A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 202 The Mark

Hemera looked up at him with her golden eyes, flashing a charming smile. "Thank you for helping the soldiers, Archer. Your assistance saved lives and minimized injuries among the students.''

He nodded and replied, "It's no problem. I gained valuable experience from the fight."

Teuila's voice filled with disgust as she asked, "What were those creatures? The creepy rats and those twisted white-skinned ones?"

Archer responded, "The rats are called Ratlings, and the others are Blightborns. The larger ones are Rat-Ogres."

A memory struck him, a book he had read about the Doom of Frostholm, a once-thriving trading city.

"Frostholm," he began, "was a prosperous trading city until it fell to unknown creatures. It became sealed off by the Frostholm wall, witnessed only by a few survivors."

Archer painted a vivid picture, describing the grandeur and bustling markets of Frostholm before its tragic demise.

"But then," Archer continued, his voice lowering, "darkness descended upon the city when the bell tolled. Vile creatures known as Ratlings emerged from the city's depths—cunning, relentless, spreading fear and chaos."

He recounted the nightmarish battles fought by the city's defenders, overwhelmed by the endless numbers and unmatched ferocity of the Ratlings.

"The people fought bravely but were outnumbered. The Ratlings, led by their twisted leaders, devised cunning strategies, and the proud walls crumbled, staining the streets with blood. Only a handful escaped the Ratlings' clutches."

Archer continued, his voice growing softer. "Their lives forever scarred by the tragedy that befell their beloved city."

Ella looked at him curiously and asked, "How do you know all this, Archer?"

He explained, "When I was younger, my aunt Sia took me to Riversong City. While she attended a meeting, I explored the library and discovered a hidden book by Draven Drakebane, a survivor of the tragedy searching for his missing sister."

Nefertiti nodded in acknowledgment, and their attention turned to the commanding officer approaching Hemera.

Respectfully bowing before her, he spoke, "Princess, it is imperative that we continue our journey swiftly to avoid encountering more creatures."

Hemera smiled and replied, "Yes, let's hurry to Ravenna before they strike again."

The commander quickly organized the troops, and some teachers expressed gratitude to Archer and Sera.

She instructed Helen and Ariadne to join the teachers, wanting to prevent any further incidents and ensure her friend's daughter wouldn't slap anyone again.

Hemera made her way to the carriage, followed closely by Archer and the girls. They entered and settled in comfortably.

Nefertiti sat beside the Sun Elf, while Teuila and Ella sat on Archer's side. Sera perched on his lap, causing her to giggle at the other girl's reactions.

Sera settled comfortably and dozed off, curling up on Archer. Meanwhile, Ella engaged in a conversation with Eleni about her experiences at the academy.

As the girls continued their conversation, Archer found himself drifting off to sleep, entering a dreamlike realm. The sweet melodies of chirping birds accompanied a gentle caress on his face.

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a mesmerizing pair of violet eyes. Recognizing them, he focused his attention on the woman standing before him. She possessed a flawless face, accentuated by a warm smile.

Noticing the woman's long ears twitching, Archer sat up and realized he was back on the same balcony as before.

The woman gracefully moved towards a chair, settling down with elegance. She spoke in a familiar voice, "It's wonderful to see you again, Arch. I've been wondering when our paths would cross once more. Please, take a seat. I have something to explain."

Archer complied, taking a seat and attentively looking at the woman, who spoke again with a wide smile. "You're probably wondering, 'Who is this mysterious woman who keeps appearing to me?' Well, I believe you already have an inkling, my little white dragon."

He looked at her while a grin appeared on his face. ''It's good to meet you Tiamat, Goddess of Dragons.''

Tiamat smiled when she heard his answer, she nodded her head as she poured some tea for the two of them.

After performing the gesture, she slid the cup towards him. As he took a sip, he discovered its strong yet pleasant flavor, accompanied by a delightful combination of sweet and smoky aromas.

That's when Tiamat explained, "The tea is called Dragon's Nectar. The dragon kingdom supplies me with a regular stock of it. What do you think?"

