphasized her massive boobs that he could see.

With each movement, her round butt swayed, sending a surge of desire coursing through him. Mesmerized, Archer watched as she turned towards him, her provocative cleavage on full display, which he couldn't take his eyes off.

As Mary handed him a cup full of tea, the jiggle of her curves ignited a primal hunger within him, his lust soaring to dizzying heights, but that's when she spoke with a lewd smile, ''If I become yours, will you forget about me, Archer Wyldheart, the infamous white dragon and ruler to the Draconia Kingdom?''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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