A Gorgeous White

Chapter 24: Hidden...

Chapter 24: Hidden...

"My second brother will be here soon. Unless you want to end up with a bleeding nose, I suggest you stay ten meters away from me"

Moulin could not stand the thought of another stranger closing in on him except for his father and his brothers. The man before him clearly had evil intentions.

However, from a close-up view, Moulin had to confess the man had really extraordinary looks. How many times has he had to admit that this man was the epitome of masculinity? His own scrawny body can't even match a wee bit of Hadrian's hair. Envy was like a coiling snake wrapping around him.

On the other hand, the object of his envy scrutinized his face. Hadrian wasn't sure if he should be intimidated or laugh at the cute warning this boy threw at him.

The drawn slender eyebrows and the pretty frown on his face made him look like a kitten with a bow collar brandishing his cute claws. "Was that a threat?"

"Yes..." snapped Moulin.

A chuckle was accidentally released. With a sharp glare received, Hadrian grinned, even more amused. "That's cute..."

Moulin could hear funerary bells ringing as he glared deathly at the lord. Bothersome, bothersome, bothersome...

"Why am I even involved with him?" Muttering to himself, the silver-eyed youth finally dragged his gaze away from the man, decidedly stepping back. Interacting with an unreasonable person such as this man could only burst his elegantly kept patience.

"Where do you think you are going?"

If it was another person, they would've instinctively shudder at the deeply commanding voice but Moulin wasn't a bit intimidated. Instead, he moved farther voluntarily creating distance between him and the tall man. The blue flowers swayed with the breeze, watching like an audience at the strange scene before them.

"It is really strange..." Hadrian watched the young man, silver hair swaying along with his movements. A thought had emerged within his mind.

Folding his sturdy arms, his frame slacked in a relaxed posture as he speculated in his thoughts.

Moulin chose to ignore as his back faced the man. He leaned over a high bush filled with dazzling glowing moonflowers. All thirty-six petals stretched opened, the scent of pure energy enshrouding the surrounding area. His mind, however, paid attention to the unusual tone the man speaking behind him had used.

"... I wonder why the third son of the Fraunces family, who was born not inheriting his family's symbolic ability, could wield such destructive ice powers?"

The words immediately halted Moulin's movements. Tender fingers previously caressing blue delicate petals stilled. Reality had unearthed itself in front of Moulin's sight.

Just how could a giant knot in his character string have escaped his eyes? The man had witnessed everything, how could he forget it?

When Phaelona had been the one to discover his powers, it was easy to keep her silent as he used his standing as her young master against her. However, dealing with the man in front of him was a completely different situation. Moulin wasn't sure what Hadrian's aristocratic standing was in the noble circle, but if he had to judge the man's exuded aura, Moulin was certain this man was powerful.

His silver eyes warily stared like a sharpened blade ready to cut pieces. Moulin could not show any form of weakness as he stood erect, oblivious of his oozing battle-like aura. "..."

With raised and curved brows, a pair of bright golden eyes stared in surprise at the cautious boy before him. Hadrian was now certain he had caught Moulin's full attention. Although this was a part of his plans, he never meant to earn such hostility from the youth. Smiling right now would probably provoke Moulin even more so he kept a blank expression.

"I do not intend to threaten you so be at ease"

"Only when I find your intentions suitable for me to be at ease" Moulin narrowed his eyes. "... but I guess that isn't the case is it?"

"Calm down and I'll speak"



Exactly who was in control right now?

With a sigh, Hadrian got straight to the point "Where is your eldest brother?"


Eyes delicately squinting, Moulin frowned. What does his oldest brother have to do with this?

"I do not know. We left without him. It would be nice if you would enlighten me of why you would ask for him"

"I believe you wouldn't trust me if I told you and this isn't precisely a suitable place to converse something secretive. Although I have my men to keep watch, a little cat had still managed to sneak up behind me" His eyes gleamed at Moulin.

Moulin stared at him with a creased forehead as he ignored his words "What does my brother have to do with you?".

A grin "If you really want to know you have to come closer".


son of a bitch...


A massive wave of boiling hot anger had almost consumed all of Moulin's toleration. He was burning mad of annoyance but he had worn a freezing cold expression as if he was a haunting ghost staring at a dead man. He was internally tired of his little show.