Archer looked at her and replied, "It's nice. Would you mind giving me some before I leave?"I think you should take a look at

Upon hearing his question, Tiamat glanced at the cheeky boy and waved her hand, causing a jar to materialize in front of him.

Archer was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the jar and eagerly opened the lid. As he did, a delightful aroma rushed into his nose.

Feeling a bit lightheaded, Archer was grateful that Tiamat wasn't being stingy. He placed the jar into his Item Box, and Tiamat giggled at his reaction.

However, she soon grew serious and looked at him before speaking, "Your perceptive half-elf friend has noticed the mark. Listen closely, Arch, because I will explain it to you once."

"When a white dragon mates with his chosen woman, she gains a mark on her lower stomach in the shape of a dragon. This mark, known as the Dragon Mark, grants you the ability to feel her emotions and teleport her to you once a day. However, it also carries a loyalty aspect. The mark will only appear if the woman is completely loyal to you and it will prevent any form of betrayal."

Upon hearing her explanation, Archer's eyes widened with the implications. He liked the idea that he could check up on Ella whenever he wanted to.

After ceasing his internal musings, he began to observe the woman before him, unable to ignore the striking resemblance they shared.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. ''Could she be a white dragon?''

Tiamat's laughter filled the air, drawing Archer's attention back to the present. As her laughter gradually subsided, she spoke with a warm smile, "Yes, indeed. I am a white dragon, just like you. But remember, you are the only white dragon. I, on the other hand, am the Goddess of Dragons."

Archer nodded in agreement, and the two of them began to engage in a conversation while savoring their tea. However, their pleasant interaction was cut short as Tiamat informed him that it was time for him to return.

While Tiamat enjoyed his company, she explained that summoning him consumed a significant amount of her power, so their visits had to be shorter than she desired.

As Archer opened his eyes, he found himself leaning back on the carriage seats, and to his surprise, he felt the weight of two heads resting on his shoulder and two more leaning against his body.

Looking down, he discovered that Nefertiti had moved Sera over to make space for herself on his lap, while Teuila and Ella leaned their heads comfortably on his shoulders.

Archer noticed that Hemera and Eleni were also sleeping, their figures bathed in the gentle moonlight streaming through the carriage window.

The distant murmurs of the soldiers outside reached his ears, but he paid them no heed, preferring to focus on the tranquility within.

Shaking his head with a smile, Archer took in the peaceful sight before him. The girls, their heads nestled on his shoulders and lap, appeared serene in their slumber.

Their innocent faces glowed softly, illuminated by the warm ambiance of the carriage interior.

With a gentle touch, Archer carefully adjusted their positions, ensuring their continued comfort during their rest.

Leaning back in the plush seat, his eyes were drawn to the window, where a captivating view awaited him.

The landscape unfolded like a picturesque painting, resembling a Mediterranean-like paradise with rolling hills and lush green fields.

In the distance, majestic mountains proudly stood, their peaks reaching for the sky. The vibrant colors of nature painted a breathtaking backdrop against the vast expanse of the azure sky.

As Archer absorbed the beauty before him, a profound sense of peace washed over his being. In this tranquil moment, he fully embraced the serenity that enveloped him.

It was a rare respite, a precious pause amidst their ongoing quest, offering him the chance to reflect and appreciate the wonders that surrounded them.

With a contented sigh, he briefly closed his eyes, etching the scene into the depths of his memory.

The image of the girls sleeping peacefully cocooned in the warm glow of the carriage, and the breathtaking landscape outside would forever hold a special place in his heart.

After several more hours of travel, Archer caught sight of a sprawling city in the distance. The sunlight bathed the surroundings, casting a warm glow upon the scene.

A procession of carriages and people streamed into the city, creating a bustling atmosphere.

Archer observed numerous guards stationed throughout, assisting the citizens as they made their way into the city.

Their conversations revealed the reason behind the heightened activity—the invasion of the Ratlings.

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