With rough steps, the third young master marched towards the man. His unyielding eyes glued to golden ones. Clicks of his heels sounded sharp against the hard stone pavement as he walked as if charging into a destructive battle. Hadrian stood unmoving, welcoming Moulin's assault-like efforts

Moulin didn't stop even when there was only an arm's length between them, he closed in even nearer. When he finally stopped, only a few inches we're left separating them. Breaths mingled and eyes clashing. The pair looked like hawks battling through silence.

A desirous smirk graced Hadrian's face. He felt pleased with the boy's naivety, unhesitatingly offering himself to him unaware of the devil he'd awaken.

"Is this close enough?" With a cocked eyebrow, Moulin voiced out like a whisper, oblivious of the allure in his voice.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around his waist in a gentle yet powerful grip. Moulin gasped, wide-eyed as he was pulled closer into the man's chest without warning. Feeling the heat gathering between their bodies, Moulin gnashed his teeth, a deadly scowl decorated his face. His skin reddened in either embarrassment or in anger as he opened his palm ready to freeze the man's heart.

Hadrian's arm tightened around Moulin as the man ignored the doll's little tantrums. A breath-like whisper was heard in Moulin's ear. "Not only your brother but the future generation of aristocrats are in grave danger. Right now, I am currently suppressing the suspicions I have for you because I need you. You see Moulin, your eldest brother is in contact with a filthy organization intent to wipe out every single person present in this garden".

Moulin stilled. Maxille was?

Realizing the situation was really serious than he had imagined, he pressed his lips shut as he continued listening.

"I know you think your brother isn't that kind of person but he is a threat at this moment. We will not harm a single hair on your brother if you will cooperate with us. It matters not if you believe me or not but time is wasting as we speak. They will be striking at any minute". He calmly rubbed his thumb in circles on Moulin's waist as if in comfort as he spoke in the boy's ear.

With great efforts, the Fraunces heir had managed to escaped Hadrian's surveillance. Unless they asked one of Maxille's siblings Hadrian would have a solid lead. He had interacted with Moulin before and he knew this young man was entirely different than the rest of his family who were full of suspicions.

Narrowing his eye, Moulin still had doubts. He will not betray his brother for a stranger. However, if Hadrian's words we're somehow the truth, Moulin was caught in between his family and the lives of hundreds. It was hard to decide unless he would know the whole truth. Designing a strategy in his mind, he stared ahead past Hadrian's shoulder.

"What do you want from me?"

"We need your brother. Where is he?"


"He's right behind you"

A glint flashed within scorching golden eyes in intense caution. Relaxing his grip on Moulin's slender waist he turned to face a stern man, standing silently behind them.

Grey eyes narrowed into slits as though a crazed storm was brewing inside them. The young heir of the Fraunces Family arrived at the unfortunate scene of watching his youngest brother in the arms of a man the entire kingdom has known for his filthy blood-stained hands and formidable golden eyes. Maxille's fingers almost trembled in spite and in fear as he stood in his place. Why was he here? Maxille was sure this man wouldn't be participating in the gathering. What had gone wrong?

Moulin had witnessed the confusion and wariness in his brother's eyes. It rose the doubts and denial in his heart. But he would not believe unless it came from Maxille's mouth.

"Brother... "

A truculent silence ceased the air between them but it was broken when a certain lord spoke out.

"Why so silent, Maxille?"

Picking up the strange tone of familiarity in his voice, Moulin glanced at Hadrian curiously.

Maxille kept a vacant expression as he stared at his little brother. Putting all of his doubts aside, he bent into a bow expressing reverence to the golden-eyed man before him. "I was simply caught off guard, Your Excellency".

The hand resting on Moulin's waist slightly strengthened as the Lord raised his brows feigning surprise.

On the other hand, Moulin was appalled as he observed the respectful gesture of his esteemed eldest brother directed to the person standing beside him. Such a title could only be addressed to imperial nobles.

Nervousness swam into his bloodstream realizing the position Hadrian was bearing. Hercullio! No wonder it felt extremely familiar. Between the majestic Royal family and the ten Grand Nobilities stood the preeminent Imperial Archnobles carrying both the royal blood and the most powerful maeruthans in the kingdom.

From his reading, Moulin recalled there were only four Archnobilities, two for each side of the imperial court.

If Moulin was like any other maeruthan, it would be the greatest honor to interact with such a noble, their reputations would skyrocket overnight! But at this moment the third young master only felt apprehension. He had shamelessly shown his bitterness to an Archnoble capable of eradicating his family with a snap of his fingers. And Moulin was... was... NOT the least bit regretful, unfortunately.

Yes, a perverse bug like him does not deserve his respect. Although he could no longer openly show his irritation at Hadrian, he could still rant in his heart.

"I see you have met my brother... " Maxille began, shifting his gaze to Moulin with a sheet of unease covering his steel-grey eyes.

Hadrian tilted his head towards Moulin with a serpentine smile. "Yes, he is quite intriguing... Our conversation seemed endless the moment we started. In fact, we were just talking about you".

"... Yes... I heard"

Moulin didn't like the direction of the situation but before he could speak a word Hadrian beat him into it.

"So do you know what I want, Young Fraunces?"

"First, leave my little brother out of this... " Maxille narrowed his eyes.

"No..." Moulin shamelessly shook off Hadrian's hold on his waist caring less of how rude his actions were. "...I already know"

Anxiousness broke into Maxille's face as if he had already lost "He's feeding you lies!".

"I know" Moulin coldly glimpsed at Hadrian at the corner of his eyes "... You were going to use me as bait".

A devilish grin shaped Hadrian's lips. Eyes gleaming "Indeed, you're very clever, little doll".

"I didn't trust you in the first place..."

"Sly. I thought I had caught you... "

Maxille furrowed his brows in confusion "Moulin?".

"..." Ignoring the man beside him, Moulin gazed at his brother. Eyes layered with concern with a faint soothing smile on his lips, the little brother spoke in a tender tone. "What the Lord had told me was half the truth. However, small doubts have seeded in my mind and I would like it if you speak your mind to me. Brother, please tell me what is going on. I prefer the truth would personally come from you than from another person "

Processing his youngest brother's words, Maxille helplessly slacked his shoulders with downcast eyes. It was hard to believe how mature his brother had become, even Maxille was still doubting his own self.

Weeks before, Maxille was aware of a couple of eyes watching his every move. He resolutely distanced himself from the family manor, overly concerned about how his situation would devastatingly bring consequences to his family than to himself. He thought he could confidently settle matters in his own hands without bringing any harm to his family. However, right now, he had realized how wrong he had been after witnessing his little brother helplessly involved in his situation. Since he could not fight the noble Lord before him, he could at least come clean for a bit of mercy for him and Moulin.

With a flick of his hand, the young heir put up a thick sound barrier enclosing the area aware of the numerous hidden subordinates of the Archnoble in front of him.

"Very well... " Maxille sighed, unresistant.

"I am not colluding with the people of Veial. My informant had discovered traces of Veialean activity in our barracks and I could never turn a blind eye on it. I sent a spy to monitor their movements within and unfortunately discovered their schemes for the moonflower gathering. My subordinate was caught and my intervention with their plans was revealed"

His explanation was straightforward, his tone as cold as the nightly breeze around them as he unwaveringly kept eye-contact with Hadrian.

"... Perhaps, His Excellency had misunderstood me as I have to him. I knew you had men to creep within the manor and I misjudged that you have known about my interference with the people of Veial and intent to hinder me. So I had to lay low..." explained Maxille.

"Fortunately, I had taken the chance to record their discussions. It was short but It was enough to be used against them. I intend to deliver it to the Sentinel Guilds before the gathering but I was caught up with a heavy hindrance. So, Your Excellency, I came to resolve the problem with a bit of help"

Moulin with knitted brows and filled with concern could not help but raise the corner of his lips out of pride. His eldest brother had the bravest heart than anyone he had ever met.

"Do you realized the risks of your flawed plan, Young Master?" Hadrian asked.

"... I do... It is reckless but it is better than doing nothing"

Digging inside his inner pocket he pulled out a flat circular red stone about half the size of his thumb. A moment of hesitation flashed in his expression as he gripped the stone before tossing it towards Hadrian.

Out of the blue, a tender hand reached out and caught the red stone before Hadrian could. Feigning a surprised face, Hadrian cocked an eyebrow at the boy beside him.

Moulin gave a lovely smile at his eldest brother before turning his gaze on the stone in his palm. It's a memoranium... one of the rarest recording stones in history.

Hidden within the darkness, shady gazes crept over their frames as a few bodies laid before their mudded feet...

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